Exemplo n.º 1
    def renderHTTP(self, ctx):
        """Handle HTTP requests."""
        srv = IService(ctx)
        request = IRequest(ctx)

        current = must_user(ctx)
        user = srv.validate_challenge(  # pylint: disable-msg=E1101
            self.challenge, current.session)

        if user:
            message(ctx, u'Bienvenue, %s' % (user.email, ))
            return ''

        # Some people simply reuse invitations: don't complain if they
        # are already connected, just redirect them to the main page.
        avatar = maybe_user(ctx)
        if avatar.identified:
            return ''

        # pylint: disable-msg=E1101
        self.contentTags = [
            T.h1[u"Cette clé n'est pas valable"],
            T.p[u"Vous pouvez obtenir une nouvelle clé par e-mail.",
                T.div(_class="editable bl")[T.div(_class="br")[T.div(
                                force_reconnect=True))], ]]]]]

        return BasePage.renderHTTP(self, ctx)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _create_list(self, ctx, name, email):
        """Actually create the new list."""
        req = IRequest(ctx)
        srv = IService(ctx)

        avatar = must_user(ctx)
        # pylint: disable-msg=E1101
        wl = srv.createList(avatar.user, name, email)
        if not wl:

        if not avatar.identified:
                ctx, u"Un message de confirmation a été envoyé"
                u" à l'adresse <%s>." % (email, ))

        req.redirect('/' + wl.url)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def data_form(self, ctx, _):
        """Return the options passed in the invitation form."""
        req = IRequest(ctx)

        warn = []
        vals = {'msg': ''}

        srv = IService(ctx)
        avatar = must_user(ctx)

        user = avatar.user
        # pylint: disable-msg=E1101
        if req.method == 'POST':

            if not arg(req, 'send'):
                return self._defaults

            if not avatar.identified:
                warn.append(u"Vous n'avez pas encore activé votre compte.")

            vals['sender'] = arg(req, 'sender')
            if not vals['sender']:
                warn.append(u"Vous n'avez pas précisé votre nom.")

            vals['email'] = arg(req, 'email')
            if not vals['email']:
                warn.append(u"Vous n'avez pas précisé de destinataire.")

            vals['body'] = arg(req, 'body')
            if not vals['body']:
                warn.append(u"Votre message n'a pas de contenu.")

            # We simply filter out lists that don't belong to the
            # user.
            vals['lst'] = _my_lists(req.args.get('lst', []), srv, user)

            if not vals['lst']:
                warn.append(u"Choisissez au moins une liste ci-dessous.")

            vals['warn'] = warn

            if not warn:
                if not srv.inviteFriend(vals['sender'], user, vals['lst'],
                                        vals['email'], vals['body']):
                    warn.append(u"L'adresse <%s> n'est pas valide." %
                                (vals['email'], ))

                    vals['msg'] = u'Votre invitation a été envoyée à %s' % (
                        vals['email'], )

                    # When we have sent properly, forget the previous
                    # emails, so we don't double-send by mistake.
                    vals['email'] = ''

            vals = self._defaults

            vals['lst'] = _my_lists(req.args.get('lst', []), srv, user)
        return vals
Exemplo n.º 4
    def renderHTTP(self, ctx):
        req = IRequest(ctx)
        gte = static.getTypeAndEncoding
        ctype, encoding = gte(
            self.filename, static.File.contentTypes, static.File.contentEncodings, defaultType="text/plain"
        req.setHeader("content-type", ctype)
        if encoding:
            req.setHeader("content-encoding", encoding)

        if boolean_of_arg(get_arg(req, "save", "False")):
            # tell the browser to save the file rather display it we don't
            # try to encode the filename, instead we echo back the exact same
            # bytes we were given in the URL. See the comment in
            # FileNodeHandler.render_GET for the sad details.
            req.setHeader("content-disposition", 'attachment; filename="%s"' % self.filename)

        filesize = self.filenode.get_size()
        assert isinstance(filesize, (int, long)), filesize
        first, size = 0, None
        contentsize = filesize
        req.setHeader("accept-ranges", "bytes")
        if not self.filenode.is_mutable():
            # TODO: look more closely at Request.setETag and how it interacts
            # with a conditional "if-etag-equals" request, I think this may
            # need to occur after the setResponseCode below
            si = self.filenode.get_storage_index()
            if si:
        # TODO: for mutable files, use the roothash. For LIT, hash the data.
        # or maybe just use the URI for CHK and LIT.
        rangeheader = req.getHeader("range")
        if rangeheader:
            ranges = self.parse_range_header(rangeheader)

            # ranges = None means the header didn't parse, so ignore
            # the header as if it didn't exist.  If is more than one
            # range, then just return the first for now, until we can
            # generate multipart/byteranges.
            if ranges is not None:
                first, last = ranges[0]

                if first >= filesize:
                    raise WebError("First beyond end of file", http.REQUESTED_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE)
                    first = max(0, first)
                    last = min(filesize - 1, last)

                    req.setHeader("content-range", "bytes %s-%s/%s" % (str(first), str(last), str(filesize)))
                    contentsize = last - first + 1
                    size = contentsize

        req.setHeader("content-length", str(contentsize))
        if req.method == "HEAD":
            return ""
        d = self.filenode.read(req, first, size)

        def _error(f):
            log.msg("error during GET", facility="tahoe.webish", failure=f, level=log.UNUSUAL, umid="xSiF3w")
            req._tahoe_request_had_error = f  # for HTTP-style logging
            if req.startedWriting:
                # The content-type is already set, and the response code has
                # already been sent, so we can't provide a clean error
                # indication. We can emit text (which a browser might
                # interpret as something else), and if we sent a Size header,
                # they might notice that we've truncated the data. Keep the
                # error message small to improve the chances of having our
                # error response be shorter than the intended results.
                # We don't have a lot of options, unfortunately.
                req.write("problem during download\n")
                # We haven't written anything yet, so we can provide a
                # sensible error message.
                eh = MyExceptionHandler()
                eh.renderHTTP_exception(ctx, f)

        d.addCallbacks(lambda ign: req.finish(), _error)
        return req.deferred