Exemplo n.º 1
class progressBarGlue:
    _css = util.resource_filename('nevow.taglibrary', "progressBar.css")
    _js = util.resource_filename('nevow.taglibrary', "progressBar.js")
    fileCSS = static.Data(_css, 'text/css')
    fileJS = static.Data(_js, 'text/javascript')
    fileGlue = (
        t.link(rel='stylesheet', type_='text/css', href='/progressBar.css'),
        t.script(type_='text/javascript', src='/progressBar.js')
    inlineCSS = t.style(type_='text/css')[ t.xml(file(_css).read()) ]
    inlineJS = t.inlineJS(file(_js).read())
    inlineGlue = inlineJS, inlineCSS
Exemplo n.º 2
 def locateChild(self, ctx, segs):
     md5 = segs[0]
     db = theGlobal["database"]
     FM = data.FileMeta
     # for now, everyone gets access to everyone else's files
     # TODO - implement permissions on files?
     _filter = A.AND(FM.md5==unicode(md5))
     fileitem = db.findFirst(FM, _filter)
     if fileitem is None:
         return None, ()
     if len(segs) > 1 and segs[1] == 'thumb':
         return static.Data(fileitem.thumbnail.data, 'image/png'), ()
         mimeType = fileitem.mimeType.encode('utf-8')
         return static.Data(fileitem.data.data, mimeType), ()
Exemplo n.º 3
    def getResource( self, ctx, key, segments ):
            Return an Resource that contains the image, either a file
            from the resource manager, or a data object from the convertible.

        if segments[0] == self.FROM_RESOURCE_MANAGER:
            # Resource manager can provide a path so return a static.File
            # instance that points to the file
            rm = iformal.IForm( ctx ).resourceManager
            (mimetype, path, fileName) = rm.getResourcePath( segments[1] )
                    'no-cache, must-revalidate, no-store')
            return static.Data(file(path).read(), str(mimetype)), ()

        elif segments[0] == self.FROM_CONVERTIBLE:
            # The convertible can provide a file like object so create a
            # static.Data instance with the data from the convertible.

            def _( result ):

                mimetype, filelike, fileName = result
                data = filelike.read()
                return static.Data( data, mimetype ), []

            d = defer.maybeDeferred( self.convertibleFactory(self.original).fromType, segments[1], context=ctx )
            d.addCallback( _ )
            return d
            return None
Exemplo n.º 4
 def resourceFactory(self, fileName):
     Retrieve a possibly  L{inevow.IResource} which will render the contents of
     f = open(fileName, 'rb')
     js = f.read()
     return static.Data(js, 'text/javascript')
Exemplo n.º 5
def deliverWampSecret(ctx, segments):
    # filename = segments[1].decode('utf-8')

    # FIXME: compare filename to ID+".secret"
    # for now all url under /secret returns the secret

    # TODO: make beautifull message in case of exception
    # while loading secret (if empty or dont exist)
    secret = LoadWampSecret(_WampSecret)
    return static.Data(secret, 'application/octet-stream'), ()
Exemplo n.º 6
 def locateChild(self, ctx, segments):
     Retrieve an L{inevow.IResource} to render the contents of the given
     if len(segments) != 2:
         return NotFound
     hashCode, moduleName = segments
     cachedModule = self.getModule(moduleName)
     return static.Data(cachedModule.fileContents,
                        expires=(60 * 60 * 24 * 365 * 5)), []
Exemplo n.º 7
 def child_album_css(self, ctx):
     style = self.template['css']
     if self.template['type'] == "html":
         for name, data in self.template['options'].items():
             key = ""
             if self.album_info[
                     'serialized_template_options'] and self.album_info[
                 key = self.album_info['serialized_template_options'][name]
                 key = data['default']
             style += "%s\n" % data['values'][key]
     return static.Data(style, "text/css")
Exemplo n.º 8
 def redirectAfterPost(aspects):
     redirectAfterPost = request.getComponent(iformless.IRedirectAfterPost, None)
     if redirectAfterPost is None:
         ref = request.getHeader('referer') or ''
         ## Use the redirectAfterPost url
         ref = str(redirectAfterPost)
     from nevow import url
     refpath = url.URL.fromString(ref)
     magicCookie = str(now())
     refpath = refpath.replace('_nevow_carryover_', magicCookie)
     _CARRYOVER[magicCookie] = C = tpc.Componentized()
     for k, v in aspects.iteritems():
         C.setComponent(k, v)
     from nevow import static
     return static.Data('You posted a form to %s' % bindingName, 'text/plain'), ()
Exemplo n.º 9
class componentGlue(object):
    _js = """
livetags = new Object();

function delComponent(name) {
    o = livetags[name];
    if(o) {
        if(o.del) {
        livetags[name] = null;
    fileJS     = static.Data(_js, 'text/javascript')
    inlineGlue = t.script(type_='text/javascript')[ t.xml(_js) ]
    fileGlue   = t.script(type_='text/javascript', src='/componentGlue.js')
Exemplo n.º 10
        def redirectAfterPost(aspects):
            hand = aspects.get(inevow.IHand)
            refpath = None
            if hand is not None:
                if isinstance(hand, Page):
                    refpath = url.here
                    if 'freeform_hand' not in inevow.IRequest(ctx).prepath:
                        refpath = refpath.child('freeform_hand')
                if isinstance(hand, (url.URL, url.URLOverlay)):
                    refpath, hand = hand, None

            if refpath is None:
                redirectAfterPost = request.getComponent(
                    iformless.IRedirectAfterPost, None)
                if redirectAfterPost is None:
                    ref = request.getHeader('referer')
                    if ref:
                        refpath = url.URL.fromString(ref)
                        refpath = url.here
                        "[0.5] IRedirectAfterPost is deprecated. Return a URL instance from your autocallable instead.",
                        DeprecationWarning, 2)
                    ## Use the redirectAfterPost url
                    ref = str(redirectAfterPost)
                    refpath = url.URL.fromString(ref)

            if hand is not None or aspects.get(
                    iformless.IFormErrors) is not None:
                magicCookie = '%s%s%s' % (now(), request.getClientIP(),
                refpath = refpath.replace('_nevow_carryover_', magicCookie)
                _CARRYOVER[magicCookie] = C = tpc.Componentized()
                for k, v in aspects.items():
                    C.setComponent(k, v)

            destination = flat.flatten(refpath, ctx)
            from nevow import static
            return static.Data('You posted a form to %s' % bindingName,
                               'text/plain'), ()
Exemplo n.º 11
    .nevow-inline-table-cell { display: table-cell; }
    <html:span class="nevow-inline-table">
    <html:span class="nevow-inline-table-row">
     <html:span class="nevow-inline-table-cell" xbl:inherits="style">


blocks_child = static.Data(mozBinding, 'text/xml; name="inline-block.xml"')

class _Blocks(object):
    def __init__(self, tag, className):
        self.tag = tag
        self.className = className

    def __call__(self, **kw):
        """Make and return a new block. If height or width is specified, they may be
        of any css-supported measurement format, such as '200px' or '50%'.
        If height or width is not specified, the block will "shrink wrap".
        Interesting experiment: kw arguments to __call__ are treated like css style key
        value pairs. For example, block(color='blue', background_color='red') will translate
Exemplo n.º 12
 def child_album_js(self, ctx):
     return static.Data(self.template['script'], "text/javascript")
Exemplo n.º 13
 def locateChild(self, ctx, segments):
     if segments[0] == 'fs':
         data = IImages(self.store).getOne(segments[1].decode('utf-8'))
         return static.Data(data.image, 'image/jpeg'), ()
     return super(Root, self).locateChild(ctx, segments)
Exemplo n.º 14
            def _(result):

                mimetype, filelike, fileName = result
                data = filelike.read()
                return static.Data(data, mimetype), []
Exemplo n.º 15
 def childFactory(self, ctx, name):
     avatarData = avatar.AvatarCache().getAvatarData(name)
     return static.Data(avatarData, "image/png")