def test_unicodeTagName(self): """ A L{Tag} with a C{tagName} attribute which is C{unicode} instead of C{str} is flattened to an XML representation. """ self.assertStringEqual(self.flatten(Tag(u'div')), "<div></div>") self.assertStringEqual(self.flatten(Tag(u'div')['']), "<div></div>")
def render_tics(self, ctx, data): elts = [] elts.extend([ Tag("line")(x1=25, y1=15, x2=25, y2=240), Tag("line")(x1=25, y1=240, x2=840, y2=240) ]) x = floatOrLiteral(self.xrange[0]) lastPxTic = -100 while x <= floatOrLiteral(self.xrange[1]): px, py = self.trans((x, self.yrange[0])) if px > lastPxTic + 30: lastPxTic = px try: xfmt = "%.1f" % x except TypeError: xfmt = str(x) elts.append( Tag("text") (x=px, y=240 + 4, style= "text-anchor:middle;dominant-baseline:text-before-edge;font-size:7pt;font-family:helvetica;" )[Tag("tspan")[xfmt]]) elts.append(Tag("line")(x1=px, y1=240, x2=px, y2=240 + 3)) dx = self.xwidth() / 30 if isinstance(x, (, datetime.datetime)): dx = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( dx) - datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(0) oldx = x x = x + dx if x == oldx: raise ValueError("x is stuck at %r, dx=%r" % (x, dx)) y = self.yrange[0] while y <= self.yrange[1]: px, py = self.trans((self.xrange[0], y)) elts.append(Tag("line")(x1=25 - 4, y1=py, x2=25, y2=py)) elts.append( Tag("text") (x=25 - 4, y=py, style= "text-anchor:end;dominant-baseline:middle;font-size:7pt;font-family:helvetica;" )[Tag("tspan")["%.1f" % y]]) y += .2 / (self.yrange[1] - self.yrange[0]) for pt in self.pts: px, py = self.trans(pt) elts.append( Tag("line")(style="stroke-width:.1", x1=px, y1=240, x2=px, y2=py)) return elts
def test_unicodeAttributeName(self): """ A L{Tag} with an attribute name which is C{unicode} instead of C{str} is flattened to an XML representation. """ self.assertStringEqual(self.flatten(Tag(u'div', {u'foo': 'bar'})), '<div foo="bar"></div>')
def test_invisibleTag(self): """ L{Tag} instances with an empty C{tagName} attribute don't have markup generated for them, only for their children. """ self.assertStringEqual(self.flatten(invisible["foo"]), "foo") self.assertStringEqual(self.flatten(Tag("")["foo"]), "foo")
class MainPage(rend.Page): docFactory = loaders.stan(T.html[ T.body[T.p["svg linegraph demo"], Tag("embed") (src="graph", type="image/svg+xml", width=850, height=260)]]) addSlash = True def child_graph(self, ctx): return LineGraph([(x, math.sin(x)) for x in range(0, 50)])
def test_tagWithoutLocation(self): """ If a L{FlattenerError} is created with a L{Tag} instance without source location information, only the tagName is included in the string representation of the exception. """ self.assertEqual( str(FlattenerError(RuntimeError("reason"), [Tag('span')], [])), "Exception while flattening:\n" " Tag <span>\n" "RuntimeError: reason\n")
def render_line(self, ctx, data): d = "" for pt in self.pts: if pt is self.pts[0]: d += "M " elif pt is self.pts[1]: d += "L " d += "%s %s " % self.trans(pt) return Tag("path")(stroke="black", fill="none", style="marker-mid:url(#Dot);", d=d)
def test_tag(self): """ If a L{FlattenerError} is created with a L{Tag} instance with source location information, the source location is included in the string representation of the exception. """ tag = Tag( 'div', filename='/foo/filename.xhtml', lineNumber=17, columnNumber=12) self.assertEqual( str(FlattenerError(RuntimeError("reason"), [tag], [])), "Exception while flattening:\n" " File \"/foo/filename.xhtml\", line 17, column 12, in \"div\"\n" "RuntimeError: reason\n")
class LineGraph(rend.Page): """pts are (x,y), where x could be date like '2006-01-02'""" def __init__(self, pts): self.pts = pts self.xrange = min(pts)[0], max(pts)[0] ys = [p[1] for p in pts] self.yrange = rangeWithoutOutliers(ys) def beforeRender(self, ctx): inevow.IRequest(ctx).setHeader("Content-Type", "image/svg+xml; charset=UTF-8") def xfloat(self, x): if isinstance(x, Literal): x = getLiteralValue(x) if isinstance(x, (, datetime.datetime)): return float(x.strftime("%s")) return x def xwidth(self): """as float, uses seconds for days""" return self.xfloat(self.xrange[1]) - self.xfloat(self.xrange[0]) def trans(self, pt): xfrac = (self.xfloat(pt[0]) - self.xfloat(self.xrange[0])) / self.xwidth() return (25 + 835 * xfrac, 240 - 240 * (pt[1] - self.yrange[0]) / (self.yrange[1] - self.yrange[0])) def render_tics(self, ctx, data): elts = [] elts.extend([ Tag("line")(x1=25, y1=15, x2=25, y2=240), Tag("line")(x1=25, y1=240, x2=840, y2=240) ]) x = floatOrLiteral(self.xrange[0]) lastPxTic = -100 while x <= floatOrLiteral(self.xrange[1]): px, py = self.trans((x, self.yrange[0])) if px > lastPxTic + 30: lastPxTic = px try: xfmt = "%.1f" % x except TypeError: xfmt = str(x) elts.append( Tag("text") (x=px, y=240 + 4, style= "text-anchor:middle;dominant-baseline:text-before-edge;font-size:7pt;font-family:helvetica;" )[Tag("tspan")[xfmt]]) elts.append(Tag("line")(x1=px, y1=240, x2=px, y2=240 + 3)) dx = self.xwidth() / 30 if isinstance(x, (, datetime.datetime)): dx = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp( dx) - datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(0) oldx = x x = x + dx if x == oldx: raise ValueError("x is stuck at %r, dx=%r" % (x, dx)) y = self.yrange[0] while y <= self.yrange[1]: px, py = self.trans((self.xrange[0], y)) elts.append(Tag("line")(x1=25 - 4, y1=py, x2=25, y2=py)) elts.append( Tag("text") (x=25 - 4, y=py, style= "text-anchor:end;dominant-baseline:middle;font-size:7pt;font-family:helvetica;" )[Tag("tspan")["%.1f" % y]]) y += .2 / (self.yrange[1] - self.yrange[0]) for pt in self.pts: px, py = self.trans(pt) elts.append( Tag("line")(style="stroke-width:.1", x1=px, y1=240, x2=px, y2=py)) return elts def render_line(self, ctx, data): d = "" for pt in self.pts: if pt is self.pts[0]: d += "M " elif pt is self.pts[1]: d += "L " d += "%s %s " % self.trans(pt) return Tag("path")(stroke="black", fill="none", style="marker-mid:url(#Dot);", d=d) docFactory = loaders.stan( Tag("svg")( xmlns="", width=850, height=260, style="stroke-width:1px", stroke="black")[Tag("defs")[Tag("marker")( id="Dot", viewBox="0 0 10 10", refX=5, refY=5, markerWidth=5, markerHeight=5, orient="auto")[Tag("circle")(fill="red", cx=5, cy=5, r=4)]], Tag("g")(transform="")[render_line, render_tics, ]])