Exemplo n.º 1
    def call_wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
        # We have to deal with a special case here because when using
        # tornado.wsgi.WSGIApplication() to host the async API within
        # a WSGI application, Tornado will call the wrapped method via
        # the class method rather than via an instance. This means the
        # instance will be None and the self argument will actually
        # be the first argument. The args are still left intact for
        # when we call the wrapped function.

        def _request_unbound(instance, request, *args, **kwargs):
            return instance, request

        def _request_bound(request, *args, **kwargs):
            return request

        if instance is None:
            instance, request = _request_unbound(*args, **kwargs)
            request = _request_bound(*args, **kwargs)

        # If no transaction associated with request already, need to
        # create a new one. The exception is when the the ASYNC API is
        # being executed within a WSGI application, in which case a
        # transaction will already be active. For that we execute
        # straight away.

        if instance._wsgi:
            transaction = current_transaction()

            with FunctionTrace(transaction, name='Request/Process',
                return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

        elif not hasattr(request, '_nr_transaction'):
            # Always use the default application specified in the agent
            # configuration.

            application = application_instance()

            # We need to fake up a WSGI like environ dictionary with the
            # key bits of information we need.

            environ = request_environment(application, request)

            # Now start recording the actual web transaction. Bail out
            # though if turns out that recording transactions is not
            # enabled.

            transaction = WebTransaction(application, environ)

            if not transaction.enabled:
                return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)


            request._nr_transaction = transaction

            request._nr_wait_function_trace = None
            request._nr_request_finished = False

            # We need to add a reference to the request object in to the
            # transaction object as only able to stash the transaction
            # in a deferred. Need to use a weakref to avoid an object
            # cycle which may prevent cleanup of transaction.

            transaction._nr_current_request = weakref.ref(request)

            # If there was a transaction associated with the request,
            # only continue if a transaction is active though.

            transaction = current_transaction()

            if not transaction:
                return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

            # Call the original method in a trace object to give better
            # context in transaction traces.

            with FunctionTrace(transaction, name='Request/Process',
                handler = wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

            # In the case of an immediate result or an exception
            # occuring, then finish() will have been called on the
            # request already. We can't just exit the transaction in the
            # finish call however as need to still pop back up through
            # the above function trace. So if it has been flagged that
            # it is finished, which Tornado does by setting the request
            # object in the connection to None, then we exit the
            # transaction here. Otherwise we setup a function trace to
            # track wait time for deferred and manually pop the
            # transaction as being the current one for this thread.

            if handler._finished:
                if not request.connection.stream.writing():
                    transaction.__exit__(None, None, None)
                    request._nr_transaction = None

                    request._nr_wait_function_trace = FunctionTrace(
                            transaction, name='Request/Output',


                request._nr_wait_function_trace = FunctionTrace(
                        transaction, name='Callback/Wait',


        except:  # Catch all
            # If an error occurs assume that transaction should be
            # exited. Technically don't believe this should ever occur
            # unless our code here has an error.

            _logger.exception('Unexpected exception raised by Tornado '

            request._nr_transaction = None


        return handler
Exemplo n.º 2
    def on_headers_wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
        assert instance is not None

        connection = instance

        # Check to see if we are being called within the context of any
        # sort of transaction. If we are, then we don't bother doing
        # anything and just call the wrapped function. This should not
        # really ever occur but check anyway.

        transaction = current_transaction()

        if transaction:
            return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

        # Execute the wrapped function as we are only going to do
        # something after it has been called. The function doesn't
        # return anything.

        wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

        # Check to see if the connection has already been closed or the
        # request finished. The connection can be closed where request
        # content length was too big.

        if connection.stream.closed():

        if connection._request_finished:

        # Check to see if have already associated a transaction with
        # the request, because if we have, even if not finished, then
        # do not need to do anything.

        request = connection._request

        if request is None:

        if hasattr(request, '_nr_transaction'):

        # Always use the default application specified in the agent
        # configuration.

        application = application_instance()

        # We need to fake up a WSGI like environ dictionary with the
        # key bits of information we need.

        environ = request_environment(application, request)

        # Now start recording the actual web transaction. Bail out
        # though if turns out that recording transactions is not
        # enabled.

        transaction = WebTransaction(application, environ)

        if not transaction.enabled:


        request._nr_transaction = transaction

        request._nr_wait_function_trace = None
        request._nr_request_finished = False

        # Add a callback variable to the connection object so we can
        # be notified when the connection is closed before all content
        # has been read.

        def _close():

                if request._nr_wait_function_trace:
                    request._nr_wait_function_trace.__exit__(None, None, None)

                request._nr_wait_function_trace = None

            transaction.__exit__(None, None, None)
            request._nr_transaction = None

        connection.stream._nr_close_callback = _close

        # Name transaction initially after the wrapped function so
        # that if connection dropped before request content read,
        # then don't get metric grouping issues with it being named
        # after the URL.

        name = callable_name(wrapped)


        # We need to add a reference to the request object in to the
        # transaction object as only able to stash the transaction
        # in a deferred. Need to use a weakref to avoid an object
        # cycle which may prevent cleanup of transaction.

        transaction._nr_current_request = weakref.ref(request)

            request._nr_wait_function_trace = FunctionTrace(
                    transaction, name='Request/Input',


        except:  # Catch all
            # If an error occurs assume that transaction should be
            # exited. Technically don't believe this should ever occur
            # unless our code here has an error.

            connection.stream._nr_close_callback = None

            _logger.exception('Unexpected exception raised by Tornado '

            request._nr_transaction = None

Exemplo n.º 3
def wsgi_container_call_wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
    def _args(request, *args, **kwargs):
        return request

    request = _args(*args, **kwargs)

    transaction = getattr(request, '_nr_transaction', None)

    name = callable_name(instance.wsgi_application)

    if not transaction:
        # Always use the default application specified in the agent
        # configuration.

        application = application_instance()

        # We need to fake up a WSGI like environ dictionary with the
        # key bits of information we need.

        environ = request_environment(application, request)

        # Now start recording the actual web transaction. Bail out
        # though if turns out that recording transactions is not
        # enabled.

        transaction = WebTransaction(application, environ)

        if not transaction.enabled:
            return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)


        request._nr_transaction = transaction

        request._nr_wait_function_trace = None
        request._nr_request_finished = False

        # We need to add a reference to the request object in to the
        # transaction object as only able to stash the transaction
        # in a deferred. Need to use a weakref to avoid an object
        # cycle which may prevent cleanup of transaction.

        transaction._nr_current_request = weakref.ref(request)

            # Call the original method in a trace object to give better
            # context in transaction traces.

            # XXX This is a temporary fiddle to preserve old default
            # URL naming convention until will move away from that
            # as a default.

            if transaction._request_uri is not None:
                         transaction._request_uri, 'Uri', priority=1)

            with FunctionTrace(transaction, name='WSGI/Application',
                with FunctionTrace(transaction, name=name):
                    wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

            if not request.connection.stream.writing():
                transaction.__exit__(None, None, None)
                request._nr_transaction = None

                request._nr_wait_function_trace = FunctionTrace(
                        transaction, name='Request/Output',


        except:  # Catch all
            # If an error occurs assume that transaction should be
            # exited.

            request._nr_transaction = None


            # XXX This is a temporary fiddle to preserve old default
            # URL naming convention until will move away from that
            # as a default.

            if transaction._request_uri is not None:
                         transaction._request_uri, 'Uri', priority=1)

            with FunctionTrace(transaction, name='WSGI/Application',
                with FunctionTrace(transaction, name=name):
                    wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

            if not request.connection.stream.writing():
                transaction.__exit__(None, None, None)
                request._nr_transaction = None

                request._nr_wait_function_trace = FunctionTrace(
                        transaction, name='Request/Output',


        except:  # Catch all
            # If an error occurs assume that transaction should be
            # exited.

            request._nr_transaction = None

    def on_headers_wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
        assert instance is not None

        connection = instance

        # Check to see if we are being called within the context of any
        # sort of transaction. If we are, then we don't bother doing
        # anything and just call the wrapped function. This should not
        # really ever occur but check anyway.

        transaction = current_transaction()

        if transaction:
            return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

        # Execute the wrapped function as we are only going to do
        # something after it has been called. The function doesn't
        # return anything.

        wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

        # Check to see if the connection has already been closed or the
        # request finished. The connection can be closed where request
        # content length was too big.

        if connection.stream.closed():

        if connection._request_finished:

        # Check to see if have already associated a transaction with
        # the request, because if we have, even if not finished, then
        # do not need to do anything.

        request = connection._request

        if request is None:

        if hasattr(request, '_nr_transaction'):

        # Always use the default application specified in the agent
        # configuration.

        application = application_instance()

        # We need to fake up a WSGI like environ dictionary with the
        # key bits of information we need.

        environ = request_environment(application, request)

        # Now start recording the actual web transaction. Bail out
        # though if turns out that recording transactions is not
        # enabled.

        transaction = WebTransaction(application, environ)

        if not transaction.enabled:


        request._nr_transaction = transaction

        request._nr_wait_function_trace = None
        request._nr_request_finished = False

        # Add a callback variable to the connection object so we can
        # be notified when the connection is closed before all content
        # has been read.

        def _close():

                if request._nr_wait_function_trace:
                    request._nr_wait_function_trace.__exit__(None, None, None)

                request._nr_wait_function_trace = None

            transaction.__exit__(None, None, None)
            request._nr_transaction = None

        connection.stream._nr_close_callback = _close

        # Name transaction initially after the wrapped function so
        # that if connection dropped before request content read,
        # then don't get metric grouping issues with it being named
        # after the URL.

        name = callable_name(wrapped)


        # We need to add a reference to the request object in to the
        # transaction object as only able to stash the transaction
        # in a deferred. Need to use a weakref to avoid an object
        # cycle which may prevent cleanup of transaction.

        transaction._nr_current_request = weakref.ref(request)

            request._nr_wait_function_trace = FunctionTrace(
                transaction, name='Request/Input', group='Python/Tornado')


        except:  # Catch all
            # If an error occurs assume that transaction should be
            # exited. Technically don't believe this should ever occur
            # unless our code here has an error.

            connection.stream._nr_close_callback = None

            _logger.exception('Unexpected exception raised by Tornado '

            request._nr_transaction = None

    def call_wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
        # We have to deal with a special case here because when using
        # tornado.wsgi.WSGIApplication() to host the async API within
        # a WSGI application, Tornado will call the wrapped method via
        # the class method rather than via an instance. This means the
        # instance will be None and the self argument will actually
        # be the first argument. The args are still left intact for
        # when we call the wrapped function.

        def _request_unbound(instance, request, *args, **kwargs):
            return instance, request

        def _request_bound(request, *args, **kwargs):
            return request

        if instance is None:
            instance, request = _request_unbound(*args, **kwargs)
            request = _request_bound(*args, **kwargs)

        # If no transaction associated with request already, need to
        # create a new one. The exception is when the the ASYNC API is
        # being executed within a WSGI application, in which case a
        # transaction will already be active. For that we execute
        # straight away.

        if instance._wsgi:
            transaction = current_transaction()

            with FunctionTrace(transaction,
                return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

        elif not hasattr(request, '_nr_transaction'):
            # Always use the default application specified in the agent
            # configuration.

            application = application_instance()

            # We need to fake up a WSGI like environ dictionary with the
            # key bits of information we need.

            environ = request_environment(application, request)

            # Now start recording the actual web transaction. Bail out
            # though if turns out that recording transactions is not
            # enabled.

            transaction = WebTransaction(application, environ)

            if not transaction.enabled:
                return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)


            request._nr_transaction = transaction

            request._nr_wait_function_trace = None
            request._nr_request_finished = False

            # We need to add a reference to the request object in to the
            # transaction object as only able to stash the transaction
            # in a deferred. Need to use a weakref to avoid an object
            # cycle which may prevent cleanup of transaction.

            transaction._nr_current_request = weakref.ref(request)

            # If there was a transaction associated with the request,
            # only continue if a transaction is active though.

            transaction = current_transaction()

            if not transaction:
                return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

            # Call the original method in a trace object to give better
            # context in transaction traces.

            with FunctionTrace(transaction,
                handler = wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

            # In the case of an immediate result or an exception
            # occuring, then finish() will have been called on the
            # request already. We can't just exit the transaction in the
            # finish call however as need to still pop back up through
            # the above function trace. So if it has been flagged that
            # it is finished, which Tornado does by setting the request
            # object in the connection to None, then we exit the
            # transaction here. Otherwise we setup a function trace to
            # track wait time for deferred and manually pop the
            # transaction as being the current one for this thread.

            if handler._finished:
                if not request.connection.stream.writing():
                    transaction.__exit__(None, None, None)
                    request._nr_transaction = None

                    request._nr_wait_function_trace = FunctionTrace(


                request._nr_wait_function_trace = FunctionTrace(
                    transaction, name='Callback/Wait', group='Python/Tornado')


        except:  # Catch all
            # If an error occurs assume that transaction should be
            # exited. Technically don't believe this should ever occur
            # unless our code here has an error.

            _logger.exception('Unexpected exception raised by Tornado '

            request._nr_transaction = None


        return handler
def wsgi_container_call_wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
    def _args(request, *args, **kwargs):
        return request

    request = _args(*args, **kwargs)

    transaction = getattr(request, '_nr_transaction', None)

    name = callable_name(instance.wsgi_application)

    if not transaction:
        # Always use the default application specified in the agent
        # configuration.

        application = application_instance()

        # We need to fake up a WSGI like environ dictionary with the
        # key bits of information we need.

        environ = request_environment(application, request)

        # Now start recording the actual web transaction. Bail out
        # though if turns out that recording transactions is not
        # enabled.

        transaction = WebTransaction(application, environ)

        if not transaction.enabled:
            return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)


        request._nr_transaction = transaction

        request._nr_wait_function_trace = None
        request._nr_request_finished = False

        # We need to add a reference to the request object in to the
        # transaction object as only able to stash the transaction
        # in a deferred. Need to use a weakref to avoid an object
        # cycle which may prevent cleanup of transaction.

        transaction._nr_current_request = weakref.ref(request)

            # Call the original method in a trace object to give better
            # context in transaction traces.

            # XXX This is a temporary fiddle to preserve old default
            # URL naming convention until will move away from that
            # as a default.

            if transaction._request_uri is not None:

            with FunctionTrace(transaction,
                with FunctionTrace(transaction, name=name):
                    wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

            if not request.connection.stream.writing():
                transaction.__exit__(None, None, None)
                request._nr_transaction = None

                request._nr_wait_function_trace = FunctionTrace(
                    transaction, name='Request/Output', group='Python/Tornado')


        except:  # Catch all
            # If an error occurs assume that transaction should be
            # exited.

            request._nr_transaction = None


            # XXX This is a temporary fiddle to preserve old default
            # URL naming convention until will move away from that
            # as a default.

            if transaction._request_uri is not None:

            with FunctionTrace(transaction,
                with FunctionTrace(transaction, name=name):
                    wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

            if not request.connection.stream.writing():
                transaction.__exit__(None, None, None)
                request._nr_transaction = None

                request._nr_wait_function_trace = FunctionTrace(
                    transaction, name='Request/Output', group='Python/Tornado')


        except:  # Catch all
            # If an error occurs assume that transaction should be
            # exited.

            request._nr_transaction = None

Exemplo n.º 7
    def start_wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
        assert instance is not None

        request = args[0]

        # Check to see if we are being called within the context of any
        # sort of transaction. If we are, then we don't bother doing
        # anything and just call the wrapped function. This should not
        # really ever occur but check anyway.

        transaction = current_transaction()

        if transaction:
            return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

        # Always use the default application specified in the agent
        # configuration.

        application = application_instance()

        # We need to fake up a WSGI like environ dictionary with the key
        # bits of information we need.

        environ = {}

        environ['REQUEST_URI'] = request.uri

        # Now start recording the actual web transaction. Bail out though
        # if turns out that recording transactions is not enabled.

        transaction = WebTransaction(application, environ)

        if not transaction.enabled:
            return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)


        request._nr_transaction = transaction

        request._nr_is_deferred_callback = False
        request._nr_wait_function_trace = None

        # We need to add a reference to the request object in to the
        # transaction object as only able to stash the transaction in a
        # deferred. Need to use a weakref to avoid an object cycle which
        # may prevent cleanup of transaction.

        transaction._nr_current_request = weakref.ref(request)

            # Call the original method in a trace object to give better
            # context in transaction traces.

            with FunctionTrace(transaction, name='Request/Process',
                result = wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

            # In the case of an immediate result or an exception
            # occuring, then finish() will have been called on the
            # request already. We can't just exit the transaction in the
            # finish call however as need to still pop back up through
            # the above function trace. So if it has been flagged that
            # it is finished, which Tornado does by setting the request
            # object in the connection to None, then we exit the
            # transaction here. Otherwise we setup a function trace to
            # track wait time for deferred and manually pop the
            # transaction as being the current one for this thread.

            if request.connection._request is None:
                transaction.__exit__(None, None, None)
                request._nr_transaction = None

                request._nr_wait_function_trace = FunctionTrace(
                        transaction, name='Callback/Wait',


            # If an error occurs assume that transaction should be
            # exited. Technically don't believe this should ever occur
            # unless our code here has an error.

            _logger.exception('Unexpected exception raised by Tornado '

            request._nr_transaction = None


        return result