def fetch():
        headers = make_cross_agent_headers(inbound_payload, ENCODING_KEY,
        resp = yield from aiohttp_app.client.request(method,

        if _raw_headers:
            raw_headers = _raw_headers
            raw_headers = {
                k.decode('utf-8'): v.decode('utf-8')
                for k, v in resp.raw_headers

        if expected_intrinsics:
            # test valid CAT response header
            assert 'X-NewRelic-App-Data' in raw_headers

            app_data = json.loads(
                deobfuscate(raw_headers['X-NewRelic-App-Data'], ENCODING_KEY))
            assert app_data[0] == cat_id
            assert app_data[1] == ('WebTransaction/Function/%s' % metric_name)
            assert 'X-NewRelic-App-Data' not in resp.headers
Exemplo n.º 2
    def process_response_headers(self, response_headers):
        Decode the response headers and create appropriate metics based on the
        header values. The response_headers are passed in as a list of tuples.


        settings = self.settings
        if not settings:

        if not settings.cross_application_tracer.enabled:

        appdata = None
            for k, v in response_headers:
                if k.upper() == self.cat_appdata_key.upper():
                    appdata = json_decode(deobfuscate(v,

            if appdata:
                self.params['cross_process_id'] = appdata[0]
                self.params['external_txn_name'] = appdata[1]
                self.params['transaction_guid'] = appdata[5]

        except Exception:
Exemplo n.º 3
    def decode_newrelic_header(self, environ, header_name):
        encoded_header = environ.get(header_name)
        if encoded_header:
                decoded_header = json_decode(deobfuscate(
                        encoded_header, self._settings.encoding_key))
            except Exception:
                decoded_header = None

        return decoded_header
def test_capture_attributes_enabled():
    settings = application_settings()

    assert settings.browser_monitoring.enabled
    assert settings.browser_monitoring.attributes.enabled

    assert settings.js_agent_loader

    response = fully_featured_application.get('/')

    header = response.html.html.head.script.string
    content = response.html.html.body.p.string
    footer = response.html.html.body.script.string

    # Validate actual body content.

    assert content == 'RESPONSE'

    # We no longer are in control of the JS contents of the header so
    # just check to make sure it contains at least the magic string
    # 'NREUM'.

    assert header.find('NREUM') != -1

    # Now validate the various fields of the footer related to analytics.
    # The fields are held by a JSON dictionary.

    data = json.loads(footer.split('')[1])

    obfuscation_key = settings.license_key[:13]

    attributes = json.loads(deobfuscate(data['atts'], obfuscation_key))
    user_attrs = attributes['u']

    # When you round-trip through json encoding and json decoding, you
    # always end up with unicode (unicode in Python 2, str in Python 3.)
    # Previously, we would drop attribute values of type 'bytes' in Python 3.
    # Now, we accept them and `json_encode` uses an encoding of 'latin-1',
    # just like it does for Python 2. This only applies to attributes in browser
    # monitoring

    browser_attributes = _user_attributes.copy()

    browser_attributes['bytes'] = u'bytes-value'
    browser_attributes['invalid-utf8'] = _user_attributes[
    browser_attributes['multibyte-utf8'] = _user_attributes[

    for attr, value in browser_attributes.items():
        assert user_attrs[attr] == value, (
            "attribute %r expected %r, found %r" %
            (attr, value, user_attrs[attr]))
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_footer_attributes():
    settings = application_settings()

    assert settings.browser_monitoring.enabled

    assert settings.browser_key
    assert settings.browser_monitoring.loader_version
    assert settings.js_agent_loader
    assert isinstance(settings.js_agent_file, six.string_types)
    assert settings.beacon
    assert settings.error_beacon

    token = '0123456789ABCDEF'
    headers = {'Cookie': 'NRAGENT=tk=%s' % token}

    response = target_application_manual_rum.get('/', headers=headers)

    html = BeautifulSoup(response.body, 'html.parser')
    header = html.html.head.script.string
    content = html.html.body.p.string
    footer = html.html.body.script.string

    # Validate actual body content.

    assert content == 'RESPONSE'

    # Validate the insertion of RUM header.

    assert header.find('NREUM HEADER') != -1

    # Now validate the various fields of the footer. The fields are
    # held by a JSON dictionary.

    data = json.loads(footer.split('')[1])

    assert data['licenseKey'] == settings.browser_key
    assert data['applicationID'] == settings.application_id

    assert data['agent'] == settings.js_agent_file
    assert data['beacon'] == settings.beacon
    assert data['errorBeacon'] == settings.error_beacon

    assert data['applicationTime'] >= 0
    assert data['queueTime'] >= 0

    obfuscation_key = settings.license_key[:13]

    assert type(data['transactionName']) == type(u'')

    txn_name = deobfuscate(data['transactionName'], obfuscation_key)

    assert txn_name == u'WebTransaction/Uri/'

    assert 'atts' not in data
def validate_outbound_headers(header_id='X-NewRelic-ID',
    transaction = current_transaction()
    headers = transaction._test_request_headers
    settings = transaction.settings
    encoding_key = settings.encoding_key

    assert header_id in headers

    values = headers[header_id]
    if isinstance(values, list):
        assert len(values) == 1, headers
        assert isinstance(values[0], type(''))
        value = values[0]
        value = values

    cross_process_id = deobfuscate(value, encoding_key)
    assert cross_process_id == settings.cross_process_id

    assert header_transaction in headers

    values = headers[header_transaction]
    if isinstance(values, list):
        assert len(values) == 1, headers
        assert isinstance(values[0], type(''))
        value = values[0]
        value = values

    (guid, record_tt, trip_id, path_hash) = \
            json_decode(deobfuscate(value, encoding_key))

    assert guid == transaction.guid
    assert record_tt == transaction.record_tt
    assert trip_id == transaction.trip_id
    assert path_hash == transaction.path_hash
    def _test():
        cat_headers = make_cross_agent_headers(inbound_payload, ENCODING_KEY,
        response = app.fetch('get', url, headers=dict(cat_headers))
        if expected_intrinsics:
            # test valid CAT response header
            assert b'X-NewRelic-App-Data' in raw_headers(response)
            cat_response_header = response.headers.get("X-NewRelic-App-Data",

            app_data = json.loads(
                deobfuscate(cat_response_header, ENCODING_KEY))
            assert app_data[0] == cat_id
            assert app_data[1] == ('WebTransaction/Function/%s' % metric_name)
            assert b'X-NewRelic-App-Data' not in raw_headers(response)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def __init__(self, application, environ):

        # The web transaction can be enabled/disabled by
        # the value of the variable "newrelic.enabled"
        # in the WSGI environ dictionary. We need to check
        # this before initialising the transaction as needs
        # to be passed in base class constructor. The
        # default is None, which would then result in the
        # base class making the decision based on whether
        # application or agent as a whole are enabled.

        enabled = _lookup_environ_setting(environ,
                'newrelic.enabled', None)

        # Initialise the common transaction base class.

        super(WebTransaction, self).__init__(application, enabled)

        # Disable transactions for websocket connections.
        # Also disable autorum if this is a websocket. This is a good idea for
        # two reasons. First, RUM is unnecessary for websocket transactions
        # anyway. Secondly, due to a bug in the gevent-websocket (0.9.5)
        # package, if our _WSGIApplicationMiddleware is applied a websocket
        # connection cannot be made.

        if _is_websocket(environ):
            self.autorum_disabled = True
            self.enabled = False

        # Bail out if the transaction is running in a
        # disabled state.

        if not self.enabled:

        # Will need to check the settings a number of times.

        settings = self._settings

        # Check for override settings from WSGI environ.

        self.background_task = _lookup_environ_setting(environ,
                'newrelic.set_background_task', False)

        self.ignore_transaction = _lookup_environ_setting(environ,
                'newrelic.ignore_transaction', False)
        self.suppress_apdex = _lookup_environ_setting(environ,
                'newrelic.suppress_apdex_metric', False)
        self.suppress_transaction_trace = _lookup_environ_setting(environ,
                'newrelic.suppress_transaction_trace', False)
        self.capture_params = _lookup_environ_setting(environ,
        self.autorum_disabled = _lookup_environ_setting(environ,
                not settings.browser_monitoring.auto_instrument)

        # Make sure that if high security mode is enabled that
        # capture of request params is still being disabled.
        # No warning is issued for this in the logs because it
        # is a per request configuration and would create a lot
        # of noise.

        if settings.high_security:
            self.capture_params = False

        # WSGI spec says SERVER_PORT "can never be empty string",
        # but I'm going to set a default value anyway...

        port = environ.get('SERVER_PORT', None)
        if port:
                self._port = int(port)
            except Exception:

        # Extract from the WSGI environ dictionary
        # details of the URL path. This will be set as
        # default path for the web transaction. This can
        # be overridden by framework to be more specific
        # to avoid metrics explosion problem resulting
        # from too many distinct URLs for same resource
        # due to use of REST style URL concepts or
        # otherwise.

        request_uri = environ.get('REQUEST_URI', None)

        if request_uri is None:
            # The gunicorn WSGI server uses RAW_URI instead
            # of the more typical REQUEST_URI used by Apache
            # and other web servers.

            request_uri = environ.get('RAW_URI', None)

        script_name = environ.get('SCRIPT_NAME', None)
        path_info = environ.get('PATH_INFO', None)

        self._request_uri = request_uri

        if self._request_uri is not None:
            # Need to make sure we drop off any query string
            # arguments on the path if we have to fallback
            # to using the original REQUEST_URI. Can't use
            # attribute access on result as only support for
            # Python 2.5+.

            self._request_uri = urlparse.urlparse(self._request_uri)[2]

        if script_name is not None or path_info is not None:
            if path_info is None:
                path = script_name
            elif script_name is None:
                path = path_info
                path = script_name + path_info

            self.set_transaction_name(path, 'Uri', priority=1)

            if self._request_uri is None:
                self._request_uri = path
            if self._request_uri is not None:
                self.set_transaction_name(self._request_uri, 'Uri', priority=1)

        # See if the WSGI environ dictionary includes the
        # special 'X-Request-Start' or 'X-Queue-Start' HTTP
        # headers. These header are optional headers that can be
        # set within the underlying web server or WSGI server to
        # indicate when the current request was first received
        # and ready to be processed. The difference between this
        # time and when application starts processing the
        # request is the queue time and represents how long
        # spent in any explicit request queuing system, or how
        # long waiting in connecting state against listener
        # sockets where request needs to be proxied between any
        # processes within the application server.
        # Note that mod_wsgi sets its own distinct variables
        # automatically. Initially it set mod_wsgi.queue_start,
        # which equated to when Apache first accepted the
        # request. This got changed to mod_wsgi.request_start
        # however, and mod_wsgi.queue_start was instead used
        # just for when requests are to be queued up for the
        # daemon process and corresponded to the point at which
        # they are being proxied, after Apache does any
        # authentication etc. We check for both so older
        # versions of mod_wsgi will still work, although we
        # don't try and use the fact that it is possible to
        # distinguish the two points and just pick up the
        # earlier of the two.
        # Checking for the mod_wsgi values means it is not
        # necessary to enable and use mod_headers to add X
        # -Request-Start or X-Queue-Start. But we still check
        # for the headers and give priority to the explicitly
        # added header in case that header was added in front
        # end server to Apache instead.
        # Which ever header is used, we accommodate the value
        # being in seconds, milliseconds or microseconds. Also
        # handle it being prefixed with 't='.

        now = time.time()

        def _parse_time_stamp(time_stamp):
            Converts time_stamp to seconds. Input can be microseconds,
            milliseconds or seconds

            Divide the timestamp by the highest resolution divisor. If
            the result is older than Jan 1 2000, then pick a lower
            resolution divisor and repeat.  It is safe to assume no
            requests were queued for more than 10 years.

            for divisor in (1000000.0, 1000.0, 1.0):
                converted_time = time_stamp/divisor

                # If queue_start is in the future, return 0.0.

                if converted_time > now:
                    return 0.0

                if converted_time > JAN_1_2000:
                    return converted_time

            return 0.0

        queue_time_headers = ('HTTP_X_REQUEST_START', 'HTTP_X_QUEUE_START',
                'mod_wsgi.request_start', 'mod_wsgi.queue_start')

        for queue_time_header in queue_time_headers:
            value = environ.get(queue_time_header, None)

                if value.startswith('t='):
                        self.queue_start = _parse_time_stamp(float(value[2:]))
                    except Exception:
                        self.queue_start = _parse_time_stamp(float(value))
                    except Exception:

            except Exception:

            if self.queue_start > 0.0:

        # Capture query request string parameters, unless we're in
        # High Security Mode.

        if not settings.high_security:

            value = environ.get('QUERY_STRING', None)

            if value:
                    params = urlparse.parse_qs(value, keep_blank_values=True)
                except Exception:
                    params = cgi.parse_qs(value, keep_blank_values=True)


        # Check for Synthetics header

        if settings.synthetics.enabled and \
                settings.trusted_account_ids and settings.encoding_key:

                header_name = 'HTTP_X_NEWRELIC_SYNTHETICS'
                header = self.decode_newrelic_header(environ, header_name)
                synthetics = _parse_synthetics_header(header)

                if synthetics['account_id'] in settings.trusted_account_ids:

                    # Save obfuscated header, because we will pass it along
                    # unchanged in all external requests.

                    self.synthetics_header = environ.get(header_name)

                    if synthetics['version'] == 1:
                        self.synthetics_resource_id = synthetics['resource_id']
                        self.synthetics_job_id = synthetics['job_id']
                        self.synthetics_monitor_id = synthetics['monitor_id']

            except Exception:

        # Check for the New Relic cross process ID header and extract
        # the relevant details.

        if settings.cross_application_tracer.enabled and \
                settings.cross_process_id and settings.trusted_account_ids and \

            client_cross_process_id = environ.get('HTTP_X_NEWRELIC_ID')

            if client_cross_process_id:
                    client_cross_process_id = deobfuscate(
                            client_cross_process_id, settings.encoding_key)

                    # The cross process ID consists of the client
                    # account ID and the ID of the specific application
                    # the client is recording requests against. We need
                    # to validate that the client account ID is in the
                    # list of trusted account IDs and ignore it if it
                    # isn't. The trusted account IDs list has the
                    # account IDs as integers, so save the client ones
                    # away as integers here so easier to compare later.

                    client_account_id, client_application_id = \
                            map(int, client_cross_process_id.split('#'))

                    if client_account_id in settings.trusted_account_ids:
                        self.client_cross_process_id = client_cross_process_id
                        self.client_account_id = client_account_id
                        self.client_application_id = client_application_id

                        header_name = 'HTTP_X_NEWRELIC_TRANSACTION'
                        txn_header = self.decode_newrelic_header(
                                environ, header_name)

                        if txn_header:
                            self.is_part_of_cat = True
                            self.referring_transaction_guid = txn_header[0]

                            # Incoming record_tt is OR'd with existing
                            # record_tt. In the scenario where we make multiple
                            # ext request, this will ensure we don't set the
                            # record_tt to False by a later request if it was
                            # set to True by an earlier request.

                            self.record_tt = self.record_tt or txn_header[1]

                            if isinstance(txn_header[2], six.string_types):
                                self._trip_id = txn_header[2]
                            if isinstance(txn_header[3], six.string_types):
                                self._referring_path_hash = txn_header[3]

                except Exception:

        # Capture WSGI request environ dictionary values. We capture
        # content length explicitly as will need it for cross process
        # metrics.

        self._read_length = int(environ.get('CONTENT_LENGTH') or -1)

        if settings.capture_environ:
            for name in settings.include_environ:
                if name in environ:
                    self._request_environment[name] = environ[name]

        # Strip out the query params from the HTTP_REFERER if capture_params
        # is disabled in the settings.

        if (self._request_environment.get('HTTP_REFERER') and
                not self.capture_params):
            self._request_environment['HTTP_REFERER'] = \

            if 'CONTENT_LENGTH' in self._request_environment:
                self._request_environment['CONTENT_LENGTH'] = int(
        except Exception:
            del self._request_environment['CONTENT_LENGTH']

        # Flags for tracking whether RUM header and footer have been
        # generated.

        self.rum_header_generated = False
        self.rum_footer_generated = False
def decode_header(header, encoding_key=ENCODING_KEY):
    result = deobfuscate(header, encoding_key)
    return json_decode(result)