Exemplo n.º 1
def PhaseVectors(doc, neurons, binSize):
    calculates instantaneous phase vectors for the given array of neurons
    see PhaseArray above

    theStart = nex.GetDocStartTime(doc)
    theEnd = nex.GetDocEndTime(doc)
    numBins = np.int64(np.floor((theEnd - theStart) / binSize))
    phaseVectors = []

    for nr in neurons:
        ts = nr.Timestamps()
        if len(ts) == 0:
            # no spikes, fill with random phases
            phaseVectors.append(2 * np.pi * np.random.random(numBins))

        ts = np.array(ts) - theStart

        # check if we need to add phantom spike at zero
        if ts[0] > 0:
            ts = np.insert(ts, 0, 0)

        binIndexes = np.int64(np.floor(ts / binSize))
        phaseVectors.append(PhaseArray(binIndexes, numBins))

    return phaseVectors
Exemplo n.º 2
def Histograms(doc, neurons, binSize):
    Calculates normalized rate histograms
    formula (1) in Li [2007], where Z is the rate histogram

    theStart = nex.GetDocStartTime(doc)
    theEnd = nex.GetDocEndTime(doc)
    theBins = np.arange(theStart, theEnd, binSize)
    hists = []
    for nr in neurons:
        ts = nr.Timestamps()
        hist, b = np.histogram(ts, bins=theBins)
        if len(ts) > 0:
            hist = (hist - np.mean(hist)) / np.std(hist)
    return hists
Exemplo n.º 3
def IntervalFilterVarIfNeeded(doc, var, pars):
    selData = pars['Select Data']
    theFilter = pars['Interval Filter']
    if selData == 'All' and theFilter == 'None':
        # no need to filter
        return var

    mainFrom = 0.0
    mainTo = nex.GetDocEndTime(doc)
    if selData == 'From Time Range':
        mainFrom = float(pars['Select Data From (sec)'])
        mainTo = float(pars['Select Data To (sec)'])

    tempInt = nex.NewIntEvent(doc, 0)
    nex.AddInterval(tempInt, mainFrom, mainTo)

    if theFilter == 'None':
        return nex.IntervalFilter(var, tempInt)
        tempInt1 = nex.IntAnd(tempInt, doc[theFilter])
        return nex.IntervalFilter(var, tempInt1)
#                                #

# 1. The path for where the results are saved
destination = "C:/Users/earnestt/Desktop"

# 2. The name of the template being applied:
template = "coherence_4_tetrodes"

# 3. The start time in seconds of  the analysis window:
start = 0

# 4. The end time in seconds of  the analysis window:
#To select the end of any document, you can use
#       end = nex.GetDocEndTime(doc)
end = nex.GetDocEndTime(doc)

# 5.  The names of the interval variables to include; specify their names in this list:
intervals = ['pre-cocaine', 'post-cocaine']

#moves to the specified director


#loop for creating a new folder
#new directory name is the document title plus the name of the template used
#if the name already exists, a number is added

g = 1
basename = nex.GetDocTitle(doc) + " " + template + " with intervals"
#end = nex.GetDocEndTime(doc)
end = 3750

# 5. The bin size for analysis, in seconds:
#The bin size must be no larger than the analysis period (end-start)
binsize = 30


#Checks some conditions about the user input to make sure the analysis will run properly
#stops the program when there is an issue
if start >= end:
    print "Starting point (start) must be before ending point (end)."

if end > nex.GetDocEndTime(doc):
    print "The entered end of analysis period is outside of the recording length."

if binsize > (end - start):
    print "Analysis bin (binsize) must be at least the size of the analysis period."

#makes list of points where the start of a bin will be
#if the last point in bin_starts is too close to the end of the analysis window,
#there will not be enough data to have a full bin
#in this case, this bin is dropped so that each bin has an equal amount of data

bin_starts = []

c = start