Exemplo n.º 1
def player_search(db, full_name, team=None, position=None):
    A thin wrapper around `nfldb.player_search` that tries searching
    with `team` or `position` when given, but if no results are found,
    then this returns the results of a search with just the full name.

    This allows for a slightly out-of-date database to still provide
    a match while also disambiguating players with the same name.
    if position not in nfldb.Enums.player_pos:
        position = None

    p, _ = nfldb.player_search(db, full_name, team=team, position=position)
    if p is None and position is not None:
        p, _ = nfldb.player_search(db, full_name, team=team, position=None)
    if p is None and team is not None:
        p, _ = nfldb.player_search(db, full_name, team=None, position=position)
    if p is None and team is not None and position is not None:
        p, _ = nfldb.player_search(db, full_name, team=None, position=None)
    return p
Exemplo n.º 2
def player_search(db, full_name, team=None, position=None):
    A thin wrapper around `nfldb.player_search` that tries searching
    with `team` or `position` when given, but if no results are found,
    then this returns the results of a search with just the full name.

    This allows for a slightly out-of-date database to still provide
    a match while also disambiguating players with the same name.
    if position not in nfldb.Enums.player_pos:
        position = None

    p, _ = nfldb.player_search(db, full_name, team=team, position=position)
    if p is None and position is not None:
        p, _ = nfldb.player_search(db, full_name, team=team, position=None)
    if p is None and team is not None:
        p, _ = nfldb.player_search(db, full_name, team=None, position=position)
    if p is None and team is not None and position is not None:
        p, _ = nfldb.player_search(db, full_name, team=None, position=None)
    return p
Exemplo n.º 3
def search_player(request):
    if request.method == 'POST':
        form = SearchForm(request.POST)
        if form.is_valid():
            db = nfldb.connect()
            s_position = form.cleaned_data['position']
            s_name = form.cleaned_data['full_name']
            s_team = form.cleaned_data['team']
            player = None
            if s_team == 'None' and s_position == 'None':
                players = Player.objects.filter(full_name__contains=s_name)
                player, s_score = nfldb.player_search(db, s_name)
                #print 'Similarity score: %d, Player: %s' % (s_score, players)
            elif s_name == '' and s_position == 'None':
                players = Player.objects.filter(team=s_team)
            elif s_team == 'None' and s_name == '':
                players = Player.objects.filter(position=s_position)
            elif s_team == 'None':
                players = Player.objects.filter(position=s_position,
                player, s_score = nfldb.player_search(db, s_name)
                players = Player.objects.filter(team=s_team,
                player, s_score = nfldb.player_search(db, s_name)
            if len(players) == 1:
                link_id = player.player_id
                link_s = '/players/'
                link = link_s + link_id
                return HttpResponseRedirect(link)

            return render(request, "search_player.html", {
                'form': form,
                'players': players,
                'player': player

        form = SearchForm()
    return render(request, "search_player.html", {'form': form})
Exemplo n.º 4
def search_player():
    name = request.args.get('name')

    player_list = []

    player, dist = nfldb.player_search(db, name)
    data = {
            'label': player.full_name + " (" + player.team + ", " + str(player.position) + ")",
            'value': player.full_name,
            'id': player.player_id,

    return jsonify(matching_results=player_list)
Exemplo n.º 5
def _player_lookup(player, conn):
        q = Query(conn)
        p = q.player(full_name=player).as_players()
        if len(p) == 1:
            return p[0].full_name, p[0].player_id
            similar = "\n\t* ".join(x[0].full_name
                                    for x in player_search(conn, s, limit=3))
            msg = "{0} could not be found in player DB. Similar results:\n\t* {1}".format(
                s, similar)
            raise Exception(msg)
    except Exception as e:
        raise Exception(
            "Error looking up names, details follow. {0}".format(e))
Exemplo n.º 6
def search(db, name, team, pos, soundex=False):
    Provides a thin wrapper over nfldb's player search. Namely, if
    `name` is one word, then it assumes that it's a first/last name and
    tries to match it exactly against the list of results returned from
    the Levenshtein/Soundex search.
    matches = nfldb.player_search(db, name, team, pos,
                                  limit=100, soundex=soundex)
    if len(matches) == 0:
        return None
    if ' ' not in name:
        for p, _ in matches:
            if name.lower() in map(str.lower, [p.first_name, p.last_name]):
                return p
    return matches[0][0]
Exemplo n.º 7
    def get_best_name(self, n):
        db = nfldb.connect()

        toMatch = n.encode('ascii', 'ignore').lower()

        top = nfldb.player_search(db, n, limit=10)
        matches = list()

        for player, dist in top:
            if player.position is not types.Enums.player_pos.UNK:
                if player.first_name.lower(
                ) in toMatch and player.last_name.lower() in toMatch:

        if len(matches) > 0:
            return matches[0]

        return "PLAYER_NOT_FOUND"
Exemplo n.º 8
 def load_dk_data(self, week, year, file_name=None, db=None):
     if file_name is None:
         file_name = '../data/draftkings/rotoguru/week' + str(week) + '.csv'
     if db is None:
         db = self.db
     cur = db.cursor()
     players = []
     with open(file_name, 'r') as f:
         header = f.readline().strip().split(';')
         header = map(lambda h:h.lower().replace(' ', '_').replace('"', ''), header)
         for line in f:
             vals = line.rstrip().replace('"', '').split(';')
             vals = map(lambda v: try_num(v), vals)
             kwargs = dict([(h, vals[i] if i < len(vals) else 0.0) for i,h in enumerate(header)])
             if (kwargs.get('name') is not None and kwargs.get('dk_salary') is not None):
     for player in players:
         if not isinstance(player['dk_salary'], float):
             print("no salary?", player)
         if player['pos'].lower() != 'def':
             player_match = nfldb.player_search(self.db, self.get_name(player['name']))
             if player_match[0] is not None:
                 print(player_match[0].player_id, player_match[0].first_name, player_match[0].last_name)
                 self.update_dk_salary(cur, player_match[0].player_id, player['dk_salary'], week, year)
                 print("updated", player['dk_salary'])
             # team defense
             team = self.get_team(player['team'])
             player_id = team
             if len(team) == 2:
                 player_id = '00-00000' + team
             elif len(team) == 3:
                 player_id = '00-0000' + team
             self.update_dk_salary(cur, player_id, player['dk_salary'], week, year)
             print(team, player_id, player['dk_salary'])
Exemplo n.º 9
def match_or_raise(db, full_name, **kwargs):
    Lookup `full_name` in `player` table.
    If not found, print similarity table and raise `KeyError`.
    Otherwise, return the `player_id`.
    Optional keyword arguments are passed to `nfldb.player_search`.
    kwargs['limit'] = kwargs.get('limit', DEFAULT_SEARCH_LIMIT)
    matches = player_search(db, full_name, **kwargs)

    best_match, distance = matches[0]
    if not distance:
        return best_match.player_id

Player "{}" not found. Closest matches:
Use nfldbproj.add_name_disambiguations to insert correct player_id into the database.""".format(
        full_name, _similarity_search_table(matches)
    raise KeyError('{} (see message above traceback)'.format(full_name))
Exemplo n.º 10
def plyrStatsPull(adpPlyrId, minAdpPlayer, pos, year):
    attrib = {}
    score = {}

    db = nfldb.connect()

    player, _ = nfldb.player_search(db, minAdpPlayer, position=pos)

    q = nfldb.Query(db)
    q.game(season_year=year, season_type='Regular')
    for pp in q.as_aggregate():
        score['passYds'] = pp.passing_yds
        score['passTd'] = pp.passing_tds
        score['passInt'] = pp.passing_int
        score['pass2pt'] = pp.passing_twoptm
        score['rushYds'] = pp.rushing_yds
        score['rushTd'] = pp.rushing_tds
        score['rush2pt'] = pp.rushing_twoptm
        score['recYds'] = pp.receiving_yds
        score['recTd'] = pp.receiving_tds
        score['rec2pt'] = pp.receiving_twoptm
        score['recRec'] = pp.receiving_rec
        score['kRetTd'] = pp.kickret_tds
        score['pRetTd'] = pp.puntret_tds
        score['fumRecTd'] = pp.fumbles_rec_tds
        score['fumLost'] = pp.fumbles_lost
        attrib['pos'] = pos
        attrib['team'] = player.team
        attrib['playerName'] = minAdpPlayer
        plyrIdx = adpPlyrId

    df1 = pd.DataFrame(score, index=[plyrIdx])
    df1 = df1[[
        'passTd', 'passYds', 'passInt', 'pass2pt', 'rushTd', 'rushYds',
        'rush2pt', 'recTd', 'recYds', 'rec2pt', 'recRec', 'kRetTd', 'pRetTd',
        'fumRecTd', 'fumLost'
    return df1
Exemplo n.º 11
def match_or_raise(db, full_name, **kwargs):
    Lookup `full_name` in `player` table.
    If not found, print similarity table and raise `KeyError`.
    Otherwise, return the `player_id`.
    Optional keyword arguments are passed to `nfldb.player_search`.
    kwargs["limit"] = kwargs.get("limit", DEFAULT_SEARCH_LIMIT)
    matches = player_search(db, full_name, **kwargs)

    best_match, distance = matches[0]
    if not distance:
        return best_match.player_id

Player "{}" not found. Closest matches:
Use nfldbproj.add_name_disambiguations to insert correct player_id into the database.""".format(
            full_name, _similarity_search_table(matches)
    raise KeyError("{} (see message above traceback)".format(full_name))
Exemplo n.º 12
def fuzzy_search(name, limit=1, team=None, position=None):
    return nfldb.player_search(dbc, name, limit=limit, team=team, position=position)
Exemplo n.º 13
def fuzzy_search(name):
    return nfldb.player_search(dbc, name, limit=30, team=None, position=None)
Exemplo n.º 14
def searchPlayer(player_name, position_name):
	db = nfldb.connect()
	player, dist = nfldb.player_search(db, player_name, position=position_name)
	print 'Similarity score: %d, Player: %s' % (dist, player)
	return player
Exemplo n.º 15
def searchPlayer(player_name, position_name):
	db = nfldb.connect()
	player, dist = nfldb.player_search(db, player_name, position=position_name)
	# print 'Similarity score: %d, Player: %s' % (dist, player)
	return player
Exemplo n.º 16
def compare_players(request):
    if request.method == 'POST':
        form = CompareForm(request.POST)
        if form.is_valid():
            db = nfldb.connect()
            seas_year = 2017
            weeks = []
            passydperweek1 = {}
            passydperweek2 = {}
            s_position = form.cleaned_data['position']
            s_player1 = form.cleaned_data['full_name_1']
            s_player2 = form.cleaned_data['full_name_2']

            players = Player.objects.exclude(
                team='UNK') & Player.objects.filter(position=s_position)
            player1, s_score1 = nfldb.player_search(db, s_player1)
            player2, s_score2 = nfldb.player_search(db, s_player2)
            fullname1 = str(player1.full_name)
            fullname2 = str(player2.full_name)
            team1 = str(player1.team)
            team2 = str(player2.team)
            q = nfldb.Query(db)
            games1 = q.game(season_year=seas_year,
            drives1 = q.drive(pos_team=team1).sort(
                ('start_time', 'asc')).as_drives()
            games2 = q.game(season_year=seas_year,
            drives2 = q.drive(pos_team=team2).sort(
                ('start_time', 'asc')).as_drives()

            for i in range(0, len(games1)):
                if games1[i].finished:
            for w in weeks:
                passydperweek1[w] = []
                passydperweek2[w] = []
            #for loop for the first player.
            for d in drives1:
                pass_yds = 0
                for w in weeks:
                    q = nfldb.Query(db).drive(gsis_id=d.gsis_id,
                    results = q.aggregate(passing_yds__ge=0).as_aggregate()
                    if len(results) == 0:
                    tfb = results[0]
                    pass_yds += tfb.passing_yds
                for w in weeks:
                    if w == d.game.week:
                        passydperweek1[w] += [pass_yds]
            for w in weeks:
                passydperweek1[w] = sum(passydperweek1[w])

            q2 = nfldb.Query(db)
            games2 = q2.game(season_year=seas_year,
            drives2 = q2.drive(pos_team=team2).sort(
                ('start_time', 'asc')).as_drives()
            #for loop for second player.
            for d in drives2:
                pass_yds = 0
                #print d
                for w in weeks:
                    q = nfldb.Query(db).drive(gsis_id=d.gsis_id,
                    results = q.aggregate(passing_yds__ge=0).as_aggregate()
                    if len(results) == 0:
                    tfb = results[0]
                    pass_yds += tfb.passing_yds
                for w in weeks:
                    if w == d.game.week:
                        passydperweek2[w] += [pass_yds]
            for w in weeks:
                passydperweek2[w] = sum(passydperweek2[w])

            data = {
                'form': form,
                'player1': player1,
                'player2': player2,
                'weeks': weeks,
                'team1': team1,
                'team2': team2,
                'passydperweek1': passydperweek1,
                'passydperweek2': passydperweek2,
            return render(request, "compare_players.html", {'data': data})

        form = CompareForm()
    return render(request, "compare_players.html", {'form': form})
Exemplo n.º 17
import nfldb

db = nfldb.connect()

player, _ = nfldb.player_search(db, 'Kareem Hunt', position='RB')
print player.player_id

q = nfldb.Query(db)
for pp in q.as_aggregate():
    print player.team
    print pp
Exemplo n.º 18
#for some in player:
#    print some

#print player

q = nfldb.Query(db).game(season_year=2015, season_type='Regular', week=10)

res = q.aggregate(passing_yds__ge=1)
for o in res.as_aggregate():
    print o.player, o.passing_yds

julio, dist = nfldb.player_search(db, 'Karlos Williams')
print 'looking for: %s' % (julio)
q1 = nfldb.Query(db).game(season_year=2015, season_type='Regular', week=10)
res1 = q1.aggregate()
for p in res1.as_aggregate():
    if p.player == julio:
        print p.player, o.rushing_yds
    #    print p.player

q_player = nfldb.Query(db).game(season_year=2015, season_type='Regular', week=10, name='Julio Jones')

print 'printing Query object'
print q_player
print 'printing aggergate()'