Exemplo n.º 1
def select_translation(sentence, idx, word, translations):
    # make sure the subject pronoun is in subject form
    # heuristic: if it's the first word or the previous word is punctuation
    # or conjunction, it's considered a subject
    if word[1] == 'r' and word[0] in subject_pronoun:
        if idx == 0 or sentence[idx-1][1] in ['x', 'c']:
            return (subject_pronoun[word[0]], 'pron')

    # handle special case: <digits>/m 日/m
    if word[1] == 'm':
        if DIGITS_PATTERN.match(word[0]):
            if idx+1 < len(sentence) and sentence[idx+1][0] == u'日':
                # return proper date string
                return (translate_date(int(word[0])), 'n')
                # return digits directly
                return (word[0], 'n')
        elif word[0] == u'日':
            # symmetric case
            if idx > 0 and DIGITS_PATTERN.match(sentence[i-1][0]):
                return ('', '')

    # construct a list of translations with the same pos as word
    same_pos_translations = filter(lambda t: match_pos(word[1], t[1]), translations)

    ng = NGram()

    if len(same_pos_translations) > 0:
        max_unigram_trans = max(same_pos_translations, key=lambda t: ng.get(t[0]))
        return max_unigram_trans

    return translations[0]