Exemplo n.º 1
def create_relu(input_shape):
    import ngraph as ng
    input_shape = ng.impl.PartialShape(input_shape)
    param = ng.parameter(input_shape, dtype=np.float32, name="data")
    result = ng.relu(param, name="out")
    function  = ng.Function(result, [param], "TestFunction")
    return function
Exemplo n.º 2
def create_encoder(input_shape, levels = 4):
    import ngraph as ng
    # input
    input_node = ng.parameter(input_shape, np.float32, name="data")

    padding_begin = padding_end = [0, 0]
    strides = [1, 1]
    dilations = [1, 1]
    input_channels = [input_shape[1]]
    last_output = input_node

    # convolution layers
    for i in range(levels):
        input_c = input_channels[-1]
        output_c = input_c * 2
        conv_w = np.random.uniform(0, 1, [output_c, input_c, 5, 5]).astype(np.float32)
        conv_node = ng.convolution(last_output, conv_w, strides, padding_begin, padding_end, dilations)
        last_output = conv_node

    # deconvolution layers
    for i in range(levels):
        input_c = input_channels[-2]
        output_c = input_channels.pop(-1)
        deconv_w = np.random.uniform(0, 1, [output_c, input_c, 5, 5]).astype(np.float32)
        deconv_node = ng.convolution_backprop_data(last_output, deconv_w, strides)
        last_output = deconv_node

    # result
    result_node = ng.result(last_output)
    return ng.Function(result_node, [input_node], "Encoder")
Exemplo n.º 3
def ngraph_embedding(ids, vocab_embeddings, vocab_size, embedding_dim,
                     padding_idx, sparse):
    decomposing embedding with ngraph ops.
    import ngraph as ng
    from ngraph import opset8 as opset
    from openvino.inference_engine import IECore

    if vocab_embeddings is None:
        vocab_embeddings = np.zeros(
            (vocab_size, embedding_dim)).astype("float32")

    node_ids = ng.parameter(shape=ids.shape, name='ids', dtype=ids.dtype)
    node_w = ng.parameter(shape=vocab_embeddings.shape,

    if padding_idx == -1:
        padding_idx += vocab_size

    if padding_idx is not None:
        mask W
        masked_embeddings = np.ones(vocab_embeddings.shape, dtype='int64')
        masked_embeddings[padding_idx, :] = 0  # mask

        node_mask = ng.constant(masked_embeddings,
        node_masked_w = ng.multiply(node_w, node_mask)

    node_axis = ng.constant([0], name='const0', dtype=np.int64)
    node_gather = opset.gather(data=node_masked_w if padding_idx else node_w,

    graph = ng.result(node_gather, name='y')

    parameters = [node_ids, node_w]
    inputs_dict = {'ids': ids, "w": vocab_embeddings}

    function = ng.Function(graph, parameters, "embedding")

    ie_network = ng.function_to_cnn(function)
    ie = IECore()
    executable_network = ie.load_network(ie_network, 'CPU')
    output = executable_network.infer(inputs_dict)

    return output
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self, dataflow, fusible=never_fusible):
        Performs fusion on the provided dataflow graph

        Implementation of: *Fast Greedy Weighted Fusion*, Ken Kennedy,
        Internal journal of Parallel Programming (2002):
        Download: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B8aziUAQFjRTbDNjeGM5elpFeEk

        # Extracts clusters
        super(KernelFlowGraph, self).__init__(dataflow.transformer,
        self.fusible = lambda x, y: fusible(self.transformer, x, y)
        successors = self.successors
        path_from, bad_path_from = self._compute_paths()
        edges = {(a, b) for a, _ in successors.items() for b in _}
        edges = sorted(edges, key=lambda x: (x[0].id, x[1].id))
        clusters = dict((x, {x}) for e in edges for x in e)
        while edges:
            # Pop edges and adjusts order if necessary
            v, w = edges.pop()
            # Cannot be fused
            if w in bad_path_from[v]:
            # Merge vertices between v and w
            to_merge = self.between(v, w, path_from)
            for x in to_merge:
                clusters[v] |= clusters.pop(x)
                self.transfer_edges(v, x, successors)
                self.transfer_edges(v, x, path_from)
                self.transfer_edges(v, x, bad_path_from)
            edges = {(a, b) for a, _ in successors.items() for b in _}
            edges = sorted(edges, key=lambda x: (x[0].id, x[1].id))
        # Creates adjacency list for each cluster
        extract_subgraph = lambda R: dict(
            (a, b & R) for a, b in list(dataflow.successors.items()) if a in R)
        clusters = {x: extract_subgraph(y) for x, y in list(clusters.items())}
        # Creates final adjacency list
        clusters = {
            x: ng.Function(y) if x.is_device_op else x
            for x, y in list(clusters.items())
        self.successors = {
            clusters[a]: {clusters[b]
                          for b in lst}
            for a, lst in list(successors.items())
        # Saves dataflow for visualization
        self.dataflow = dataflow
Exemplo n.º 5
#           \        /
#            \      /
#         ____\____/____
#         |   Concat   |
#         |   concat   |
#         |____________|
#               |
#               |
#               |
#        _______|_______
#        |    Result   |
#        |    result   |
#        |_____________|

import ngraph as ng
import numpy as np

data1 = ng.opset8.parameter([1, 3, 2, 2], np.int64)
data1.friendly_name = "data1"  # operation name
data2 = ng.opset8.parameter([1, 2, 2, 2], np.int64)
data2.friendly_name = "data2"  # operation name

concat = ng.opset8.concat([data1, data2], 1)
concat.friendly_name = "concat"  # operation name

result = ng.opset8.result(concat)
result.friendly_name = "result"  # operation name

f = ng.Function(result, [data1, data2], "function_name")
#! [ngraph:graph]