Exemplo n.º 1
def test_distributed_dot_parallel_second_axis(hetr_device):
    if hetr_device == 'gpu':
            "Axes Layout needs to be fixed for GPUs after changes to make\
        parallel_axis the least contiguous axis for scatter/gather communication ops"

    H = ng.make_axis(length=6, name='height')
    N = ng.make_axis(length=8, name='batch')
    W1 = ng.make_axis(length=2, name='W1')
    W2 = ng.make_axis(length=4, name='W2')
    x = ng.placeholder(axes=[H, N])
    w2 = ng.placeholder(axes=[W2, W1])
    with ng.metadata(device=hetr_device, device_id=('0', '1'), parallel=N):
        w1 = ng.placeholder(axes=[W1, H])
        dot1 = ng.dot(w1, x).named("dot1")
    dot2 = ng.dot(w2, dot1).named("dot2")

    np_x = np.random.randint(100, size=[H.length, N.length])
    np_w1 = np.random.randint(100, size=[W1.length, H.length])
    np_w2 = np.random.randint(100, size=[W2.length, W1.length])
    with closing(ngt.make_transformer_factory(
            'hetr', device=hetr_device)()) as transformer:
        computation = transformer.computation([dot2, dot1], x, w1, w2)
        res2, res1 = computation(np_x, np_w1, np_w2)
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(res1, np.dot(np_w1, np_x))
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(res2, np.dot(np_w2, np.dot(np_w1, np_x)))

        computation2 = transformer.computation([dot1, dot2], x, w1, w2)
        res1, res2 = computation2(np_x, np_w1, np_w2)
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(res1, np.dot(np_w1, np_x))
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(res2, np.dot(np_w2, np.dot(np_w1, np_x)))
Exemplo n.º 2
def compare_optimizer_variable_select(opt_ng, opt_ref):

    # Set up data placeholders
    C = ng.make_axis(20)
    N = ng.make_axis(32, name='N')

    data = ng.placeholder([C, N])
    target = ng.placeholder([N])

    # params to be updated using optimizer to be tested
    np_W1 = np.random.rand(C.length)
    np_W2 = np.random.rand(C.length)
    W1 = ng.variable([C], initial_value=np_W1)
    W2 = ng.variable([C], initial_value=np_W2)

    # Set up op graph
    cost = ng.sum(target - ng.dot(W1, data) - ng.dot(W2, data), out_axis=())
    updated_weights = ng.sequential([opt_ng(cost, variables=[W1]), W1])

    # Set up the computation and run the "train" loop
    with ExecutorFactory() as ex:
        opt_ng_comp = ex.transformer.computation([updated_weights, W2], data,
        mock_dataset = data_generator(20, C.length, N.length)

        for x, y in mock_dataset:
             ng_W2] = opt_ng_comp(x, y)  # updated weights for ngraph optimizer
            np_W1 = opt_ref(x,
                            np_W1)  # updated weights for reference optimizer

            ng.testing.assert_allclose(np_W1, ng_W1, rtol=1e-3)
            ng.testing.assert_allclose(np_W2, ng_W2, rtol=1e-3)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def train_outputs(self, in_obj):
        Sets shape based parameters of this layer given an input tuple or int
        or input layer.

           in_obj (int, tuple, Layer or Tensor): object that provides shape
                                                 information for layer

           (Tensor): output

        in_axes = in_obj.axes
        self.time_axis = in_axes.recurrent_axes()[0]

        def get_steps(x, time_axis):
            return [
                ng.slice_along_axis(x, time_axis, i)
                for i in range(time_axis.length)

        if self.axes is not None:
            hidden_axes = self.axes - self.axes.recurrent_axes()
            hidden_axes = ng.make_axes(

        w_in_axes = hidden_axes + [
            axis - 1
            for axis in in_axes.sample_axes() - in_axes.recurrent_axes()
        w_re_axes = hidden_axes + [axis - 1 for axis in hidden_axes]

        self.W_input = ng.variable(axes=w_in_axes,
        self.W_recur = ng.variable(axes=w_re_axes,
        self.b = ng.variable(axes=hidden_axes, initial_value=0).named("bias")

        h_ff_buf = ng.dot(self.W_input, in_obj).named("W_in_dot_in")
        h_ff_s = get_steps(h_ff_buf, self.time_axis)
        self.h_init = ng.constant(np.zeros(h_ff_s[0].axes.lengths),

        hprev = [self.h_init]

        for i in range(self.time_axis.length):
            with ng.metadata(recurrent_step=str(i)):
                d = ng.dot(self.W_recur,
                h = self.activation(d + h_ff_s[i] + self.b)
                h.name = "activ{}".format(i)

        rnn_out = ng.stack(hprev[1:], self.time_axis, pos=1)
        return rnn_out
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __call__(self, inputs):
        query = ng.cast_axes(inputs['query'], [self.batch_axis, self.sentence_rec_axis])

        # Query embedding [batch, sentence_axis, F]
        q_emb = self.LUT_A(query)

        # Multiply by position encoding and sum
        u_0 = ng.sum(q_emb * self.pos_enc, reduction_axes=[self.sentence_rec_axis])  # [batch, F]

        # Start a list of the internal states of the model.
        # Will be appended to after each memory hop
        u = [u_0]

        for hopn in range(self.nhops):
            keys = ng.cast_axes(inputs['keys'], [self.batch_axis, self.memory_axis,
            value = ng.cast_axes(inputs['values'], [self.batch_axis, self.memory_axis,

            # Embed keys
            m_emb_A = self.LUT_A(keys)
            m_A = ng.sum(m_emb_A * self.pos_enc,
                         reduction_axes=[self.sentence_rec_axis])  # [batch, memory_axis, F]

            # Compute scalar similarity between internal state and each memory
            # Equivalent to dot product between u[-1] and each memory in m_A
            dotted = ng.sum(u[-1] * m_A, reduction_axes=[self.embedding_axis])

            probs = ng.softmax(dotted, self.memory_axis)  # [batch, memory_axis]

            # Embed values with same embedding as keys, or new LUTs
            if self.use_v_luts:
                m_emb_C = self.LUTs_C[hopn](value)
                m_emb_C = self.LUT_A(value)

            m_C = ng.sum(m_emb_C * self.pos_enc, reduction_axes=[self.sentence_rec_axis])

            # Compute weighted sum of output embeddings
            o_k = ng.sum(probs * m_C, reduction_axes=[self.memory_axis])  # [batch, F]

            u_k = u[-1] + o_k  # [batch, F]

            # Add new internal state

        # Compute predicted answer from product of final internal state and final LUT weight matrix
        if self.use_v_luts:
            a_logits = ng.dot(self.LUTs_C[-1].W, u[-1])  # [batch, V]
            a_logits = ng.dot(self.LUT_A.W, u[-1])  # [batch, V]
        # rename V to vocab_axis to match answer
        a_logits = ng.cast_axes(a_logits, [self.vocab_axis, self.batch_axis])
        a_pred = ng.softmax(a_logits, self.vocab_axis)

        return a_pred, a_logits
Exemplo n.º 5
    def Times(self, cntk_op, inputs):
        Returns input[0] x input[1] (matrix multiplication).

            inputs: List of inputs to this node.

            A ngraph Op.
        cast_0, cast_1 = inputs

        if len(cast_0.axes) == 1 & len(cast_1.axes) == 1:
        elif len(cast_0.axes) == 1:
            temp = next((x for x in cast_1.axes if x.length == 1), None)
            if temp is None:
                temp = ng.make_axis(1)
            cast_0 = ng.broadcast(cast_0, [temp, cast_0.axes])
        elif len(cast_1.axes) == 1:
            temp = next((x for x in cast_0.axes if x.length == 1), None)
            if temp is None:
                temp = ng.make_axis(1)
            cast_1 = ng.broadcast(cast_1, [ng.make_axis(1), cast_1.axes])

        cast_0 = ng.cast_axes(cast_0, [cast_0.axes[0], cast_1.axes[0]])
        return ng.dot(cast_0, cast_1).named(cntk_op.uid)
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_one_dot_bprop_allreduce(config):
    c = config

        "GPU child transformers generate errors during AssignLayouts graph pass #1651"

    H_axis = ng.make_axis(length=4, name='height')
    W_axis = ng.make_axis(length=6, name='width')
    with ng.metadata(step='input'):
        X = ng.placeholder(axes=[H_axis, W_axis])
        target = ng.constant(1, axes=[W_axis])
    with ng.metadata(device_id=c['device_id'], parallel=W_axis):
        W = ng.variable(axes=[H_axis], initial_value=UniformInit(1, 1))
        dot = ng.dot(W, X)
        L = ng.squared_L2(target - dot, out_axes=())
        grad = ng.deriv(L, W)
        grad.metadata['reduce_func'] = c['func']
        update = (W - grad)

    with closing(ngt.make_transformer_factory('hetr')()) as hetr:
        out_comp = hetr.computation([update], X)
        result = out_comp(c['input'])

        np.testing.assert_array_equal(result, c['expected_result'])
Exemplo n.º 7
    def MatMul(self, tf_node, inputs):
        Multiplies matrix `a` by matrix `b`. The inputs must be two-dimensional,
        the inner dimensions must match (possibly after transpose).

            tf_node: NodeDef object, the tensorflow node to convert.
            inputs: List of ngraph Ops as inputs to this node.

            A ngraph Op corresponding to the tensorflow node.

        Inputs to tf_node:
            a, b, transpose_a, transpose_b, a_is_sparse, b_is_sparse, name
        # get inputs
        left, right = inputs
        if tf_node.attr['transpose_a'].b:
            left = ng.Transpose(left)
        if tf_node.attr['transpose_b'].b:
            right = ng.Transpose(right)

        # check shape
        assert len(left.axes) == len(right.axes) == 2
        assert left.axes[1].length == right.axes[0].length

        # cast axis
        left_casted = ng.cast_axes(left, [left.axes[0], right.axes[0] - 1])

        # result op
        result_op = ng.dot(left_casted, right, name=tf_node.name)

        # return
        return result_op
Exemplo n.º 8
    def Times(self, cntk_op, inputs):
        Returns input[0] x input[1] (matrix multiplication).

            cntk_op: CNTK operation to be imported.
            inputs: List of inputs to this node.

            A ngraph Op.
        cast_0, cast_1 = inputs

        cast_0_len = len(cast_0.axes)
        cast_1_len = len(cast_1.axes)

        if cast_0_len == cast_1_len == 1:
            if cast_0.axes[0] != cast_1.axes[0]:
                cast_0 = ng.cast_axes(cast_0, cast_1.axes)
        elif cast_0_len == cast_1_len:
            if cast_0.axes[1].length == cast_1.axes[0].length:
                axes = [cast_0.axes[0], cast_1.axes[0]]
                cast_0 = ng.cast_axes(cast_0, axes=axes)
                axes = self._match_axes(cast_0.axes, cast_1.axes)
                cast_0 = ng.cast_axes(cast_0, axes=axes)
        elif cast_0_len > cast_1_len:
            axes = self._match_axes(cast_0.axes, cast_1.axes)
            cast_0 = ng.cast_axes(cast_0, axes=axes)
            axes = self._match_axes(cast_1.axes, cast_0.axes)
            cast_1 = ng.cast_axes(cast_1, axes=axes)

        return ng.dot(cast_0, cast_1).named(cntk_op.uid)
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_flat_tensor_dot_tensor():
    Ensure that a flattened argument axis is not unflattend in the result.

    H = ng.make_axis(2)
    W = ng.make_axis(7)
    C = ng.make_axis(3)
    K = ng.make_axis(11)

    axes_a = ng.make_axes([H, W, C])
    a = ng.constant(np.ones(axes_a.lengths), axes=axes_a)
    flat_a = ng.flatten_at(a, 2)

    axes_b = ng.make_axes([C, K])
    b = ng.constant(np.ones(axes_b.lengths), axes=axes_b)

    result = ng.dot(b, flat_a)

    with ExecutorFactory() as factory:
        result_fun = factory.executor(result)
        result_val = result_fun()

    result_correct = np.ones_like(result_val) * C.length
    ng.testing.assert_allclose(result_val, result_correct)
Exemplo n.º 10
def matmul(left, right, transpose_a=False, transpose_b=False, name=None):
    Only support 2d matmul for now.
    # Transpose
    if transpose_a:
        left = ng.Transpose(left)
    if transpose_b:
        right = ng.Transpose(right)

    # Check shape
    assert len(left.axes) == len(right.axes) == 2
    assert left.axes[1].length == right.axes[0].length

    # step 1: cast left (pos_1, pos_0), right (pos_1, pos_0) =>
    #              left (temp , pos_1), right (pos_1, pos_0)
    # step 2: perform left dot right, result
    #         (temp, pos_0)
    # step 3: cast back to (post_1, pos_0)
    left_temp_axes = ng.make_axes(
        [ng.make_axis(left.axes[0].length), right.axes[0]])
    left = ng.cast_axes(left, axes=left_temp_axes)

    # Result op
    result_op = ng.dot(left, right).named(name)
    result_op = cast_to_pos_axes(result_op)

    # Return
    return result_op.named(name)
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_gemm(transformer_factory):
    TODO: make this more interesting
    n, c = 32, 32

    N = ng.make_axis(length=n, name='N')
    C = ng.make_axis(length=c)

    X = ng.placeholder(axes=[C, N])
    Y = ng.placeholder(axes=[N])

    W = ng.variable(axes=[C - 1], initial_value=0.1)

    Y_hat = ng.dot(W, X)

    with executor(Y_hat, X) as ex:
        mm_executor = ex

        w = np.ones(c) * 0.1
        xs = np.ones(n * c).reshape(c, n)

        for ii in range(3):
            y_hat_val = mm_executor(xs)
            # 8.8 fixed point test
            # assert np.allclose(np.dot(xs, w) - y_hat_val, 0.075*np.ones(n))

            # autoflex test
            assert_allclose(np.dot(xs, w), y_hat_val)
Exemplo n.º 12
def Gemm(onnx_node, ng_inputs):  # type: (NodeWrapper, List[NgraphNode]) -> NgraphNode
    """Calculate general matrix multiplication Y = alpha * (A @ B) + beta * C."""
    input_a, input_b, input_c = ng_inputs
    alpha = onnx_node.get_attribute_value('alpha', 1)  # Scalar multiplier for A @ B
    beta = onnx_node.get_attribute_value('beta', 1)  # Scalar multiplier for input tensor C
    broadcast = onnx_node.get_attribute_value('broadcast', 1)  # Should C be broadcast?
    trans_a = onnx_node.get_attribute_value('transA', False)  # Should A be transposed?
    trans_b = onnx_node.get_attribute_value('transB', False)  # Should B be transposed?

    if trans_a:
        input_a = transpose(input_a)
    if trans_b:
        input_b = transpose(input_b)

    # onnx-tensorflow: https://github.com/onnx/onnx-tensorflow/
    #  blob/17075f44c9071600beccfc62c92b22d1cd957bfd/onnx_tf/backend.py#L711
    # They have hardcoded flatten input `A` before transposition.
    # Firstly, we check whether input data have incompatible shapes and then try flatten input data.
    if not has_matmul_compatible_shapes(input_a.shape, input_b.shape):
        input_a = flatten_innermost_empty_dims(input_a)
        input_b = flatten_innermost_empty_dims(input_b)
        if not has_matmul_compatible_shapes(input_a.shape, input_b.shape):
            raise ValueError('Gemm node (%s): input "A" and "B" data shapes are incompatible to '
                             'multiply with each other.', onnx_node.name)

    a_dot_b = ng.dot(input_a, input_b)

    if not broadcast and input_c.shape != a_dot_b.shape:
        raise ValueError('Gemm node (%s): input data shapes are incompatible and broadcast '
                         ' was not requested!', onnx_node.name)

    return alpha * a_dot_b + beta * input_c
Exemplo n.º 13
def template_dot_one_placeholder_and_scalar(row, col, scalar, flex_exceptions,
    arg_array = np.array([i for i in range(col * row)]).reshape(row, col)
    ng_placeholder = template_create_placeholder(row, col)
    ng_var = ng.placeholder(())
    ng_fun = ng.dot(ng_var, ng_placeholder)
    flex_exceptions_index = 0
    print("Initial scalar: ", scalar)
    print("Matrix:\n", arg_array)
    with executor(ng_fun, ng_var, ng_placeholder) as m_executor:
        for i in range(row):
            print("Iteration " + str(i + 1))
            ng_op_out = m_executor(scalar, arg_array)
            np_op_out = np.dot(scalar, arg_array)

            # After each iteration matrix values are updated.
            arg_array = ng_op_out

            print("Flex dot product result: \n", ng_op_out)
            print("Numpy dot product result: \n", np_op_out)
                assert_allclose(ng_op_out, np_op_out)
            except AssertionError:
                    "Flex dot product result doesn't match to numpy.\n"
                    "Try to check if flex result is inside flex exceptions list"
                print("Flex dot product result: \n", ng_op_out)
                print("Current array inside flex exceptions list: \n",

                # Iterate to the next element of flex exceptions list
                flex_exceptions_index += 1
Exemplo n.º 14
def Gemm(onnx_node,
         ng_inputs):  # type: (NodeWrapper, List[NgraphNode]) -> NgraphNode
    """Calculate general matrix multiplication Y = alpha * (A @ B) + beta * C.

    Support is currently limited to 2D matrices only. Higher dimensional tensors will
    be flattened to 2D before multiplication.
    input_a, input_b, input_c = ng_inputs
    alpha = onnx_node.get_attribute_value('alpha',
                                          1)  # Scalar multiplier for A @ B
    beta = onnx_node.get_attribute_value(
        'beta', 1)  # Scalar multiplier for input tensor C
    trans_a = onnx_node.get_attribute_value('transA',
                                            False)  # Should A be transposed?
    trans_b = onnx_node.get_attribute_value('transB',
                                            False)  # Should B be transposed?

    if trans_a:
        input_a = transpose(input_a)
    if trans_b:
        input_b = transpose(input_b)

    input_a, input_b = reshape_for_matmul(onnx_node, input_a, input_b)

    a_dot_b = ng.dot(input_a, input_b)

    if alpha != 1:
        a_dot_b = alpha * a_dot_b

    if beta != 1:
        input_c = beta * input_c

    _, input_c = numpy_style_broadcast_for_binary_operation(
        onnx_node, [a_dot_b, input_c])
    return a_dot_b + input_c
Exemplo n.º 15
def test_reduce_vector(hetr_device):
    A whole vector is produced on each worker and should be reduced
    before being returned, but not along its axes since it
    does not have the parallel axis in its axes
    if hetr_device == 'gpu':
        pytest.xfail("broadcast communication ops not yet supported on gpus")

    H = ng.make_axis(length=4, name='height')
    N = ng.make_axis(length=8, name='batch')
    weight = ng.make_axis(length=2, name='weight')
    x = ng.placeholder(axes=[N, H])
    w = ng.placeholder(axes=[H, weight])
    with ng.metadata(device=hetr_device, device_id=('0', '1'), parallel=N):
        dot = ng.dot(x, w)
        out = ng.sum(dot, N)

    np_x = np.random.randint(100, size=[N.length, H.length])
    np_weight = np.random.randint(100, size=[H.length, weight.length])
    with closing(ngt.make_transformer_factory(
            'hetr', device=hetr_device)()) as transformer:
        computation = transformer.computation(out, x, w)
        res = computation(np_x, np_weight)
        # TODO should the reduce infer a sum or mean?
        expected = np.sum(np.dot(np_x, np_weight), 0) / 2.
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(res, expected)
Exemplo n.º 16
def Gemm(onnx_node, ng_inputs):  # type: (NodeWrapper, List[TensorOp]) -> Op
    # Y = alpha * (A @ B) + beta * C
    input_a, input_b, input_c = ng_inputs
    alpha = onnx_node.get_attribute_value('alpha',
                                          1)  # Scalar multiplier for A @ B
    beta = onnx_node.get_attribute_value(
        'beta', 1)  # Scalar multiplier for input tensor C
    broadcast = onnx_node.get_attribute_value('broadcast',
                                              1)  # Should C be broadcast?
    trans_a = onnx_node.get_attribute_value('transA',
                                            False)  # Should A be transposed?
    trans_b = onnx_node.get_attribute_value('transB',
                                            False)  # Should B be transposed?

    if not broadcast:
            'Gemm node (%s): import does not support broadcast value %s',
            onnx_node.name, broadcast)

    if trans_a:
        input_a = ng.Transpose(input_a)

    if trans_b:
        input_b = ng.Transpose(input_b)

    input_a, input_b = cast_axes_for_matmul(input_a, input_b)
    a_dot_b = ng.dot(input_a, input_b)
    a_dot_b = cast_to_pos_axes(a_dot_b)
    return alpha * a_dot_b + beta * input_c
Exemplo n.º 17
def build_graphs(L, BS):

      L: TODO
      BS: TODO

    # Axes
    L = [ng.make_axis(length=N, name='L%d' % i) for i, N in enumerate(L)]
    BS = ng.make_axis(length=BS, name='BS')

    # Builds Network
    activations = [ng.tanh for i in range(len(L) - 2)] + [ng.softmax]
    X = ng.placeholder((L[0], BS)).named('X')
    Y = ng.placeholder((L[-1], )).named('Y')
    W = [
        ng.variable((L_np1, L_n - 1)).named('W%d' % i)
        for i, (L_np1, L_n) in enumerate(zip(L[1:], L[:-1]))
    A = []
    for i, f in enumerate(activations):
        Aim1 = A[i - 1] if i > 0 else X
        A.append(f(ng.dot(W[i], Aim1)))
    Error = ng.cross_entropy_multi(A[-1], Y)
    dW = [ng.deriv(Error, w) for w in W]
    transformer = ngt.make_transformer()
    dfg = an.DataFlowGraph(transformer, dW)
    ifg = an.InterferenceGraph(dfg.liveness())
    return dfg, ifg
Exemplo n.º 18
    def FC(self, c2_op, inputs):
        Multiplies matrix `a` by matrix `b`. The inputs must be two-dimensional,
        the inner dimensions must match (possibly after transpose).

            c2_op: OperatorDef object, the caffe2 node to convert.
            inputs: List of ngraph Ops as inputs to this node.

            A ngraph Op corresponding to the caffe2 node.

        Inputs to c2_op:
            a, b, transpose_a, transpose_b, a_is_sparse, b_is_sparse, name
        # get inputs
        left, right, bias = inputs
        # check shape
        assert left.axes[1].length == right.axes[1].length
        # cast axis
        left_cast = ng.cast_axes(left, [left.axes[0], right.axes[1]])
        # add op
        dot_op = ng.dot(left_cast, right)
        # cast bias axis
        bias_cast = ng.cast_axes(bias, [dot_op.axes[-1]])
        # result op
        result_op = ng.add(dot_op, bias_cast)
        return result_op
Exemplo n.º 19
def test_evalutaion_twice(transformer_factory):
    """Test executing a computation graph twice on a one layer MLP."""
    C = ng.make_axis(name='C')
    W = ng.make_axis(name='W')
    D = ng.make_axis(name='D')

    C.length = 2
    D.length = 2
    W.length = 1

    x = ng.constant(np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]], dtype='float32'),
                    ng.make_axes([C, D]))

    hidden1_weights = ng.constant(np.array([[1], [1]], dtype='float32'),
                                  ng.make_axes([C - 1, W]))

    hidden1_biases = ng.constant(np.array([[2], [2]], dtype='float32'),
                                 ng.make_axes([D, W]))

    hidden1 = ng.dot(hidden1_weights, x) + hidden1_biases

    comp = executor(hidden1)

    result_1 = comp()
    result_2 = comp()
    assert np.array_equal(result_1, result_2)
Exemplo n.º 20
    def train_outputs(self, in_obj):
        out_axes = ng.make_axes(self.axes or [ng.make_axis(self.nout).named('Hidden')])
        in_axes = in_obj.axes.sample_axes()
        in_axes = in_axes - in_axes.recurrent_axes()
        w_axes = out_axes - out_axes.recurrent_axes() + [axis - 1 for axis in in_axes]
        if self.W is None:
            self.W = ng.variable(axes=w_axes, initial_value=self.init(w_axes.lengths))

        return ng.dot(self.W, in_obj)
Exemplo n.º 21
    def _step(self, inp, states):
        h_state = states[0]
        c_state = states[1]

        ifog = {
            k: ng.dot(self.W_input[k], inp) +
            ng.dot(self.W_recur[k], h_state) + self.b[k]
            for k in self.metadata['gates']

        ifog_act = {
            k: self.activation(ifog[k])
            if k is 'g' else self.gate_activation(ifog[k])
            for k in self.metadata['gates']

        c = ifog_act['f'] * c_state + ifog_act['i'] * ifog_act['g']
        # c_prev is the state before applying activation
        h = ifog_act['o'] * self.activation(c)
        return [h, c]
Exemplo n.º 22
    def __call__(self, in_obj):
        if self.W is None:
            self.W = ng.variable(
                axes=ng.make_axes(self.axes_map.keys()) + in_obj.axes.feature_axes(),
                initial_value=self.init, scope=self.scope,

        # in the event that the in_obj feature axes and the output feature axes
        # share axis names, self.W will have duplicate axes, which are not
        # allowed.  To get around this, we rename the output feature axes to
        # something unique that we can undo after the dot.  This map_roles is
        # undoing this temporary axes name change.
        return ng.map_roles(ng.dot(self.W, in_obj), self.axes_map)
Exemplo n.º 23
def test_flatten_deriv_simplified():
    Test derivative with dot and flatten
    ax_N = ng.make_axis(length=3)
    ax_Y = ng.make_axis(length=2)

    x = ng.placeholder(ng.make_axes([ax_N]))
    w = ng.constant([5, 2], axes=ng.make_axes([ax_Y]))
    logits = ng.dot(x, w)
    cost = ng.sum(logits, reduction_axes=logits.axes)

    delta = 0.001
    u = rng.uniform(.1, 5.0, x.axes)
    check_derivative(cost, x, delta, u, atol=1e-2, rtol=1e-2)
Exemplo n.º 24
def test_distributed_dot(transformer_factory):
    H = ng.make_axis(length=4, name='height')
    N = ng.make_axis(length=8, name='batch')
    weight = ng.make_axis(length=2, name='weight')
    x = ng.placeholder(axes=[H, N])
    w = ng.placeholder(axes=[weight, H])
    with ng.metadata(device_id=('1', '2'), parallel=N):
        dot = ng.dot(w, x)

    np_x = np.random.randint(100, size=[H.length, N.length])
    np_weight = np.random.randint(100, size=[weight.length, H.length])
    with ExecutorFactory() as ex:
        computation = ex.executor(dot, x, w)
        res = computation(np_x, np_weight)
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(res, np.dot(np_weight, np_x))
Exemplo n.º 25
def template_dot_two_placeholders(rows_1, col_1, col_2):
    ng_placeholder2, ng_placeholder1 = \
        template_create_placeholders_for_multiplication(col_2, col_1, rows_1)
    ng_fun = ng.dot(ng_placeholder1, ng_placeholder2)
    arg_array1 = np.array([i for i in range(col_1 * rows_1)
                           ]).reshape(rows_1, col_1)
    arg_array2 = np.array([i for i in range(col_1 * col_2)
                           ]).reshape(col_1, col_2)
    print("Matrix 1:\n", arg_array1)
    print("Matrix 2:\n", arg_array2)
    with executor(ng_fun, ng_placeholder1, ng_placeholder2) as mm_executor:
        np_op_out = np.dot(arg_array1, arg_array2)
        ng_op_out = mm_executor(arg_array1, arg_array2)
        print("Flex dot product result: \n", ng_op_out)
        print("Numpy dot product result: \n", np_op_out)
        assert_allclose(ng_op_out, np_op_out)
Exemplo n.º 26
def test_gdm(random_learning_rate, random_momentum_coef, wdecay, nesterov,

    # Setup the baseline and reference optimizers to be tested
    gdm_args = {
        'learning_rate': random_learning_rate,
        'momentum_coef': random_momentum_coef,
        'wdecay': wdecay,
        'nesterov': nesterov

    gdm_reference = GDMReference(**gdm_args)
    gdm = GradientDescentMomentum(**gdm_args)

    # Set up data placeholders
    C = ng.make_axis(20)
    N = ng.make_axis(32, name='N')

    data = ng.placeholder([C, N])
    target = ng.placeholder([N])

    # params to be updated using GDM
    np_W = np.random.rand(C.length)
    W = ng.variable([C], initial_value=np_W)

    # Set up op graph
    cost = ng.sum(target - ng.dot(W, data), out_axis=())
    updated_weights = ng.sequential([gdm(cost), W])

    def data_generator(iteration_count):
        for i in range(iteration_count):
            yield (np.random.rand(C.length, N.length).astype('float32'),

    # Set up the computation and run the "train" loop
    with ExecutorFactory() as ex:
        gdm_baseline = ex.transformer.computation(updated_weights, data,
        mock_dataset = data_generator(20)

        for x, y in mock_dataset:
            ng_W = gdm_baseline(x, y)  # updated weights for ngraph optimizer
            np_W = gdm_reference(
                x, np_W)  # updated weights for reference optimizer

            ng.testing.assert_allclose(np_W, ng_W, rtol=1e-3)
Exemplo n.º 27
def test_distributed_dot_parallel_second_axis():
    pytest.xfail("'parallel' for not first axis isn't supported yet")

    H = ng.make_axis(length=4, name='height')
    N = ng.make_axis(length=8, name='batch')
    weight = ng.make_axis(length=2, name='weight')
    x = ng.placeholder(axes=[H, N])
    w = ng.placeholder(axes=[weight, H])
    with ng.metadata(device_id=('0', '1'), parallel=N):
        dot = ng.dot(w, x)

    np_x = np.random.randint(100, size=[H.length, N.length])
    np_weight = np.random.randint(100, size=[weight.length, H.length])
    with ExecutorFactory() as ex:
        computation = ex.executor(dot, x, w)
        res = computation(np_x, np_weight)
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(res, np.dot(np_weight, np_x))
Exemplo n.º 28
def test_cputensor_dot(transformer_factory):
    Y = ng.make_axis(length=2)
    M = ng.make_axis(length=1)
    N = ng.make_axis(length=3)

    np_a = np.array([[1, 2, 3]], dtype=np.float32)
    np_b = np.array([[1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 4]], dtype=np.float32)
    np_c = np.dot(np_a, np_b)

    a = ng.constant(np_a, [M, N]).named('a')
    b = ng.constant(np_b, [N, Y]).named('b')
    c = ng.dot(a, b)

    with executor(c) as ex:
        result = ex()

    assert np.array_equal(result, np_c)
Exemplo n.º 29
    def _step(self, h_ff, states):
        h_state = states[0]
        c_state = states[1]
        ifog = {
            k: sum([ng.cast_role(h_ff[k], self.out_axes),
                    ng.cast_role(ng.dot(self.W_recur[k], h_state), self.out_axes),
                    ]) for k in self.metadata['gates']
        ifog_act = {k: self.activation(ifog[k]) if k is 'g'
                    else self.gate_activation(ifog[k]) for k in self.metadata['gates']}

        c = ifog_act['f'] * c_state + ifog_act['i'] * ifog_act['g']
        # c_prev is the state before applying activation
        h = ifog_act['o'] * self.activation(c)
        h = ng.cast_role(h, self.out_axes)
        return [h, c]
Exemplo n.º 30
def test_recvop_axes_using_dot(transformer_factory):
    x_value = np.array([[1], [2]])
    w_value = np.array([[-1, 1]])

    A1 = ng.make_axis(length=1)
    A2 = ng.make_axis(length=2)
    A3 = ng.make_axis(length=2)

    x = ng.placeholder([A2, A1])
    w = ng.variable([A1, A3], initial_value=w_value)

    with ng.metadata(device_id='1'):
        result = ng.dot(x, w)

    with ExecutorFactory() as ex:
        computation = ex.executor(result, x, w)
        assert ng.equal(computation(x_value, w_value),
                        np.dot(x_value, w_value))
Exemplo n.º 31
def test_comm_broadcast_op(hetr_device):
    if hetr_device == 'gpu':
        pytest.skip('gpu communication broadcast op is not supported.')
    H = ng.make_axis(length=4, name='height')
    N = ng.make_axis(length=8, name='batch')
    weight = ng.make_axis(length=2, name='weight')
    x = ng.placeholder(axes=[N, H])
    # w will be broadcasted to devices
    w = ng.placeholder(axes=[H, weight])
    with ng.metadata(device_id=('0', '1'), parallel=N):
        dot = ng.dot(x, w)

    np_x = np.random.randint(100, size=[N.length, H.length])
    np_weight = np.random.randint(100, size=[H.length, weight.length])
    with ExecutorFactory() as ex:
        computation = ex.executor(dot, x, w)
        res = computation(np_x, np_weight)
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(res, np.dot(np_x, np_weight))
Exemplo n.º 32
    def __call__(self, inputs):
        query = ng.cast_axes(
            inputs['user_utt'], [
                self.batch_axis, self.sentence_rec_axis])

        # Query embedding [batch, sentence_axis, F]
        q_emb = self.LUT_A(query)

        # Multiply by position encoding and sum
        u_0 = ng.sum(q_emb, reduction_axes=[self.sentence_rec_axis])

        # Start a list of the internal states of the model. Will be appended to
        # after each memory hop
        u = [u_0]

        for hopn in range(self.nhops):
            story = ng.cast_axes(
                inputs['memory'], [
                    self.batch_axis, self.memory_axis, self.sentence_rec_axis])

            # Re-use the query embedding matrix to embed the memory sentences
            # [batch, memory_axis, sentence_axis, F]
            m_emb_A = self.LUT_A(story)
            m_A = ng.sum(
                m_emb_A, reduction_axes=[
                    self.sentence_rec_axis])  # [batch, memory_axis, F]

            # Compute scalar similarity between internal state and each memory
            # Equivalent to dot product between u[-1] and each memory in m_A
            # [batch, memory_axis]
            dotted = ng.sum(u[-1] * m_A, reduction_axes=[self.embedding_axis])

            # [batch, memory_axis]
            probs = ng.softmax(dotted, self.memory_axis)

            # Renormalize probabilites according to non-empty memories
            probs_masked = probs * inputs['memory_mask']
            renorm_sum = ng.sum(
                probs_masked, reduction_axes=[
                    self.memory_axis]) + self.eps
            probs_renorm = (probs_masked + self.eps) / renorm_sum

            # Compute weighted sum of memory embeddings
            o_k = ng.sum(
                probs_renorm * m_A,
                    self.memory_axis])  # [batch, F]

            # Add the output back into the internal state and project
            u_k = ng.cast_axes(ng.dot(self.R_proj, o_k), [
                               self.embedding_axis, self.batch_axis]) + u[-1]  # [batch, F_proj]

            # Add new internal state

        if self.use_match_type:
            # [batch_axis, cand_axis, cand_rec_axis, F]
            self.cands_mat = inputs['cands_mat']

        # Embed all candidate responses using LUT_W
        # [<batch_axis>, cand_axis, cand_rec_axis, F]
        cand_emb_W = self.LUT_W(self.cands_mat)
        # No position encoding added yet
        cands_mat_emb = ng.sum(
            cand_emb_W, reduction_axes=[
                self.cand_rec_axis])  # [<batch_axis>, cand_axis, F]

        # Compute predicted answer from product of final internal state
        # and embedded candidate answers
        # a_logits = ng.dot(cands_mat_emb, u[-1]) # [batch, cand_axis]
        # [batch, cand_axis]
        a_logits = ng.sum(u[-1] * cands_mat_emb,

        # rename V to vocab_axis to match answer
        a_logits = ng.cast_axes(a_logits, [self.batch_axis, self.cand_axis])
        a_pred = ng.softmax(a_logits, self.cand_axis)

        return a_pred, probs_renorm
Exemplo n.º 33
# Constants required for masking
const_LSTM = ng.constant(axes=[F, dummy_axis], const=1)
const_loss = ng.constant(axes=[ax.Y, dummy_axis], const=1)
const_LSTM_embed = ng.constant(axes=[F_embed, dummy_axis], const=1)

# Create masks
reorder_para_mask = ng.axes_with_order(
    inputs['para_len'], axes=[
        dummy_axis, inputs['para_len'].axes[2], N])

reorder_ques_mask = ng.axes_with_order(
    inputs['question_len'], axes=[
        dummy_axis, inputs['question_len'].axes[2], N])

# Masks for question and para after encoding layer
mask_para = ng.dot(const_LSTM, reorder_para_mask)
mask_question = ng.dot(const_LSTM,
                       ng.cast_axes(reorder_ques_mask, [dummy_axis, REC, N]))

# Masks for question and para after embedding/LookupTable layer
mask_para_embed = ng.dot(const_LSTM_embed, reorder_para_mask)
mask_question_embed = ng.dot(
    const_LSTM_embed, ng.cast_axes(
        reorder_ques_mask, [
            dummy_axis, REC, N]))

# Pass question and para through embedding layer and dropout layers
embed_output_para_1 = embed_layer(inputs['para'])
embed_output_para = dropout_1(embed_output_para_1, keep=dropout_val)
question_inps = ng.cast_axes(inputs['question'], [N, REC])
embed_output_ques_1 = embed_layer(question_inps)