Exemplo n.º 1
def euclDist_infl(subject):

    import numpy as np
    import nibabel.freesurfer.io as fs
    from scipy.spatial import distance_matrix
    fsDir = '/afs/cbs.mpg.de/projects/mar004_lsd-lemon-preproc/freesurfer'
    surfDir = '/afs/cbs.mpg.de/projects/mar005_lsd-lemon-surf/probands'
    for hemi in ['lh', 'rh']:
        # fsaverage5 coords on sphere
        fsa5_sphere_coords = fs.read_geometry('%s/fsaverage5/surf/%s.sphere' % (fsDir, hemi))[0]
        cort = fs.read_label('%s/fsaverage5/label/%s.cortex.label' % (fsDir, hemi))
        # get corresponding nodes on subject sphere (find coords of high-dim subject surface closest to fsa5 nodes in sphere space)
        subj_sphere_coords = fs.read_geometry('%s/%s/surf/%s.sphere' % (fsDir, subject, hemi))[0]
        subj_indices = []
        for node in cort:
            dist2all = np.squeeze(distance_matrix(np.expand_dims(fsa5_sphere_coords[node], axis=0), subj_sphere_coords))
        # pair-wise euclidean distance between included nodes on subject surface (midline)
        subj_surf_coords = fs.read_geometry('%s/%s/surf/%s.inflated' % (fsDir, subject, hemi))[0]
        euclDist = np.zeros((10242,10242))
        euclDist[np.ix_(cort, cort)] = distance_matrix(subj_surf_coords[subj_indices,:],subj_surf_coords[subj_indices,:])
        np.save('%s/%s/distance_maps/%s_%s_euclDist_inflated_fsa5' % (surfDir, subject, subject, hemi), euclDist)
Exemplo n.º 2
def euclDist(subject):

    import numpy as np
    import nibabel.freesurfer.io as fs
    from scipy.spatial import distance_matrix

    fsDir = '/afs/cbs.mpg.de/projects/mar004_lsd-lemon-preproc/freesurfer'
    surfDir = '/afs/cbs.mpg.de/projects/mar005_lsd-lemon-surf/probands'

    for hemi in ['lh', 'rh']:

        # fsaverage5 coords on sphere
        fsa5_sphere_coords = fs.read_geometry('%s/fsaverage5/surf/%s.sphere' %
                                              (fsDir, hemi))[0]
        cort = fs.read_label('%s/fsaverage5/label/%s.cortex.label' %
                             (fsDir, hemi))

        # get corresponding nodes on subject sphere (find coords of high-dim subject surface closest to fsa5 nodes in sphere space)
        subj_sphere_coords = fs.read_geometry('%s/%s/surf/%s.sphere' %
                                              (fsDir, subject, hemi))[0]
        subj_indices = []
        for node in cort:
            dist2all = np.squeeze(
                    np.expand_dims(fsa5_sphere_coords[node], axis=0),

        # pair-wise euclidean distance between included nodes on subject surface (midline)
        subj_surf_coords_pial = fs.read_geometry('%s/%s/surf/%s.pial' %
                                                 (fsDir, subject, hemi))[0]
        subj_surf_coords_wm = fs.read_geometry('%s/%s/surf/%s.smoothwm' %
                                               (fsDir, subject, hemi))[0]
        subj_surf_coords = (subj_surf_coords_pial + subj_surf_coords_wm) / 2.

        euclDist = np.zeros((10242, 10242))
        euclDist[np.ix_(cort, cort)] = distance_matrix(
            subj_surf_coords[subj_indices, :],
            subj_surf_coords[subj_indices, :])
            '%s/%s/distance_maps/%s_%s_euclDist_fsa5' %
            (surfDir, subject, subject, hemi), euclDist)
Exemplo n.º 3
def read_label_md(label_file, hemisphere_label, meta_data=None):
    Read label file and record meta data for it.

    A label file is a FreeSurfer text file like 'subject/label/lh.cortex.label' that contains a list of vertex ids (with RAS coordinates) that are part of the label. It may optionally contain a scalar values for each vertex, but that is currently ignored by this function.

    label_file: string
        A string representing a path to a FreeSurfer vertex annotation file (e.g., the path to 'lh.cortex.label').

    hemisphere_label: {'lh' or 'rh'}
        A string representing the hemisphere this file belongs to. This is used to write the correct meta data.

    meta_data: dictionary | None, optional
        Meta data to merge into the output `meta_data`. Defaults to the empty dictionary.

    verts_in_label: ndarray, shape (num_labeled_verts,)
        Contains an array of vertex ids, one id for each vertex that is part of the label.

    meta_data: dictionary
        Contains detailed information on the data that was loaded. The following keys are available (replace `?h` with the value of the argument `hemisphere_label`, which must be 'lh' or 'rh').
            - `?h.label_file` : the file that was loaded
    if hemisphere_label not in ('lh', 'rh'):
        raise ValueError(
            "ERROR: hemisphere_label must be one of {'lh', 'rh'} but is '%s'."
            % hemisphere_label)

    if meta_data is None:
        meta_data = {}

    verts_in_label = fsio.read_label(label_file, read_scalars=False)

    key_for_label_file = hemisphere_label + '.label_file'
    meta_data[key_for_label_file] = label_file

    return verts_in_label, meta_data
Exemplo n.º 4
def smooth_aparc(insurfname, inaparcname, incortexname, outaparcname):
    """ (string) -> None
    smoothes aparc
    # read input files
    print("Reading in surface: {} ...".format(insurfname))
    surf = read_geometry(insurfname, read_metadata=True)
    print("Reading in annotation: {} ...".format(inaparcname))
    aparc = fs.read_annot(inaparcname)
    print("Reading in cortex label: {} ...".format(incortexname))
    cortex = fs.read_label(incortexname)
    # set labels (n) and triangles (n x 3)
    labels = aparc[0]
    faces  = surf[1]
    nvert = labels.size
    if labels.size != surf[0].shape[0]:
        sys.exit("ERROR smooth_aparc: vertec count "+format(surf[0].shape[0])+" does not match label length "+format(labels.size))

    # Compute Cortex Mask
    mask = np.zeros(labels.shape, dtype=bool)
    mask[cortex] = True
    # check if we have places where non-cortex has some labels
    noncortnum=np.where(~mask & (labels != -1))
    print("Non-cortex vertices with labels: "+str(noncortnum[0].size)) # num of places where non cortex has some real labels
    # here we need to decide how to deal with them
    # either we set everything outside cortex to -1 (the FS way)
    # or we keep these real labels and allow them to vote, maybe even shrink cortex label? Probably not.

    # get non-cortex ids (here we could subtract the ids that have a real label)
    # for now we remove everything outside cortex
    noncortids = np.where(~mask)
    # remove triangles where one vertex is non-cortex to avoid these edges to vote on neighbors later
    rr = np.in1d(faces, noncortids)
    rr = np.reshape(rr, faces.shape)
    rr = np.amax(rr, 1)
    faces = faces[~rr, :]
    # get Edge matrix (adjacency)
    adjM = get_adjM(faces, nvert)
    # add identity so that each vertex votes in the mode filter below
    adjM = adjM + sparse.eye(adjM.shape[0])
    #print("adj shape: {}".format(adjM.shape))
    #print("v shape: {}".format(surf[0].shape))
    #print("labels shape: {}".format(labels.size))
    #print("labels: {}".format(labels))
    #print("minlab: "+str(np.min(labels))+" maxlab: "+str(np.max(labels)))
    # set all labels inside cortex that are -1 or 0 to fill label
    fillonlylabel = np.max(labels)+1
    labels[mask & (labels == -1)] = fillonlylabel
    labels[mask & (labels == 0)]  = fillonlylabel
    # now we do not have any -1 or 0 (except 0 outside of cortex)
    ids = np.where(labels == fillonlylabel)[0]
    counter = 1
    idssize = ids.size
    while idssize != 0:
        print("Fill Round: "+str(counter))
        labels_new = mode_filter(adjM, labels, fillonlylabel, np.array([fillonlylabel]))
        labels = labels_new
        ids = np.where(labels == fillonlylabel)[0]
        if ids.size == idssize:
            # no more improvement, strange could be an island in the cortex label that cannot be filled
            print("Warning: Cannot improve but still have holes. Maybe there is an island in the cortex label that cannot be filled with real labels.")
            fillids = np.where(labels == fillonlylabel)[0]
            labels[fillids] = 0
            rr = np.in1d(faces, fillids)
            rr = np.reshape(rr, faces.shape)
            rr = np.amax(rr, 1)
            faces = faces[~rr, :]
            # get Edge matrix (adjacency)
            adjM = get_adjM(faces, nvert)
            # add identity so that each vertex votes in the mode filter below
            adjM = adjM + sparse.eye(adjM.shape[0])
        idssize = ids.size
        counter += 1
    # SMOOTH other labels (first with wider kernel then again fine-tune):
    labels = mode_filter(adjM*adjM, labels)
    labels = mode_filter(adjM, labels)
    # set labels outside cortex to -1
    labels[~mask] = -1
    print ("Outputing fixed annot: {}".format(outaparcname))
    fs.write_annot(outaparcname, labels, aparc[1], aparc[2])
Exemplo n.º 5
    outfile = 'BCI-DNI_Perirhinal' + '.' + hemi + '.mid.cortex.dfs'
    ''' BCI to FS processed BCI '''
    bci_bsti = readdfs(
        '/home/ajoshi/BrainSuite19b/svreg/BCI-DNI_brain_atlas/BCI-DNI_brain.' +
        hemi + '.inner.cortex.dfs')
    bci_bst_mid = readdfs(
        '/home/ajoshi/BrainSuite19b/svreg/BCI-DNI_brain_atlas/BCI-DNI_brain.' +
        hemi + '.mid.cortex.dfs')

    bci_bsti.vertices[:, 0] -= 96 * 0.8
    bci_bsti.vertices[:, 1] -= 192 * 0.546875
    bci_bsti.vertices[:, 2] -= 192 * 0.546875
    bci.vertices, bci.faces = fsio.read_geometry(
        '/big_disk/ajoshi/data/BCI_DNI_Atlas/surf/' + fshemi + '.white')
    bci.labels = np.zeros(bci.vertices.shape[0])
    for i in range(len(broadmann)):
        labind = fsio.read_label('/big_disk/ajoshi/data/BCI_DNI_Atlas/label/' +
                                 fshemi + '.' + broadmann[i] + '.label')
        bci.labels[labind] = i + 1

    bci = patch_color_labels(bci)

    bci_bsti = interpolate_labels(bci, bci_bsti)
    bci_bst_mid.labels = bci_bsti.labels
    bci_bst_mid = smooth_patch(bci_bst_mid, iterations=3000, relaxation=.5)
    bci_bst_labels = patch_color_labels(bci_bst_mid)
    writedfs(outfile, bci_bst_labels)
Exemplo n.º 6
def analyze_alff_between_conditions(input_label, input_contrast1,
                                    input_contrast2, input_rest, min_contrast,
    Comparison of resting-state between different stripes populations. Mask stripes from an input 
    contrast within a label ROI and randomly select <nvert> vertices within the final mask. An 
    independent samples t-test is computed (or Welch's test if Levene's test is significant).
        *input_label: input label file to define the region of interest.
        *input_contrast1: first input contrast data for masking.
        *input_contrast2: second input contrast data for masking.
        *input_rest: input resting-state data (alff or falff).
        *min_contrast: minimum contrast for masking (t-score).
        *min_rest: minimum resting-state fluctuation within the mask.
        *nvert: number of selected vertices.
        *rest1: resting-state data within condition1.
        *rest2: resting-state data within condition2.
        *t: t-score from independent samples t-test.
        *p: p-value from independent samples t-test.
        *p_levene: p-value from Levene's test.

    created by Daniel Haenelt
    Date created: 11-03-2019
    Last modified: 24-07-2020
    import random
    import numpy as np
    import nibabel as nb
    from nibabel.freesurfer.io import read_label
    from scipy.stats import ttest_ind, levene

    # load data
    label = read_label(input_label)
    contrast1 = np.squeeze(nb.load(input_contrast1).get_fdata())
    contrast2 = np.squeeze(nb.load(input_contrast2).get_fdata())
    rest = np.squeeze(nb.load(input_rest).get_fdata())

    # mask data
    contrast1[contrast1 < min_contrast] = np.NaN
    contrast2[contrast2 < min_contrast] = np.NaN

    contrast1[~label] = np.NaN
    contrast2[~label] = np.NaN
    contrast1[~np.isnan(contrast1)] = 1
    contrast2[~np.isnan(contrast2)] = 1

    # get resting-state data in mask
    rest1 = rest * contrast1
    rest1 = rest1[~np.isnan(rest1)]
    rest1 = rest1[rest1 != np.min(rest1)]

    rest2 = rest * contrast2
    rest2 = rest2[~np.isnan(rest2)]
    rest2 = rest2[rest2 != np.min(rest2)]

    # select random number of vertices
    label_shuffled1 = random.sample(range(0, len(rest1)), nvert)
    label_shuffled2 = random.sample(range(0, len(rest2)), nvert)

    rest1 = rest1[label_shuffled1]
    rest2 = rest2[label_shuffled2]

    # independent samples t-test
    # Levene's test is run to check for equal variances. If variances are not equal, Welch's t-test
    # is performed.
    _, p_levene = levene(rest1, rest2)
    if p_levene < 0.05:
        t, p = ttest_ind(rest1, rest2, equal_var=False)
        t, p = ttest_ind(rest1, rest2, equal_var=True)

    return rest1, rest2, t, p, p_levene
Exemplo n.º 7
def load_freesurfer_label(filename, read_scalars=False):
    load_freesurfer_label(filename) is equivalent to nibabel.freesurfer.io.read_label(filename).
    return fsio.read_label(filename, read_scalars=read_scalars)

class rh:

class lh32k:

class rh32k:

# Process left hemisphere
yeomapL, _, _ = fsio.read_label(inputfile_L)
vert, faces = fsio.read_geometry(fsAve_sph_L)
gL = nib.load(fsAve_sph_32k_L)
vert32k = gL.darrays[0].data
faces32k = gL.darrays[1].data
lh_sph.vertices = vert
lh_sph.faces = faces
lh_sph.labels = yeomapL
lh32k.vertices = vert32k
lh32k.faces = faces32k
lh32k = interpolate_labels(lh_sph, lh32k)
gL = nib.load(fsAve_32k_L)
lh32k.vertices = gL.darrays[0].data
lh32k.faces = gL.darrays[1].data
lh32k = patch_color_labels(lh32k)
Exemplo n.º 9
def analyze_alff_between_stripes(input_label, input_contrast, input_rest,
                                 min_contrast, nvert):
    Comparison of resting-state data within and between V2 stripes. Mask stripes within a ROI from
    a label with a thresholded contrast and select randomly <nvert> vertices either within or 
    between stripes. An independent samples t-test is computed (or Welch's test if Levene's test is
        *input_label: input label file to define the region of interest.
        *input_contrast: input contrast data for masking.
        *input_rest: input resting-state data (alff or falff).
        *min_contrast: minimum contrast for masking (t-score).
        *nvert: number of selected vertices.
        *rest_pos: resting-state data within stripes.
        *rest_neg: resting-state data between stripes.
        *t: t-score from independent samples t-test.
        *p: p-value from independent samples t-test.
        *p_levene: p-value from Levene's test.

    created by Daniel Haenelt
    Date created: 11-03-2019
    Last modified: 24-07-2020
    import random
    import numpy as np
    import nibabel as nb
    from nibabel.freesurfer.io import read_label
    from scipy.stats import ttest_ind, levene

    # load data
    label = read_label(input_label)
    contrast = np.squeeze(nb.load(input_contrast).get_fdata())
    rest = np.squeeze(nb.load(input_rest).get_fdata())

    # mask data
    contrast_pos = contrast.copy()
    contrast_neg = contrast.copy()

    contrast_pos[contrast < min_contrast] = np.NaN
    contrast_neg[contrast > -min_contrast] = np.NaN

    contrast_pos[~label] = np.NaN
    contrast_neg[~label] = np.NaN
    contrast_pos[~np.isnan(contrast_pos)] = 1
    contrast_neg[~np.isnan(contrast_neg)] = 1

    # get resting-state data in mask
    rest_pos = rest.copy()
    rest_neg = rest.copy()

    rest_pos = rest_pos * contrast_pos
    rest_pos = rest_pos[~np.isnan(rest_pos)]
    rest_pos = rest_pos[rest_pos != np.min(rest_pos)]

    rest_neg = rest_neg * contrast_neg
    rest_neg = rest_neg[~np.isnan(rest_neg)]
    rest_neg = rest_neg[rest_neg != np.min(rest_neg)]

    # select random number of vertices
    label_shuffled_pos = random.sample(range(0, len(rest_pos)), nvert)
    label_shuffled_neg = random.sample(range(0, len(rest_neg)), nvert)

    rest_pos = rest_pos[label_shuffled_pos]
    rest_neg = rest_neg[label_shuffled_neg]

    # independent samples t-test
    # Levene's test is run to check for equal variances. If variances are not equal, Welch's t-test
    # is performed.
    _, p_levene = levene(rest_pos, rest_neg)
    if p_levene < 0.05:
        t, p = ttest_ind(rest_pos, rest_neg, equal_var=False)
        t, p = ttest_ind(rest_pos, rest_neg, equal_var=True)

    return rest_pos, rest_neg, t, p, p_levene
Exemplo n.º 10
path_output = '/data/pt_01880'
basename_output = "se_epi1_se_epi2"

# correlation plot labels
corr_title = ""
corr_x_label = "t-score (session 3)"
corr_y_label = "t-score (session 4)"

# parameters
frac = 0.25
niter = 1000

""" do not edit below """

# load data
label = read_label(input_label).tolist()

# if input file extension is not *.mgh, interprete as morphological file
if os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(input_sess1))[1] == ".mgh":
    sess1 = np.squeeze(nb.load(input_sess1).get_fdata())
    sess1 = np.squeeze(read_morph_data(input_sess1))

# if input file extension is not *.mgh, interprete as morphological file
if os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(input_sess2))[1] == ".mgh":
    sess2 = np.squeeze(nb.load(input_sess2).get_fdata())
    sess2 = np.squeeze(read_morph_data(input_sess2))

# get the amount of data points
ndata = np.round(frac * len(label)).astype(int)