Exemplo n.º 1
def energy_per_dataframe(electricity, sample_period_multiplier=20, unit="kwh"):
    """pre-processes electricity and then gets total energy per channel, 
    after masking out all gaps in mains.

    mains_total_energy, totals_per_appliance

    total_mains_energy : float
    totals_per_appliance : pd.Series
        each key is an ApplianceName
        each value is total energy

    # TODO: this might be an ugly hack to resolve circular dependencies.
    from nilmtk.preprocessing.electricity.building import mask_appliances_with_mains
    from nilmtk.preprocessing.electricity.single import insert_zeros

    # remove 'unmetered' and 'subpanels' from appliances
    electricity.appliances = electricity.remove_channels_from_appliances()

    # Sum split mains and DualSupply appliances
    electricity = electricity.sum_split_supplies()

    # TODO: Select common measurements. Maybe use electricity.select_common_measurements?
    # MEASUREMENT_PREFERENCES = [Measurement('power', 'active'),
    #                            Measurement('power', 'apparent')]

    # # Check if all channels share at least one Measurement (e.g. ('power', 'active'))
    # common_measurements = find_common_measurements(electricity)
    # common_measurement = None
    # for measurement_preference in MEASUREMENT_PREFERENCES:
    #     if measurement_preference in common_measurements:
    #         common_measurement = measurement_preference
    #         print("Using common_measurement:", common_measurement)
    #         break
    # if common_measurements is None and require_common_measurements:
    #     raise NoCommonMeasurementError

    # Find large gaps in mains data and ignore those gaps for all appliance channels
    electricity = mask_appliances_with_mains(electricity, sample_period_multiplier)

    # Drop NaNs on all channels
    electricity = apply_func_to_values_of_dicts(electricity, lambda df: df.dropna(), ["appliances", "mains"])

    # Insert_zeros on appliance data.
    print("Inserting zeros... may take a little while...", end="")
    single_insert_zeros = lambda df: insert_zeros(df, sample_period_multiplier=sample_period_multiplier)
    electricity = apply_func_to_values_of_dicts(electricity, single_insert_zeros, ["appliances", "mains"])
    print("done inserting zeros")

    # Total energy used for mains
    total_mains_energy = get_total_energy_per_dict(electricity, "mains", unit)

    totals_per_appliance = {}
    for name, df in electricity.appliances.iteritems():
        totals_per_appliance[name] = single.energy(df, unit=unit)

    return total_mains_energy, pd.Series(totals_per_appliance)
Exemplo n.º 2
def fill_appliance_gaps(building, sample_period_multiplier=4):
    """Book-ends all large gaps with zeros using
    on all appliances in `building` and then forward fills any remaining NaNs.
    This will result in forward-filling small gaps with
    the recorded value which precedes the gap, and forward-filling zeros
    in large gaps.

    NOTE: This function assumes that any gaps in the appliance data is the
    result of the appliance monitor and the appliance being off.  Do not
    use this function if gaps in appliance data are the result of the
    IAM being broken (and hence the state of the appliance is unknown).

    building : nilmtk.Building
    sample_period_multiplier : float or int, optional
        The permissible  maximum sample period expressed as a multiple
        of each dataframe's sample period. Any gap longer
        than the max sample period is assumed to imply that the IAM
        and appliance are off.  If None then will default to
        4 x the sample period of each dataframe.

    building_copy : nilmtk.Building

    See Also

    # TODO: should probably remove any periods where all appliances
    # are not recording (which indicates that things are broken)

    # "book-end" each gap with a zero at each end
    single_insert_zeros = lambda df: single.insert_zeros(
        df, sample_period_multiplier=sample_period_multiplier)

    APPLIANCES = ['utility.electric.appliances']
    new_building = apply_func_to_values_of_dicts(building, single_insert_zeros,

    # Now fill forward
    ffill = lambda df: pd.DataFrame.fillna(df, method='ffill')
    new_building = apply_func_to_values_of_dicts(new_building, ffill,

    return new_building