def run(self): """ This method is where your nimble script should be implemented. Prior to Nimble calling this method the class receives the arguments passed through Nimble needed by the your method implementation. """ # Retrieve the arguments passed by Nimble using the fetch method, which includes a default # value to assign if the argument was not specified in the Nimble call sphereCount = self.fetch('count', 6) ringRadius = self.fetch('radius', 10) yOffset = self.fetch('y', 0) # Create the spheres using Maya commands imported through Nimble, which allows this script # to be run flexibly both inside and outside of Maya sphereNames = [] for i in range(sphereCount): result = cmds.sphere() sphereNames.append(result[0]) # Position the sphere in the ring cmds.move( ringRadius*math.cos(2.0*math.pi*i/sphereCount), 0, ringRadius*math.sin(2.0*math.pi*i/sphereCount), result[0]) # Place the spheres within a group node to represent the ring and move the group up the # y-axis by the value specified by the script arguments ringGroupNode =*sphereNames, name='sphereRing1') cmds.move(0, yOffset, 0, ringGroupNode) # Set the results of the script with the put command for returning to the Nimble calling # environment self.put('ringName', ringGroupNode) self.put('sphereNames', sphereNames)
def _makeMolecule(self): #H2O O = cmds.polySphere(r=1, n='O', ax = [0,0,0]); H1 = cmds.polySphere(r=0.8, n='H1', ax=[0,0,0]); H2 = cmds.polySphere(r=0.8, n='H2', ax=[0,0,0]); cmds.move(0.0,0.0,1,H1, r=True) cmds.move(0.0,0.0,-1,H2, r=True) cmds.xform(H1, piv=[0,0,0], ws=True) cmds.xform(H2, piv=[0,0,0], ws=True) cmds.rotate(0,'60',0, H1); #group O, H1, H2 as a water molecule H2O = empty=True, name='H2O' ) cmds.parent(H1,H2,O,H2O) #paint on colors for the water molecule #create red lambert cmds.sets( renderable=True, noSurfaceShader=True, empty=True, name='O_WhiteSG' ) cmds.shadingNode( 'lambert', asShader=True, name='O_White' ) cmds.setAttr( 'O_White.color', 1, 1, 1, type='double3') cmds.connectAttr('O_White.outColor', 'O_WhiteSG.surfaceShader') #create red lambert cmds.sets( renderable=True, noSurfaceShader=True, empty=True, name='H_RedSG' ) cmds.shadingNode( 'lambert', asShader=True, name='H_Red' ) cmds.setAttr( 'H_Red.color', 1, 0, 0, type='double3') cmds.connectAttr('H_Red.outColor', 'H_RedSG.surfaceShader') #assign the material cmds.sets('H1', edit=True, forceElement='H_RedSG') cmds.sets('H2', edit=True, forceElement='H_RedSG') cmds.sets('O', edit=True, forceElement='O_WhiteSG') return H2O
def _handleRoadButton(self): exist ='road') if(len(exist) != 0): cmds.delete('road'), name='road') transformName ='brick', typ='transform')[0] num = int(self.bricksNum.text()) for i in range(0, num): instanceResult = cmds.instance(transformName, name=transformName + '_instance#') #print 'instanceResult: ' + str(instanceResult) x = random.uniform(-3, 34) z = random.uniform(-3,3) cmds.move(x, 0, z, instanceResult) yRot = random.uniform(0,360) cmds.rotate(0, yRot, 0, instanceResult) cmds.parent(instanceResult, road)
def _handleDuplicatedButton(self): random.seed(1234) exist ='dust') if(len(exist) != 0): cmds.delete('dust'), name='dust') transformName ='pie', typ='transform')[0] num = int(self.dustNum.text()) for i in range(0, num): instanceResult = cmds.instance(transformName, name=transformName + '_instance#') #print 'instanceResult: ' + str(instanceResult) x = random.uniform(-3, 34) y = random.uniform(0,4) z = random.uniform(-3,3) cmds.move(x, y, z, instanceResult) xRot = random.uniform(0,360) yRot = random.uniform(0,360) zRot = random.uniform(0,360) cmds.rotate(xRot, yRot, zRot, instanceResult) cmds.parent(instanceResult, dust)
def _handleExampleButton(self): """ This callback creates a polygonal cylinder in the Maya scene. """ random.seed(1234) #check sphereList ='hydrogen1', 'hydrogen2', 'oxygen', 'H2O') if len(sphereList) > 0: cmds.delete(sphereList) #create 2 hydrogen and oxygen h1 = cmds.polySphere(r=12.0, name='hydrogen1') h2 = cmds.polySphere(r=12.0, name='hydrogen2') oxygen = cmds.polySphere(r=15.0, name='oxygen') #move cmds.move(-15, 0, 0, h1) cmds.move(15, 0, 0, h2) cmds.xform(h1, piv=[0, 0, 0], ws=True) cmds.xform(h2, piv=[0, 0, 0], ws=True) cmds.rotate(0, '75', 0, h1) #group hydrogen and oxygen together H2O =, name='H2O#') cmds.parent('hydrogen1', 'hydrogen2', 'oxygen', 'H2O1') #add color def createMaterial(name, color, type): cmds.sets(renderable=True, noSurfaceShader=True, empty=True, name=name + 'SG') cmds.shadingNode(type, asShader=True, name=name) cmds.setAttr(name + '.color', color[0], color[1], color[2], type='double3') cmds.connectAttr(name + '.outColor', name + 'SG.surfaceShader') def assignMaterial(name, object): cmds.sets(object, edit=True, forceElement=name + 'SG') def assignNewMaterial(name, color, type, object): createMaterial(name, color, type) assignMaterial(name, object) #H is white and O is red assignNewMaterial('Red', (1, 0, 0), 'lambert', 'oxygen') assignNewMaterial('White', (1, 1, 1), 'lambert', 'hydrogen1') assignMaterial('White', 'hydrogen2') #key frame def keyFullRotation(pObjectName, pStartTime, pEndTime, pTargetAttribute, pValueStart, pvalueEnd): keyt = (pStartTime[0], pStartTime[0]) cmds.cutKey(pObjectName, time=(keyt, keyt), attribute=pTargetAttribute) cmds.setKeyframe(pObjectName, time=pStartTime, attribute=pTargetAttribute, value=pValueStart) cmds.setKeyframe(pObjectName, time=pEndTime, attribute=pTargetAttribute, value=pvalueEnd) #cmds.selectKey( pObjectName, time=(pStartTime, [pEndTime]), attribute=pTargetAttribute, keyframe=True ) #duplicate H2O for i in range(1, 52): cmds.duplicate(H2O) #get random coord x = random.uniform(-200, 200) y = random.uniform(0, 300) z = random.uniform(-200, 200) cmds.move(x, y, z, H2O) xRot = random.uniform(0, 360) yRot = random.uniform(0, 360) zRot = random.uniform(0, 360) cmds.rotate(xRot, yRot, zRot, H2O) startTime = cmds.playbackOptions(minTime=1) endTime = cmds.playbackOptions(maxTime=30) h2o = "H2O" + str(i) for y in range(3): coordsX = cmds.getAttr(h2o + '.translateX') coordsY = cmds.getAttr(h2o + '.translateY') coordsZ = cmds.getAttr(h2o + '.translateZ') ranStartX = int(random.uniform(0, 15)) ranStartY = int(random.uniform(0, 15)) ranStartZ = int(random.uniform(0, 15)) ranEndX = int(random.uniform(15, 30)) ranEndY = int(random.uniform(15, 30)) ranEndZ = int(random.uniform(15, 30)) x = random.uniform(coordsX - 50, coordsX + 50) y = random.uniform(coordsY, coordsY + 50) z = random.uniform(coordsZ - 50, coordsZ + 50) #print x,y,z keyFullRotation(h2o, ranStartZ, 15, 'translateZ', coordsZ, z) keyFullRotation(h2o, ranStartX, 15, 'translateX', coordsX, x) keyFullRotation(h2o, ranStartY, 15, 'translateY', coordsY, y) keyFullRotation(h2o, 15, ranEndZ, 'translateZ', z, coordsZ) keyFullRotation(h2o, 15, ranEndX, 'translateX', x, coordsX) keyFullRotation(h2o, 15, ranEndY, 'translateY', y, coordsY) RcoordsX = cmds.getAttr(h2o + '.rotateX') RcoordsY = cmds.getAttr(h2o + '.rotateY') RcoordsZ = cmds.getAttr(h2o + '.rotateZ') xRot = random.uniform(0, 360) yRot = random.uniform(0, 360) zRot = random.uniform(0, 360) keyFullRotation(h2o, ranStartZ, 15, 'rotateZ', RcoordsZ, zRot) keyFullRotation(h2o, ranStartX, 15, 'rotateX', RcoordsX, xRot) keyFullRotation(h2o, ranStartY, 15, 'rotateY', RcoordsY, zRot) keyFullRotation(h2o, 15, ranEndZ, 'rotateZ', zRot, RcoordsZ) keyFullRotation(h2o, 15, ranEndX, 'rotateX', xRot, RcoordsX) keyFullRotation(h2o, 15, ranEndY, 'rotateY', zRot, RcoordsY) print 'done' cmds.delete('H2O52')
def _handleExampleButton(self): """ This callback creates a polygonal cylinder in the Maya scene. """ random.seed(1234) #check sphereList ='hydrogen1','hydrogen2', 'oxygen','H2O') if len(sphereList)>0: cmds.delete(sphereList) #create 2 hydrogen and oxygen h1 = cmds.polySphere(r=12.0, name='hydrogen1') h2 = cmds.polySphere(r=12.0, name='hydrogen2') oxygen = cmds.polySphere(r=15.0, name='oxygen') #move cmds.move(-15,0,0,h1) cmds.move(15,0,0,h2) cmds.xform(h1, piv=[0,0,0],ws=True) cmds.xform(h2, piv=[0,0,0],ws=True) cmds.rotate(0,'75',0,h1) #group hydrogen and oxygen together H2O =, name='H2O#') cmds.parent('hydrogen1','hydrogen2','oxygen','H2O1') #add color def createMaterial( name, color, type ): cmds.sets( renderable=True, noSurfaceShader=True, empty=True, name=name + 'SG' ) cmds.shadingNode( type, asShader=True, name=name ) cmds.setAttr( name+'.color', color[0], color[1], color[2], type='double3') cmds.connectAttr(name+'.outColor', name+'SG.surfaceShader') def assignMaterial (name, object): cmds.sets(object, edit=True, forceElement=name+'SG') def assignNewMaterial( name, color, type, object): createMaterial (name, color, type) assignMaterial (name, object) #H is white and O is red assignNewMaterial('Red', (1,0,0), 'lambert', 'oxygen'); assignNewMaterial('White',(1,1,1),'lambert', 'hydrogen1'); assignMaterial('White', 'hydrogen2'); #key frame def keyFullRotation( pObjectName, pStartTime, pEndTime, pTargetAttribute,pValueStart, pvalueEnd ): keyt = (pStartTime[0], pStartTime[0]) cmds.cutKey( pObjectName, time=(keyt, keyt), attribute=pTargetAttribute ) cmds.setKeyframe( pObjectName, time=pStartTime, attribute=pTargetAttribute, value=pValueStart ) cmds.setKeyframe( pObjectName, time=pEndTime, attribute=pTargetAttribute, value=pvalueEnd ) #cmds.selectKey( pObjectName, time=(pStartTime, [pEndTime]), attribute=pTargetAttribute, keyframe=True ) #duplicate H2O for i in range(1,52): cmds.duplicate(H2O) #get random coord x = random.uniform(-200,200) y = random.uniform(0,300) z = random.uniform(-200,200) cmds.move(x,y,z, H2O) xRot = random.uniform(0,360) yRot = random.uniform(0,360) zRot = random.uniform(0,360) cmds.rotate(xRot,yRot,zRot,H2O) startTime = cmds.playbackOptions(minTime=1 ) endTime = cmds.playbackOptions( maxTime=30 ) h2o = "H2O"+str(i) for y in range(3): coordsX = cmds.getAttr( h2o+'.translateX' ) coordsY = cmds.getAttr( h2o+'.translateY' ) coordsZ = cmds.getAttr( h2o+'.translateZ' ) ranStartX = int(random.uniform(0,15)) ranStartY = int(random.uniform(0,15)) ranStartZ = int(random.uniform(0,15)) ranEndX = int(random.uniform(15,30)) ranEndY = int(random.uniform(15,30)) ranEndZ = int(random.uniform(15,30)) x = random.uniform(coordsX-50,coordsX+50) y = random.uniform(coordsY,coordsY+50) z = random.uniform(coordsZ-50,coordsZ+50) #print x,y,z keyFullRotation( h2o, ranStartZ, 15, 'translateZ',coordsZ,z) keyFullRotation( h2o, ranStartX, 15, 'translateX', coordsX,x) keyFullRotation( h2o, ranStartY, 15, 'translateY', coordsY,y) keyFullRotation( h2o, 15, ranEndZ, 'translateZ',z,coordsZ) keyFullRotation( h2o, 15, ranEndX, 'translateX', x,coordsX) keyFullRotation( h2o, 15, ranEndY, 'translateY', y,coordsY) RcoordsX = cmds.getAttr( h2o+'.rotateX' ) RcoordsY = cmds.getAttr( h2o+'.rotateY' ) RcoordsZ = cmds.getAttr( h2o+'.rotateZ' ) xRot = random.uniform(0,360) yRot = random.uniform(0,360) zRot = random.uniform(0,360) keyFullRotation( h2o, ranStartZ, 15, 'rotateZ',RcoordsZ,zRot) keyFullRotation( h2o, ranStartX, 15, 'rotateX', RcoordsX,xRot) keyFullRotation( h2o, ranStartY, 15, 'rotateY', RcoordsY,zRot) keyFullRotation( h2o, 15, ranEndZ, 'rotateZ',zRot,RcoordsZ) keyFullRotation( h2o, 15, ranEndX, 'rotateX', xRot,RcoordsX) keyFullRotation( h2o, 15, ranEndY, 'rotateY', zRot,RcoordsY) print 'done' cmds.delete('H2O52')
def _handleCreateH2o(self): """ """ #Sets the animation end time cmds.playbackOptions(max=240, aet=240) #this number sets the number of molecules to create molecules = 10 #Creates each atom in the h2o molecule, aligns them properly, then groups them together . cmds.polySphere(name="oxygen", r=1.2) cmds.polySphere(name="hydrogenA", r=1.06)"hydrogenA") cmds.move(0, -1.3, 0)'oxygen', 'hydrogenA', n='oxygenHydrogenA')'hydrogenA') cmds.rotate(0, 0, '-52.5', p=(0, 0, 0)) cmds.polySphere(name="hydrogenB", r=1.06)"hydrogenB") cmds.move(0, -1.3, 0)'oxygen', 'hydrogenB', n='oxygenHydrogenB')'hydrogenB') cmds.rotate(0, 0, '52.5', p=(0, 0, 0))'hydrogenA', 'hydrogenB') cmds.polyColorPerVertex(rgb=(1, 1, 1), cdo=True)'oxygen') cmds.polyColorPerVertex(rgb=(1, 0, 0), cdo=True)'oxygenHydrogenB', 'oxygenHydrogenA', n='h2o') #duplicates the original molecule for i in range(1, molecules): cmds.duplicate('h2o') #list of planes for movement xyz = ['X', 'Y'] #Sets movement for the original h2o molecule"h2o") plane = random.choice(xyz) cmds.setKeyframe('h2o', at='translate' + plane, v=float(cmds.getAttr('h2o.translate' + plane)), t=1) cmds.setKeyframe('h2o', at='translate' + plane, v=5, t=240) #Iterates through each h2o group and assigns a random position and orientation for each molecule. #It also randomly choose a direction for the molecule to move in. for i in range(1, molecules): #random plane plane = random.choice(xyz)"h2o" + str(i)) #random position cmds.move(random.randrange(-9, 9), random.randrange(-9, 9), random.randrange(-9, 9)) #random orientation cmds.rotate(random.randrange(0, 350), random.randrange(0, 350), random.randrange(0, 350)) #sets the start and end position for movement cmds.setKeyframe( 'h2o' + str(i), at='translate' + plane, v=float(cmds.getAttr('h2o' + str(i) + '.translate' + plane)), t=1) cmds.setKeyframe('h2o' + str(i), at='translate' + plane, v=5, t=240) plane = random.choice(xyz) #Selects all the h2o molecules"h2o", add=True) for i in range(1, molecules):"h2o" + str(i)) #Creates a new animation layer called vibrate and adds all the h2o molecules to it. cmds.animLayer('vibrate', aso=True) #Sets oscillation for original molecule cmds.setKeyframe('h2o', at='translateZ', v=float(cmds.getAttr('h2o.translateZ')), t=1) cmds.setKeyframe('h2o', at='translateZ', v=float(cmds.getAttr('h2o.translateZ')) + .2, t=2) #cmds.selectKey('h2o', t=(1,2), at="translateZ") cmds.selectKey('h2o', at='translateZ') cmds.setInfinity(pri='oscillate', poi='oscillate') #Sets oscillation for all other molecules for i in range(1, molecules): cmds.setKeyframe('h2o' + str(i), at='translateZ', v=float( cmds.getAttr('h2o' + str(i) + '.translateZ')), t=1) cmds.setKeyframe( 'h2o' + str(i), at='translateZ', v=float(cmds.getAttr('h2o' + str(i) + '.translateZ')) + .2, t=2) #cmds.selectKey('h2o'+str(i), t=(1,2), at="translateZ") cmds.selectKey('h2o' + str(i), at="translateZ") cmds.setInfinity(pri='oscillate', poi='oscillate')
def setUpMolecule(): #Adjust time slider cmds.playbackOptions( minTime='1', maxTime='300', mps=1) # Create the oxygen part of the larger bond (cylinder) cmds.polyCylinder(n='oxyCylinder', r=1, h=2, sx=20, sy=1, sz=1, ax=(1, 0, 0), rcp=0, cuv=3, ch=1) #Set scale for oxyCylinder cmds.setAttr("oxyCylinder.translateX", 6) cmds.setAttr("oxyCylinder.scaleZ", 2) cmds.setAttr("oxyCylinder.scaleX", 2) cmds.setAttr("oxyCylinder.scaleY", 2) #-------Set up shader and shade cylinder---------- redShader = cmds.shadingNode('blinn', asShader=True, n='redBlinn') cmds.setAttr("redBlinn.color", 0.772, 0, 0, type="double3")'oxyCylinder') cmds.hyperShade(assign=redShader) #--------------White Cylinder------------- # Create the oxygen part of the larger bond (cylinder) cmds.polyCylinder(n='hydroCylinder', r=1, h=2, sx=20, sy=1, sz=1, ax=(1, 0, 0), rcp=0, cuv=3, ch=1) #Set scale for oxyCylinder cmds.setAttr("hydroCylinder.translateX", 10) cmds.setAttr("hydroCylinder.scaleZ", 2) cmds.setAttr("hydroCylinder.scaleX", 2) cmds.setAttr("hydroCylinder.scaleY", 2) #-------Set up shader and shade cylinder---------- whiteShader = cmds.shadingNode('blinn', asShader=True, n='whiteBlinn') cmds.setAttr("whiteBlinn.color", 1, 1, 1, type="double3") #Select the cylinder to color'hydroCylinder') # Assign shader cmds.hyperShade(assign=whiteShader) #---------------------------------------------------------- #-----------Group two cylinders together as "cylinder"----- #----------------------------------------------------------, n='cylinder') cmds.parent('oxyCylinder', 'cylinder') cmds.parent('hydroCylinder', 'cylinder') #------------Oxygen------------- # Create the Oxygen sphere cmds.polySphere(n='oxygen', r=1, sx=20, sy=20, ax=(0, 1, 0), cuv=2, ch=1) #Set scale for oxygen cmds.setAttr("oxygen.scaleZ", 5) cmds.setAttr("oxygen.scaleX", 5) cmds.setAttr("oxygen.scaleY", 5) #-------Assign shader--------'oxygen') cmds.hyperShade(assign=redShader) #------------Hydrogen------------- # Create the Hydrogen sphere cmds.polySphere(n='hydrogen', r=1, sx=20, sy=20, ax=(0, 1, 0), cuv=2, ch=1) #Set scale for oxygen cmds.setAttr("hydrogen.translateX", 14) cmds.setAttr("hydrogen.scaleZ", 4) cmds.setAttr("hydrogen.scaleX", 4) cmds.setAttr("hydrogen.scaleY", 4) #-------Assign shader--------'hydrogen') cmds.hyperShade(assign=whiteShader) #---------------------------------------------------------- #-----------Group 'cylinder' and hydrogen together as "hydroAssembly"----- #----------------------------------------------------------, n='hydroAssembly1') cmds.parent('cylinder', 'hydroAssembly1') cmds.parent('hydrogen', 'hydroAssembly1') #---------------------------------------------------------- #-----------Group into realign group #----------------------------------------------------------, n='realignGroup1') cmds.parent('hydroAssembly1', 'realignGroup1') #------------------------------------------------------------- #------------Duplicate the assembly-------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------- cmds.duplicate('realignGroup1', n='realignGroup2') cmds.setAttr('realignGroup2.rotateZ', 180) cmds.rename('realignGroup2|hydroAssembly1','hydroAssembly2') #---------------------------------------------------------- #-----------Make entire thing a group "molecule"----- #----------------------------------------------------------, n='molecule') cmds.parent('oxygen', 'molecule') cmds.parent('realignGroup1', 'molecule') cmds.parent('realignGroup2', 'molecule') #-------Move entire molecule up------- cmds.setAttr("molecule.translateY", 10)
def buildScene(self): """Doc...""" groupItems = [] hinds = [] fores = [] for c in self._data.getChannelsByKind(ChannelsEnum.POSITION): isHind = in [TargetsEnum.LEFT_HIND, TargetsEnum.RIGHT_HIND] radius = 20 if isHind else 15 res = cmds.polySphere(radius=radius, groupItems.append(res[0]) if isHind: hinds.append(res[0]) else: fores.append(res[0]) if == TargetsEnum.LEFT_HIND: self._leftHind = res[0] elif == TargetsEnum.RIGHT_HIND: self._rightHind = res[0] elif == TargetsEnum.RIGHT_FORE: self._rightFore = res[0] elif == TargetsEnum.LEFT_FORE: self._leftFore = res[0] for k in c.keys: frames = [ ['translateX', k.value.x, k.inTangentMaya[0], k.outTangentMaya[0]], ['translateY', k.value.y, k.inTangentMaya[1], k.outTangentMaya[1]], ['translateZ', k.value.z, k.inTangentMaya[2], k.outTangentMaya[2]] ] for f in frames: cmds.setKeyframe( res[0], attribute=f[0], time=k.time, value=f[1], inTangentType=f[2], outTangentType=f[3] ) if k.event == 'land': printResult = cmds.polyCylinder( + '_print1', radius=radius, height=(1.0 if isHind else 5.0) ) cmds.move(k.value.x, k.value.y, k.value.z, printResult[0]) groupItems.append(printResult[0]) cfg = self._data.configs name = 'cyc' + str(int(cfg.get(GaitConfigEnum.CYCLES))) + \ '_ph' + str(int(cfg.get(GaitConfigEnum.PHASE))) + \ '_gad' + str(int(cfg.get(SkeletonConfigEnum.FORE_OFFSET).z)) + \ '_step' + str(int(cfg.get(SkeletonConfigEnum.STRIDE_LENGTH))) cube = cmds.polyCube(name='pelvic_reference', width=20, height=20, depth=20) self._hips = cube[0] groupItems.append(cube[0]) cmds.move(0, 100, 0, cube[0]) backLength = self._data.configs.get(SkeletonConfigEnum.FORE_OFFSET).z - \ self._data.configs.get(SkeletonConfigEnum.HIND_OFFSET).z cube2 = cmds.polyCube(name='pectoral_comparator', width=15, height=15, depth=15) cmds.move(0, 115, backLength, cube2[0]) cmds.parent(cube2[0], cube[0], absolute=True) cmds.expression( string="%s.translateZ = 0.5*abs(%s.translateZ - %s.translateZ) + min(%s.translateZ, %s.translateZ)" % (cube[0], hinds[0], hinds[1], hinds[0], hinds[1]) ) cube = cmds.polyCube(name='pectoral_reference', width=15, height=15, depth=15) self._pecs = cube[0] groupItems.append(cube[0]) cmds.move(0, 100, 0, cube[0]) cmds.expression( string="%s.translateZ = 0.5*abs(%s.translateZ - %s.translateZ) + min(%s.translateZ, %s.translateZ)" % (cube[0], fores[0], fores[1], fores[0], fores[1]) ) self._group =*groupItems, world=True, name=name) cfg = self._data.configs info = 'Gait Phase: ' + \ str(cfg.get(GaitConfigEnum.PHASE)) + \ '\nGleno-Acetabular Distance (GAD): ' + \ str(cfg.get(SkeletonConfigEnum.FORE_OFFSET).z) + \ '\nStep Length: ' + \ str(cfg.get(SkeletonConfigEnum.STRIDE_LENGTH)) + \ '\nHind Duty Factor: ' + \ str(cfg.get(GaitConfigEnum.DUTY_FACTOR_HIND)) + \ '\nFore Duty Factor: ' + \ str(cfg.get(GaitConfigEnum.DUTY_FACTOR_FORE)) + \ '\nCycles: ' + \ str(cfg.get(GaitConfigEnum.CYCLES)) if not cmds.attributeQuery('notes', node=self._group, exists=True): cmds.addAttr(longName='notes', dataType='string') cmds.setAttr(self._group + '.notes', info, type='string') self.createShaders() self.createRenderEnvironment() minTime = min(0, int(cmds.playbackOptions(query=True, minTime=True))) deltaTime = cfg.get(GeneralConfigEnum.STOP_TIME) - cfg.get(GeneralConfigEnum.START_TIME) maxTime = max( int(float(cfg.get(GaitConfigEnum.CYCLES))*float(deltaTime)), int(cmds.playbackOptions(query=True, maxTime=True)) ) cmds.playbackOptions( minTime=minTime, animationStartTime=minTime, maxTime= maxTime, animationEndTime=maxTime ) cmds.currentTime(0, update=True)