Exemplo n.º 1
def pingTest():

    from pyaid.string.StringUtils import StringUtils

    import nimble


    conn = nimble.getConnection()

    # PING
    #       An empty call that tests that the Nimble connection is able to complete a request and
    #       response loop and prints the response object when complete.
    for i in range(iterations):
        result = conn.ping()
        if not runSilent:
            print(u'PING:', result.echo(True, True))

    # ECHO
    #       A basic call that sends an echo message, which the remote Nimble server returns in the
    #       response. Confirms that data can be set, read, and returned through the Nimble
    #       connection.
    smallMessage = 'This is a test'
    for i in range(iterations):
        result = conn.echo(smallMessage)
        if not runSilent:
            print(u'ECHO:', result.echo(True, True))

    #       A repeat of the echo test, but with a very long echo message that tests the ability for
    #       the Nimble socket protocols to chunk and stream large messages without losing data. The
    #       test is also repeated numerous times to confirm that the nimble socket connection
    #       survives through high-intensity multi-stage communication.
    largeMessage = StringUtils.getRandomString(64000)
    for i in range(iterations):
        result = conn.echo(largeMessage)
        if not runSilent:
            print(u'LARGE ECHO[#%s]:' % i, result.echo(True, True))

    print(u'\nTests Complete')
Exemplo n.º 2
def pingTest():

    from pyaid.string.StringUtils import StringUtils

    import nimble


    conn = nimble.getConnection()

    # PING
    #       An empty call that tests that the Nimble connection is able to complete a request and
    #       response loop and prints the response object when complete.
    for i in range(iterations):
        result = conn.ping()
        if not runSilent:
            print(u'PING:', result.echo(True, True))

    # ECHO
    #       A basic call that sends an echo message, which the remote Nimble server returns in the
    #       response. Confirms that data can be set, read, and returned through the Nimble
    #       connection.
    smallMessage = 'This is a test'
    for i in range(iterations):
        result = conn.echo(smallMessage)
        if not runSilent:
            print(u'ECHO:', result.echo(True, True))

    #       A repeat of the echo test, but with a very long echo message that tests the ability for
    #       the Nimble socket protocols to chunk and stream large messages without losing data. The
    #       test is also repeated numerous times to confirm that the nimble socket connection
    #       survives through high-intensity multi-stage communication.
    largeMessage = StringUtils.getRandomString(64000)
    for i in range(iterations):
        result = conn.echo(largeMessage)
        if not runSilent:
            print(u'LARGE ECHO[#%s]:' % i, result.echo(True, True))

    print(u'\nTests Complete')
Exemplo n.º 3
# rando-terrain by Mike Knowles
# Base project by Scott Ernst

from PySide import QtGui

from pyglass.widgets.PyGlassWidget import PyGlassWidget
from randoterrain.enum.UserConfigEnum import UserConfigEnum
from randoterrain.views.home.NimbleStatusElement import NimbleStatusElement
from random import randint
from nimble import cmds
from nimble.error import MayaCommandException
import nimble

class RandoTerrainHomeWidget(PyGlassWidget):
    def __init__(self, parent, **kwargs):
        super(RandoTerrainHomeWidget, self).__init__(parent, **kwargs)
        self._firstView = True
        self._statusBox, statusLayout = self._createElementWidget(
            self, QtGui.QVBoxLayout, True)
        self._nimbleStatus = NimbleStatusElement(
                UserConfigEnum.NIMBLE_TEST_STATUS, True))
        self.magnitude = 1
        self.sizeDial.setRange(1, 10)
        self.magnitudeDial.setRange(1, 100)
# rando-terrain by Mike Knowles
# Base project by Scott Ernst

from PySide import QtGui

from pyglass.widgets.PyGlassWidget import PyGlassWidget
from randoterrain.enum.UserConfigEnum import UserConfigEnum
from randoterrain.views.home.NimbleStatusElement import NimbleStatusElement
from random import randint
from nimble import cmds
from nimble.error import MayaCommandException
import nimble

class RandoTerrainHomeWidget(PyGlassWidget):
    def __init__(self, parent, **kwargs):
        super(RandoTerrainHomeWidget, self).__init__(parent, **kwargs)
        self._firstView = True
        self._statusBox, statusLayout = self._createElementWidget(self, QtGui.QVBoxLayout, True)
        self._nimbleStatus = NimbleStatusElement(
            disabled=self.mainWindow.appConfig.get(UserConfigEnum.NIMBLE_TEST_STATUS, True))
        self.magnitude = 1
        self.sizeDial.setRange(1, 10)
        self.magnitudeDial.setRange(1, 100)