Exemplo n.º 1
def space_time_realign(Images,TR=2,numslices=None,SliceTime='asc_alt_2',RefScan=None):
    4D simultaneous slice timing and spatial realignment. Adapted from
    Alexis Roche's example script, and extend to be used for multiplex
    imaging sequences
        Images: list of images, input as a list of strings
        numslices: for non-multiplex sequence, default to be the number of
            slices in the image. For multiplex sequence, enter as a tuple,
            such that the first element is the number of planes acquired in
            parallel between each other, and the second element is the number
            of slices of each parallel plane/slab
        SliceTime:enter as a string to specify how the slices are ordered.
            Choices are the following
            1).'ascending': sequential ascending acquisition
            2).'descending': sequential descending acquisition
            3).'asc_alt_2': ascending interleaved, starting at first slice
            4).'asc_alt_2_1': ascending interleaved, starting at the second
            5).'desc_alt_2': descending interleaved, starting at last slice
            6).'asc_alt_siemens': ascending interleaved, starting at the first
                slice if odd number of slices, or second slice if even number
                of slices
            7).'asc_alt_half': ascending interleaved by half the volume
            8).'desc_alt_half': descending interleaved by half the volume
        RefScan: reference volume for spatial realignment movement estimation
    # load images    
    runs = [load_image(run) for run in Images]
    # parse data info
    if numslices is None:
        numslices = runs[0].shape[2]
        numplanes = 1
    elif isinstance(numslices,tuple):
        numslices = numslices[0]
        numplanes = numplanes[1]
    # parse slice timing according to the input
    slice_timing = getattr(timefuncs,SliceTime)(TR,numslices)
    #repeat the slice timing for multiplex seqquence
    slice_timing = np.tile(slice_timing,numplanes)
    # Spatio-temporal realigner assuming interleaved ascending slice order
    R = SpaceTimeRealign(runs, tr=TR, slice_times=slice_timing, slice_info=2,
    print('Slice times: %s' % slice_timing)
    # Estimate motion within- and between-sessions
    # Resample data on a regular space+time lattice using 4d interpolation
    print('Saving results ...')
    for i in range(len(runs)):
        corr_run = R.resample(i)
        fname = os.path.join(os.path.split(Images[i])[0],'ra' + os.path.split(Images[i])[1])
        save_image(corr_run, fname)
def time_space_realign(run_fnames, TR, slice_times, slice_axis):
    run_imgs = [load_image(run) for run in run_fnames]
    # Spatio-temporal realigner
    R = SpaceTimeRealign(run_imgs,
                         slice_info=(slice_axis, 1))
    # Estimate motion within- and between-sessions
    # Save back out
    for i, fname in enumerate(run_fnames):
        corr_run = R.resample(i)
        pth, name = os.path.split(fname)
        processed_fname = os.path.join(pth, 'ra' + name)
        save_image(corr_run, processed_fname)
Exemplo n.º 3
def space_time_realign(Images,TR=2,numslices=None,SliceTime='asc_alt_2',RefScan=0,Prefix='ra'):
    4D simultaneous slice timing and spatial realignment. Adapted from
    Alexis Roche's example script, and extend to be used for multiplex
    imaging sequences
        Images: list of images, input as a list of strings/paths to images
        numslices: for non-multiplex sequence, default to be the number of
            slices in the image. For multiplex sequence, enter as a tuple,
            such that the first element is the number of planes acquired in
            parallel between each other, and the second element is the number
            of slices of each parallel plane/slab, i.e. (numplanes,numslices)
        SliceTime:enter as a string to specify how the slices are ordered.
            Choices are the following
            1).'ascending': sequential ascending acquisition
            2).'descending': sequential descending acquisition
            3).'asc_alt_2': ascending interleaved, starting at first slice
            4).'asc_alt_2_1': ascending interleaved, starting at the second
            5).'desc_alt_2': descending interleaved, starting at last slice
            6).'asc_alt_siemens': ascending interleaved, starting at the first
                slice if odd number of slices, or second slice if even number
                of slices
            7).'asc_alt_half': ascending interleaved by half the volume
            8).'desc_alt_half': descending interleaved by half the volume
        RefScan: reference volume for spatial realignment movement estimation.
            Note that scan 0 is the first scan.
        Prefix: prefix of the new corrected images. Default is 'ra'
    Author: Alexis Roche, 2009.
            Edward Cui, February 2014
    # Load images
    runs = [load_image(run) for run in Images]
    # Parse data info
    if numslices is None:
        numslices = runs[0].shape[2]
        numplanes = 1
    elif isinstance(numslices,tuple):
        (numplanes,numslices) = numslices
        numplanes = 1
    # Print image info
    if numplanes>1:
        print('Running multiplex: %s' % numplanes)
    print('Number of slices: %s' % numslices)
    # Parse slice timing according to the input
    slice_timing = getattr(timefuncs,SliceTime)(numslices,TR)
    # Repeat the slice timing for multiplex seqquence
    slice_timing = np.tile(slice_timing,numplanes)
    # Print slice timing info
    print('Slice times: %s' % slice_timing)
    # Spatio-temporal realigner
    R = SpaceTimeRealign(runs, tr=TR, slice_times=slice_timing, slice_info=2)
    # Estimate motion within- and between-sessions
    print('Estimating motion ...')
    # Resample data on a regular space+time lattice using 4d interpolation
    fname=[None]*len(Images) # output images
    mfname=[None]*len(Images) # output motion parameter files
    print('Saving results ...')
    for n in range(len(Images)):
        # extract motion parameters
        motionparams = np.array([np.concatenate((M.translation,M.rotation),axis=1) for M in R._transforms[n]])
        # set motion parameter file name
        mfname[n] = os.path.join(os.path.split(Images[n])[0], 'rp_a0001.txt')
        # write the motion parameters to file
        # resample data
        corr_run = R.resample(n)
        # set image name
        fname[n] = os.path.join(os.path.split(Images[n])[0], Prefix + os.path.split(Images[n])[1])
        # save image
        save_image(corr_run, fname[n])
Exemplo n.º 4
    example_data.get_filename('fiac', 'fiac0', run + '.nii.gz')
    for run in ('run1', 'run2')
runs = [load_image(run) for run in runnames]

# Spatio-temporal realigner assuming interleaved ascending slice order
R = SpaceTimeRealign(runs, tr=2.5, slice_times='asc_alt_2', slice_info=2)

# If you are not sure what the above is doing, you can alternatively
# declare slice times explicitly using the following equivalent code
tr = 2.5
nslices = runs[0].shape[2]
slice_times = (tr / float(nslices)) *\
    np.argsort(range(0, nslices, 2) + range(1, nslices, 2))
print('Slice times: %s' % slice_times)
R = SpaceTimeRealign(runs, tr=tr, slice_times=slice_times, slice_info=2)

# Estimate motion within- and between-sessions

# Resample data on a regular space+time lattice using 4d interpolation
# Save images
cwd = abspath(os.getcwd())
print('Saving results in: %s' % cwd)
for i in range(len(runs)):
    corr_run = R.resample(i)
    fname = 'ra' + psplit(runnames[i])[1]
    save_image(corr_run, fname)
Exemplo n.º 5
# Input images are provided with the nipy-data package
runnames = [example_data.get_filename('fiac', 'fiac0', run + '.nii.gz')
            for run in ('run1', 'run2')]
runs = [load_image(run) for run in runnames]

# Spatio-temporal realigner assuming interleaved ascending slice order
R = SpaceTimeRealign(runs, tr=2.5, slice_times='asc_alt_2', slice_info=2)

# If you are not sure what the above is doing, you can alternatively
# declare slice times explicitly using the following equivalent code
tr = 2.5
nslices = runs[0].shape[2]
slice_times = (tr / float(nslices)) *\
    np.argsort(range(0, nslices, 2) + range(1, nslices, 2))
print('Slice times: %s' % slice_times)
R = SpaceTimeRealign(runs, tr=tr, slice_times=slice_times, slice_info=2)

# Estimate motion within- and between-sessions

# Resample data on a regular space+time lattice using 4d interpolation
# Save images
cwd = abspath(os.getcwd())
print('Saving results in: %s' % cwd)
for i in range(len(runs)):
    corr_run = R.resample(i)
    fname = 'ra' + psplit(runnames[i])[1]
    save_image(corr_run, fname)