Exemplo n.º 1
    def norm_resid(self):
        Residuals, normalized to have unit length.

        Is this supposed to return "stanardized residuals," residuals standardized
        to have mean zero and approximately unit variance?

        d_i = e_i/sqrt(MS_E)

        Where MS_E = SSE/(n - k)

        See: Montgomery and Peck 3.2.1 p. 68
             Davidson and MacKinnon 15.2 p 662
        return self.resid * pos_recipr(np.sqrt(self.dispersion))
Exemplo n.º 2
    def norm_resid(self):
        Residuals, normalized to have unit length.

        Is this supposed to return "stanardized residuals,"
        residuals standardized
        to have mean zero and approximately unit variance?

        d_i = e_i / sqrt(MS_E)

        Where MS_E = SSE / (n - k)

        See: Montgomery and Peck 3.2.1 p. 68
             Davidson and MacKinnon 15.2 p 662
        return self.resid * pos_recipr(np.sqrt(self.dispersion))
Exemplo n.º 3
def ar_bias_correct(results, order, invM=None):
    """ Apply bias correction in calculating AR(p) coefficients from `results`

    There is a slight bias in the rho estimates on residuals due to the
    correlations induced in the residuals by fitting a linear model.  See

    This routine implements the bias correction described in appendix A.1 of

    results : ndarray or results object
        If ndarray, assume these are residuals, from a simple model.  If a
        results object, with attribute ``resid``, then use these for the
        residuals. See Notes for more detail
    order : int
        Order ``p`` of AR(p) model
    invM : None or array
        Known bias correcting matrix for covariance.  If None, calculate from

    rho : array
        Bias-corrected AR(p) coefficients

    If `results` has attributes ``resid`` and ``scale``, then assume ``scale``
    has come from a fit of a potentially customized model, and we use that for
    the sum of squared residuals.  In this case we also need
    ``results.df_resid``.  Otherwise we assume this is a simple Gaussian model,
    like OLS, and take the simple sum of squares of the residuals.

    .. [Worsley2002] K.J. Worsley, C.H. Liao, J. Aston, V. Petre, G.H. Duncan,
       F. Morales, A.C. Evans (2002) A General Statistical Analysis for fMRI
       Data.  Neuroimage 15:1:15
    if invM is None:
        # We need a model from ``results`` if invM is not specified
        model = results.model
        invM = ar_bias_corrector(model.design, model.calc_beta, order)
    if hasattr(results, 'resid'):
        resid = results.resid
        resid = results
    in_shape = resid.shape
    n_features = in_shape[0]
    # Allows results residuals to have shapes other than 2D.  This allows us to
    # use this routine for image data as well as more standard 2D model data
    resid = resid.reshape((n_features, - 1))
    # glm.Model fit methods fill in a ``scale`` estimate. For simpler
    # models, there is no scale estimate written into the results.
    # However, the same calculation resolves (with Gaussian family)
    # to ``np.sum(resid**2) / results.df_resid``.
    # See ``estimate_scale`` from glm.Model
    if hasattr(results, 'scale'):
        sum_sq = results.scale.reshape(resid.shape[1:]) * results.df_resid
    else: # No scale in results
        sum_sq = np.sum(resid ** 2, axis=0)
    cov = np.zeros((order + 1,) + sum_sq.shape)
    cov[0] = sum_sq
    for i in range(1, order + 1):
        cov[i] = np.sum(resid[i:] * resid[0:- i], axis=0)
    # cov is shape (order + 1, V) where V = np.product(in_shape[1:])
    cov = np.dot(invM, cov)
    output = cov[1:] * pos_recipr(cov[0])
    return np.squeeze(output.reshape((order,) + in_shape[1:]))