Exemplo n.º 1
def test_scaling():
    # Test integer scaling from float
    # Analyze headers cannot do float-integer scaling '''
    hdr = AnalyzeHeader()
    yield assert_true, hdr.default_x_flip
    shape = (1,2,3)
    data = np.ones(shape, dtype=np.float64)
    S = StringIO()
    # Writing to float datatype doesn't need scaling
    write_scaled_data(hdr, data, S)
    rdata = read_data(hdr, S)
    yield assert_true, np.allclose(data, rdata)
    # Writing to integer datatype does, and raises an error
    yield (assert_raises, HeaderTypeError, write_scaled_data,
           hdr, data, StringIO())
    # unless we aren't scaling, in which case we convert the floats to
    # integers and write
    write_data(hdr, data, S)
    rdata = read_data(hdr, S)
    yield assert_true, np.allclose(data, rdata)
    # This won't work for floats that aren't close to integers
    data_p5 = data + 0.5
    write_data(hdr, data_p5, S)
    rdata = read_data(hdr, S)
    yield assert_false, np.allclose(data_p5, rdata)
Exemplo n.º 2
 def test_read_write_data(self):
     # Check reading and writing of data
     hdr = self.header_class()
     S = StringIO()
     data = np.arange(6, dtype=np.float64)
     # data have to be the right shape
     yield (assert_raises, HeaderDataError,
            write_scaled_data, hdr, data, S)
     data = data.reshape((1,2,3))
     # and size
     yield (assert_raises, HeaderDataError,
            write_scaled_data, hdr, data[:,:,:-1], S)
     yield (assert_raises, HeaderDataError,
            write_scaled_data, hdr, data[:,:-1,:], S)
     # OK if so
     write_scaled_data(hdr, data, S)
     # Read it back
     data_back = read_data(hdr, S)
     # Should be about the same
     yield assert_array_almost_equal, data, data_back
     # but with the header dtype, not the data dtype
     yield assert_equal, hdr.get_data_dtype(), data_back.dtype
     # this is with native endian, not so for swapped
     S2 = StringIO()
     hdr2 = hdr.as_byteswapped()
     write_scaled_data(hdr2, data, S)
     data_back2 = read_data(hdr2, S)
     # Compares the same
     yield assert_array_almost_equal, data_back, data_back2
     # Same dtype names
     yield assert_equal, data_back.dtype.name, data_back2.dtype.name
     # But not the same endianness
     yield (assert_not_equal,
     # Try scaling down to integer
     S3 = StringIO()
     # Analyze header cannot do scaling, but, if not scaling,
     # AnalyzeHeader is OK
     write_data(hdr, data, S3)
     data_back = read_data(hdr, S3)
     yield assert_array_almost_equal, data, data_back
     # But, the data won't always be same as input if not scaling
     data = np.arange(6, dtype=np.float64).reshape((1,2,3)) + 0.5
     write_data(hdr, data, S3)
     data_back = read_data(hdr, S3)
     yield assert_false, np.allclose(data, data_back)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def test_scaling(self):
     hdr = self.header_class()
     S3 = StringIO()
     data = np.arange(6, dtype=np.float64).reshape((1,2,3))
     # This uses scaling
     write_scaled_data(hdr, data, S3)
     data_back = read_data(hdr, S3)
     yield assert_array_almost_equal, data, data_back, 4
     # This is exactly the same call, just testing it works twice
     data_back2 = read_data(hdr, S3)
     yield assert_array_equal, data_back, data_back2, 4
Exemplo n.º 4
 def test_general_init(self):
     hdr = self.header_class()
     # binaryblock has length given by header data dtype
     binblock = hdr.binaryblock
     yield assert_equal, len(binblock), hdr.structarr.dtype.itemsize
     # an empty header has shape (0,) - like an empty array (np.array([]))
     yield assert_equal, hdr.get_data_shape(), (0,)
     # The affine is always homogenous 3D regardless of shape. The
     # default affine will have -1 as the X zoom iff default_x_flip
     # is True (which it is by default). We have to be careful of
     # the translations though - these arise from SPM's use of the
     # origin field, and the center of the image.
     yield assert_array_equal, np.diag(hdr.get_base_affine()), [-1,1,1,1]
     # But zooms only go with number of dimensions
     yield assert_equal, hdr.get_zooms(), ()
     # Endianness will be native by default for empty header
     yield assert_equal, hdr.endianness, native_code
     # But you can change this if you want
     hdr = self.header_class(endianness='swapped')
     yield assert_equal, hdr.endianness, swapped_code
     # Trying to read data from an empty header gives no data
     yield assert_equal, len(read_data(hdr, StringIO())), 0
     # Setting no data into an empty header results in - no data
     sfobj = StringIO()
     write_scaled_data(hdr, [], sfobj)
     yield assert_equal, sfobj.getvalue(), ''
     # Setting more data then there should be gives an error
     yield (assert_raises, HeaderDataError,
            write_scaled_data, hdr, np.zeros(3), sfobj)
     # You can also pass in a check flag, without data this has no effect
     hdr = self.header_class(check=False)
Exemplo n.º 5
 def get_data(self):
     ''' Lazy load of data '''
     if not self._data is None:
         return self._data
     if not self._files:
         return None
         fname = self._files['image']
     except KeyError:
         return None
     self._data = read_data(self._header, allopen(fname))
     return self._data