Exemplo n.º 1
# confounds
hrf_model = 'Canonical With Derivative'
drift_model = "Cosine"
hfcut = 128

# write directory
swd = tempfile.mkdtemp()
print 'Computation will be performed in temporary directory: %s' % swd

# Design matrix

print 'Loading design matrix...'

paradigm = load_protocol_from_csv_file(paradigm_file).values()[0]

design_matrix = make_dmtx(frametimes, paradigm, hrf_model=hrf_model,
                          drift_model=drift_model, hfcut=hfcut)

ax = design_matrix.show()
ax.set_position([.05, .25, .9, .65])
ax.set_title('Design matrix')

pylab.savefig(op.join(swd, 'design_matrix.png'))
# design_matrix.write_csv(...)

# Mask the data
Exemplo n.º 2
# confounds
hrf_model = 'Canonical With Derivative'
drift_model = "Cosine"
hfcut = 128

# write directory
swd = tempfile.mkdtemp()
print 'Computation will be performed in temporary directory: %s' % swd

# Design matrix

print 'Loading design matrix...'
paradigm = load_protocol_from_csv_file(paradigm_file, session='0.0')

design_matrix = make_dmtx(frametimes, paradigm, hrf_model=hrf_model,
                          drift_model=drift_model, hfcut=hfcut)

ax = design_matrix.show()
ax.set_position([.05, .25, .9, .65])
ax.set_title('Design matrix')

pylab.savefig(op.join(swd, 'design_matrix.png'))
# design_matrix.save(...)

# Mask the data