def _test_similarity_measure(simi, val):
    I = AffineImage(make_data_int16(), dummy_affine, 'ijk')
    J = AffineImage(I.get_data().copy(), dummy_affine, 'ijk')
    R = HistogramRegistration(I, J)
    R.similarity = simi
    assert_almost_equal(R.eval(Affine()), val)
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_apply_affine():
    XYZ = (100*(np.random.rand(10,11,12,3)-.5)).astype('int')
    T = np.eye(4)
    T[0:3,0:3] = np.random.rand(3,3)
    T[0:3,3] = 100*(np.random.rand(3)-.5)
    _XYZ = apply_affine(inverse_affine(T), apply_affine(T, XYZ))
    assert_almost_equal(_XYZ, XYZ)
Exemplo n.º 3
def _test_similarity_measure(simi, val):
    I = Image(make_data_int16())
    J = Image(I.array.copy())
    IM = IconicMatcher(I.array, J.array, I.toworld, J.toworld)
    assert_almost_equal(IM.eval(np.eye(4)), val)
Exemplo n.º 4
def _test_similarity_measure(simi, val):
    I = Image(make_data_int16(), dummy_affine)
    J = Image(, dummy_affine)
    regie = IconicRegistration(I, J)
    regie.similarity = simi
    assert_almost_equal(regie.eval(np.eye(4)), val)
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_search2():
#    Test that the search region works.

    search = rft.IntrinsicVolumes([3,4,5])
    x = np.linspace(0.1,10,100)

    stats = [rft.Gaussian(search=search)]
    ostats = [rft.Gaussian()]

    for dfn in range(5,10):
        for dfd in [40,50,np.inf]:
            stats.append(rft.FStat(dfn=dfn, dfd=dfd, search=search))
            ostats.append(rft.FStat(dfn=dfn, dfd=dfd))
            stats.append(rft.TStat(dfd=dfd, search=search))
        stats.append(rft.ChiSquared(dfn=dfn, search=search))

    for i in range(len(stats)):
        stat = stats[i]
        ostat = ostats[i]
        v1 = stat(x)
        v2 = 0

        for j in range([0]):
            v2 += ostat.density(x, j) *[j]
        assert_almost_equal(v1, v2)
def test_evaluate_exact():
    # without mfx nor spatial relaxation
    prng = np.random.RandomState(10)
    data, XYZ, XYZvol, vardata, signal = make_data(n=20, 
            dim=np.array([20,20,20]), r=3, amplitude=5, noise=0, 
            jitter=0, prng=prng)
    p = len(signal)
    XYZvol *= 0
    XYZvol[list(XYZ)] = np.arange(p)
    P = os.multivariate_stat(data)
    P.evaluate(nsimu=100, burnin=100, J=[XYZvol[5, 5, 5]], 
               compute_post_mean=True, verbose=verbose)
    P.log_likelihood_values = P.compute_log_region_likelihood()
    # Verify code consistency
    Q = os.multivariate_stat(data, vardata*0, XYZ, std=0, sigma=5)
    Q.evaluate(nsimu=100, burnin=100, J = [XYZvol[5,5,5]], 
               compute_post_mean=True, update_spatial=False, 
    Q.log_likelihood_values = Q.compute_log_region_likelihood()
    yield assert_almost_equal(P.mean_m.mean(),
    yield assert_almost_equal(Q.log_likelihood_values.sum(),
                              P.log_likelihood_values.sum(), 0)
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_Ragreement():
    # This code would fit the two-way ANOVA model in R

    # X = read.table('', header=T)
    # names(X)
    # X$Duration = factor(X$Duration)
    # X$Weight = factor(X$Weight)
    # lm(Days~Duration*Weight, X)
    # A = anova(lm(Days~Duration*Weight, X))

    # rA = rpy.r('A')
    rA = {
        "Df": [1, 2, 2, 54],
        "F value": [7.2147239263803673, 13.120973926380339, 1.8813266871165633, np.nan],
        "Mean Sq": [209.06666666666663, 380.21666666666584, 54.51666666666663, 28.977777777777778],
        "Pr(>F)": [0.0095871255601553771, 2.2687781292164585e-05, 0.16224035152442268, np.nan],
        "Sum Sq": [209.06666666666663, 760.43333333333169, 109.03333333333326, 1564.8],

    # rn = rpy.r('rownames(A)')
    rn = ["Duration", "Weight", "Duration:Weight", "Residuals"]

    pairs = [
        (rn.index("Duration"), "Duration"),
        (rn.index("Weight"), "Weight"),
        (rn.index("Duration:Weight"), "Interaction"),

    for i, j in pairs:
        assert_almost_equal(F[j], rA["F value"][i])
        assert_almost_equal(p[j], rA["Pr(>F)"][i])
        assert_almost_equal(MS[j], rA["Mean Sq"][i])
        assert_almost_equal(df[j], rA["Df"][i])
        assert_almost_equal(SS[j], rA["Sum Sq"][i])
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_PCAMask():
    # for 2 and 4D case
    ntotal = data['nimages'] - 1
    ncomp = 5
    arr4d = data['fmridata']
    mask3d = data['mask']
    arr2d = arr4d.reshape((-1, data['nimages']))
    mask1d = mask3d.reshape((-1))
    for arr, mask in (arr4d, mask3d), (arr2d, mask1d):
        p = pca(arr, -1, mask, ncomp=ncomp)
        assert_equal(p['basis_vectors'].shape, (data['nimages'], ntotal))
        assert_equal(p['basis_projections'].shape, mask.shape + (ncomp,))
        assert_equal(p['pcnt_var'].shape, (ntotal,))
        assert_almost_equal(p['pcnt_var'].sum(), 100.)
    # Any reasonable datatype for mask
    for dt in ([np.bool_] +
               np.sctypes['int'] +
               np.sctypes['uint'] +
        p = pca(arr4d, -1, mask3d.astype(dt), ncomp=ncomp)
        assert_equal(p['basis_vectors'].shape, (data['nimages'], ntotal))
        assert_equal(p['basis_projections'].shape, mask3d.shape + (ncomp,))
        assert_equal(p['pcnt_var'].shape, (ntotal,))
        assert_almost_equal(p['pcnt_var'].sum(), 100.)
    # Mask data shape must match
    assert_raises(ValueError, pca, arr4d, -1, mask1d)
def test_model_selection_exact():
    prng = np.random.RandomState(10)
    data, XYZ, XYZvol, vardata, signal = make_data(n=30, dim=20, r=3, 
                amplitude=1, noise=0, jitter=0, prng=prng)
    labels = (signal > 0).astype(int)
    P1 = os.multivariate_stat(data, labels=labels)
    P1.evaluate(nsimu=100, burnin=10, verbose=verbose)
    L1 = P1.compute_log_region_likelihood()
    Prior1 = P1.compute_log_prior()
    #v, m_mean, m_var = P1.v.copy(), P1.m_mean.copy(), P1.m_var.copy()
    Post1 = P1.compute_log_posterior(nsimu=1e2, burnin=1e2, verbose=verbose)
    M1 = L1 + Prior1[:-1] - Post1[:-1]
    yield assert_almost_equal(M1.mean(), 
                              P1.compute_marginal_likelihood().mean(), 0)
    P0 = os.multivariate_stat(data, labels=labels) *= 0
    P0.evaluate(nsimu=100, burnin=100, verbose=verbose)
    L0 = P0.compute_log_region_likelihood()
    Prior0 = P0.compute_log_prior()
    Post0 = P0.compute_log_posterior(nsimu=1e2, burnin=1e2, 
    M0 = L0 + Prior0[:-1] - Post0[:-1]
    yield assert_almost_equal(M0.mean(), 
                              P0.compute_marginal_likelihood().mean(), 0)
    yield assert_true(M1[1] > M0[1])
    yield assert_true(M1[0] < M0[0])
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_PCANoMask_nostandardize():
    ntotal = data['nimages'] - 1
    ncomp = 5
    p = pca(data['fmridata'], -1, ncomp=ncomp, standardize=False)
    assert_equal(p['basis_vectors'].shape, (data['nimages'], ntotal))
    assert_equal(p['basis_projections'].shape,  data['mask'].shape + (ncomp,))
    assert_equal(p['pcnt_var'].shape, (ntotal,))
    assert_almost_equal(p['pcnt_var'].sum(), 100.)
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_alias():
    x = F.Term('x')
    f = implemented_function('f', lambda x: 2*x)
    g = implemented_function('g', lambda x: np.sqrt(x))
    ff = F.Formula([f(x), g(x)**2])
    n = F.make_recarray([2,4,5], 'x')
    yield assert_almost_equal(['f(x)'], n['x']*2)
    yield assert_almost_equal(['g(x)**2'], n['x'])
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_alias():
    x = F.Term("x")
    f = F.aliased_function("f", lambda x: 2 * x)
    g = F.aliased_function("g", lambda x: np.sqrt(x))
    ff = F.Formula([f(x), g(x) ** 2])
    n = F.make_recarray([2, 4, 5], "x")
    yield assert_almost_equal(["f(x)"], n["x"] * 2)
    yield assert_almost_equal(["g(x)**2"], n["x"])
Exemplo n.º 13
def test_search3():
    # In the Gaussian case, test that search and product give same results.
    search = rft.IntrinsicVolumes([3, 4, 5, 7])
    g1 = rft.Gaussian(search=search)
    g2 = rft.Gaussian(product=search)
    x = np.linspace(0.1, 10, 100)
    y1 = g1(x)
    y2 = g2(x)
    assert_almost_equal(y1, y2)
Exemplo n.º 14
def test_same_basis():
    arr4d = data['fmridata']
    shp = arr4d.shape
    arr2d =  arr4d.reshape(([:3]), shp[3]))
    res = pos1pca(arr2d, axis=-1)
    p1b_0 = res['basis_vectors']
    for i in range(3):
        res_again = pos1pca(arr2d, axis=-1)
        assert_almost_equal(res_again['basis_vectors'], p1b_0)
Exemplo n.º 15
def test_mat2vec(): 
    mat = np.eye(4)
    tmp = np.random.rand(3,3)
    U, s, Vt = np.linalg.svd(tmp)
    U /= np.linalg.det(U)
    Vt /= np.linalg.det(Vt)
    mat[0:3,0:3] =, np.diag(s)), Vt)
    T = Affine(mat)
    assert_almost_equal(T.as_affine(), mat)
Exemplo n.º 16
def test_scaling():
    with InTemporaryDirectory():
        for dtype_type in (np.uint8, np.uint16,
                           np.int16, np.int32,
            newdata, data = uint8_to_dtype(dtype_type, 'img.nii')
            assert_almost_equal(newdata, data)
            newdata, data = float32_to_dtype(dtype_type, 'img.nii')
            assert_almost_equal(newdata, data)
Exemplo n.º 17
def test_image_list():
    img = load_image(funcfile)
    exp_shape = (17, 21, 3, 20)
    imglst = ImageList.from_image(img, axis=-1)
    # Test empty ImageList
    emplst = ImageList()
    yield assert_equal(len(emplst.list), 0)

    # Test non-image construction
    a = np.arange(10)
    yield assert_raises(ValueError, ImageList, a)
    yield assert_raises(ValueError, ImageList.from_image, img, None)

    # check all the axes
    for i in range(4):
        order = range(4)
        img_re_i = img.reordered_reference(order).reordered_axes(order)
        imglst_i = ImageList.from_image(img, axis=i)

        yield assert_equal(imglst_i.list[0].shape, img_re_i.shape[1:])
        # check the affine as well

        yield assert_almost_equal(imglst_i.list[0].affine, 

    yield assert_equal(img.shape, exp_shape)

    # length of image list should match number of frames
    yield assert_equal(len(imglst.list), img.shape[3])

    # check the affine
    A = np.identity(4)
    A[:3,:3] = img.affine[:3,:3]
    A[:3,-1] = img.affine[:3,-1]
    yield assert_almost_equal(imglst.list[0].affine, A)

    # Slicing an ImageList should return an ImageList
    sublist = imglst[2:5]
    yield assert_true(isinstance(sublist, ImageList))
    # Except when we're indexing one element
    yield assert_true(isinstance(imglst[0], Image))
    # Verify array interface
    # test __array__
    yield assert_true(isinstance(np.asarray(sublist), np.ndarray))
    # Test __setitem__
    sublist[2] = sublist[0]
    yield assert_equal(np.asarray(sublist[0]).mean(),
    # Test iterator
    for x in sublist:
        yield assert_true(isinstance(x, Image))
        yield assert_equal(x.shape, exp_shape[:3])
Exemplo n.º 18
def test_search():
    #  Test that the search region works.
    search = rft.IntrinsicVolumes([3, 4, 5])
    x = np.linspace(0.1, 10, 100)
    stat = rft.Gaussian(search=search)
    v1 = stat(x)
    v2 = (5 * x + 4 * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi)) * np.exp(-x ** 2 / 2.0) / np.power(2 * np.pi, 1.5) + 3 * scipy.stats.norm.sf(
    assert_almost_equal(v1, v2)
Exemplo n.º 19
def test_search4():
    # Test that the search/product work well together
    search = rft.IntrinsicVolumes([3, 4, 5])
    product = rft.IntrinsicVolumes([1, 2])
    x = np.linspace(0.1, 10, 100)
    g1 = rft.Gaussian()
    g2 = rft.Gaussian(product=product)
    y = g2(x, search=search)
    z = g1(x, search=search * product)
    assert_almost_equal(y, z)
Exemplo n.º 20
def test_both():
    k1 = 10
    k2 = 8
    ncomp = 5
    ntotal = k1
    X1 = np.random.standard_normal((data['nimages'], k1))
    X2 = np.random.standard_normal((data['nimages'], k2))
    p = pca(data['fmridata'], -1, ncomp=ncomp, design_resid=X2, design_keep=X1)
    assert_equal(p['basis_vectors'].shape, (data['nimages'], ntotal))
    assert_equal(p['basis_projections'].shape,  data['mask'].shape + (ncomp,))
    assert_equal(p['pcnt_var'].shape, (ntotal,))
    assert_almost_equal(p['pcnt_var'].sum(), 100.)
Exemplo n.º 21
def test_search5():
    # Test that the search/product work well together
    search = rft.IntrinsicVolumes([3, 4, 5])
    product = rft.IntrinsicVolumes([1, 2])
    prodsearch = product * search
    x = np.linspace(0, 5, 101)
    g1 = rft.Gaussian()
    g2 = rft.Gaussian(product=product)
    z = 0
    for i in range([0]):
        z += g1.density(x, i) *[i]
    y = g2(x, search=search)
    assert_almost_equal(y, z)
Exemplo n.º 22
def test_joint_hist_raw():
    # Set up call to joint histogram
    jh_arr = np.zeros((10,10), dtype=np.double)
    data_shape = (2,3,4)
    data = np.random.randint(size=data_shape,
                             low=0, high=10).astype(np.short)
    data2 = np.zeros(np.array(data_shape)+2, dtype=np.short)
    data2[:] = -1
    data2[1:-1,1:-1,1:-1] = data.copy()
    vox_coords = np.indices(data_shape).transpose((1,2,3,0))
    vox_coords = vox_coords.astype(np.double)
    _joint_histogram(jh_arr, data.flat, data2, vox_coords, 0)
    assert_almost_equal(np.diag(np.diag(jh_arr)), jh_arr)
Exemplo n.º 23
def test_keep():
    # Data is projected onto k=10 dimensional subspace
    # then has its mean removed.
    # Should still have rank 10.
    k = 10
    ncomp = 5
    ntotal = k
    X = np.random.standard_normal((data['nimages'], k))
    p = pca(data['fmridata'], -1, ncomp=ncomp, design_keep=X)
    assert_equal(p['basis_vectors'].shape, (data['nimages'], ntotal))
    assert_equal(p['basis_projections'].shape,  data['mask'].shape + (ncomp,))
    assert_equal(p['pcnt_var'].shape, (ntotal,))
    assert_almost_equal(p['pcnt_var'].sum(), 100.)
Exemplo n.º 24
def test_apply_affine():
    aff = np.diag([2, 3, 4, 1])
    pts = np.random.uniform(size=(4,3))
    assert_array_equal(apply_affine(aff, pts),
                       pts * [[2, 3, 4]])
    aff[:3,3] = [10, 11, 12]
    assert_array_equal(apply_affine(aff, pts),
                       pts * [[2, 3, 4]] + [[10, 11, 12]])
    aff[:3,:] = np.random.normal(size=(3,4))
    exp_res = np.concatenate((pts.T, np.ones((1,4))), axis=0)
    exp_res =, exp_res)[:3,:].T
    assert_array_equal(apply_affine(aff, pts), exp_res)
    # Check we get the same result as the previous implementation
    assert_almost_equal(validated_apply_affine(aff, pts), apply_affine(aff, pts))
Exemplo n.º 25
def test_PCAMask():
    # for 2 and 4D case
    ntotal = data['nimages'] - 1
    ncomp = 5
    arr4d = data['fmridata']
    mask3d = data['mask']
    arr2d = arr4d.reshape((-1, data['nimages']))
    mask1d = mask3d.reshape((-1))
    for arr, mask in (arr4d, mask3d), (arr2d, mask1d):
        p = pca(arr, -1, mask, ncomp=ncomp)
        assert_equal(p['basis_vectors'].shape, (data['nimages'], ntotal))
        assert_equal(p['basis_projections'].shape, mask.shape + (ncomp,))
        assert_equal(p['pcnt_var'].shape, (ntotal,))
        assert_almost_equal(p['pcnt_var'].sum(), 100.) 
Exemplo n.º 26
def resampling(Tv):
    Adding this new test to check whether resample
    may be replaced with scipy.ndimage.affine_transform    
    I = Image(make_data_int16())
    t0 = time.clock()
    I1 = cspline_resample(I.array, I.array.shape, Tv)
    dt1 = time.clock()-t0
    t0 = time.clock()
    I2 = affine_transform(I.array, Tv[0:3,0:3], offset=Tv[0:3,3], output_shape=I.array.shape)
    dt2 = time.clock()-t0
    assert_almost_equal(I1, I2)
    print('3d array resampling')
    print('  using nipy.neurospin: %f sec' % dt1)
    print('  using scipy.ndimage: %f sec' % dt2)
Exemplo n.º 27
def test_resid():
    # Data is projected onto k=10 dimensional subspace then has its mean
    # removed.  Should still have rank 10.
    k = 10
    ncomp = 5
    ntotal = k
    X = np.random.standard_normal((data['nimages'], k))
    p = pca(data['fmridata'], -1, ncomp=ncomp, design_resid=X)
    yield assert_equal(
        (data['nimages'], ntotal))
    yield assert_equal(
        data['mask'].shape + (ncomp,))
    yield assert_equal(p['pcnt_var'].shape, (ntotal,))
    yield assert_almost_equal(p['pcnt_var'].sum(), 100.)
    # if design_resid is None, we do not remove the mean, and we get
    # full rank from our data
    p = pca(data['fmridata'], -1, design_resid=None)
    rank = p['basis_vectors'].shape[1]
    yield assert_equal(rank, data['nimages'])
    rarr = reconstruct(p['basis_vectors'], p['basis_projections'], -1)
    # add back the sqrt MSE, because we standardized
    rmse = root_mse(data['fmridata'], axis=-1)[...,None]
    yield assert_array_almost_equal(rarr * rmse, data['fmridata'])
Exemplo n.º 28
def test_joint_hist_eval():
    I = AffineImage(make_data_int16(), dummy_affine, 'ijk')
    J = AffineImage(I.get_data().copy(), dummy_affine, 'ijk')
    # Obviously the data should be the same
    assert_array_equal(I.get_data(), J.get_data())
    # Instantiate default thing
    R = HistogramRegistration(I, J)
    R.similarity = 'cc'
    null_affine = Affine()
    val = R.eval(null_affine)
    assert_almost_equal(val, 1.0)
    # Try with what should be identity
    assert_array_equal(R._from_data.shape, I.shape)
    val = R.eval(null_affine)
    assert_almost_equal(val, 1.0)
Exemplo n.º 29
def test_roundtrip_from_array():
    data = np.random.rand(10, 20, 30)
    img = Image(data, AfT('kji', 'xyz', np.eye(4)))
    with InTemporaryDirectory():
        save_image(img, 'img.nii.gz')
        img2 = load_image('img.nii.gz')
        data2 = img2.get_data()
    # verify data
    assert_almost_equal(data2, data)
    assert_almost_equal(data2.mean(), data.mean())
    assert_almost_equal(data2.min(), data.min())
    assert_almost_equal(data2.max(), data.max())
    # verify shape and ndims
    assert_equal(img2.shape, img.shape)
    assert_equal(img2.ndim, img.ndim)
    # verify affine
    assert_almost_equal(img2.affine, img.affine)
Exemplo n.º 30
def test_file_roundtrip():
    img = load_image(anatfile)
    data = img.get_data()
    with InTemporaryDirectory():
        save_image(img, 'img.nii.gz')
        img2 = load_image('img.nii.gz')
        data2 = img2.get_data()
    # verify data
    assert_almost_equal(data2, data)
    assert_almost_equal(data2.mean(), data.mean())
    assert_almost_equal(data2.min(), data.min())
    assert_almost_equal(data2.max(), data.max())
    # verify shape and ndims
    assert_equal(img2.shape, img.shape)
    assert_equal(img2.ndim, img.ndim)
    # verify affine
    assert_almost_equal(img2.affine, img.affine)
Exemplo n.º 31
def test_roundtrip_from_array():
    data = np.random.rand(10,20,30)
    img = Image(data, AfT('kji', 'xyz', np.eye(4)))
    with InTemporaryDirectory():
        save_image(img, 'img.nii.gz')
        img2 = load_image('img.nii.gz')
        data2 = img2.get_data()
    # verify data
    assert_almost_equal(data2, data)
    assert_almost_equal(data2.mean(), data.mean())
    assert_almost_equal(data2.min(), data.min())
    assert_almost_equal(data2.max(), data.max())
    # verify shape and ndims
    assert_equal(img2.shape, img.shape)
    assert_equal(img2.ndim, img.ndim)
    # verify affine
    assert_almost_equal(img2.affine, img.affine)
Exemplo n.º 32
def test_file_roundtrip():
    img = load_image(anatfile)
    data = img.get_data()
    with InTemporaryDirectory():
        save_image(img, 'img.nii.gz')
        img2 = load_image('img.nii.gz')
        data2 = img2.get_data()
    # verify data
    assert_almost_equal(data2, data)
    assert_almost_equal(data2.mean(), data.mean())
    assert_almost_equal(data2.min(), data.min())
    assert_almost_equal(data2.max(), data.max())
    # verify shape and ndims
    assert_equal(img2.shape, img.shape)
    assert_equal(img2.ndim, img.ndim)
    # verify affine
    assert_almost_equal(img2.affine, img.affine)
Exemplo n.º 33
def test_altprotocol():
    block, bT, bF = protocol(descriptions['block'], 'block', *delay.spectral)
    event, eT, eF = protocol(descriptions['event'], 'event', *delay.spectral)

    blocka, baT, baF = altprotocol(altdescr['block'], 'block', *delay.spectral)
    eventa, eaT, eaF = altprotocol(altdescr['event'], 'event', *delay.spectral)

    for c in bT.keys():
        baf = baT[c]
        if not isinstance(baf, formulae.Formula):
            baf = formulae.Formula([baf])

        bf = bT[c]
        if not isinstance(bf, formulae.Formula):
            bf = formulae.Formula([bf])

    X =, return_float=True)
    Y =, return_float=True)
    if X.ndim == 1:
        X.shape = (X.shape[0], 1)
    m = OLSModel(X)
    r =
    remaining = (r.resid**2).sum() / (Y**2).sum()
    assert_almost_equal(remaining, 0)

    for c in bF.keys():
        baf = baF[c]
        if not isinstance(baf, formulae.Formula):
            baf = formulae.Formula([baf])

        bf = bF[c]
        if not isinstance(bf, formulae.Formula):
            bf = formulae.Formula([bf])

    X =, return_float=True)
    Y =, return_float=True)
    if X.ndim == 1:
        X.shape = (X.shape[0], 1)
    m = OLSModel(X)
    r =
    remaining = (r.resid**2).sum() / (Y**2).sum()
    assert_almost_equal(remaining, 0)
Exemplo n.º 34
def test_resid():
    # Data is projected onto k=10 dimensional subspace then has its mean
    # removed.  Should still have rank 10.
    k = 10
    ncomp = 5
    ntotal = k
    X = np.random.standard_normal((data['nimages'], k))
    p = pca(data['fmridata'], -1, ncomp=ncomp, design_resid=X)
    assert_equal(p['basis_vectors'].shape, (data['nimages'], ntotal))
    assert_equal(p['basis_projections'].shape, data['mask'].shape + (ncomp,))
    assert_equal(p['pcnt_var'].shape, (ntotal,))
    assert_almost_equal(p['pcnt_var'].sum(), 100.)
    # if design_resid is None, we do not remove the mean, and we get
    # full rank from our data
    p = pca(data['fmridata'], -1, design_resid=None)
    rank = p['basis_vectors'].shape[1]
    assert_equal(rank, data['nimages'])
    rarr = reconstruct(p['basis_vectors'], p['basis_projections'], -1)
    # add back the sqrt MSE, because we standardized
    rmse = root_mse(data['fmridata'], axis=-1)[...,None]
    assert_true(np.allclose(rarr * rmse, data['fmridata']))
Exemplo n.º 35
def test_Ragreement():
    # This code would fit the two-way ANOVA model in R

    # X = read.table('', header=T)
    # names(X)
    # X$Duration = factor(X$Duration)
    # X$Weight = factor(X$Weight)
    # lm(Days~Duration*Weight, X)
    # A = anova(lm(Days~Duration*Weight, X))

    # rA = rpy.r('A')
    rA = {
        'Df': [1, 2, 2, 54],
        'F value':
        [7.2147239263803673, 13.120973926380339, 1.8813266871165633, np.nan],
        'Mean Sq': [
            209.06666666666663, 380.21666666666584, 54.51666666666663,
        'Pr(>F)': [
            0.0095871255601553771, 2.2687781292164585e-05, 0.16224035152442268,
        'Sum Sq':
        [209.06666666666663, 760.43333333333169, 109.03333333333326, 1564.8]

    # rn = rpy.r('rownames(A)')
    rn = ['Duration', 'Weight', 'Duration:Weight', 'Residuals']

    pairs = [(rn.index('Duration'), 'Duration'),
             (rn.index('Weight'), 'Weight'),
             (rn.index('Duration:Weight'), 'Interaction')]

    for i, j in pairs:
        assert_almost_equal(F[j], rA['F value'][i])
        assert_almost_equal(p[j], rA['Pr(>F)'][i])
        assert_almost_equal(MS[j], rA['Mean Sq'][i])
        assert_almost_equal(df[j], rA['Df'][i])
        assert_almost_equal(SS[j], rA['Sum Sq'][i])
Exemplo n.º 36
def test_scipy_stats():
    # Using scipy.stats.models

    X, cons =, contrasts=contrasts)
    Y = D['Days']
    m = OLSModel(X)
    f =

    F_m = {}
    df_m = {}
    p_m = {}

    for n, c in cons.items():
        r = f.Fcontrast(c)
        F_m[n] = r.F
        df_m[n] = r.df_num
        p_m[n] = scipy.stats.f.sf(F_m[n], df_m[n], r.df_den)
        assert_almost_equal(F[n], F_m[n])
        assert_almost_equal(df[n], df_m[n])
        assert_almost_equal(p[n], p_m[n])
Exemplo n.º 37
def test_input_effects():
    # Test effects of axis specifications
    ntotal = data['nimages'] - 1
    # return full rank - mean PCA over last axis
    p = pos1pca(data['fmridata'], -1)
    assert_equal(p['basis_vectors'].shape, (data['nimages'], ntotal))
    assert_equal(p['basis_projections'].shape, data['mask'].shape + (ntotal,))
    assert_equal(p['pcnt_var'].shape, (ntotal,))
    # Reconstructed data lacks only mean
    rarr = reconstruct(p['basis_vectors'], p['basis_projections'], -1)
    rarr = rarr + data['fmridata'].mean(-1)[...,None]
    # same effect if over axis 0, which is the default
    arr = data['fmridata']
    arr = np.rollaxis(arr, -1)
    # Same basis once we've normalized the signs
    pr = pos1pca(arr)
    out_arr = np.rollaxis(pr['basis_projections'], 0, 4)
    assert_almost_equal(out_arr, p['basis_projections'])
    assert_almost_equal(p['basis_vectors'], pr['basis_vectors'])
    assert_almost_equal(p['pcnt_var'], pr['pcnt_var'])
    # Check axis None raises error
    assert_raises(ValueError, pca, data['fmridata'], None)
Exemplo n.º 38
def test_nondiag():
    gimg.affine[0, 1] = 3.0
    with InTemporaryDirectory():
        save_image(gimg, 'img.nii')
        img2 = load_image('img.nii')
        assert_almost_equal(img2.affine, gimg.affine)