Exemplo n.º 1
def test_dilation(fsl_output_type=None):
    prev_type = set_output_type(fsl_output_type)
    files, testdir, origdir, out_ext = create_files_in_directory()

    # Get the command
    diller = fsl.DilateImage(in_file="a.nii", out_file="b.nii")

    # Test the underlying command
    yield assert_equal, diller.cmd, "fslmaths"

    # Test that the dilation operation is mandatory
    yield assert_raises, ValueError, diller.run

    # Test the different dilation operations
    for op in ["mean", "modal", "max"]:
        cv = dict(mean="M", modal="D", max="F")
        diller.inputs.operation = op
        yield assert_equal, diller.cmdline, "fslmaths a.nii -dil%s b.nii" % cv[

    # Now test the different kernel options
    for k in ["3D", "2D", "box", "boxv", "gauss", "sphere"]:
        for size in [1, 1.5, 5]:
            diller.inputs.kernel_shape = k
            diller.inputs.kernel_size = size
            yield assert_equal, diller.cmdline, "fslmaths a.nii -kernel %s %.4f -dilF b.nii" % (
                k, size)

    # Test that we can use a file kernel
    f = open("kernel.txt", "w").close()
    del f  # Shut pyflakes up
    diller.inputs.kernel_shape = "file"
    diller.inputs.kernel_size = Undefined
    diller.inputs.kernel_file = "kernel.txt"
    yield assert_equal, diller.cmdline, "fslmaths a.nii -kernel file kernel.txt -dilF b.nii"

    # Test that we don't need to request an out name
    dil = fsl.DilateImage(in_file="a.nii", operation="max")
    yield assert_equal, dil.cmdline, "fslmaths a.nii -dilF %s" % os.path.join(
        testdir, "a_dil%s" % out_ext)

    # Clean up our mess
    clean_directory(testdir, origdir)
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_dilation(create_files_in_directory_plus_output_type):
    files, testdir, out_ext = create_files_in_directory_plus_output_type

    # Get the command
    diller = fsl.DilateImage(in_file="a.nii", out_file="b.nii")

    # Test the underlying command
    assert diller.cmd == "fslmaths"

    # Test that the dilation operation is mandatory
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):

    # Test the different dilation operations
    for op in ["mean", "modal", "max"]:
        cv = dict(mean="M", modal="D", max="F")
        diller.inputs.operation = op
        assert diller.cmdline == "fslmaths a.nii -dil{} b.nii".format(cv[op])

    # Now test the different kernel options
    for k in ["3D", "2D", "box", "boxv", "gauss", "sphere"]:
        for size in [1, 1.5, 5]:
            diller.inputs.kernel_shape = k
            diller.inputs.kernel_size = size
            assert (diller.cmdline ==
                    "fslmaths a.nii -kernel {} {:.4f} -dilF b.nii".format(
                        k, size))

    # Test that we can use a file kernel
    f = open("kernel.txt", "w").close()
    del f  # Shut pyflakes up
    diller.inputs.kernel_shape = "file"
    diller.inputs.kernel_size = Undefined
    diller.inputs.kernel_file = "kernel.txt"
    assert diller.cmdline == "fslmaths a.nii -kernel file kernel.txt -dilF b.nii"

    # Test that we don't need to request an out name
    dil = fsl.DilateImage(in_file="a.nii", operation="max")
    assert dil.cmdline == "fslmaths a.nii -dilF {}".format(
        os.path.join(testdir, "a_dil{}".format(out_ext)))
#Node: Smooth - The volume smoothing option performs a standard SPM smoothing
volsmooth = pe.Node(interface=spm.Smooth(), name = "volsmooth")
volsmooth.inputs.fwhm = 6

#Node: FreeSurferSource - The get specific files from the freesurfer folder
fssource = pe.Node(interface=nio.FreeSurferSource(),name='fssource')
fssource.inputs.subjects_dir = subjects_dir

#Node: Binarize -  to binarize the aseg file for the dilation
binarize = pe.Node(interface=fs.Binarize(),name='binarize')
binarize.inputs.min = 0.5
binarize.inputs.out_type = 'nii'

#Node: DilateImage - to dilate the binarized aseg file and use it as a mask
dilate = pe.Node(interface=math.DilateImage(),name='dilate')
dilate.inputs.operation = 'max'
dilate.inputs.output_type = 'NIFTI'

#Connect up the preprocessing components
preproc.connect([(sliceTiming, realign,[('timecorrected_files', 'in_files')]),
                 (realign, bbregister,[('mean_image', 'source_file')]),
                 (realign, volsmooth, [('realigned_files', 'in_files')]),
                 (realign, art,[('realignment_parameters','realignment_parameters'),
                                ('mean_image', 'mask_file'),
                 (fssource, binarize, [('aseg','in_file')]),
                 (binarize, dilate,[('binary_file','in_file')]),
                 (realign, art,[('realignment_parameters','realignment_parameters'),