Exemplo n.º 1
 def _format_arg(self, opt, spec, val):
     """Convert input to appropriate format for spm
     if opt == 'target' or opt == 'source':
         return scans_for_fnames(filename_to_list(val),
     if opt == 'apply_to_files':
         return scans_for_fnames(filename_to_list(val))
     return val
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _format_arg(self, opt, spec, val):
        """Convert input to appropriate format for spm

        if opt in ["image_files"]:
            return scans_for_fnames(val, keep4d=True, separate_sessions=True)
        if opt in ["flowfield_files"]:
            return scans_for_fnames(val, keep4d=True)
            return val
Exemplo n.º 3
 def _format_arg(self, opt, spec, val):
     """Convert input to appropriate format for spm
     if opt == "target" or (opt == "source" and self.inputs.jobtype != "write"):
         return scans_for_fnames(filename_to_list(val), keep4d=True)
     if opt == "apply_to_files":
         return scans_for_fnames(filename_to_list(val))
     if opt == "source" and self.inputs.jobtype == "write":
         if isdefined(self.inputs.apply_to_files):
             return scans_for_fnames(val + self.inputs.apply_to_files)
             return scans_for_fnames(val)
     return val
Exemplo n.º 4
    def _format_arg(self, opt, spec, val):
        """Convert input to appropriate format for spm
        if opt in ["deformation_field", "reference_volume"]:
            val = [val]

        if opt in ["deformation_field"]:
            return scans_for_fnames(val, keep4d=True, separate_sessions=False)
        if opt in ["in_files", "reference_volume"]:
            return scans_for_fnames(val, keep4d=False, separate_sessions=False)

            return super(ApplyDeformations, self)._format_arg(opt, spec, val)
Exemplo n.º 5
 def _format_arg(self, opt, spec, val):
     """Convert input to appropriate format for spm
     if opt == 'target' or (opt == 'source' and self.inputs.jobtype != "write"):
         return scans_for_fnames(filename_to_list(val),
     if opt == 'apply_to_files':
         return np.array(filename_to_list(val), dtype=object)
     if opt == 'source' and self.inputs.jobtype == "write":
         if isdefined(self.inputs.apply_to_files):
             return scans_for_fnames(val+self.inputs.apply_to_files)
             return scans_for_fnames(val)
     return val
Exemplo n.º 6
    def _format_arg(self, opt, spec, val):
        """Convert input to appropriate format for spm

        if opt in ["image_files"]:
            return scans_for_fnames(val, keep4d=True, separate_sessions=True)
        elif opt == "regularization_form":
            mapper = {"Linear": 0, "Membrane": 1, "Bending": 2}
            return mapper[val]
        elif opt == "iteration_parameters":
            params = []
            for param in val:
                new_param = {}
                new_param["its"] = param[0]
                new_param["rparam"] = list(param[1])
                new_param["K"] = param[2]
                new_param["slam"] = param[3]
            return params
        elif opt == "optimization parameters":
            new_param = {}
            new_param["lmreg"] = val[0]
            new_param["cyc"] = val[1]
            new_param["its"] = val[2]
            return [new_param]
            return val
Exemplo n.º 7
	def _run_interface(self, runtime):
		from nipype.interfaces.spm.base import scans_for_fname,scans_for_fnames
		from nipype.utils.filemanip import filename_to_list,list_to_filename

		# setup parameters
		input_dir = "."
		in_files = "{"
		asl_first = str(self.inputs.first_image_type)
		TR = str(self.inputs.TR)
		# convert images to cell array string in matlab
		for f in sorted(scans_for_fnames(filename_to_list(self.inputs.in_files))):
			in_files += "'"+f+"',\n"
			input_dir = os.path.dirname(f)
		in_files = in_files[:-2]+"}"
		self.input_dir = input_dir

		d = dict(in_files=in_files,in_dir=input_dir,first_image_type=asl_first,TR =TR)
		myscript = Template("""
		input = char($in_files);
		mlab = MatlabCommand(script=myscript,matlab_cmd="matlab -nodesktop -nosplash",mfile=True)
		result = mlab.run()
		return result.runtime
Exemplo n.º 8
    def _format_arg(self, opt, spec, val):
        """Convert input to appropriate format for spm"""
        import numpy as np

        if opt in ["image_files"]:
            return scans_for_fnames(val, keep4d=True, separate_sessions=True)
        elif opt == "regularization_form":
            mapper = {"Linear": 0, "Membrane": 1, "Bending": 2}
            return mapper[val]
        elif opt == "iteration_parameters":
            params = []
            for param in val:
                new_param = {}
                new_param["its"] = param[0]
                new_param["rparam"] = list(param[1])
                new_param["K"] = param[2]
                new_param["template"] = np.array([param[3]], dtype=object)
            return params
        elif opt == "optimization_parameters":
            new_param = {}
            new_param["lmreg"] = val[0]
            new_param["cyc"] = val[1]
            new_param["its"] = val[2]
            return [new_param]
            return super(DARTELExistingTemplate,
                         self)._format_arg(opt, spec, val)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def _format_arg(self, opt, spec, val):
        """Convert input to appropriate format for spm

        if opt in ['channel_files', 'channel_info']:
            # structure have to be recreated because of some weird traits error
            new_channel = {}
            new_channel['vols'] = scans_for_fnames(self.inputs.channel_files)
            if isdefined(self.inputs.channel_info):
                info = self.inputs.channel_info
                new_channel['biasreg'] = info[0]
                new_channel['biasfwhm'] = info[1]
                new_channel['write'] = [int(info[2][0]), int(info[2][1])]
            return [new_channel]
        elif opt == 'tissues':
            new_tissues = []
            for tissue in val:
                new_tissue = {}
                new_tissue['tpm'] = np.array(
                    [','.join([tissue[0][0], str(tissue[0][1])])],
                new_tissue['ngaus'] = tissue[1]
                new_tissue['native'] = [int(tissue[2][0]), int(tissue[2][1])]
                new_tissue['warped'] = [int(tissue[3][0]), int(tissue[3][1])]
            return new_tissues
        elif opt == 'write_deformation_fields':
            return super(MultiChannelSegment, self)._format_arg(
                opt, spec, [int(val[0]), int(val[1])])
            return super(MultiChannelSegment, self)._format_arg(opt, spec, val)
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_generate_job():
    class TestClass(spm.SPMCommand):
        input_spec = spm.SPMCommandInputSpec

    dc = TestClass()  # dc = derived_class
    out = dc._generate_job()
    yield assert_equal, out, ''
    # struct array
    contents = {'contents': [1, 2, 3, 4]}
    out = dc._generate_job(contents=contents)
    yield assert_equal, out, ('.contents(1) = 1;\n.contents(2) = 2;'
                              '\n.contents(3) = 3;\n.contents(4) = 4;\n')
    # cell array of strings
    filelist, outdir, cwd = create_files_in_directory()
    names = spm.scans_for_fnames(filelist, keep4d=True)
    contents = {'files': names}
    out = dc._generate_job(prefix='test', contents=contents)
    yield assert_equal, out, "test.files = {...\n'a.nii';...\n'b.nii';...\n};\n"
    clean_directory(outdir, cwd)
    # string assignment
    contents = 'foo'
    out = dc._generate_job(prefix='test', contents=contents)
    yield assert_equal, out, "test = 'foo';\n"
    # cell array of vectors
    contents = {'onsets': np.array((1, ), dtype=object)}
    contents['onsets'][0] = [1, 2, 3, 4]
    out = dc._generate_job(prefix='test', contents=contents)
    yield assert_equal, out, 'test.onsets = {...\n[1, 2, 3, 4];...\n};\n'
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_generate_job(create_files_in_directory):
    class TestClass(spm.SPMCommand):
        input_spec = spm.SPMCommandInputSpec

    dc = TestClass()  # dc = derived_class
    out = dc._generate_job()
    assert out == ""
    # struct array
    contents = {"contents": [1, 2, 3, 4]}
    out = dc._generate_job(contents=contents)
    assert out == (".contents(1) = 1;\n.contents(2) = 2;"
                   "\n.contents(3) = 3;\n.contents(4) = 4;\n")
    # cell array of strings
    filelist, outdir = create_files_in_directory
    names = spm.scans_for_fnames(filelist, keep4d=True)
    contents = {"files": names}
    out = dc._generate_job(prefix="test", contents=contents)
    assert out == "test.files = {...\n'a.nii';...\n'b.nii';...\n};\n"
    # string assignment
    contents = "foo"
    out = dc._generate_job(prefix="test", contents=contents)
    assert out == "test = 'foo';\n"
    # cell array of vectors
    contents = {"onsets": np.array((1, ), dtype=object)}
    contents["onsets"][0] = [1, 2, 3, 4]
    out = dc._generate_job(prefix="test", contents=contents)
    assert out == "test.onsets = {...\n[1, 2, 3, 4];...\n};\n"
Exemplo n.º 12
    def _format_arg(self, opt, spec, val):
        """Convert input to appropriate format for spm

        if opt in ["channel_files", "channel_info"]:
            # structure have to be recreated, because of some weird traits error
            new_channel = {}
            new_channel["vols"] = scans_for_fnames(self.inputs.channel_files)
            if isdefined(self.inputs.channel_info):
                info = self.inputs.channel_info
                new_channel["biasreg"] = info[0]
                new_channel["biasfwhm"] = info[1]
                new_channel["write"] = [int(info[2][0]), int(info[2][1])]
            return [new_channel]
        elif opt == "tissues":
            new_tissues = []
            for tissue in val:
                new_tissue = {}
                new_tissue["tpm"] = np.array([",".join([tissue[0][0], str(tissue[0][1])])], dtype=object)
                new_tissue["ngaus"] = tissue[1]
                new_tissue["native"] = [int(tissue[2][0]), int(tissue[2][1])]
                new_tissue["warped"] = [int(tissue[3][0]), int(tissue[3][1])]
            return new_tissues
        elif opt == "write_deformation_fields":
            return super(NewSegment, self)._format_arg(opt, spec, [int(val[0]), int(val[0])])
            return super(NewSegment, self)._format_arg(opt, spec, val)
Exemplo n.º 13
    def _format_arg(self, opt, spec, val):
        """Convert input to appropriate format for spm

        if opt in ['image_files']:
            return scans_for_fnames(val, keep4d=True, separate_sessions=True)
        elif opt == 'regularization_form':
            mapper = {'Linear':0, 'Membrane':1, 'Bending':2}
            return mapper[val]
        elif opt == 'iteration_parameters':
            params = []
            for param in val:
                new_param = {}
                new_param['its'] = param[0]
                new_param['rparam'] = list(param[1])
                new_param['K'] = param[2]
                new_param['slam'] = param[3]
            return params
        elif opt == 'optimization parameters':
            new_param = {}
            new_param['lmreg'] = val[0]
            new_param['cyc'] = val[1]
            new_param['its'] = val[2]
            return [new_param]
            return val
Exemplo n.º 14
def test_generate_job(create_files_in_directory):
    class TestClass(spm.SPMCommand):
        input_spec = spm.SPMCommandInputSpec
    dc = TestClass()  # dc = derived_class
    out = dc._generate_job()
    assert out == ''
    # struct array
    contents = {'contents': [1, 2, 3, 4]}
    out = dc._generate_job(contents=contents)
    assert out == ('.contents(1) = 1;\n.contents(2) = 2;'
                   '\n.contents(3) = 3;\n.contents(4) = 4;\n')
    # cell array of strings
    filelist, outdir = create_files_in_directory
    names = spm.scans_for_fnames(filelist, keep4d=True)
    contents = {'files': names}
    out = dc._generate_job(prefix='test', contents=contents)
    assert out == "test.files = {...\n'a.nii';...\n'b.nii';...\n};\n"
    # string assignment
    contents = 'foo'
    out = dc._generate_job(prefix='test', contents=contents)
    assert out == "test = 'foo';\n"
    # cell array of vectors
    contents = {'onsets': np.array((1,), dtype=object)}
    contents['onsets'][0] = [1, 2, 3, 4]
    out = dc._generate_job(prefix='test', contents=contents)
    assert out == 'test.onsets = {...\n[1, 2, 3, 4];...\n};\n'
Exemplo n.º 15
    def _format_arg(self, opt, spec, val):
        """Convert input to appropriate format for spm
        import numpy as np

        if opt in ['image_files']:
            return scans_for_fnames(val, keep4d=True, separate_sessions=True)
        elif opt == 'regularization_form':
            mapper = {'Linear': 0, 'Membrane': 1, 'Bending': 2}
            return mapper[val]
        elif opt == 'iteration_parameters':
            params = []
            for param in val:
                new_param = {}
                new_param['its'] = param[0]
                new_param['rparam'] = list(param[1])
                new_param['K'] = param[2]
                new_param['template'] = np.array([param[3]], dtype=object)
            return params
        elif opt == 'optimization_parameters':
            new_param = {}
            new_param['lmreg'] = val[0]
            new_param['cyc'] = val[1]
            new_param['its'] = val[2]
            return [new_param]
            return super(DARTELExistingTemplate,
                         self)._format_arg(opt, spec, val)
Exemplo n.º 16
 def _format_arg(self, opt, spec, val):
     """Convert input to appropriate format for spm
     if opt == 'in_files':
         return scans_for_fnames(filename_to_list(val),
     return val
Exemplo n.º 17
 def _format_arg(self, opt, spec, val):
     """Convert input to appropriate format for spm
     if opt == "in_files":
         return scans_for_fnames(val, keep4d=True, separate_sessions=True)
     if opt == "register_to_mean":  # XX check if this is necessary
         return int(val)
     return val
Exemplo n.º 18
 def _format_arg(self, opt, spec, val):
     """Convert input to appropriate format for SPM
     if opt in ['in_files']:
         return scans_for_fnames(filename_to_list(val), keep4d=False)
     if opt == 'deformation_field':
         return np.array([list_to_filename(val)], dtype=object)
     return super(ApplyDeformationField, self)._format_arg(opt, spec, val)
Exemplo n.º 19
 def _parse_inputs(self):
     """validate spm realign options if set to None ignore
     einputs = super(Level1Design, self)._parse_inputs(skip=('mask_threshold'))
     for sessinfo in einputs[0]['sess']:
         sessinfo['scans'] = scans_for_fnames(filename_to_list(sessinfo['scans']), keep4d=False)
     if not isdefined(self.inputs.spm_mat_dir):
         einputs[0]['dir'] = np.array([str(os.getcwd())], dtype=object)
     return einputs
Exemplo n.º 20
    def _format_arg(self, opt, spec, val):
        """Convert input to appropriate format for spm"""
        if opt == "in_files":
            if isinstance(val, list):
                return scans_for_fnames(val)
                return scans_for_fname(val)

        return super(CAT12SANLMDenoising, self)._format_arg(opt, spec, val)
Exemplo n.º 21
 def _parse_inputs(self):
     """validate spm realign options if set to None ignore
     einputs = super(Level1Design, self)._parse_inputs(skip=('mask_threshold'))
     for sessinfo in einputs[0]['sess']:
         sessinfo['scans'] = scans_for_fnames(filename_to_list(sessinfo['scans']), keep4d=False)
     if not isdefined(self.inputs.spm_mat_dir):
         einputs[0]['dir'] = np.array([str(os.getcwd())], dtype=object)
     return einputs
Exemplo n.º 22
    def _format_arg(self, opt, spec, val):
        """Convert input to appropriate format for spm"""
        if opt == "in_files":
            if isinstance(val, list):
                return scans_for_fnames(val)
                return scans_for_fname(val)
        elif opt in ["tpm", "shooting_tpm"]:
            return Cell2Str(val)

        return super(CAT12Segment, self)._format_arg(opt, spec, val)
Exemplo n.º 23
 def _format_arg(self, opt, spec, val):
     """Convert input to appropriate format for spm"""
     if opt == "in_files":
         if isinstance(val, list):
             return scans_for_fnames(val)
             return scans_for_fname(val)
     if opt == "spm_type":
         type_map = {"same": 0, "uint8": 2, "uint16": 512, "float32": 16}
         val = type_map[val]
     return super(CAT12SANLMDenoising, self)._format_arg(opt, spec, val)
Exemplo n.º 24
 def _format_arg(self, opt, spec, val):
     """Convert input to appropriate format for spm
     if opt == 'in_files':
         return scans_for_fnames(filename_to_list(val))
     if opt == 'target':
         return scans_for_fname(filename_to_list(val))
     if opt == 'deformation':
         return np.array([list_to_filename(val)], dtype=object)
     if opt == 'deformation_field':
         return np.array([list_to_filename(val)], dtype=object)
     return val
Exemplo n.º 25
 def _format_arg(self, opt, spec, val):
     if opt in ["in_files"]:
         return scans_for_fnames(filename_to_list(val))
     if opt == "fwhm":
         if not isinstance(val, list):
             return [val, val, val]
         if isinstance(val, list):
             if len(val) == 1:
                 return [val[0], val[0], val[0]]
                 return val
     return val
Exemplo n.º 26
 def _format_arg(self, opt, spec, val):
     """Convert input to appropriate format for spm
     if opt == 'in_files':
         return scans_for_fnames(filename_to_list(val))
     if opt == 'target':
         return scans_for_fname(filename_to_list(val))
     if opt == 'deformation':
         return np.array([list_to_filename(val)], dtype=object)
     if opt == 'deformation_field':
         return np.array([list_to_filename(val)], dtype=object)
     return val
Exemplo n.º 27
 def _format_arg(self, opt, spec, val):
     """Convert input to appropriate format for spm
     if opt in ["template_file"]:
         return np.array([val], dtype=object)
     elif opt in ["flowfield_files"]:
         return scans_for_fnames(val, keep4d=True)
     elif opt in ["apply_to_files"]:
         return scans_for_fnames(val, keep4d=True, separate_sessions=True)
     elif opt == "voxel_size":
         return list(val)
     elif opt == "bounding_box":
         return list(val)
     elif opt == "fwhm":
         if not isinstance(val, tuple):
             return [val, val, val]
         if isinstance(val, tuple):
             return val
     elif opt == "modulate":
         return int(val)
         return val
Exemplo n.º 28
 def _parse_inputs(self):
     """validate spm realign options if set to None ignore
     einputs = super(Normalize, self)._parse_inputs(skip=("jobtype", "apply_to_files"))
     if isdefined(self.inputs.apply_to_files):
         inputfiles = deepcopy(self.inputs.apply_to_files)
         if isdefined(self.inputs.source):
         einputs[0]["subj"]["resample"] = scans_for_fnames(inputfiles)
     jobtype = self.inputs.jobtype
     if jobtype in ["estwrite", "write"]:
         if not isdefined(self.inputs.apply_to_files):
             if isdefined(self.inputs.source):
                 einputs[0]["subj"]["resample"] = scans_for_fname(self.inputs.source)
     return [{"%s" % (jobtype): einputs[0]}]
Exemplo n.º 29
 def _format_arg(self, opt, spec, val):
     """Convert input to appropriate format for spm
     if opt == "template":
         return scans_for_fname(filename_to_list(val))
     if opt == "source":
         return scans_for_fname(filename_to_list(val))
     if opt == "apply_to_files":
         return scans_for_fnames(filename_to_list(val))
     if opt == "parameter_file":
         return np.array([list_to_filename(val)], dtype=object)
     if opt in ["write_wrap"]:
         if len(val) != 3:
             raise ValueError("%s must have 3 elements" % opt)
     return val
Exemplo n.º 30
    def _format_arg(self, opt, spec, val):
        if opt in ['in_files']:
            return scans_for_fnames(filename_to_list(val))
        if opt == 'fwhm':
            if not isinstance(val, list):
                return [val, val, val]
            if isinstance(val, list):
                if len(val) == 1:
                    return [val[0], val[0], val[0]]
                    return val
            if opt == 'implicit_masking':
                return int(val)

        return val
Exemplo n.º 31
 def _format_arg(self, opt, spec, val):
     """Convert input to appropriate format for spm
     if opt == 'template':
         return scans_for_fname(filename_to_list(val))
     if opt == 'source':
         return scans_for_fname(filename_to_list(val))
     if opt == 'apply_to_files':
         return scans_for_fnames(filename_to_list(val))
     if opt == 'parameter_file':
         return np.array([list_to_filename(val)], dtype=object)
     if opt in ['write_wrap']:
         if len(val) != 3:
             raise ValueError('%s must have 3 elements' % opt)
     return super(Normalize, self)._format_arg(opt, spec, val)
Exemplo n.º 32
 def _parse_inputs(self):
     """validate spm realign options if set to None ignore
     einputs = super(Normalize, self)._parse_inputs(skip=('jobtype',
     if isdefined(self.inputs.apply_to_files):
         inputfiles = deepcopy(self.inputs.apply_to_files)
         if isdefined(self.inputs.source):
         einputs[0]['subj']['resample'] = scans_for_fnames(inputfiles)
     jobtype = self.inputs.jobtype
     if jobtype in ['estwrite', 'write']:
         if not isdefined(self.inputs.apply_to_files):
             if isdefined(self.inputs.source):
                 einputs[0]['subj']['resample'] = scans_for_fname(self.inputs.source)
     return [{'%s' % (jobtype):einputs[0]}]
Exemplo n.º 33
 def _format_arg(self, opt, spec, val):
     """Convert input to appropriate format for spm
     if opt == 'in_files':
         infiles =  scans_for_fnames(val,
         #return self._reformat_dict_for_savemat(dict(scans = infiles))
         return infiles
     #if opt == 'phase_map':
     #    infiles = val
     #    return self._reformat_dict_for_savemat(dict(pmscan = infiles))
     if opt == 'register_to_mean': # XX check if this is necessary
         return int(val)
     return val
Exemplo n.º 34
    def _format_arg(self, opt, spec, val):
        """Convert input to appropriate format for spm
        clean_masks_dict = {'no':0, 'light':1, 'thorough':2}

        if opt in ['data', 'tissue_prob_maps']:
            if isinstance(val, list):
                return scans_for_fnames(val)
                return scans_for_fname(val)
        if 'output_type' in opt:
            return [int(v) for v in val]
        if opt == 'save_bias_corrected':
            return int(val)
        if opt == 'mask_image':
            return scans_for_fname(val)
        if opt == 'clean_masks':
            return clean_masks_dict[val]
        return val
Exemplo n.º 35
    def _format_arg(self, opt, spec, val):
        """Convert input to appropriate format for spm
        clean_masks_dict = {"no": 0, "light": 1, "thorough": 2}

        if opt in ["data", "tissue_prob_maps"]:
            if isinstance(val, list):
                return scans_for_fnames(val)
                return scans_for_fname(val)
        if "output_type" in opt:
            return [int(v) for v in val]
        if opt == "save_bias_corrected":
            return int(val)
        if opt == "mask_image":
            return scans_for_fname(val)
        if opt == "clean_masks":
            return clean_masks_dict[val]
        return val
Exemplo n.º 36
	def _list_outputs(self):
		import scipy.io as sp
		#setup subject
		input_dir = "."
		for f in scans_for_fnames(filename_to_list(self.inputs.in_files)):
			input_dir = os.path.dirname(f)
		pt = re.compile(".*/embarc_CU_(.*)_mri_fmriraw.*")
		mt = pt.match(input_dir)
		if mt:
			subject = mt.group(1)

		# get the float value
		mat = sp.loadmat(os.path.abspath(input_dir+"/mean_CBF_spm_save.mat"),squeeze_me=True)
		outputs = self._outputs().get()
		outputs['cbf_image'] = os.path.abspath(input_dir+"/meanCBF_"+subject+".nii")
		outputs['cbf_value'] = mat['L']
		return outputs
Exemplo n.º 37
    def _format_arg(self, opt, spec, val):
        """Convert input to appropriate format for spm

        if opt == "channel_files":
            # structure have to be recreated, because of some weird traits error
            new_channels = []
            for channel in val:
                new_channel = {}
                new_channel["vols"] = scans_for_fname(filename_to_list(channel))
            return new_channels
        elif opt == "channel_info":
            # structure have to be recreated, because of some weird traits error
            new_channels = []
            for channel in val:
                new_channel = {}

                new_channel["biasreg"] = channel[0]
                new_channel["biasfwhm"] = channel[1]
                new_channel["write"] = [int(channel[2][0]), int(channel[2][1])]

            return new_channels
        elif opt == "tissues":
            new_tissues = []
            for tissue in val:
                new_tissue = {}

                new_tissue["tpm"] = scans_for_fnames(tissue[0])
                new_tissue["ngauss"] = tissue[1]
                new_tissue["native"] = [int(tissue[2][0]), int(tissue[2][1])]
                new_tissue["warped"] = [int(tissue[3][0]), int(tissue[3][1])]

            return new_tissues
Exemplo n.º 38
    def _format_arg(self, opt, spec, val):
        """Convert input to appropriate format for spm

        if opt in ['channel_files', 'channel_info']:
            # structure have to be recreated, because of some weird traits error
            new_channel = {}
            new_channel['vols'] = scans_for_fnames(self.inputs.channel_files)
            if isdefined(self.inputs.channel_info):
                info = self.inputs.channel_info
                new_channel['biasreg'] = info[0]
                new_channel['biasfwhm'] = info[1]
                new_channel['write'] = [int(info[2][0]), int(info[2][1])]
            return [new_channel]
        elif opt == 'tissues':
            new_tissues = []
            for tissue in val:
                new_tissue = {}
                new_tissue['tpm'] = np.array([','.join([tissue[0][0], str(tissue[0][1])])], dtype=object)
                new_tissue['ngaus'] = tissue[1]
                new_tissue['native'] = [int(tissue[2][0]), int(tissue[2][1])]
                new_tissue['warped'] = [int(tissue[3][0]), int(tissue[3][1])]
            return new_tissues
Exemplo n.º 39
    def _format_arg(self, opt, spec, val):
        """Convert input to appropriate format for spm

        if opt == 'channel_files':
            # structure have to be recreated, because of some weird traits error
            new_channels = []
            for channel in val:
                new_channel = {}
                new_channel['vols'] = scans_for_fname(filename_to_list(channel))
            return new_channels
        elif opt == 'channel_info':
            # structure have to be recreated, because of some weird traits error
            new_channels = []
            for channel in val:
                new_channel = {}

                new_channel['biasreg'] = channel[0]
                new_channel['biasfwhm'] = channel[1]
                new_channel['write'] = [int(channel[2][0]), int(channel[2][1])]

            return new_channels
        elif opt == 'tissues':
            new_tissues = []
            for tissue in val:
                new_tissue = {}

                new_tissue['tpm'] = scans_for_fnames(tissue[0])
                new_tissue['ngauss'] = tissue[1]
                new_tissue['native'] = [int(tissue[2][0]), int(tissue[2][1])]
                new_tissue['warped'] = [int(tissue[3][0]), int(tissue[3][1])]

            return new_tissues
Exemplo n.º 40
def test_scan_for_fnames(create_files_in_directory):
    filelist, outdir = create_files_in_directory
    names = spm.scans_for_fnames(filelist, keep4d=True)
    assert names[0] == filelist[0]
    assert names[1] == filelist[1]
Exemplo n.º 41
 def _format_arg(self, opt, spec, val):
     """Convert input to appropriate format for spm
     if opt == 'in_file':
         return scans_for_fnames(filename_to_list(val))
     return val
Exemplo n.º 42
def test_scan_for_fnames(create_files_in_directory):
    filelist, outdir = create_files_in_directory
    names = spm.scans_for_fnames(filelist, keep4d=True)
    assert names[0] == filelist[0]
    assert names[1] == filelist[1]
Exemplo n.º 43
def test_scan_for_fnames():
    filelist, outdir, cwd = create_files_in_directory()
    names = spm.scans_for_fnames(filelist, keep4d=True)
    yield assert_equal, names[0], filelist[0]
    yield assert_equal, names[1], filelist[1]
    clean_directory(outdir, cwd)
Exemplo n.º 44
 def _format_arg(self, opt, spec, val):
     """Convert input to appropriate format for spm
     if opt == 'scans' or opt == 'pmscan':
         return scans_for_fnames(filename_to_list(val))
     return super(RealignUnwarp, self)._format_arg(opt, spec, val)