Exemplo n.º 1
def estimate(filename,
    """ Estimate a trend surface model

    This will estimate a trend surface model, independently for each subject.
    This is currently fit using a polynomial model of a specified degree.
    The models are estimated on the basis of data stored on disk in ascii or
    neuroimaging data formats (currently nifti only). Ascii data should be in
    tab or space delimited format with the number of voxels in rows and the
    number of subjects in columns. Neuroimaging data will be reshaped
    into the appropriate format

    Basic usage::

        estimate(filename, maskfile, basis)

    where the variables are defined below. Note that either the cfolds
    parameter or (testcov, testresp) should be specified, but not both.

    :param filename: 4-d nifti file containing the images to be estimated
    :param maskfile: nifti mask used to apply to the data
    :param basis: model order for the interpolating polynomial

    All outputs are written to disk in the same format as the input. These are:

    :outputs: * yhat - predictive mean
              * ys2 - predictive variance
              * trendcoeff - coefficients from the trend surface model
              * negloglik - Negative log marginal likelihood
              * hyp - hyperparameters
              * explainedvar - explained variance
              * rmse - standardised mean squared error

    # load data
    print("Processing data in", filename)
    Y, X, mask = load_data(filename, maskfile)
    Y = np.round(
        10000 * Y) / 10000  # truncate precision to avoid numerical probs
    if len(Y.shape) == 1:
        Y = Y[:, np.newaxis]
    N = Y.shape[1]

    # standardize responses and covariates
    mY = np.mean(Y, axis=0)
    sY = np.std(Y, axis=0)
    Yz = (Y - mY) / sY
    mX = np.mean(X, axis=0)
    sX = np.std(X, axis=0)
    Xz = (X - mX) / sX

    # create basis set and set starting hyperparamters
    Phi = create_basis(Xz, basis, mask)
    if ard is True:
        hyp0 = np.zeros(Phi.shape[1] + 1)
        hyp0 = np.zeros(2)

    # estimate the models for all subjects
    if ard:
        print('ARD is enabled')
    yhat = np.zeros_like(Yz)
    ys2 = np.zeros_like(Yz)
    nlZ = np.zeros(N)
    hyp = np.zeros((N, len(hyp0)))
    rmse = np.zeros(N)
    ev = np.zeros(N)
    m = np.zeros((N, Phi.shape[1]))
    bs2 = np.zeros((N, Phi.shape[1]))
    for i in range(0, N):
        print("Estimating model ", i + 1, "of", N)
        breg = BLR()
        hyp[i, :] = breg.estimate(hyp0, Phi, Yz[:, i])
        m[i, :] = breg.m
        nlZ[i] = breg.nlZ

        # compute extra measures (e.g. marginal variances)?
        if outputall:
            bs2[i] = np.sqrt(np.diag(np.linalg.inv(breg.A)))

        # compute predictions and errors
        yhat[:, i], ys2[:, i] = breg.predict(hyp[i, :], Phi, Yz[:, i], Phi)
        yhat[:, i] = yhat[:, i] * sY[i] + mY[i]
        rmse[i] = np.sqrt(np.mean((Y[:, i] - yhat[:, i])**2))
        ev[i] = 100 * (1 - (np.var(Y[:, i] - yhat[:, i]) / np.var(Y[:, i])))

        print("Variance explained =", ev[i], "% RMSE =", rmse[i])

    print("Mean (std) variance explained =", ev.mean(), "(", ev.std(), ")")
    print("Mean (std) RMSE =", rmse.mean(), "(", rmse.std(), ")")

    # Write output
    if saveoutput:
        print("Writing output ...")
        np.savetxt("trendcoeff.txt", m, delimiter='\t', fmt='%5.8f')
        np.savetxt("negloglik.txt", nlZ, delimiter='\t', fmt='%5.8f')
        np.savetxt("hyp.txt", hyp, delimiter='\t', fmt='%5.8f')
        np.savetxt("explainedvar.txt", ev, delimiter='\t', fmt='%5.8f')
        np.savetxt("rmse.txt", rmse, delimiter='\t', fmt='%5.8f')
        fileio.save_nifti(yhat, 'yhat.nii.gz', filename, mask)
        fileio.save_nifti(ys2, 'ys2.nii.gz', filename, mask)

        if outputall:
            np.savetxt("trendcoeffvar.txt", bs2, delimiter='\t', fmt='%5.8f')
        out = [yhat, ys2, nlZ, hyp, rmse, ev, m]
        if outputall:
        return out
Exemplo n.º 2
class NormBLR(NormBase):
    """ Normative modelling based on Bayesian Linear Regression
    def __init__(self, X=None, y=None, theta=None, model_order=3):
        if X is None:
            raise (ValueError, "Data matrix must be specified")

        if len(X.shape) == 1:
            self.D = 1
            self.D = X.shape[1]

        # Force a default value and check datatype
        if model_order is None:
            model_order = 3
        elif type(model_order) is not int:
            model_order = int(model_order)

        self._n_params = 1 + self.D * model_order
        self._model_order = model_order

        print("initialising BLR ( order", model_order, ")")
        if (theta is None) or (len(theta) != self._n_params):
            print("Using default hyperparameters")
            self.theta0 = np.zeros(self._n_params)
            self.theta0 = theta
        self.theta = self.theta0

        if (theta is not None) and (y is not None):
            self.Phi = create_poly_basis(X, self._model_order)
            self.gpr = BLR(theta, self.Phi, y)
            self.gpr = BLR()

    def n_params(self):
        return self._n_params

    def neg_log_lik(self):
        return self.blr.nlZ

    def estimate(self, X, y, theta=None):
        if not hasattr(self, 'Phi'):
            self.Phi = create_poly_basis(X, self._model_order)
        if len(y.shape) > 1:
            y = y.ravel()

        if theta is None:
            theta = self.theta0
            self.blr = BLR(theta, self.Phi, y)

        self.theta = self.blr.estimate(theta, self.Phi, y)

        return self.theta

    def predict(self, X, y, Xs, theta=None):
        if theta is None:
            theta = self.theta

        Phis = create_poly_basis(Xs, self._model_order)
        yhat, s2 = self.blr.predict(theta, self.Phi, y, Phis)

        return yhat, s2
Exemplo n.º 3
class NormBLR(NormBase):
    """ Normative modelling based on Bayesian Linear Regression
    def __init__(self, **kwargs):  #X=None, y=None, theta=None,
        X = kwargs.pop('X', None)
        y = kwargs.pop('y', None)
        theta = kwargs.pop('theta', None)
        self.optim_alg = kwargs.pop('optimizer', 'cg')

        if X is None:
            raise (ValueError, "Data matrix must be specified")

        if len(X.shape) == 1:
            self.D = 1
            self.D = X.shape[1]

        # Parse model order
        if kwargs is None:
            model_order = 1
        elif 'configparam' in kwargs:
            model_order = kwargs.pop('configparam')
        elif 'model_order' in kwargs:
            model_order = kwargs.pop('model_order')
            model_order = 1

        # Force a default value and check datatype
        if model_order is None:
            model_order = 1
        if type(model_order) is not int:
            model_order = int(model_order)

        if 'var_groups' in kwargs:
            var_groups_file = kwargs.pop('var_groups')
            if var_groups_file.endswith('.pkl'):
                self.var_groups = pd.read_pickle(var_groups_file)
                self.var_groups = np.loadtxt(var_groups_file)
            var_ids = set(self.var_groups)
            var_ids = sorted(list(var_ids))
            n_beta = len(var_ids)
            self.var_groups = None
            n_beta = 1

        # are we using ARD?
        if 'use_ard' in kwargs:
            self.use_ard = kwargs.pop('use_ard')
            self.use_ard = False
        if self.use_ard:
            n_alpha = self.D * model_order
            n_alpha = 1

        self._n_params = n_alpha + n_beta
        self._model_order = model_order

        print("initialising BLR ( order", model_order, ")")
        if (theta is None) or (len(theta) != self._n_params):
            print("Using default hyperparameters")
            self.theta0 = np.zeros(self._n_params)
            self.theta0 = theta
        self.theta = self.theta0

        if (theta is not None) and (y is not None):
            self.Phi = create_poly_basis(X, self._model_order)
            self.blr = BLR(theta, self.Phi, y)
            self.blr = BLR()

    def n_params(self):
        return self._n_params

    def neg_log_lik(self):
        return self.blr.nlZ

    def estimate(self, X, y, **kwargs):
        theta = kwargs.pop('theta', None)

        if not hasattr(self, 'Phi'):
            self.Phi = create_poly_basis(X, self._model_order)
        if len(y.shape) > 1:
            y = y.ravel()

        if theta is None:
            theta = self.theta0
            self.blr = BLR(theta, self.Phi, y, var_groups=self.var_groups)

        self.theta = self.blr.estimate(theta,

        return self

    def predict(self, Xs, X, y, **kwargs):
        theta = kwargs.pop('theta', None)

        if theta is None:
            theta = self.theta

        Phis = create_poly_basis(Xs, self._model_order)

        if 'var_groups_test' in kwargs:
            var_groups_test_file = kwargs.pop('var_groups_test')
            if var_groups_test_file.endswith('.pkl'):
                var_groups_te = pd.read_pickle(var_groups_test_file)
                var_groups_te = np.loadtxt(var_groups_test_file)
            var_groups_te = None

        yhat, s2 = self.blr.predict(theta,

        return yhat, s2