Exemplo n.º 1
def test_SeedCorrelationAnalyzer():

    targ = ts.TimeSeries(np.random.rand(10, 10), sampling_interval=1)

    # Test single source case
    seed = ts.TimeSeries(np.random.rand(10), sampling_interval=1)
    corr = nta.SeedCorrelationAnalyzer(seed, targ)
    our_coef_array = corr.corrcoef
    np_coef_array = np.array(
        [np.corrcoef(seed.data, a)[0, 1] for a in targ.data])

    npt.assert_array_almost_equal(our_coef_array, np_coef_array)

    # Test multiple sources
    seed = ts.TimeSeries(np.random.rand(2, 10), sampling_interval=1)
    corr = nta.SeedCorrelationAnalyzer(seed, targ)
    our_coef_array = corr.corrcoef
    for source in [0, 1]:
        np_coef_array = np.array(
            [np.corrcoef(seed.data[source], a)[0, 1] for a in targ.data])
        npt.assert_array_almost_equal(our_coef_array[source], np_coef_array)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _fit(ts_set1, ts_set2):
        import nitime.analysis as nta

        analyzer = nta.SeedCorrelationAnalyzer(ts_set1, ts_set2)

        n_seeds = ts_set1.data.shape[0] if ts_set1.data.ndim > 1 else 1
        if n_seeds == 1:
            cor = analyzer.corrcoef
            cor = []
            for seed in range(n_seeds):

        return cor
Exemplo n.º 3
coords = list(np.ndindex(volume_shape))

n_seeds = 3

seeds = np.random.randint(0, len(coords), n_seeds)
coords_seeds = np.array(coords)[seeds].T

coords_target = np.array(coords).T

time_series_seed = io.time_series_from_file(fmri_file, coords_seeds, TR=TR, normalize='percent', filter=dict(lb=f_lb, ub=f_ub, method='boxcar'))

time_series_target = io.time_series_from_file(fmri_file, coords_target, TR=TR, normalize='percent',filter=dict(lb=f_lb, ub=f_ub, method='boxcar'))

A = nta.SeedCoherenceAnalyzer(time_series_seed, time_series_target, method=dict(NFFT=20))

B = nta.SeedCorrelationAnalyzer(time_series_seed, time_series_target)

freq_idx = np.where((A.frequencies > f_lb) * (A.frequencies < f_ub))[0]

cor = []
coh = []
for this_seed in range(n_seeds):
  coh.append(np.mean(A.coherence[this_seed][:, freq_idx], -1))  

coords_indices = list(coords_target)

vol_coh = []
vol_cor = []
for this_vol in range(n_seeds):
Exemplo n.º 4
    # normalize='percent'

    nan_targets = np.isnan(np.mean(target_data,1))
    print '\n', nan_targets.sum(), 'voxels with nan values ... removing'
    target_ts[i_target] = np.mean(target_data[~nan_targets,:],0) # take average across voxels

target_T = ntts.TimeSeries(target_ts, sampling_interval=TR)
fig_target_tseries = viz.plot_tseries(target_T)
plt.title('target tseries, {}'.format(fmri_file))

target_Cor = nta.CorrelationAnalyzer(target_T)
fig_target_cor = viz.drawmatrix_channels(target_Cor.corrcoef, target_rois, color_anchor=0)
plt.title('correlation, {}'.format(fmri_file))

# correlation analyzer
seed_target_Cor = nta.SeedCorrelationAnalyzer(seed_T, target_T)

# coherence analyzer
seed_target_Coh = nta.SeedCoherenceAnalyzer(seed_T, target_T,

# select frequency band
freq_idx = np.where((seed_target_Coh.frequencies > f_lb) * (seed_target_Coh.frequencies < f_ub))[0]

# extract correlation and coherence values
print 'Calculating correlation and coherence'
cor = seed_target_Cor.corrcoef
coh = np.mean(seed_target_Coh.coherence[:, :, freq_idx], -1)

# show correlation matrix