Exemplo n.º 1
def test_masked_array_events():
    # make sure masked arrays passed in stay as masked arrays
    masked = np.ma.masked_invalid([0,np.nan,2])
    e = ts.Events([1,2,3], d=masked)
    npt.assert_equal(e.data['d'].mask, [False, True, False])

    # make sure regular arrays passed don't become masked
    notmasked = np.array([0,np.nan,2])
    e2 = ts.Events([1,2,3], d=notmasked)
    npt.assert_raises(AttributeError, e2.data['d'].__getattribute__,'mask')
Exemplo n.º 2
def analyze_average(data,
                    y_label="Bold signal",

    # Times series initialization
    ts = timeseries.TimeSeries(data,

    # Events initialization
    events = timeseries.Events(onsets, time_unit=time_unit)

    # Timeseries analysis
    #len_et = numbre of TR what you want to see
    #offset = number of offset including in len_et
    analyzer = analysis.EventRelatedAnalyzer(ts,

    return analyzer
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_Events_scalar():
    t = ts.TimeArray(1, time_unit='ms')
    i, j = 4, 5
    ev = ts.Events(t, i=i, j=j)
    # The semantics of scalar indexing into events are such that the returned
    # value is always a new Events object (the mental model is that of python
    # strings, where slicing OR scalar indexing still return the same thing, a
    # string again -- there are no 'string scalars', and there are no 'Event
    # scalars' either).
    npt.assert_equal(ev.data['i'][0], i)
    npt.assert_equal(ev.data['j'][0], j)
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_Events():

    # time has to be one-dimensional
    nt.assert_raises(ValueError, ts.Events, np.zeros((2, 2)))

    t = ts.TimeArray([1, 2, 3], time_unit='ms')
    x = [1, 2, 3]
    y = [2, 4, 6]
    z = [10., 20., 30.]
    i0 = [0, 0, 1]
    i1 = [0, 1, 2]
    for unit in [None, 's', 'ns', 'D']:
        # events with data
        ev1 = ts.Events(t, time_unit=unit, i=x, j=y, k=z)

        # events with indices
        ev2 = ts.Events(t, time_unit=unit, indices=[i0, i1])

        # events with indices and labels
        ev3 = ts.Events(t, time_unit=unit, labels=['trial', 'other'],
                        indices=[i0, i1])

        # Note that the length of indices and labels has to be identical:
        nt.assert_raises(ValueError, ts.Events, t, time_unit=unit,
                                                       indices=[i0])# Only
                                                                    # one of
                                                                    # the
                                                                    # indices!

        # make sure the time is retained
        npt.assert_equal(ev1.time, t)
        npt.assert_equal(ev2.time, t)

        # make sure time unit is correct
        if unit is not None:
            npt.assert_equal(ev1.time_unit, unit)
            npt.assert_equal(ev2.time_unit, unit)
            npt.assert_equal(ev1.time_unit, t.time_unit)
            npt.assert_equal(ev2.time_unit, t.time_unit)

        # make sure we can extract data
        npt.assert_equal(ev1.data['i'], x)
        npt.assert_equal(ev1.data['j'], y)
        npt.assert_equal(ev1.data['k'], z)

        # make sure we can get the indices by label
        npt.assert_equal(ev3.index.trial, i0)
        npt.assert_equal(ev3.index.other, i1)

        # make sure we can get the indices by position
        npt.assert_equal(ev2.index.i0, i0)
        npt.assert_equal(ev2.index.i1, i1)

        #make sure slicing works
        #one_event = ts.Events(t[[0]],time_unit=unit,i=[x[0]],j=[y[0]],k=[z[0]])
        #regular indexing
        npt.assert_equal(ev1[0].data['i'], x[0])
        npt.assert_equal(ev1[0:2].data['i'], x[0:2])

        # indexing w/ time
        npt.assert_equal(ev1[0.].data['i'], x[0])

        # indexing w/ epoch
        ep = ts.Epochs(start=0, stop=1.5, time_unit='ms')
        npt.assert_equal(ev1[ep].data['i'], x[0])

        # fancy indexing (w/ boolean mask)
        npt.assert_equal(ev1[ev3.index.trial == 0].data['j'], y[0:2])

        # len() function is implemented and working
        assert len(t) == len(ev1) == len(ev2) == len(ev3)
Exemplo n.º 5

Two data files are used in this example. The first contains the times of action
potentials ('spikes'), recorded intra-cellularly from primary auditory
receptors in the grasshopper *Locusta Migratoria*.

We read in these times and initialize an Events object from them. The
spike-times are given in micro-seconds:


data_path = os.path.join(nitime.__path__[0], 'data')

spike_times = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(data_path, 'grasshopper_spike_times1.txt'))

spike_ev = ts.Events(spike_times, time_unit='us')


The first data file contains the stimulus that was played during the
recording. Briefly, the stimulus played was a pure-tone in the cell's preferred
frequency amplitude modulated by Gaussian white-noise, up to a cut-off
frequency (200 Hz in this case, for details on the experimental procedures and
the stimulus see [Rokem2006]_).


stim = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(data_path, 'grasshopper_stimulus1.txt'))

Exemplo n.º 6
def test_EventRelatedAnalyzer():
    cycles = 10
    l = 1024
    unit = 2 * np.pi / l
    t = np.arange(0, 2 * np.pi + unit, unit)
    signal = np.sin(cycles * t)
    events = np.zeros(t.shape)
    # Zero crossings:
    idx = np.where(np.abs(signal) < 0.03)[0]
    # An event occurs at the beginning of every cycle:
    events[idx[:-2:2]] = 1
    # and another kind of event at the end of each cycle:
    events[idx[1:-1:2]] = 2

    T_signal = ts.TimeSeries(signal, sampling_rate=1)
    T_events = ts.TimeSeries(events, sampling_rate=1)
    for correct_baseline in [True, False]:
        ETA = nta.EventRelatedAnalyzer(T_signal,
                                       l / (cycles * 2),
        # This should hold
        npt.assert_almost_equal(ETA.data[0], signal[:ETA.data.shape[-1]], 3)
        npt.assert_almost_equal(ETA.data[1], -1 * signal[:ETA.data.shape[-1]],

    # Same should be true for the FIR analysis:
    FIR = nta.EventRelatedAnalyzer(T_signal, T_events, l / (cycles * 2)).FIR
    npt.assert_almost_equal(FIR.data[0], signal[:FIR.data.shape[-1]], 3)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(FIR.data[1], -1 * signal[:FIR.data.shape[-1]], 3)

    # Same should be true for
    XCORR = nta.EventRelatedAnalyzer(T_signal, T_events,
                                     l / (cycles * 2)).xcorr_eta
    npt.assert_almost_equal(XCORR.data[0], signal[:XCORR.data.shape[-1]], 3)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(XCORR.data[1], -1 * signal[:XCORR.data.shape[-1]],

    # More dimensions:
    T_signal = ts.TimeSeries(np.vstack([signal, signal]), sampling_rate=1)
    T_events = ts.TimeSeries(np.vstack([events, events]), sampling_rate=1)
    ETA = nta.EventRelatedAnalyzer(T_signal, T_events, l / (cycles * 2)).eta

    # The events input and the time-series input have different dimensions:
    T_events = ts.TimeSeries(events, sampling_rate=1)
    ETA = nta.EventRelatedAnalyzer(T_signal, T_events, l / (cycles * 2)).eta
    npt.assert_almost_equal(ETA.data[0][0], signal[:ETA.data.shape[-1]], 3)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(ETA.data[1][1], -1 * signal[:ETA.data.shape[-1]],

    # Input is an Events object, instead of a time-series:
    ts1 = ts.TimeSeries(np.arange(100), sampling_rate=1)
    ev = ts.Events([10, 20, 30])
    et = nta.EventRelatedAnalyzer(ts1, ev, 5)

    # The five points comprising the average of the three sequences:
    npt.assert_equal(et.eta.data, [20., 21., 22., 23., 24.])

    ts2 = ts.TimeSeries(np.arange(200).reshape(2, 100), sampling_rate=1)
    ev = ts.Events([10, 20, 30])
    et = nta.EventRelatedAnalyzer(ts2, ev, 5)

        [[20., 21., 22., 23., 24.], [120., 121., 122., 123., 124.]])

    # The event-triggered SEM should be approximately zero:
    for correct_baseline in [True, False]:
        EA = nta.EventRelatedAnalyzer(T_signal,
                                      l / (cycles * 2),

    # Test the et_data method:

    # Test that providing the analyzer with an array, instead of an Events or a
    # TimeSeries object throws an error:
    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e_info:
        nta.EventRelatedAnalyzer(ts2, events, 10)

    # This is not yet implemented, so this should simply throw an error, for
    # now:
    with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError) as e_info: