Exemplo n.º 1
    def IsTypeAllowed(self, type, user=None):
        Check if *type* is allowed to be created in this container based on
            type = the type to be checked
            user = the currently active user
            returns True/False
        *type* can be passed as
        - type id string
        - configuration object
        - type object instance
        if type is None:
            return False
        subtypes = self.configuration.subtypes
        if subtypes == AllTypesAllowed:
            return True
        if not subtypes:
            return False

        if isinstance(type, basestring):
            if type in subtypes:
                return True
            # dotted python to obj configuration
            type = self.app.GetObjectConf(type)
            if type is None:
                return False
            # create type from configuration
            type = self._GetVirtualObj(type)
            if type is None:
                return False

        if isinstance(type, baseConf):
            if type.id in subtypes:
                return True
            # create type from configuration
            type = self._GetVirtualObj(type)
            if type is None:
                return False

        if not IObject.providedBy(type) and not IConf.providedBy(type):
            return False
        # loop subtypes
        for iface in subtypes:
            if isinstance(iface, basestring):
                iface = ResolveName(iface, raiseExcp=False)
                if not iface:
                # may not be interface class
                if iface.providedBy(type):
                    return True
        return False
Exemplo n.º 2
    def IsTypeAllowed(self, type, user=None):
        Check if *type* is allowed to be created in this container based on
            type = the type to be checked
            user = the currently active user
            returns True/False
        *type* can be passed as
        - type id string
        - configuration object
        - type object instance
        if type is None:
            return False
        subtypes = self.configuration.subtypes
        if subtypes == AllTypesAllowed:
            return True
        if not subtypes:
            return False

        if isinstance(type, basestring):
            if type in subtypes:
                return True
            # dotted python to obj configuration
            type = self.app.GetObjectConf(type)
            if type is None:
                return False
            # create type from configuration
            type = self._GetVirtualObj(type)
            if type is None:
                return False

        if isinstance(type, baseConf):
            if type.id in subtypes:
                return True
            # create type from configuration
            type = self._GetVirtualObj(type)
            if type is None:
                return False

        if not IObject.providedBy(type) and not IConf.providedBy(type):
            return False
        # loop subtypes
        for iface in subtypes:
            if isinstance(iface, basestring):
                iface = ResolveName(iface, raiseExcp=False)
                if not iface:
                # may not be interface class
                if iface.providedBy(type):
                    return True
        return False
Exemplo n.º 3
 def GetApps(self, interface=None):
     Returns registered components and apps as list.
     if isinstance(interface, basestring):
         interface = ResolveName(interface)
     for name in self.components:
         a = getattr(self, name)
         if interface:
             if not interface.providedBy(a):
     return apps
Exemplo n.º 4
 def GetApps(self, interface=None):
     Returns registered components and apps as list.
     if isinstance(interface, basestring):
         interface = ResolveName(interface)
     apps = []
     for name in self.components:
         a = getattr(self, name)
         if interface:
             if not interface.providedBy(a):
     return apps
Exemplo n.º 5
    def Register(self, comp, name=None):
        Register an application or component. This is usually done in the pyramid
        app file. The registered component is automatically loaded and set up to work
        with url traversal.
        *comp* can be one of the following cases

        - AppConf object
        - AppConf string as python dotted name
        - python object. Requires *name* parameter or *comp.id* attribute
        *name* is used as the url path name to lookup the component.

        log = logging.getLogger("portal")
        iface, conf = ResolveConfiguration(comp)
        if not conf and isinstance(comp, basestring):
            raise ConfigurationError, "Portal registration failure. No name given (%s)" % (str(comp))
        if isinstance(comp, basestring) or isinstance(comp, baseConf):
            # factory methods
            if IAppConf.providedBy(conf):
                comp = ClassFactory(conf)(conf)
            elif IModuleConf.providedBy(conf):
                comp = ClassFactory(conf)(conf)
            elif iface and iface.providedBy(comp):
                comp = ResolveName(conf.context)(conf)
            elif isinstance(comp, basestring):
                comp = ResolveName(conf.context)(conf)

            name = name or conf.id
        except AttributeError:
        if not name:
            raise ConfigurationError, "Portal registration failure. No name given (%s)" % (str(comp))

        log.debug("Portal.Register: %s %s", name, repr(conf))
        self.__dict__[name] = comp
        comp.__parent__ = self
        comp.__name__ = name
Exemplo n.º 6
 def QueryConf(self, queryFor, context=None):
     Returns a list of configurations or empty list
     if isinstance(queryFor, basestring):
         queryFor = ResolveName(queryFor, raiseExcp=False)
         if not queryFor:
             return ()
     if context:
         return self.registry.getAdapters((context, ), queryFor)
     return self.registry.getAllUtilitiesRegisteredFor(queryFor)
Exemplo n.º 7
 def GetInteractiveFunctions(self):
     Returns a list of interactive callables.
     returns callables
     fncs = []
     for f in self.execute:
         f = ResolveName(f)
         if hasattr(f, "interactive"):
     return fncs
Exemplo n.º 8
 def QueryConfByName(self, queryFor, name, context=None):
     Returns configuration or None
     if isinstance(queryFor, basestring):
         queryFor = ResolveName(queryFor, raiseExcp=False)
         if not queryFor:
             return None
     if context:
         v = self.registry.queryAdapter(context, queryFor, name=name)
         if v:
             return v[0]
         return None
     return self.registry.queryUtility(queryFor, name=name)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def GetAllowedTypes(self, user=None, visible=1):
        List types allowed to be created in this container based on
        configuration.subtypes.    ::
            user = the currently active user
            visible = will skip all hidden object types 
            returns list of configurations
        subtypes = self.configuration.subtypes
        if not subtypes:
            return False
        all = self.app.GetAllObjectConfs(visibleOnly=visible)
        if subtypes == AllTypesAllowed:
            return all

        # check types by interface
        allowed = []
        for conf in all:
            # create type from configuration
            type = self._GetVirtualObj(conf)
            if not type:
            # loop subtypes
            for iface in subtypes:
                if isinstance(iface, basestring):
                    iface = ResolveName(iface, raiseExcp=False)
                    if not iface:
                # may not be interface class
                    if iface.providedBy(type):
        return allowed
Exemplo n.º 10
    def GetAllowedTypes(self, user=None, visible=1):
        List types allowed to be created in this container based on
        configuration.subtypes.    ::
            user = the currently active user
            visible = will skip all hidden object types 
            returns list of configurations
        subtypes = self.configuration.subtypes
        if not subtypes:
            return False
        all = self.app.GetAllObjectConfs(visibleOnly=visible)
        if subtypes == AllTypesAllowed:
            return all

        # check types by interface
        allowed = []
        for conf in all:
            # create type from configuration
            type = self._GetVirtualObj(conf)
            if not type:
            # loop subtypes
            for iface in subtypes:
                if isinstance(iface, basestring):
                    iface = ResolveName(iface, raiseExcp=False)
                    if not iface:
                    # may not be interface class
                    if iface.providedBy(type):
        return allowed
Exemplo n.º 11
 def designview(self):
     Tries to load the editor view class. If none is registered the function 
     will simply return None. Otherwise the editor view class instance with 
     context and request set.
     if hasattr(self, "_c_design"):
         return self._c_design
     module = self.context.app.QueryConfByName(IViewModuleConf, "design")
     if not module:
         return None
     cls = ResolveName(module.view)
     design = cls(self.context, self.request)
     self._c_design = design
     return design
Exemplo n.º 12
    def Allow(self, context, user):
        Checks if the transition can be executed in the current context.

        parameters ::
            context: the context object
            user: the current user

        returns True/False        
        # condition
        if self.conditions:
            for c in self.conditions:
                if isinstance(c, basestring):
                    c = ResolveName(c)
                if not c(transition=self,
                    return False
        # roles
        if self.roles == WfAllRoles:
            return True
        if user:
            # call registered authentication policy
            groups = effective_principals()
            if groups == None:
                # no pyramid authentication policy activated
                # use custom user lookup
                groups = user.GetGroups(context)
                if context and ILocalGroups.providedBy(context):
                    local = context.GetLocalGroups(unicode(user))
                    groups = list(groups) + list(local)
            groups = (u"system.Everyone", )
        for r in groups:
            if r in self.process.adminGroups:
                return True
            if r in self.roles:
                return True
        return False
Exemplo n.º 13
    def Execute(self, context, user, values=None):
        Execute all functions for this transition.
        parameters ::
            context: the context object
            user: the current user
            values: custom values passed to the callable. if none 
                    transition.configuration.values is used.
        if not self.execute:
            return True

        # execute function
        for c in self.execute:
            func = ResolveName(c)
            func(context=context, transition=self, user=user, values=values or self.configuration.values)
        return True
Exemplo n.º 14
 def editorview(self):
     Tries to load the editor view class. If none is registered the function 
     will simply return None. Otherwise the editor view class instance with 
     context and request set.
     if hasattr(self, "_c_editor"):
         return self._c_editor
     # restrict editor to roots with ICMSRoot Interface. Otherwise the editor views
     # will not be found
     root = self.context.root()
     if not ICMSRoot.providedBy(root):
         return None
     module = self.context.app.QueryConfByName(IViewModuleConf, "editor")
     if not module:
         return None
     cls = ResolveName(module.view)
     editor = cls(self.context, self.request)
     self._c_editor = editor
     return editor
Exemplo n.º 15
def SchemaFactory(form, fields, actions, force=False):
    converts the fields to colander schema nodes including widget.
    If fielddef has node set and force is false node is used as widget. To overwrite set
    force = True.

    nodes = []
    for field in fields:
        # use field configuration node: node must be a valid 
        # SchemaNode 
        if field.get("node") and not force:
        # Default node setup
        # Basic values for all fields and widgets
        kw = {
            "name": field.id,
            "title": field.name,
            "description": field.description,
            "configuration": field
        kwWidget = {
            "form": form,
            "configuration": field
        if field.settings and isinstance(field.settings, dict):

        # ----------------------------------------------------------
        # bw 0.9.12 -> moved from `field.settings` to `field`
        # to be removed in future. use field.widget and field.validator instead. 
        if field.settings and field.settings.get("validator"):
            kw["validator"] = field.settings["validator"]
        if field.settings and field.settings.get("widget"):
            kw["widget"] = field.settings["widget"]
        # ----------------------------------------------------------

        # custom validator
        if field.get("validator"):
            kw["validator"] = field.validator
        # custom widget
        if field.get("widget"):
            kw["widget"] = field.widget

        # setup custom widgets
        if "widget" in kw and kw["widget"]:
            widget = kw["widget"]
            if isinstance(widget, basestring):
                widget = ResolveName(widget)
                kw["widget"] = widget(**kwWidget)
            elif callable(widget):
                kw["widget"] = widget(**kwWidget)
                widget.form = form
                widget.configuration = field
                kw["widget"] = widget

        # setup custom validator
        if "validator" in kw and kw["validator"]:
            validator = kw["validator"]
            if isinstance(validator, basestring):
                validator = ResolveName(validator)
            kw["validator"] = validator

        # setup missing and default value
        if not field.required:
            kw["missing"] = null # or "" ?
        if field.default is not None:
            kw["default"] = field.default

        if field.get("schema"):
            n = SchemaNode(field.get("schema"), **kw)
        elif field.hidden:
            n = hidden_node(field, kw, kwWidget, form)

            n = apply(nodeMapping[field.datatype], (field, kw, kwWidget, form))
        # add node to form
        if not n:
    # add buttons
    buttons = []
    for action in actions:
        if action.get("hidden"):
        buttons.append(Button(name=u"%s%s"%(action.get("id"), form.actionPostfix), 
                              cls=action.get("cls", "btn submit")))

    # returns the prepared nodes and buttons
    return nodes, buttons
Exemplo n.º 16
def SchemaFactory(form, fields, actions, force=False):
    converts the fields to colander schema nodes including widget.
    If fielddef has node set and force is false node is used as widget. To overwrite set
    force = True.

    nodes = []
    for field in fields:
        # use field configuration node: node must be a valid
        # SchemaNode
        if field.get("node") and not force:

        # Default node setup
        # Basic values for all fields and widgets
        kw = {
            "name": field.id,
            "title": field.name,
            "description": field.description,
            "configuration": field
        kwWidget = {"form": form, "configuration": field}
        if field.settings and isinstance(field.settings, dict):

        # ----------------------------------------------------------
        # bw 0.9.12 -> moved from `field.settings` to `field`
        # to be removed in future. use field.widget and field.validator instead.
        if field.settings and field.settings.get("validator"):
            kw["validator"] = field.settings["validator"]
        if field.settings and field.settings.get("widget"):
            kw["widget"] = field.settings["widget"]
        # ----------------------------------------------------------

        # custom validator
        if field.get("validator"):
            kw["validator"] = field.validator
        # custom widget
        if field.get("widget"):
            kw["widget"] = field.widget

        # setup custom widgets
        if "widget" in kw and kw["widget"]:
            widget = kw["widget"]
            if isinstance(widget, basestring):
                widget = ResolveName(widget)
                kw["widget"] = widget(**kwWidget)
            elif callable(widget):
                kw["widget"] = widget(**kwWidget)
                widget.form = form
                widget.configuration = field
                kw["widget"] = widget

        # setup custom validator
        if "validator" in kw and kw["validator"]:
            validator = kw["validator"]
            if isinstance(validator, basestring):
                validator = ResolveName(validator)
            kw["validator"] = validator

        # setup missing and default value
        if not field.required:
            kw["missing"] = null  # or "" ?
        if field.default is not None:
            kw["default"] = field.default

        if field.get("schema"):
            n = SchemaNode(field.get("schema"), **kw)

        elif field.hidden:
            n = hidden_node(field, kw, kwWidget, form)

            n = apply(nodeMapping[field.datatype], (field, kw, kwWidget, form))

        # add node to form
        if not n:

    # add buttons
    buttons = []
    for action in actions:
        if action.get("hidden"):
            Button(name=u"%s%s" % (action.get("id"), form.actionPostfix),
                   cls=action.get("cls", "btn submit")))

    # returns the prepared nodes and buttons
    return nodes, buttons
Exemplo n.º 17
 def _CheckCondition(self, profile):
     if not hasattr(profile, "condition"):
         return True
     c = ResolveName(profile.condition)
     return c(self)