def __init__(self, grammar=grammar_zinc_new, checks=False):
        # self.mask_gen = get_mask_gen()
        # self.mask_gen.do_terminal_mask = False
        self.term_dist = {}
        self.d_term_dist = {}
        self.grammar = grammar
        self.GCFG = self.grammar.GCFG
        self.checks = checks

        for p in
            for s in p.rhs():
                if is_terminal(s):
                    # terminals have term distance 0
                    self.term_dist[frozendict({'token': s})] = 0

        self.term_dist[frozendict({'token': Nonterminal('None')})] = 0

        # seed the search with the root symbol
        self.term_dist[frozendict({'token': Nonterminal('smiles')})] = float('inf')

        while True: # iterate to convergence
            # print('*** and one more pass... ***')
            last_term_dist = copy.copy(self.term_dist)
            for sym in last_term_dist.keys():
                if is_terminal(sym['token']):
                    self.term_dist[sym] = 0
                if self.term_dist[sym] > 0:
                    mask = self.get_mask_from_token(sym)
                    # [p for ip, p in enumerate( if mask[ip]]
                    if self.checks:
                        assert (not all([x == 0 for x in mask]))
                    for ip, p in enumerate(
                        if mask[ip]:
                            # print('trying', sym, p)
                            this_exp = apply_rule([sym], 0, p, None, self.checks)
                            this_term_dist = 1
                            for this_sym in this_exp:
                                if frozendict(this_sym) not in self.term_dist:
                                    self.term_dist[frozendict(this_sym)] = float('inf')
                                    print('added ', this_sym, 'from', sym, 'via', p)
                                    # if 'ring_size' in sym and sym['ring_size'] > 6:
                                    #     print('aaa')
                                this_term_dist += self.term_dist[frozendict(this_sym)]
                            if this_term_dist < self.term_dist[frozendict(sym)]:
                                # if 'ring_size' in sym and sym['ring_size'] > 6:
                                #     print('aaa')
                                print('improving:', p, self.term_dist[frozendict(sym)], this_term_dist,
                                      [self.term_dist[frozendict(this_sym)] for this_sym in this_exp])
                                self.term_dist[frozendict(sym)] = this_term_dist

            if last_term_dist == self.term_dist:
Exemplo n.º 2
def format_grammar(task, primitives, encoders=[]):
    grammar = create_completegrammar(primitives)
    grammar = create_taskgrammar(grammar, task, encoders)
    formatted_grammar = {'NON_TERMINALS': {}, 'TERMINALS': {}, 'RULES': {}, 'RULES_LOOKUP': {}}
    formatted_grammar['START'] = grammar.start().symbol()
    terminals = []'Formating grammar to style of pipeline game')
    for production in
        non_terminal = production.lhs().symbol()
        production_str = str(production).replace('\'', '')

        formatted_grammar['RULES'][production_str] = len(formatted_grammar['RULES']) + 1

        if non_terminal not in formatted_grammar['NON_TERMINALS']:
            formatted_grammar['NON_TERMINALS'][non_terminal] = len(formatted_grammar['NON_TERMINALS']) + 1

        if non_terminal not in formatted_grammar['RULES_LOOKUP']:
            formatted_grammar['RULES_LOOKUP'][non_terminal] = []

        for token in production.rhs():
            if is_terminal(token) and token != 'E' and token not in terminals:

    formatted_grammar['TERMINALS'] = {t: i+len(formatted_grammar['NON_TERMINALS']) for i, t in enumerate(terminals, 1)}
    formatted_grammar['TERMINALS']['E'] = 0  # Special case for the empty symbol

    return formatted_grammar
Exemplo n.º 3
def main(args):

    sentence = args.sentence.lower()
    args.sentence = sentence
    tokens = sentence.split()
    grammar = loadGrammar(args)
    nonterm = getnonterm(grammar)
    terminalProductionRules = getTerminalProbability(args, grammar, nonterm)
    HSrules ='HS'))
    for rule in HSrules:

    ESrules ='ES'))
    for rule in ESrules:

    for token in tokens:

    #print "Grammars"
    grammarlist = str(grammar).split('\n')[1:]

    #print "Transfered"
    strgrammar = ''
    for p in
        rhs = p.rhs()
        rhsstr = ''
        for r in rhs:
            if is_terminal(r):
                rhsstr += '\'' + str(r) + '\' '
                rhsstr += str(r) + ' '
        strgrammar += str(p.lhs()) + ' -> ' + rhsstr + ' [' + '{0:.8f}'.format(
            p.prob()) + ']\n'
    #print strgrammar

    grammar = PCFG.fromstring(strgrammar.split('\n'))
    #grammar = loadGrammar(args)

    #tokens = args.sentence.lower().split()
    #nonterm = getnonterm(grammar)

    CYK(tokens, nonterm, grammar)
    #with open(args.grammar_file, 'r') as f:
    #        content =

    #trees = corpus2trees(content)
    #productions = trees2productions(trees)
    #listnonterm = []
    #grammar = nltk.grammar.induce_pcfg(nltk.grammar.Nonterminal('SS'), productions)
    #print grammar

Exemplo n.º 4
def convert_hybrid(grammar):
    Convert rules in the form of [A -> 'b' C] where the rhs has both non-terminals and terminals
    into rules in the form of [A -> B C] & [B -> 'b'] with a dummy non-terminal B
    rules =
    new_rules = []
    for rule in rules:
        lhs = rule.lhs()
        rhs = rule.rhs()
        # check for hybrid rules
        if rule.is_lexical() and len(rhs) > 1:
            new_rhs = []
            for item in rule.rhs():
                if is_terminal(item):
                    new_sym = Nonterminal(item)
                    # add new lexical rule with dummy lhs nonterminal
                    new_rules.append(Production(new_sym, (item, )))
            # add converted mixed rule with only non-terminals on rhs
            new_rules.append(Production(lhs, tuple(new_rhs)))

    new_grammar = CFG(grammar.start(), new_rules)

    return new_grammar
Exemplo n.º 5
    def apply(self, chart, grammar, edge):
        if edge.is_complete(): return
        nextsym, index = edge.nextsym(), edge.end()
        if not is_nonterminal(nextsym): return

        # If we've already applied this rule to an edge with the same
        # next & end, and the chart & grammar have not changed, then
        # just return (no new edges to add).
        nextsym_with_bindings = edge.next_with_bindings()
        done = self._done.get((nextsym_with_bindings, index), (None, None))
        if done[0] is chart and done[1] is grammar:

        for prod in
            # If the left corner in the predicted production is
            # leaf, it must match with the input.
            if prod.rhs():
                first = prod.rhs()[0]
                if is_terminal(first):
                    if index >= chart.num_leaves(): continue
                    if first != chart.leaf(index): continue

            # We rename vars here, because we don't want variables
            # from the two different productions to match.
            if unify(prod.lhs(), nextsym_with_bindings, rename_vars=True):
                new_edge = FeatureTreeEdge.from_production(prod, edge.end())
                if chart.insert(new_edge, ()):
                    yield new_edge

        # Record the fact that we've applied this rule.
        self._done[nextsym_with_bindings, index] = (chart, grammar)
Exemplo n.º 6
def process_hybrid_productions(productions):
    new_productions_list = []  # list of new productions
    to_remove_list = []
    # Hybrid production
    for p in productions:
        is_hybrid = 0  # flag that indicates if current production is hybrid
        if len(p.rhs()
               ) > 1:  # more than one symbols are on the right hand side
            rh_list = []  # new list for right hand symbols
            for r_symbol in p.rhs():
                if is_terminal(r_symbol):  # for terminal symbol
                    dummy_symbol = Nonterminal(
                        r_symbol)  # create dummy nonterminal
                                   [r_symbol]))  # new unit production
                    is_hybrid = 1  # hybrid production confirmed
                else:  # for nonterminal symbol
            if is_hybrid:  # need to remove original production and add some productions
                # in the loop, we won't change the list. Store them first.
                    p.lhs(), rh_list))  # new production with dummy symbol
    return to_remove_list, new_productions_list
    def apply(self, chart, grammar, edge):
        if edge.is_complete(): return
        nextsym, index = edge.nextsym(), edge.end()
        if not is_nonterminal(nextsym): return

        # If we've already applied this rule to an edge with the same
        # next & end, and the chart & grammar have not changed, then
        # just return (no new edges to add).
        nextsym_with_bindings = edge.next_with_bindings()
        done = self._done.get((nextsym_with_bindings, index), (None, None))
        if done[0] is chart and done[1] is grammar:

        for prod in
            # If the left corner in the predicted production is
            # leaf, it must match with the input.
            if prod.rhs():
                first = prod.rhs()[0]
                if is_terminal(first):
                    if index >= chart.num_leaves(): continue
                    if first != chart.leaf(index): continue

            # We rename vars here, because we don't want variables
            # from the two different productions to match.
            if unify(prod.lhs(), nextsym_with_bindings, rename_vars=True):
                new_edge = FeatureTreeEdge.from_production(prod, edge.end())
                if chart.insert(new_edge, ()):
                    yield new_edge

        # Record the fact that we've applied this rule.
        self._done[nextsym_with_bindings, index] = (chart, grammar)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def sample(self, max_seq_len):
    Sample a derivation from the grammar

        q = deque()  # queue
        d = {}  # derivation
        i = 0  # lhs index
        t_count = 0  # number of generated terminals (so far)

        q.append((Nonterminal(args.start), i))  # append start symbol
        i += 1

        while len(q) > 0:

            # stop if this sequence is going to be longer than the
            # requested sequence length (we discard it anyway)
            if t_count > max_seq_len:
                return None

            lhs, lhs_id = q.popleft()  # Nonterminal, ID

            # print("processing: %s (%d)" % (lhs, lhs_id))

            if not is_terminal(lhs):

                # choose a production with u as lhs
                r = self.sample_production(lhs)

                # count number of terminals
                for item in r.irhs():
                    if is_terminal(item):
                        t_count += 1

                # create a production-rhs where the symbols all get a unique ID
                # so we can reconstruct the derivation later
                irhs = list(zip(r.irhs(), range(i, i + len(r))))
                i += len(r)

                # add the non-terminals to the queue

                # save to the derivation
                d[(lhs, lhs_id)] = tuple([irhs, r.orhs()])

        return d
Exemplo n.º 9
def _get_terminal_symbols(cfg):
    Returns a set of all the terminal symbols used in a nltk context-free grammar.
    terminal_symbols = set()
    for prod in
        terminal_symbols.update(list(filter(lambda x: grammar.is_terminal(x), prod.rhs())))
    return terminal_symbols
def rule_adds_atom(p):
    atoms = ['c', 'n', 'o', 's', 'f', 'cl', 'br', 'i']
    if any([x.lower() in atoms for x in p.rhs() if is_terminal(x)]) or \
        any(['valence' in x._symbol for x in p.rhs() if is_nonterminal(x)]):
        return 1
    elif any(['segment' in x._symbol for x in p.rhs() if is_nonterminal(x)]):
        return 2
        return 0
Exemplo n.º 11
def preprocessingGrammar(grammar):
    parent = defaultdict(list)
    probdict = {}
    for prod in
        if is_terminal(prod.rhs()[0]):
            #print prod.rhs()[0]
        probdict[str(prod.lhs()) + ' -> ' + ' '.join(
            [str(x) for x in prod.rhs() if len(str(x)) > 0])] = prod.prob()
    return (parent, probdict)
Exemplo n.º 12
def is_cnf(production):
    rhs = production.rhs()

    if len(rhs) == 1:
        return grammar.is_terminal(rhs[0])
    elif len(rhs) == 2:
        return (grammar.is_nonterminal(rhs[0])
                and grammar.is_nonterminal(rhs[1]))
        return False
Exemplo n.º 13
def get_lhs_terminal(grammar=load(grammar_url)):
    Return a production list of lhs(left hand side) that are terminal
    :param grammar:
    lhs_list = []
    for p in
        if p.lhs() not in lhs_list and is_terminal(p.rhs()[0]):
    return lhs_list
def _LengthVector(pcfg,character=None):
	nonterminals = NonTerminalsPCFG(pcfg)
	if character == None:
		ruleset_lens = matrix([[sum([r.prob()*len([s for s in r.rhs() if is_terminal(s)])\
			for r in])] \
			 for nt in nonterminals])
		ruleset_lens = matrix([[sum([r.prob()*len([s for s in r.rhs() if s==character])\
			for r in])] \
			 for nt in nonterminals])		
	return ruleset_lens
Exemplo n.º 15
    def derivation_to_tree_orhs(self, d, node, node_id):
    Convert a derivation map to an NLTK tree - orhs version
        irhs_with_id, orhs = d[(node, node_id)]

        children = []

        for child_rhs in orhs:

            if isinstance(child_rhs, int):
                child, child_id = list(
                    filter(lambda x: not is_terminal(x[0]),
                           irhs_with_id))[child_rhs - 1]
                    self.derivation_to_tree_orhs(d, child, child_id))
            elif is_terminal(child_rhs):

        t = Tree(node, children)
        return t
Exemplo n.º 16
def is_transition(p):
    Checks to see if a Production object is a transition. A transition
    is a Production in which the right-hand side must begin with a
    terminal. See BUTA for the interpretation of a transition.

    :type p: gr.Production
    :param p: A production

    :rtype: bool
    :return: True if p is a transition, False otherwise
    check_type(p, gr.Production)
    return len(p.rhs()) > 0 and gr.is_terminal(p.rhs()[0])
Exemplo n.º 17
def is_transition(p):
    Checks to see if a Production object is a transition. A transition
    is a Production in which the right-hand side must begin with a
    terminal. See BUTA for the interpretation of a transition.

    :type p: gr.Production
    :param p: A production

    :rtype: bool
    :return: True if p is a transition, False otherwise
    check_type(p, gr.Production)
    return len(p.rhs()) > 0 and gr.is_terminal(p.rhs()[0])
Exemplo n.º 18
def get_cfg(filename):
    global N, sigma, R

    my_grammar =

    for p in
        N.append(p.lhs().symbol())  #add nonterminal
        for element in p.rhs():
            if grammar.is_terminal(element):
                sigma.append(element)  #add rhs terminal(s)
                N.append(element.symbol())  #add rhs nonterminal(s)
        R.append(p)  #add rule

    #remove duplicates
    N = list(set(N))
    sigma = list(set(sigma))
Exemplo n.º 19
def remove_rhs_terminals(production):
    rhs = production.rhs()
    if len(rhs) > 1:
        new_rhs = ()
        for element in rhs:
            if grammar.is_terminal(element):
                #create dummy nonterminal
                new_nt = grammar.Nonterminal(create_nonterminal())
                new_rhs = new_rhs + (new_nt, )

                #define dummy nonterminal
                R.append(grammar.Production(new_nt, (element, )))
                new_rhs = new_rhs + (element, )

        #replace rule
        R[R.index(production)] = grammar.Production(production.lhs(), new_rhs)
def find_free_numerals(S, this_index, grammar, reuse_numerals=True):
    # collect all the un-paired numeral terminals before current token
    used_tokens = set()
    for j in range(this_index):  # up to, and excluding, this_index
        current_token = S[j]['token']
        assert(is_terminal(current_token)) # we assume the token we want to expand now is the leftmost nontermonal
        # the second check is to exclude numerals that describe charge
        if current_token in grammar.numeric_tokens and 'is_cycle_numeral' in S[j]:
            if current_token in used_tokens and reuse_numerals: #this cycle has been closed, can reuse the numeral

    # find the first unused numeral
    free_numerals = [nt for nt in grammar.numeric_tokens if not nt in used_tokens]
    if not free_numerals:
        raise ValueError("Too many nested cycles - can't find a valid numeral")
        return free_numerals
Exemplo n.º 21
    def derivation_to_tree(self, d, node, node_id):
    Convert a derivation map to an NLTK tree
        irhs_with_id, orhs = d[(node, node_id)]

        children = []

        for x in irhs_with_id:

            child, child_id = x
            # print("process_der:", child, child_id)

            if is_terminal(child):
                children.append(self.derivation_to_tree(d, child, child_id))

        t = Tree(node, children)
        return t
Exemplo n.º 22
    def _get_code_for(self, null):
        Creates an encoding of a CFG's terminal symbols as numbers.

        :type null: unicode
        :param null: A string representing "null"

        :rtype: dict
        :return: A dict associating each terminal of the grammar with a
            unique number. The highest number represents "null"
        rhss = [r.rhs() for r in]
        rhs_symbols = set()
        rhs_symbols = set(x for x in rhs_symbols if gr.is_terminal(x))

        code_for = {x: i for i, x in enumerate(rhs_symbols)}
        code_for[null] = len(code_for)

        return code_for
def convert_grammar(cfg_grammar):
	Converts to Chomsky_Normal_form
	if cfg_grammar.is_chomsky_normal_form():
		return cfg_grammar

	# Go through every rule, and do the following conversions:
	# - remove terminals in non-solitary rules
	# - break up greater-than-2 rules
	# Notice that this loop-through will blissfully ignore small productions
	new_productions = []
	for production in
		rhs_size = len(production)
		lhs = production.lhs()
		rhs = production.rhs()
		if rhs_size < 2:
			new_productions += [Production(lhs,rhs)]
			# Go through removing terminals
			term_rules = []
			for i in range(0, rhs_size):
				if is_terminal(rhs[i]):
					newnonterm = Nonterminal(rhs[i])
					term_rules += Production(newnonterm, rhs)
					rhs[i] = newnonterm
			new_productions += term_rules
			# Now break up large groups
			new_productions += break_large_rhs(lhs, rhs)

	# Reset for next loop through
	new_cfg = CFG(cfg_grammar.start(), new_productions)

	# Remove empty productions 
	new_cfg = remove_empty_productions(new_cfg)

	# Go through the rules again, removing non-terminals in solitary rules 
	new_cfg = remove_unitary_productions(new_cfg)