Exemplo n.º 1
 def initialize(self, args):
     self.name = args.name
     self.address = "{}_{}".format(self.federation, self.name)
     self.transport = Transport(self.address)
     self.logfile = args.logfile
     self.loglevel = args.loglevel
     self.logagent = args.logagent
Exemplo n.º 2
 def initialize(self, args):
     self.name = args.name
     self.address = "{}_{}".format(self.federation, self.name)
     self.transport = Transport(self.address)
     self.logfile = args.logfile
     self.loglevel = args.loglevel
     self.logagent = args.logagent
     self._keep_alive = True
     self._broadcasted = False
Exemplo n.º 3
from __future__ import print_function
from nluas.Transport import *
# Makes this work with both py2 and py3
from six.moves import input
import sys

name, destination = sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2]

t = Transport(name)
t.subscribe(destination, lambda ntuple: print("Got", ntuple))

while True:
    t.send(destination, input())
Exemplo n.º 4
def main(argv):

    #if six.PY3:
    #    sys.stderr.write('bridge_client.py currently only supports python2')
    #    sys.exit(1)


    # If the user presses ctrl-C, exit cleanly.
    signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, lambda s, f: client_quit())

    # Create the bridge socket
    Global.bridgesocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    Global.bridgesocket.connect((Global.args.host, Global.args.port))

    # Create a pyre instance
    Global.pyre = Pyre()

    # Create a poller object that tests if anything is available on
    # any of: 1) The local pyre channels, 2) The bridge socket, 3) stdin.

    poller = zmq.Poller()
    poller.register(Global.pyre.socket(), zmq.POLLIN)
    poller.register(Global.bridgesocket, zmq.POLLIN)
    poller.register(0, zmq.POLLIN)  # stdin

    logging.warning('Starting bridge client to server at %s:%d' %
                    (Global.args.host, Global.args.port))

    while True:
        items = dict(poller.poll())
        logging.debug('Got items =%s' % (items))

        if 0 in items:  # stdin
            # User typed 'quit'. Note: slightly different from
            # a quit message on the global channel in that this
            # doesn't cause remote to quit.
            message = input()
            if message == 'quit':
            elif message == 'help':
                    'You can quit the bridge_client (but not the federation) by typing "quit".'
                print('Unrecognized command %s' % (message))

        if Global.bridgesocket.fileno() in items:
            # Got a message from the remote.
            rec = server_recv()
            logging.debug('Got remote data %s' % (rec))
            if rec[0] == 'JOIN':
                channel = rec[1]
                # If we don't already have a proxy object, create one.
                if channel not in Global.proxies:
                    t = Transport.Transport(channel)
                    Global.proxies[channel] = t
                    Global.proxy_uuids[t._pyre.uuid()] = t
                    logging.info('Creating bridge proxy %s' % (channel))
            elif rec[0] == 'LEAVE':
                # Don't actually know how to handle this.
            elif rec[0] == 'SHOUT':
                # Use the proxy object to relay the message.
                name = rec[1]
                channel = rec[2]
                message = rec[3]
                if Global.localchannelcount.get(channel, 0) > 0:
                    logging.debug('Bridge proxy shout %s %s %s' %
                                  (name, channel, message))
                    Global.proxies[name].send(channel, message)
                logging.warning('Unexpected msg %s from client.' % (rec))

        if Global.pyre.socket() in items:
            # Got a message on Pyre.
            event = Global.pyre.recv()
            logging.debug('Got local pyre event %s' % (event))
            eventtype = event[0].decode('utf-8')
            sid = uuid.UUID(bytes=event[1])
            name = event[2].decode('utf-8')

            # Ignore pyre events from proxies
            if sid in Global.proxy_uuids:
                logging.debug('Ignoring proxied pyre event')

            if eventtype == 'JOIN':
                channel = event[3].decode('utf-8')
                if Global.localchannelcount.get(channel, 0) == 0:
                    Global.localchannelcount[channel] = 0
                    server_send(['JOIN', channel])
                    logging.debug('Bridge client joining local channel %s' %
                Global.localchannelcount[channel] += 1
            elif eventtype == 'LEAVE':
                channel = event[3].decode('utf-8')
                Global.localchannelcount[channel] -= 1
                if Global.localchannelcount[channel] == 0:
                    server_send(['LEAVE', channel])
                    logging.debug('Bridge client leaving channel %s' %
            elif eventtype == 'SHOUT':
                channel = event[3].decode('utf-8')

                # Quit if federation QUIT message received.
                if event[4] == u'QUIT':
                        'Bridge client received a local QUIT message. Exiting.'
                # Since the server communicates with json, we
                # need to un-json the message (which server_send
                # will re-json). There's probably a more elegant way
                # to do this.
                if six.PY3:
                    decoded = event[4].decode('utf-8')
                    server_send(['SHOUT', name, channel, decoded])
                    message = json.loads(event[4].decode('utf-8'))
                    server_send(['SHOUT', name, channel, message])