Exemplo n.º 1
class nn_player(Player):
    def __init__(self):
        self.maxdepth = 4
        self.moves = ["up", "right", "down", "left"]
        self.nn = NN([16, 4])

        self.weightFile = open("2048_nn_weights.pysave", "wb+")
        if os.stat("2048_nn_weights.pysave").st_size > 0:

        signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.signal_handler)

    def signal_handler(self, signal, frame):
        """ saves the weights for the neural net before exiting. """
        print("Saving weights and exiting process...")

    def save_net(self):
        """ saves the weights for the neural net in the file specified
            in __init__ """

    def choose_move(self, state):
        """ given a board, returns the neural net's choice move """

        #moves = self.get_moves(state)
        # get a list of normalized inputs that represents the board
        d = self.normalize_grid(state)
        # input that into the neural net

        # get the output, in the form of a list of the ranks of each output
        # e.g. [0.23, 0.49, 0.85, 0.17] => [2, 1, 0, 3]
        o = self.nn.get_output()
        moves = self.get_ordered_moves(state, o)
        # return a move

    def correct_move(self, state, move):
        """ gives the player a state and a "correct" move, 
            essentially one iteration of training the neural net."""

        # get a list of normalized inputs that represents the board
        d = self.normalize_grid(state)
        # input that into the neural net

        # use the move to create a proper output list
        l = [0 for _ in range(4)]
        l[self.moves.index(move)] = 1

        # use a learning rate proportional to the game's score
        alpha = state.score / 100000
        # and correct the neural net.
        self.nn.backward_propagate(l, alpha)

    def normalize(self, u, mn, mx):
        """ given a value [u], minimum and maximum, return a value 0 to 1 """
        return (u - mn) / (mx - mn)

    def normalize_grid(self, state):
        """ given a state, return a list of the pieces, normalized. """

        # get a list of all the values of the pieces
        data = []
        for row in state.pieces:
            [data.append(piece) for piece in row]

        # set the min and max values
        mn = 0
        mx = max([d.val for d in data])

        # normalize input data
        for i in range(len(data)):
            data[i] = self.normalize(data[i].val, mn, mx)

        return data

    def get_ordered_moves(self, state, outputs):
        """ returns a copy of self.moves where unavailable moves 
            are replaced with None      """
        ops = state.getOps()
        movescores = zip(*sorted(zip(outputs, self.moves)))
        for move in movescores:
Exemplo n.º 2
from nn import NN
import numpy
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def sumaVector(a,b):
	return [x+y for x,y in zip(a,b)]

nn = NN()
trainingSet = []
testSet = []
if len(sys.argv) == 3:
	testFile = open(sys.argv[2])

	for line in testFile:
		string = line.split(" ", 3)
		x = [[float(string[0])/20.0,float(string[1])/20.0]]
		if int(string[2]) == 1 :
			x += [[1]]
			x += [[0]]
		testSet += [x]

elif len(sys.argv) >= 4:
Exemplo n.º 3
from nn import NN
import numpy
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def sumaVector(a, b):
    return [x + y for x, y in zip(a, b)]

nn = NN()
trainingSet = []
testSet = []
if len(sys.argv) == 3:
    testFile = open(sys.argv[2])

    for line in testFile:
        string = line.split(" ", 3)
        x = [[float(string[0]) / 20.0, float(string[1]) / 20.0]]
        if int(string[2]) == 1:
            x += [[1]]
            x += [[0]]
        testSet += [x]

elif len(sys.argv) >= 4:
    trainingFile = open(sys.argv[1])