Exemplo n.º 1
def nn_gradient(Wi, Wo, alpha_i, alpha_o, train_input, train_target):
    """Calculate the partial derivatives of the quadratic cost function wrt.
    to the weights. Derivatives of quadratic weight decay are included.

        Wi: Matrix with input-to-hidden weights.\n
        Wo: Matrix with hidden-to-output weights.\n
        alpha_i: Weight decay parameter for input weights.\n
        alpha_o: Weight decay parameter for output  weights.\n
        train_input: Matrix with examples as rows.\n
        train_target: Matrix with target values as rows.

        dWi: Matrix with gradient for input weights.\n
        dWo: Matrix with gradient for output weights.

        Calculate gradients

        >>> dWi, dWo = nn_gradient(...)
    # Determine the number of samples
    exam, inp = train_input.shape

    # =======================
    #      FORWARD PASS
    # =======================

    # Calculate hidden and output unit activations
    Vj, yj = nn_forward(Wi, Wo, train_input)

    # =======================
    # =======================

    # Calculate derivative
    # by backpropagating the errors from the desired outputs

    # Output unit deltas
    delta_o = -(np.atleast_2d(train_target).T - yj)

    # Hidden unit deltas
    r, c = Wo.shape
    delta_h = (1.0 - np.power(Vj, 2)) * (delta_o.dot(Wo[:, :-1]))

    # Partial derivatives for the output weights
    dWo = delta_o.T.dot(np.concatenate((Vj, np.ones((exam, 1))), 1))

    # Partial derivatives for the input weights
    dWi = delta_h.T.dot(np.concatenate((train_input, np.ones((exam, 1))), 1))

    # Add derivative of the weight decay term
    dWi = dWi + alpha_i*Wi
    dWo = dWo + alpha_o*Wo

    return (dWi, dWo)
Exemplo n.º 2
def nn_gradient(Wi, Wo, alpha_i, alpha_o, train_input, train_target):
    """Calculate the partial derivatives of the quadratic cost function wrt.
    to the weights. Derivatives of quadratic weight decay are included.

        Wi: Matrix with input-to-hidden weights.\n
        Wo: Matrix with hidden-to-output weights.\n
        alpha_i: Weight decay parameter for input weights.\n
        alpha_o: Weight decay parameter for output  weights.\n
        train_input: Matrix with examples as rows.\n
        train_target: Matrix with target values as rows.

        dWi: Matrix with gradient for input weights.\n
        dWo: Matrix with gradient for output weights.

        Calculate gradients

        >>> dWi, dWo = nn_gradient(...)
    # Determine the number of samples
    exam, inp = train_input.shape

    # =======================
    #      FORWARD PASS
    # =======================

    # Calculate hidden and output unit activations
    Vj, yj = nn_forward(Wi, Wo, train_input)

    # =======================
    # =======================

    # Calculate derivative
    # by backpropagating the errors from the desired outputs

    # Output unit deltas
    delta_o = -(np.atleast_2d(train_target).T - yj)

    # Hidden unit deltas
    r, c = Wo.shape
    delta_h = (1.0 - np.power(Vj, 2)) * (delta_o.dot(Wo[:, :-1]))

    # Partial derivatives for the output weights
    dWo = delta_o.T.dot(np.concatenate((Vj, np.ones((exam, 1))), 1))

    # Partial derivatives for the input weights
    dWi = delta_h.T.dot(np.concatenate((train_input, np.ones((exam, 1))), 1))

    # Add derivative of the weight decay term
    dWi = dWi + alpha_i * Wi
    dWo = dWo + alpha_o * Wo

    return (dWi, dWo)
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: nn_cost.py Projeto: liuhp/nsp
def nn_cost_quad(Wi, Wo, input, target):
    """ Calculate the value of the quadratic cost function,
    i.e. 0.5*(sum of squared error)
    # Calculate network outputs for all exaples
    Vj, yj = nn_forward(Wi, Wo, input)

    # Calculate the deviations from desired outputs
    ej = target - yj

    # Calculate the sum of squared errors
    error = 0.5 * np.sum(np.sum(np.power(ej, 2)))
    return error
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: nn_cost.py Projeto: liuhp/nsp
def nn_cost_quad_decay(Wi, Wo, input, target, alpha_i=1.0, alpha_o=1.0):
    """ Calculate the value of the quadratic cost function with a weigth decay,
    i.e. 0.5*(sum of squared error) + 0.5*alpha*norm(weight)
    # Calculate network outputs for all exaples
    Vj, yj = nn_forward(Wi, Wo, input)

    # Calculate the deviations from desired outputs
    ej = target - yj

    # Calculate the sum of squared errors
    error = 0.5 * np.sum(np.sum(np.power(ej, 2))) + 0.5*alpha_i*weight_norm(Wi) + 0.5*alpha_o*weight_norm(Wo)
    return error
Exemplo n.º 5
def nn_train(nn,option,train_x,train_y):
    iteration = option.iteration
    batch_size = option.batch_size
    m = train_x.shape[0]
    num_batches = m / batch_size
    for k in range(iteration): 
        kk = np.random.permutation(m)
        for l in range(int(num_batches)):
            batch_x = train_x[kk[l * batch_size : (l + 1) * batch_size], :] #(l+1)*batch_size也可以改成max((l+1)*batch_size, len(kk))
            batch_y = train_y[kk[l * batch_size : (l + 1) * batch_size], :]
            nn = nn_forward(nn,batch_x,batch_y)
            nn = nn_backpropagation(nn,batch_y)
            nn = nn_applygradient(nn)
    return nn
Exemplo n.º 6
    # Initialize network weights
    Wi = range * np.random.randn(Nh, Ni + 1)
    Wo = range * np.random.randn(No, Nh + 1)

    # dWi, dWo = nn_gradient(Wi, Wo, alpha_i, alpha_o, train_input, train_target)

    # Determine the number of samples
    exam, inp = train_input.shape

    # ###################### #
    # #### FORWARD PASS #### #
    # ###################### #

    # Calculate hidden and output unit activations
    Vj, yj = nn_forward(Wi, Wo, train_input)

    # ###################### #
    # #### BACKWARD PASS ### #
    # ###################### #

    # Calculate derivative of
    # by backpropagating the errors from the desired outputs

    # Output unit deltas
    delta_o = -(train_target - yj)

    # Hidden unit deltas
    r, c = Wo.shape
    delta_h = (1.0 - np.power(Vj, 2)) * (delta_o.dot(Wo[:, :c - 1]))
Exemplo n.º 7
Arquivo: main.py Projeto: aaskov/nsp
 def predict(self, input):
     Vj, yj = nn_forward(self.Wi, self.Wo, input)
     return yj
Exemplo n.º 8
    # Initialize network weights
    Wi = range*np.random.randn(Nh, Ni+1)
    Wo = range*np.random.randn(No, Nh+1)

    # dWi, dWo = nn_gradient(Wi, Wo, alpha_i, alpha_o, train_input, train_target)

    # Determine the number of samples
    exam, inp = train_input.shape

    # ###################### #
    # #### FORWARD PASS #### #
    # ###################### #

    # Calculate hidden and output unit activations
    Vj, yj = nn_forward(Wi, Wo, train_input)

    # ###################### #
    # #### BACKWARD PASS ### #
    # ###################### #

    # Calculate derivative of
    # by backpropagating the errors from the desired outputs

    # Output unit deltas
    delta_o = -(train_target - yj)

    # Hidden unit deltas
    r, c = Wo.shape
    delta_h = (1.0 - np.power(Vj, 2)) * (delta_o.dot(Wo[:, :c-1]))
Exemplo n.º 9
 def predict(self, input):
     Vj, yj = nn_forward(self.Wi, self.Wo, input)
     return yj