def joint_softmax_classifier(mode, hparams, model_config, inputs, targets, num_labels, tokens_to_keep, joint_maps, transition_params): with tf.name_scope('joint_softmax_classifier'): # todo pass this as initial proj dim (which is optional) projection_dim = model_config['predicate_pred_mlp_size'] with tf.variable_scope('MLP'): mlp = nn_utils.MLP(inputs, projection_dim, keep_prob=hparams.mlp_dropout, n_splits=1) with tf.variable_scope('Classifier'): logits = nn_utils.MLP(mlp, num_labels, keep_prob=hparams.mlp_dropout, n_splits=1) # todo implement this if transition_params is not None: print( 'Transition params not yet supported in joint_softmax_classifier' ) exit(1) cross_entropy = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits=logits, labels=targets) cross_entropy *= tokens_to_keep loss = tf.reduce_sum(cross_entropy) / tf.reduce_sum(tokens_to_keep) predictions = tf.cast(tf.argmax(logits, axis=-1), tf.int32) output = { 'loss': loss, 'predictions': predictions, 'scores': logits, 'probabilities': tf.nn.softmax(logits, -1) } # now get separate-task scores and predictions for each of the maps we've passed through separate_output = get_separate_scores_preds_from_joint( output, joint_maps, num_labels) combined_output = {**output, **separate_output} return combined_output
def softmax_classifier(mode, hparams, model_config, inputs, targets, num_labels, tokens_to_keep, transition_params): with tf.name_scope('softmax_classifier'): # # todo pass this as initial proj dim (which is optional) # projection_dim = model_config['predicate_pred_mlp_size'] # # with tf.variable_scope('MLP'): # mlp = nn_utils.MLP(inputs, projection_dim, keep_prob=hparams.mlp_dropout, n_splits=1) with tf.variable_scope('Classifier'): logits = nn_utils.MLP(inputs, num_labels, keep_prob=hparams.mlp_dropout, n_splits=1) # todo implement this if transition_params is not None: print('Transition params not yet supported in softmax_classifier') exit(1) # cross_entropy = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=logits, labels=targets) targets_onehot = tf.one_hot(indices=targets, depth=num_labels, axis=-1) loss = tf.losses.softmax_cross_entropy( logits=tf.reshape(logits, [-1, num_labels]), onehot_labels=tf.reshape(targets_onehot, [-1, num_labels]), weights=tf.reshape(tokens_to_keep, [-1]), label_smoothing=hparams.label_smoothing, reduction=tf.losses.Reduction.SUM_BY_NONZERO_WEIGHTS) predictions = tf.cast(tf.argmax(logits, axis=-1), tf.int32) output = {'loss': loss, 'predictions': predictions, 'scores': logits} return output
def fakenews_maxpool(mode, hparams, model_config, inputs, targets, num_labels, tokens_to_keep, transition_params): # Apply masking to inputs (shape = batch_size * seq_len * hidden_dim) inputs *= tf.expand_dims(tokens_to_keep, axis=-1) # TODO: Test performance when we mask pad tokens with constants.VERY_SMALL instead of 0 actual_targets = targets[:, 0] # targets = batch_size * seq_len (each token is labeled with the same stance), so we just need the first one with tf.variable_scope('fakenews_maxpool'): out_maxpool = tf.reduce_max(inputs, axis=1) # batch_size * hidden_dim # TODO: Is dropout necessary here? logits = nn_utils.MLP(out_maxpool, num_labels, keep_prob=hparams.mlp_dropout, n_splits=1) # batch_size, num_classes loss = tf.losses.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy(logits=logits, labels=actual_targets) predictions = tf.argmax(logits, -1) output = { 'loss': loss, 'scores': logits, 'predictions': predictions, } return output
def parse_bilinear(mode, hparams, model_config, inputs, targets, num_labels, tokens_to_keep, transition_params): class_mlp_size = model_config['class_mlp_size'] attn_mlp_size = model_config['attn_mlp_size'] if transition_params is not None: print('Transition params not supported in parse_bilinear') exit(1) with tf.variable_scope('parse_bilinear'): with tf.variable_scope('MLP'): dep_mlp, head_mlp = nn_utils.MLP(inputs, class_mlp_size + attn_mlp_size, n_splits=2, keep_prob=hparams.mlp_dropout) dep_arc_mlp, dep_rel_mlp = dep_mlp[:, :, : attn_mlp_size], dep_mlp[:, :, attn_mlp_size:] head_arc_mlp, head_rel_mlp = head_mlp[:, :, : attn_mlp_size], head_mlp[:, :, attn_mlp_size:] with tf.variable_scope('Arcs'): # batch_size x batch_seq_len x batch_seq_len arc_logits = nn_utils.bilinear_classifier(dep_arc_mlp, head_arc_mlp, hparams.bilinear_dropout) num_tokens = tf.reduce_sum(tokens_to_keep) predictions = tf.argmax(arc_logits, -1) probabilities = tf.nn.softmax(arc_logits) cross_entropy = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits=arc_logits, labels=targets) loss = tf.reduce_sum(cross_entropy * tokens_to_keep) / num_tokens output = { 'loss': loss, 'predictions': predictions, 'probabilities': probabilities, 'scores': arc_logits, 'dep_rel_mlp': dep_rel_mlp, 'head_rel_mlp': head_rel_mlp } return output
def model_fn(self, features, mode): # todo can estimators handle dropout for us or do we need to do it on our own? hparams = self.hparams(mode) tf.logging.log(tf.logging.INFO, "Running in {} mode.".format(mode)) with tf.variable_scope("LISA", reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE): # features = tf.Print(features, [features, tf.shape(features)], 'input features') batch_shape = tf.shape(features) batch_size = batch_shape[0] batch_seq_len = batch_shape[1] layer_config = self.model_config['layers'] sa_hidden_size = layer_config['head_dim'] * layer_config[ 'num_heads'] feats = { f: features[:, :, idx] for f, idx in self.feature_idx_map.items() } # todo this assumes that word_type is always passed in words = feats['word_type'] # print("debug <input features>:", features) # for masking out padding tokens tokens_to_keep = tf.where(tf.equal(words, constants.PAD_VALUE), tf.zeros([batch_size, batch_seq_len]), tf.ones([batch_size, batch_seq_len])) # Extract named features from monolithic "features" input feats = { f: tf.multiply(tf.cast(tokens_to_keep, tf.int32), v) for f, v in feats.items() } # feats = {f: tf.Print(feats[f], [feats[f]]) for f in feats.keys()} # print("<debug features>: ",feats) # print("debug <model_config>:", self.model_config) # Extract named labels from monolithic "features" input, and mask them # todo fix masking -- is it even necessary? labels = {} for l, idx in self.label_idx_map.items(): # print("debug <label_idx_map idx>: ", idx) these_labels = features[:, :, idx[0]:idx[0] + 1] if idx[ 1] != -1 else features[:, :, idx[0]:] these_labels_masked = tf.multiply( these_labels, tf.cast(tf.expand_dims(tokens_to_keep, -1), tf.int32)) # check if we need to mask another dimension # these_labels_masked_print = tf.Print(these_labels_masked, [tf.shape(these_labels_masked), these_labels_masked, idx], # 'thses labels masked') if idx[1] == -1: last_dim = tf.shape(these_labels)[2] this_mask = tf.where( tf.equal(these_labels_masked, constants.PAD_VALUE), tf.zeros([batch_size, batch_seq_len, last_dim], dtype=tf.int32), tf.ones([batch_size, batch_seq_len, last_dim], dtype=tf.int32)) these_labels_masked = tf.multiply(these_labels_masked, this_mask) else: these_labels_masked = tf.squeeze( these_labels_masked, -1, name='these_labels_masked_squeezing') # these_labels_masked = tf.Print(these_labels_masked, [tf.shape(these_labels_masked), these_labels_masked], 'thses labels masked after squeezed') labels[l] = these_labels_masked # labels = [tf.Print(l, [l]) for l in labels] # labels = [tf.Print("label_l", l)for l in labels] # load transition parameters transition_stats = util.load_transition_params( self.task_config, self.vocab, hparams.train_with_crf) # Create embeddings tables, loading pre-trained if specified embeddings = {} for embedding_name, embedding_map in self.model_config[ 'embeddings'].items(): embedding_dim = embedding_map['embedding_dim'] if 'pretrained_embeddings' in embedding_map: input_pretrained_embeddings = embedding_map[ 'pretrained_embeddings'] include_oov = True embedding_table = self.get_embedding_table( embedding_name, embedding_dim, include_oov, pretrained_fname=input_pretrained_embeddings, cwr_ood=hparams.cwr_ood) else: num_embeddings = self.vocab.vocab_names_sizes[ embedding_name] embedding_table = self.get_embedding_table( embedding_name, embedding_dim, include_oov, num_embeddings=num_embeddings) # embedding_table = tf.Print(embedding_table, [tf.shape(embedding_table), embedding_table]) embeddings[embedding_name] = embedding_table tf.logging.log(tf.logging.INFO, "Created embeddings for '%s'." % embedding_name) tf.logging.log(tf.logging.INFO, embeddings[embedding_name]) inputs_list = [] gp_embs = [] with tf.device("CPU:0"): if hparams.cwr != "None" or hparams.glove_300d: if hparams.cwr != "None": cached_cwr_embeddings = tf.get_variable( "cwr_embedding", shape=self.cwr_embedding.shape, trainable=False) def init_fn(scaffold, sess): if hparams.cwr != "None": cached_cwr_embeddings.initializer, { cached_cwr_embeddings.initial_value: self.cwr_embedding }) scaffold = tf.train.Scaffold(init_fn=init_fn) for input_name, input_transformation_name in self.model_config[ 'inputs'].items(): # print("debug <actual inputs>:", input_name, input_transformation_name) input_values = feats[input_name] # input_values = tf.Print(input_values, ["input value under {}".format(input_name), input_values, tf.shape(input_values)]) if input_transformation_name == "cached_embeddings": # if hparams.cwr_ood: # ROOT_emb = tf.get_variable("root_emb", shape=[1, 3072], initializer=tf.random_normal_initializer(), trainable=False) # cached_cwr_embeddings_oov = tf.concat([cached_cwr_embeddings, ROOT_emb], axis=0) # input_embedding_lookup = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(cached_cwr_embeddings_oov, input_values) # else: input_embedding_lookup = tf.nn.embedding_lookup( cached_cwr_embeddings, input_values) with tf.variable_scope("cwr_assembly"): num_layers = 3 #input_embedding_lookup.get_shape()[2] weight = tf.get_variable("cwr_weight", shape=[num_layers]) scale = tf.get_variable("cwr_scale", shape=[]) input_embedding_lookup = scale * tf.math.reduce_sum( tf.split(input_embedding_lookup, axis=-1, num_or_size_splits=num_layers) * tf.reshape(tf.nn.softmax(weight), shape=[num_layers, 1, 1, 1]), axis=0) elif input_transformation_name == "bert_embeddings": input_embedding_lookup = tf.nn.embedding_lookup( cached_cwr_embeddings, input_values) elif input_transformation_name == "embeddings": print("embeddings", input_name, embeddings[input_name]) input_embedding_lookup = tf.nn.embedding_lookup( embeddings[input_name], input_values) elif input_transformation_name == "predicate": print("embeddings", input_name, embeddings[input_name]) input_embedding_lookup = tf.nn.embedding_lookup( embeddings[input_name], input_values) gp_embs.append(input_embedding_lookup) continue else: print("unknown input transformation {}".format( input_transformation_name)) raise NotImplementedError # input_embedding_lookup = tf.Print(input_embedding_lookup, ["input embedding under {}".format(input_name), input_embedding_lookup]) inputs_list.append(input_embedding_lookup) tf.logging.log(tf.logging.INFO, "Added %s to inputs list." % input_name) # TODO a mere workaround with one element concat current_input = tf.concat(inputs_list, axis=-1) ## <guard: condition to enter sentence features> ## suppose the dim is of (B, S, H) if hparams.input_project_layer_norm: current_input = tf.contrib.layers.layer_norm(current_input) sentence_feature = tf.reduce_sum( current_input * tf.expand_dims(tokens_to_keep, -1), axis=1) sentence_feature /= tf.expand_dims( tf.reduce_sum(tokens_to_keep, axis=1), -1) #To get the mean of all embeddings feats['sentence_feature'] = sentence_feature ## <guard: condition to enter sentence features> current_input = tf.nn.dropout(current_input, hparams.input_dropout) if len(gp_embs) > 0: current_input = tf.concat([current_input, gp_embs[0]], axis=-1) with tf.variable_scope('project_input'): current_input = nn_utils.MLP(current_input, sa_hidden_size, n_splits=1) # current_input = tf.Print(current_input, [tf.shape(current_input)], "input shape") predictions = {} eval_metric_ops = {} export_outputs = {} loss = tf.constant(0.) items_to_log = {} num_layers = max(self.task_config.keys()) + 1 tf.logging.log( tf.logging.INFO, "Creating transformer model with %d layers" % num_layers) with tf.variable_scope('transformer'): current_input = transformer.add_timing_signal_1d(current_input) for i in range(num_layers): # print("debug: <constructing {}-th layer>".format(i)) with tf.variable_scope('layer%d' % i): special_attn = [ [], [] ] #first bracket is for hard injection attns, the sencond is for discounting attns special_values = [] if i in self.attention_config: this_layer_attn_config = self.attention_config[i] # print("debug: <layer_{} config>: ".format(i), this_layer_attn_config) print( "debug <attention configuration>@{}: ".format( i), this_layer_attn_config) for attn_fn_item in this_layer_attn_config.keys(): for attn_fn, attn_fn_map in this_layer_attn_config[ attn_fn_item].items(): # print("debug <attn_fn, attn_fn_map>: ", attn_fn, ' ', attn_fn_map) if 'length' in attn_fn_map.keys( ) or hparams.use_hparams_headcounts: hc = hparams.__dict__['{}_headcount'.format( attn_fn )] if hparams.use_hparams_headcounts else attn_fn_map[ 'length'] tf.logging.log( tf.logging.INFO, "{} is using {} attention mode with {} heads" .format( attn_fn_item, hparams.__dict__[ '{}_injection'.format( attn_fn)], hc)) for idx in range( hc ): # To make sure that the three special attentions are different with tf.variable_scope( '{}_{}'.format( attn_fn_item, idx)): attention_fn_params = attention_fns.get_params( mode, attn_fn_map, predictions, feats, labels, hparams, self.model_config, tokens_to_keep) this_special_attn, special_attn_weight = attention_fns.dispatch( attn_fn_map['name'])( **attention_fn_params) # todo patches everywhere! # this_special_attn = tf.Print(this_special_attn, [this_special_attn]) if special_attn_weight is not None and hparams.output_attention_weight: for i in range( special_attn_weight. get_shape()[0]): items_to_log[ "{}_{}_weight_{}". format( attn_fn, idx, i )] = special_attn_weight[ i] if hparams.__dict__[ '{}_injection'.format( attn_fn )] == 'injection': special_attn[0].append( this_special_attn) elif hparams.__dict__[ '{}_injection'.format( attn_fn )] == 'discounting': special_attn[1].append( this_special_attn) else: tf.logging.log( tf.logging.ERROR, "The spcified injection method {} has not been implemented" .format(attn_fn_map[ 'injection_method'])) raise NotImplementedError # print(special_attn) else: with tf.variable_scope( '{}'.format(attn_fn)): attention_fn_params = attention_fns.get_params( mode, attn_fn_map, predictions, feats, labels, hparams, self.model_config, tokens_to_keep) this_special_attn, _ = attention_fns.dispatch( attn_fn_map['name'])( **attention_fn_params) if hparams.__dict__[ '{}_injection'.format( attn_fn)] == 'injection': special_attn[0].append( this_special_attn) elif hparams.__dict__[ '{}_injection'.format( attn_fn)] == 'discounting': special_attn[1].append( this_special_attn) else: tf.logging.log( tf.logging.ERROR, "The spcified injection method {} has not been implemented" .format(attn_fn_map[ 'injection_method'])) raise NotImplementedError # print("debug <layer_{} special attention>: ".format(i), special_attn ) if 'value_fns' in this_layer_attn_config: tf.logging.log( tf.logging.ERROR, "special value section has been dropped temporarily" ) raise NotImplementedError for value_fn, value_fn_map in this_layer_attn_config[ 'value_fns'].items(): value_fn_params = value_fns.get_params( mode, value_fn_map, predictions, feats, labels, embeddings) this_special_values = value_fns.dispatch( value_fn_map['name'])( **value_fn_params) special_values.append(this_special_values) # print("debug <layer_{} special values>: ".format(i), special_values) if hparams.attn_debug: print(special_attn) # special_attn[1][1] = tf.Print(special_attn[1][1], [special_attn[1][0], special_attn[1][1]], "debug_check equal attn") # assert_op = tf.assert_none_equal(special_attn[1][0], special_attn[1][1]) # tf.logging.log(tf.logging.INFO, "attention behavior is identical") current_input = transformer.transformer( current_input, tokens_to_keep, layer_config['head_dim'], layer_config['num_heads'], hparams.attn_dropout, hparams.ff_dropout, hparams.prepost_dropout, layer_config['ff_hidden_size'], special_attn, special_values, special_attention_mode=hparams. special_attention_mode) # current_input = tf.Print(current_input, [tf.shape(current_input)], "LISA input after transformer") if i in self.task_config: # if normalization is done in layer_preprocess, then it should also be done # on the output, since the output can grow very large, being the sum of # a whole stack of unnormalized layer outputs. current_input = nn_utils.layer_norm(current_input) # todo test a list of tasks for each layer for task, task_map in self.task_config[i].items(): # print("debug <task>: ", task) # print("debug <task map>:" , task_map) task_labels = labels[task] # task_labels = tf.Print(task_labels, [task_labels] , 'task_label'.format(task)) task_vocab_size = self.vocab.vocab_names_sizes[ task] if task in self.vocab.vocab_names_sizes else -1 # Set up CRF / Viterbi transition params if specified with tf.variable_scope( "crf" ): # to share parameters, change scope here # transition_stats_file = task_map['transition_stats'] if 'transition_stats' in task_map else None task_transition_stats = transition_stats[ task] if task in transition_stats else None # create transition parameters if training or decoding with crf/viterbi task_crf = 'crf' in task_map and task_map[ 'crf'] task_viterbi_decode = task_crf or 'viterbi' in task_map and task_map[ 'viterbi'] transition_params = None if task_viterbi_decode or task_crf: # print("loading transition params", self.not_load_transition) if hparams.train_with_crf: transition_params = tf.get_variable( "transitions", [ task_vocab_size, task_vocab_size ]) else: tf.logging.log( tf.logging.INFO, "Use default transition param") tf.logging.log( tf.logging.INFO, "transition parameters:{}". format(task_transition_stats)) transition_params = tf.constant( task_transition_stats, dtype=tf.float32 ) #tf.get_variable("transitions", [task_vocab_size, task_vocab_size], #initializer=tf.constant_initializer(task_transition_stats) if not self.not_load_transition else tf.constant_initializer(0), #trainable=task_crf) # if mode != ModeKeys.TRAIN: # transition_params = tf.Print(transition_params, [tf.get_variable("transitions", [task_vocab_size, task_vocab_size])], # "optimized transition?") # transition_params = tf.cond(tf.equal(mode, ModeKeys.TRAIN), # lambda: transition_params, # lambda: tf.Print(transition_params, [ # tf.get_variable("transitions", [task_vocab_size, task_vocab_size])], # "optimized transition?")) # transition_params = train_or_decode_str = "training" if task_crf else "decoding" tf.logging.log( tf.logging.INFO, "Created transition params for %s %s" % (train_or_decode_str, task)) output_fn_params = output_fns.get_params( mode, self.model_config, task_map['output_fn'], predictions, feats, labels, current_input, task_labels, task_vocab_size, self.vocab.joint_label_lookup_maps, tokens_to_keep, transition_params, hparams) # print("debug <dispatch into {}>".format(task_map['output_fn']['name'])) task_outputs = output_fns.dispatch( task_map['output_fn']['name'])( **output_fn_params) # print("debug <task_outputs>: ", task_outputs) # want task_outputs to have: # - predictions # - loss # - scores # - probabilities predictions[task] = task_outputs # do the evaluation for eval_name, eval_map in task_map[ 'eval_fns'].items(): eval_fn_params = evaluation_fns.get_params( task_outputs, eval_map, predictions, feats, labels, task_labels, self.vocab.reverse_maps, tokens_to_keep) if eval_name == 'parse_eval' and hparams.using_input_with_root: eval_fn_params['has_root_token'] = True eval_result = evaluation_fns.dispatch( eval_map['name'])(**eval_fn_params) eval_metric_ops[eval_name] = eval_result # get the individual task loss and apply penalty this_task_loss = task_outputs[ 'loss'] * task_map['penalty'] # log this task's loss items_to_log['%s_loss' % task] = this_task_loss #outputing sub loss as well for key in task_outputs.keys(): if key.startswith('loss'): items_to_log['{}_{}'.format( task, key)] = task_outputs[key] # add this loss to the overall loss being minimized # this_task_loss = tf.Print(this_task_loss, [this_task_loss], '{}_{}'.format(task, key)) loss += this_task_loss # print("debug <accumulated loss>: ", loss) # break # only take one loss # set up moving average variables assign_moving_averages_dep = tf.no_op() if hparams.moving_average_decay > 0.: moving_averager = tf.train.ExponentialMovingAverage( hparams.moving_average_decay, zero_debias=True, num_updates=tf.train.get_global_step()) moving_average_op = moving_averager.apply( train_utils.get_vars_for_moving_average( hparams.average_norms)) tf.add_to_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS, moving_average_op) # use moving averages of variables if evaluating assign_moving_averages_dep = tf.cond( tf.equal(mode, ModeKeys.TRAIN), lambda: tf.no_op(), lambda: nn_utils.set_vars_to_moving_average(moving_averager)) # print("debug <finishing setting up moving avg variables>") with tf.control_dependencies([assign_moving_averages_dep]): items_to_log['loss'] = loss # print("debug <final loss>: ", loss) # get learning rate w/ decay # todo dirty workaround if mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN or mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.EVAL: this_step_lr = train_utils.learning_rate( hparams, tf.train.get_global_step()) items_to_log['lr'] = this_step_lr # print("debug <items to log>: ", items_to_log) # print("debug <eval_metric_content>: ", eval_metric_ops) if hparams.optimizer == "lazyadam": optimizer = LazyAdamOptimizer( learning_rate=this_step_lr, beta1=hparams.beta1, beta2=hparams.beta2, epsilon=hparams.epsilon, use_nesterov=hparams.use_nesterov) elif hparams.optimizer == "adam": optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer( learning_rate=this_step_lr, beta1=hparams.beta1, beta2=hparams.beta2, epsilon=hparams.epsilon) else: raise NotImplementedError( "The specified optimizer is not implemented") # loss = tf.Print(loss, [loss], "loss") # # loss_no_nan = tf.cond(tf.reduce_any(tf.is_nan(loss)), lambda: tf.zeros_like(loss), lambda: loss) # # loss_no_nan = tf.where(tf.is_nan(loss), tf.zeros_like(loss), loss) # loss_no_nan = tf.where(tf.math.is_nan(loss), tf.zeros_like(loss), loss) # loss_no_nan_printed = tf.Print(loss_no_nan, [loss_no_nan], "no nan loss") # grad_and_var = optimizer.compute_gradients(loss_no_nan_printed) # loss = tf.where(tf.math.is_nan(loss), tf.zeros_like(loss), loss) # loss = tf.Print(loss, [loss], "loss") grad_and_var = optimizer.compute_gradients(loss) gradients, variables = zip(*grad_and_var) # gradients_without_nan = [tf.cond(tf.reduce_any(tf.is_nan(item)), lambda: tf.zeros_like(item), item)for item in gradients] # gradients_without_nan = gradients gradients, gn = tf.clip_by_global_norm( gradients, hparams.gradient_clip_norm) # print([g is None for g in gradients]) # gn = gn[0] zero_clipped_gradients = [ tf.clip_by_value(g, 0., 0.) if g is not None else g for g in gradients ] gradients_prev_inf_norm = [ tf.cond( tf.logical_or(tf.math.is_inf(gn), tf.math.is_nan(gn)), lambda: g_zeros, lambda: g) if g is not None else None for g_zeros, g in zip(zero_clipped_gradients, gradients) ] # gn = tf.Print(gn, [gn], "global norm") with tf.control_dependencies([gn]): train_op = optimizer.apply_gradients( zip(gradients_prev_inf_norm, variables), global_step=tf.train.get_global_step()) # if hparams.debug and mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN: # gradients_to_print = [gradients[variables.index(var)] for var in nn_utils.gradient_to_watch] # print(gradients_to_print) # gradients[0] = tf.Print(gradients[0], gradients_to_print, "gradient for dependency label strength") # train_op = optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(gradients, variables), global_step=tf.train.get_global_step()) # export_outputs = {'predict_output': tf.estimator.export.PredictOutput({'scores': scores, 'preds': preds})} logging_hook = tf.train.LoggingTensorHook(items_to_log, every_n_iter=100) histogram_summary = [ summary for name, summary in nn_utils.histogram_output.items() ] summary_hook = tf.train.SummarySaverHook( save_steps=500, summary_op=[ tf.summary.scalar(k, items_to_log[k]) for k in items_to_log.keys() ] + histogram_summary) flat_predictions = { "%s_%s" % (k1, k2): v2 for k1, v1 in predictions.items() for k2, v2 in v1.items() } # print("debug <flat predictions>:", flat_predictions) export_outputs = { tf.saved_model.signature_constants.DEFAULT_SERVING_SIGNATURE_DEF_KEY: tf.estimator.export.PredictOutput(flat_predictions) } tf.logging.log( tf.logging.INFO, "Created model with %d trainable parameters" % tf_utils.get_num_trainable_parameters()) # if hparams.cwr!= 'None': # with tf.Session() as sess: #, feed_dict={cached_cwr_embeddings_placeholder: self.cwr_embedding}) if mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN: return tf.estimator.EstimatorSpec( mode, flat_predictions, loss, train_op, eval_metric_ops, training_hooks=[logging_hook, summary_hook], export_outputs=export_outputs, scaffold=scaffold if hparams.cwr != 'None' else None) elif mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.EVAL: return tf.estimator.EstimatorSpec( mode, flat_predictions, loss, train_op, eval_metric_ops, training_hooks=[logging_hook], export_outputs=export_outputs, scaffold=scaffold if hparams.cwr != 'None' else None) elif mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.PREDICT: return tf.estimator.EstimatorSpec( mode, flat_predictions, loss, tf.no_op(), eval_metric_ops, export_outputs=export_outputs, scaffold=scaffold if hparams.cwr != 'None' else None)
def srl_bilinear(mode, hparams, model_config, inputs, targets, num_labels, tokens_to_keep, predicate_preds_train, predicate_preds_eval, predicate_targets, transition_params): ''' :param input: Tensor with dims: [batch_size, batch_seq_len, hidden_size] :param predicate_preds: Tensor of predictions from predicates layer with dims: [batch_size, batch_seq_len] :param targets: Tensor of SRL labels with dims: [batch_size, batch_seq_len, batch_num_predicates] :param tokens_to_keep: :param predictions: :param transition_params: [num_labels x num_labels] transition parameters, if doing Viterbi decoding :return: ''' with tf.name_scope('srl_bilinear'): input_shape = tf.shape(inputs) batch_size = input_shape[0] batch_seq_len = input_shape[1] predicate_mlp_size = model_config['predicate_mlp_size'] role_mlp_size = model_config['role_mlp_size'] predicate_preds = predicate_preds_train if mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN else predicate_preds_eval # (1) project into predicate, role representations with tf.variable_scope('MLP'): predicate_role_mlp = nn_utils.MLP(inputs, predicate_mlp_size + role_mlp_size, keep_prob=hparams.mlp_dropout) predicate_mlp, role_mlp = predicate_role_mlp[:, :, :predicate_mlp_size], \ predicate_role_mlp[:, :, predicate_mlp_size:] # (2) feed through bilinear to obtain scores with tf.variable_scope('Bilinear'): # gather just the predicates # gathered_predicates: num_predicates_in_batch x 1 x predicate_mlp_size # role mlp: batch x seq_len x role_mlp_size # gathered roles: need a (batch_seq_len x role_mlp_size) role representation for each predicate, # i.e. a (num_predicates_in_batch x batch_seq_len x role_mlp_size) tensor predicate_gather_indices = tf.where(tf.equal(predicate_preds, 1)) gathered_predicates = tf.expand_dims( tf.gather_nd(predicate_mlp, predicate_gather_indices), 1) tiled_roles = tf.reshape( tf.tile(role_mlp, [1, batch_seq_len, 1]), [batch_size, batch_seq_len, batch_seq_len, role_mlp_size]) gathered_roles = tf.gather_nd(tiled_roles, predicate_gather_indices) # now multiply them together to get (num_predicates_in_batch x batch_seq_len x num_srl_classes) tensor of scores srl_logits = nn_utils.bilinear_classifier_nary( gathered_predicates, gathered_roles, num_labels, hparams.bilinear_dropout) srl_logits_transposed = tf.transpose(srl_logits, [0, 2, 1]) # (3) compute loss # need to repeat each of these once for each target in the sentence mask_tiled = tf.reshape(tf.tile(tokens_to_keep, [1, batch_seq_len]), [batch_size, batch_seq_len, batch_seq_len]) mask = tf.gather_nd(mask_tiled, tf.where(tf.equal(predicate_preds, 1))) # now we have k sets of targets for the k frames # (p1) f1 f2 f3 # (p2) f1 f2 f3 # get all the tags for each token (which is the predicate for a frame), structuring # targets as follows (assuming p1 and p2 are predicates for f1 and f3, respectively): # (p1) f1 f1 f1 # (p2) f3 f3 f3 srl_targets_transposed = tf.transpose(targets, [0, 2, 1]) gold_predicate_counts = tf.reduce_sum(predicate_targets, -1) srl_targets_indices = tf.where( tf.sequence_mask(tf.reshape(gold_predicate_counts, [-1]))) # num_predicates_in_batch x seq_len srl_targets_gold_predicates = tf.gather_nd(srl_targets_transposed, srl_targets_indices) predicted_predicate_counts = tf.reduce_sum(predicate_preds, -1) srl_targets_pred_indices = tf.where( tf.sequence_mask(tf.reshape(predicted_predicate_counts, [-1]))) srl_targets_predicted_predicates = tf.gather_nd( srl_targets_transposed, srl_targets_pred_indices) # num_predicates_in_batch x seq_len predictions = tf.cast(tf.argmax(srl_logits_transposed, axis=-1), tf.int32) seq_lens = tf.cast(tf.reduce_sum(mask, 1), tf.int32) if transition_params is not None and (mode == ModeKeys.PREDICT or mode == ModeKeys.EVAL): predictions, score = tf.contrib.crf.crf_decode( srl_logits_transposed, transition_params, seq_lens) if transition_params is not None and mode == ModeKeys.TRAIN and tf_utils.is_trainable( transition_params): # flat_seq_lens = tf.reshape(tf.tile(seq_lens, [1, bucket_size]), tf.stack([batch_size * bucket_size])) log_likelihood, transition_params = tf.contrib.crf.crf_log_likelihood( srl_logits_transposed, srl_targets_predicted_predicates, seq_lens, transition_params) loss = tf.reduce_mean(-log_likelihood) else: srl_targets_onehot = tf.one_hot( indices=srl_targets_predicted_predicates, depth=num_labels, axis=-1) loss = tf.losses.softmax_cross_entropy( logits=tf.reshape(srl_logits_transposed, [-1, num_labels]), onehot_labels=tf.reshape(srl_targets_onehot, [-1, num_labels]), weights=tf.reshape(mask, [-1]), label_smoothing=hparams.label_smoothing, reduction=tf.losses.Reduction.SUM_BY_NONZERO_WEIGHTS) output = { 'loss': loss, 'predictions': predictions, 'scores': srl_logits_transposed, 'targets': srl_targets_gold_predicates, } return output
def model_fn(self, features, mode): # todo can estimators handle dropout for us or do we need to do it on our own? hparams = self.hparams(mode) with tf.variable_scope("LISA", reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE): batch_shape = tf.shape(features) batch_size = batch_shape[0] batch_seq_len = batch_shape[1] layer_config = self.model_config['layers'] sa_hidden_size = layer_config['head_dim'] * layer_config[ 'num_heads'] feats = { f: features[:, :, idx] for f, idx in self.feature_idx_map.items() } # todo this assumes that word_type is always passed in words = feats['word_type'] # for masking out padding tokens tokens_to_keep = tf.where(tf.equal(words, constants.PAD_VALUE), tf.zeros([batch_size, batch_seq_len]), tf.ones([batch_size, batch_seq_len])) # Extract named features from monolithic "features" input feats = { f: tf.multiply(tf.cast(tokens_to_keep, tf.int32), v) for f, v in feats.items() } # Extract named labels from monolithic "features" input, and mask them # todo fix masking -- is it even necessary? labels = {} for l, idx in self.label_idx_map.items(): these_labels = features[:, :, idx[0]:idx[1]] if idx[ 1] != -1 else features[:, :, idx[0]:] these_labels_masked = tf.multiply( these_labels, tf.cast(tf.expand_dims(tokens_to_keep, -1), tf.int32)) # check if we need to mask another dimension if idx[1] == -1: last_dim = tf.shape(these_labels)[2] this_mask = tf.where( tf.equal(these_labels_masked, constants.PAD_VALUE), tf.zeros([batch_size, batch_seq_len, last_dim], dtype=tf.int32), tf.ones([batch_size, batch_seq_len, last_dim], dtype=tf.int32)) these_labels_masked = tf.multiply(these_labels_masked, this_mask) else: these_labels_masked = tf.squeeze(these_labels_masked, -1) labels[l] = these_labels_masked # load transition parameters transition_stats = util.load_transition_params( self.task_config, self.vocab) # Create embeddings tables, loading pre-trained if specified embeddings = {} for embedding_name, embedding_map in self.model_config[ 'embeddings'].items(): embedding_dim = embedding_map['embedding_dim'] if 'pretrained_embeddings' in embedding_map: input_pretrained_embeddings = embedding_map[ 'pretrained_embeddings'] include_oov = True embedding_table = self.get_embedding_table( embedding_name, embedding_dim, include_oov, pretrained_fname=input_pretrained_embeddings) else: num_embeddings = self.vocab.vocab_names_sizes[ embedding_name] include_oov = self.vocab.oovs[embedding_name] embedding_table = self.get_embedding_table( embedding_name, embedding_dim, include_oov, num_embeddings=num_embeddings) embeddings[embedding_name] = embedding_table tf.logging.log(tf.logging.INFO, "Created embeddings for '%s'." % embedding_name) # Set up model inputs inputs_list = [] for input_name in self.model_config['inputs']: input_values = feats[input_name] input_embedding_lookup = tf.nn.embedding_lookup( embeddings[input_name], input_values) inputs_list.append(input_embedding_lookup) tf.logging.log(tf.logging.INFO, "Added %s to inputs list." % input_name) current_input = tf.concat(inputs_list, axis=2) current_input = tf.nn.dropout(current_input, hparams.input_dropout) with tf.variable_scope('project_input'): current_input = nn_utils.MLP(current_input, sa_hidden_size, n_splits=1) predictions = {} eval_metric_ops = {} export_outputs = {} loss = tf.constant(0.) items_to_log = {} num_layers = max(self.task_config.keys()) + 1 tf.logging.log( tf.logging.INFO, "Creating transformer model with %d layers" % num_layers) with tf.variable_scope('transformer'): current_input = transformer.add_timing_signal_1d(current_input) for i in range(num_layers): with tf.variable_scope('layer%d' % i): special_attn = [] special_values = [] if i in self.attention_config: this_layer_attn_config = self.attention_config[i] if 'attention_fns' in this_layer_attn_config: for attn_fn, attn_fn_map in this_layer_attn_config[ 'attention_fns'].items(): attention_fn_params = attention_fns.get_params( mode, attn_fn_map, predictions, feats, labels) this_special_attn = attention_fns.dispatch( attn_fn_map['name'])( **attention_fn_params) special_attn.append(this_special_attn) if 'value_fns' in this_layer_attn_config: for value_fn, value_fn_map in this_layer_attn_config[ 'value_fns'].items(): value_fn_params = value_fns.get_params( mode, value_fn_map, predictions, feats, labels, embeddings) this_special_values = value_fns.dispatch( value_fn_map['name'])( **value_fn_params) special_values.append(this_special_values) current_input = transformer.transformer( current_input, tokens_to_keep, layer_config['head_dim'], layer_config['num_heads'], hparams.attn_dropout, hparams.ff_dropout, hparams.prepost_dropout, layer_config['ff_hidden_size'], special_attn, special_values) if i in self.task_config: # if normalization is done in layer_preprocess, then it should also be done # on the output, since the output can grow very large, being the sum of # a whole stack of unnormalized layer outputs. current_input = nn_utils.layer_norm(current_input) # todo test a list of tasks for each layer for task, task_map in self.task_config[i].items(): task_labels = labels[task] task_vocab_size = self.vocab.vocab_names_sizes[ task] if task in self.vocab.vocab_names_sizes else -1 # Set up CRF / Viterbi transition params if specified with tf.variable_scope( "crf" ): # to share parameters, change scope here # transition_stats_file = task_map['transition_stats'] if 'transition_stats' in task_map else None task_transition_stats = transition_stats[ task] if task in transition_stats else None # create transition parameters if training or decoding with crf/viterbi task_crf = 'crf' in task_map and task_map[ 'crf'] task_viterbi_decode = task_crf or 'viterbi' in task_map and task_map[ 'viterbi'] transition_params = None if task_viterbi_decode or task_crf: transition_params = tf.get_variable( "transitions", [task_vocab_size, task_vocab_size], initializer=tf. constant_initializer( task_transition_stats), trainable=task_crf) train_or_decode_str = "training" if task_crf else "decoding" tf.logging.log( tf.logging.INFO, "Created transition params for %s %s" % (train_or_decode_str, task)) output_fn_params = output_fns.get_params( mode, self.model_config, task_map['output_fn'], predictions, feats, labels, current_input, task_labels, task_vocab_size, self.vocab.joint_label_lookup_maps, tokens_to_keep, transition_params, hparams) task_outputs = output_fns.dispatch( task_map['output_fn']['name'])( **output_fn_params) # want task_outputs to have: # - predictions # - loss # - scores # - probabilities predictions[task] = task_outputs # do the evaluation for eval_name, eval_map in task_map[ 'eval_fns'].items(): eval_fn_params = evaluation_fns.get_params( task_outputs, eval_map, predictions, feats, labels, task_labels, self.vocab.reverse_maps, tokens_to_keep) eval_result = evaluation_fns.dispatch( eval_map['name'])(**eval_fn_params) eval_metric_ops[eval_name] = eval_result # get the individual task loss and apply penalty this_task_loss = task_outputs[ 'loss'] * task_map['penalty'] # log this task's loss items_to_log['%s_loss' % task] = this_task_loss # add this loss to the overall loss being minimized loss += this_task_loss # set up moving average variables assign_moving_averages_dep = tf.no_op() if hparams.moving_average_decay > 0.: moving_averager = tf.train.ExponentialMovingAverage( hparams.moving_average_decay, zero_debias=True, num_updates=tf.train.get_global_step()) moving_average_op = moving_averager.apply( train_utils.get_vars_for_moving_average( hparams.average_norms)) # tf.logging.log(tf.logging.INFO, # "Using moving average for variables: %s" % str([ for v in tf.trainable_variables()]) tf.add_to_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS, moving_average_op) # use moving averages of variables if evaluating assign_moving_averages_dep = tf.cond( tf.equal(mode, ModeKeys.TRAIN), lambda: tf.no_op(), lambda: nn_utils.set_vars_to_moving_average(moving_averager)) with tf.control_dependencies([assign_moving_averages_dep]): items_to_log['loss'] = loss # get learning rate w/ decay this_step_lr = train_utils.learning_rate( hparams, tf.train.get_global_step()) items_to_log['lr'] = this_step_lr # optimizer = tf.contrib.opt.NadamOptimizer(learning_rate=this_step_lr, beta1=hparams.beta1, # beta2=hparams.beta2, epsilon=hparams.epsilon) optimizer = LazyAdamOptimizer( learning_rate=this_step_lr, beta1=hparams.beta1, beta2=hparams.beta2, epsilon=hparams.epsilon, use_nesterov=hparams.use_nesterov) gradients, variables = zip(*optimizer.compute_gradients(loss)) gradients, _ = tf.clip_by_global_norm( gradients, hparams.gradient_clip_norm) train_op = optimizer.apply_gradients( zip(gradients, variables), global_step=tf.train.get_global_step()) # export_outputs = {'predict_output': tf.estimator.export.PredictOutput({'scores': scores, 'preds': preds})} logging_hook = tf.train.LoggingTensorHook(items_to_log, every_n_iter=20) # need to flatten the dict of predictions to make Estimator happy flat_predictions = { "%s_%s" % (k1, k2): v2 for k1, v1 in predictions.items() for k2, v2 in v1.items() } export_outputs = { tf.saved_model.signature_constants.DEFAULT_SERVING_SIGNATURE_DEF_KEY: tf.estimator.export.PredictOutput(flat_predictions) } tf.logging.log( tf.logging.INFO, "Created model with %d trainable parameters" % tf_utils.get_num_trainable_parameters()) return tf.estimator.EstimatorSpec( mode, flat_predictions, loss, train_op, eval_metric_ops, training_hooks=[logging_hook], export_outputs=export_outputs)