Exemplo n.º 1
    def backward_impl(self, inputs, outputs, prop_down, accum):
        # inputs: [inputs_fwd_graph] + [inputs_bwd_graph] or
        # [inputs_fwd_graph] + [outputs_fwd_graph] + [inputs_bwd_graph]

        # Args
        axes = self.forward_func.info.args["axes"]
        # Inputs
        x0 = inputs[0].data
        dy = inputs[1].data
        # Outputs
        dx0 = outputs[0].data
        # Grads of inputs
        g_x0 = inputs[0].grad
        g_dy = inputs[1].grad
        # Grads of outputs
        g_dx0 = outputs[0].grad

        # Compute
        # TODO: Optimize by creating max_pooling with indeces
        if prop_down[1]:
            # dx0 is not accumulated on the backward graph
            mask = F.not_equal_scalar(dx0, 0.0)
            if accum[1]:
                g_dy_ = F.sum(g_dx0 * mask, axes)
                g_dy += g_dy_
                g_dy_ = F.sum(g_dx0 * mask, axes)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def backward_impl(self, inputs, outputs, prop_down, accum):
        # inputs: [inputs_fwd_graph] + [inputs_bwd_graph] or
        # [inputs_fwd_graph] + [outputs_fwd_graph] + [inputs_bwd_graph]

        # Args
        p = self.forward_func.info.args["p"]

        # Inputs
        x0 = inputs[0].data
        dy = inputs[1].data
        # Outputs
        dx0 = outputs[0].data
        # Grads of inputs
        g_x0 = inputs[0].grad
        g_dy = inputs[1].grad
        # Grads of outputs
        g_dx0 = outputs[0].grad

        # Computation
        if prop_down[1]:
            # TODO: Optimize by creating dropout with mask
            # dx0 is not accumulated in the backward graph
            mask = F.not_equal_scalar(dx0, 0.0)
            if accum[1]:
                g_dy += g_dx0 * mask / (1.0 - p)
                g_dy.copy_from(g_dx0 * mask / (1.0 - p))
Exemplo n.º 3
def dropout_backward(inputs, p=0.5, seed=-1):
      inputs (list of nn.Variable): Incomming grads/inputs to/of the forward function.
      kwargs (dict of arguments): Dictionary of the corresponding function arguments.

      list of Variable: Return the gradients wrt inputs of the corresponding function.
    dy = inputs[0]
    x0 = inputs[1]
    y0 = get_output(x0, "Dropout")
    m0 = F.not_equal_scalar(y0, 0)
    m0 = no_grad(m0)
    dx0 = dy * m0 / (1 - p)
    return dx0
Exemplo n.º 4
def sinc_backward(inputs):
      inputs (list of nn.Variable): Incomming grads/inputs to/of the forward function.
      kwargs (dict of arguments): Dictionary of the corresponding function arguments.

      list of Variable: Return the gradients wrt inputs of the corresponding function.
    dy = inputs[0]
    x0 = inputs[1]
    m0 = F.not_equal_scalar(x0, 0)
    m0 = no_grad(m0)
    y0 = get_output(x0, "Sinc")

    dx0 = dy * (F.cos(x0) - y0) / x0
    c0 = F.constant(0, x0.shape)
    dx0 = F.where(m0, dx0, c0)
    return dx0