Exemplo n.º 1
 def openLog(cls, nodename, host):
   Opens the log file associated with the given node in a new terminal.
   @param nodename: the name of the node (with name space)
   @type nodename: C{str}
   @param host: the host name or ip where the log file are
   @type host: C{str}
   @return: C{True}, if a log file was found
   @rtype: C{bool}
   @raise Exception: on errors while resolving host
   @see: L{node_manager_fkie.is_local()}
   title_opt = ' '.join(['"LOG', nodename, 'on', host, '"'])
   if nm.is_local(host):
     found = False
     screenLog = nm.screen().getScreenLogFile(node=nodename)
     if os.path.isfile(screenLog):
       cmd = nm.terminal_cmd([nm.LESS, screenLog], title_opt)
       rospy.loginfo("open log: %s", cmd)
       found = True
     #open roslog file
     roslog = nm.screen().getROSLogFile(nodename)
     if os.path.isfile(roslog):
       title_opt = title_opt.replace('LOG', 'ROSLOG')
       cmd = nm.terminal_cmd([nm.LESS, roslog], title_opt)
       rospy.loginfo("open ROS log: %s", cmd)
       found = True
     return found
     nm.ssh().ssh_x11_exec(host, [nm.STARTER_SCRIPT, '--show_screen_log', nodename], title_opt)
     nm.ssh().ssh_x11_exec(host, [nm.STARTER_SCRIPT, '--show_ros_log', nodename], title_opt.replace('LOG', 'ROSLOG'))
   return False
Exemplo n.º 2
 def openLog(cls, nodename, host):
 Opens the log file associated with the given node in a new terminal.
 @param nodename: the name of the node (with name space)
 @type nodename: C{str}
 @param host: the host name or ip where the log file are
 @type host: C{str}
 @return: C{True}, if a log file was found
 @rtype: C{bool}
 @raise Exception: on errors while resolving host
 @see: L{node_manager_fkie.is_local()}
     rospy.loginfo("show log for '%s' on '%s'", str(nodename), str(host))
     title_opt = ' '.join(['"LOG', nodename, 'on', host, '"'])
     if nm.is_local(host):
         found = False
         screenLog = nm.screen().getScreenLogFile(node=nodename)
         if os.path.isfile(screenLog):
             cmd = nm.terminal_cmd([nm.LESS, screenLog], title_opt)
             rospy.loginfo("open log: %s", cmd)
             ps = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(cmd))
             # wait for process to avoid 'defunct' processes
             thread = threading.Thread(target=ps.wait)
             found = True
         #open roslog file
         roslog = nm.screen().getROSLogFile(nodename)
         if os.path.isfile(roslog):
             title_opt = title_opt.replace('LOG', 'ROSLOG')
             cmd = nm.terminal_cmd([nm.LESS, roslog], title_opt)
             rospy.loginfo("open ROS log: %s", cmd)
             ps = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(cmd))
             # wait for process to avoid 'defunct' processes
             thread = threading.Thread(target=ps.wait)
             found = True
         return found
         ps = nm.ssh().ssh_x11_exec(
             host, [nm.STARTER_SCRIPT, '--show_screen_log', nodename],
         # wait for process to avoid 'defunct' processes
         thread = threading.Thread(target=ps.wait)
         ps = nm.ssh().ssh_x11_exec(
             host, [nm.STARTER_SCRIPT, '--show_ros_log', nodename],
             title_opt.replace('LOG', 'ROSLOG'))
         # wait for process to avoid 'defunct' processes
         thread = threading.Thread(target=ps.wait)
     return False
 def openLog(cls, nodename, host, user=None):
   Opens the log file associated with the given node in a new terminal.
   @param nodename: the name of the node (with name space)
   @type nodename: C{str}
   @param host: the host name or ip where the log file are
   @type host: C{str}
   @return: C{True}, if a log file was found
   @rtype: C{bool}
   @raise Exception: on errors while resolving host
   @see: L{node_manager_fkie.is_local()}
   rospy.loginfo("show log for '%s' on '%s'", str(nodename), str(host))
   title_opt = ' '.join(['"LOG', nodename, 'on', host, '"'])
   if nm.is_local(host):
     found = False
     screenLog = nm.screen().getScreenLogFile(node=nodename)
     if os.path.isfile(screenLog):
       cmd = nm.terminal_cmd([nm.LESS, screenLog], title_opt)
       rospy.loginfo("open log: %s", cmd)
       ps = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(cmd))
       # wait for process to avoid 'defunct' processes
       thread = threading.Thread(target=ps.wait)
       found = True
     #open roslog file
     roslog = nm.screen().getROSLogFile(nodename)
     if os.path.isfile(roslog):
       title_opt = title_opt.replace('LOG', 'ROSLOG')
       cmd = nm.terminal_cmd([nm.LESS, roslog], title_opt)
       rospy.loginfo("open ROS log: %s", cmd)
       ps = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(cmd))
       # wait for process to avoid 'defunct' processes
       thread = threading.Thread(target=ps.wait)
       found = True
     return found
     ps = nm.ssh().ssh_x11_exec(host, [nm.STARTER_SCRIPT, '--show_screen_log', nodename], title_opt, user)
     # wait for process to avoid 'defunct' processes
     thread = threading.Thread(target=ps.wait)
     ps = nm.ssh().ssh_x11_exec(host, [nm.STARTER_SCRIPT, '--show_ros_log', nodename], title_opt.replace('LOG', 'ROSLOG'), user)
     # wait for process to avoid 'defunct' processes
     thread = threading.Thread(target=ps.wait)
   return False
Exemplo n.º 4
 def ssh_x11_exec(self, host, cmd, title=None, user=None):
 Executes a command on remote host using a terminal with X11 forwarding. 
 @todo: establish connection using paramiko SSH library.
 @param host: the host
 @type host: C{str}
 @param cmd: the list with command and arguments
 @type cmd: C{[str,...]}
 @param title: the title of the new opened terminal, if it is None, no new terminal will be created
 @type title: C{str} or C{None}
 @param user: user name
 @return: the result of C{subprocess.Popen(command)} 
 @see: U{http://docs.python.org/library/subprocess.html?highlight=subproces#subprocess}
     with self.mutex:
             # workaround: use ssh in a terminal with X11 forward
             user = self.USER_DEFAULT if user is None else user
             if self.SSH_AUTH.has_key(host):
                 user = self.SSH_AUTH[host]
             # generate string for SSH command
             ssh_str = ' '.join([
                 '/usr/bin/ssh', '-aqtx', '-oClearAllForwardings=yes',
                 '-oConnectTimeout=5', '-oStrictHostKeyChecking=no',
                 '-oVerifyHostKeyDNS=no', '-oCheckHostIP=no',
                 ''.join([user, '@', host])
             if not title is None:
                 cmd_str = nm.terminal_cmd([ssh_str, ' '.join(cmd)], title)
                 cmd_str = str(' '.join([ssh_str, ' '.join(cmd)]))
             rospy.loginfo("REMOTE x11 execute on %s: %s", host, cmd_str)
             return subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(cmd_str))
  def openScreenTerminal(cls, host, screen_name, nodename, user=None):
    Open the screen output in a new terminal.
    @param host: the host name or ip where the screen is running.
    @type host: C{str}
    @param screen_name: the name of the screen to show
    @type screen_name: C{str}
    @param nodename: the name of the node is used for the title of the terminal
    @type nodename: C{str}
    @raise Exception: on errors while resolving host
    @see: L{node_manager_fkie.is_local()}
    #create a title of the terminal
#    pid, session_name = cls.splitSessionName(screen_name)
    title_opt = ' '.join(['"SCREEN', nodename, 'on', host, '"'])
    if nm.is_local(host):
      cmd = nm.terminal_cmd([cls.SCREEN, '-x', screen_name], title_opt)
      rospy.loginfo("Open screen terminal: %s", cmd)
      ps = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(cmd))
      # wait for process to avoid 'defunct' processes
      thread = threading.Thread(target=ps.wait)
      ps = nm.ssh().ssh_x11_exec(host, [cls.SCREEN, '-x', screen_name], title_opt)
      rospy.loginfo("Open remote screen terminal: %s", ps)
      # wait for process to avoid 'defunct' processes
      thread = threading.Thread(target=ps.wait)
  def openScreenTerminal(cls, host, screen_name, nodename, user=None):
    Open the screen output in a new terminal.
    @param host: the host name or ip where the screen is running.
    @type host: C{str}
    @param screen_name: the name of the screen to show
    @type screen_name: C{str}
    @param nodename: the name of the node is used for the title of the terminal
    @type nodename: C{str}
    @raise Exception: on errors while resolving host
    @see: L{node_manager_fkie.is_local()}
    #create a title of the terminal
#    pid, session_name = cls.splitSessionName(screen_name)
    title_opt = ' '.join(['"SCREEN', nodename, 'on', host, '"'])
    if nm.is_local(host):
      cmd = nm.terminal_cmd([cls.SCREEN, '-x', screen_name], title_opt)
      rospy.loginfo("Open screen terminal: %s", cmd)
      ps = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(cmd))
      # wait for process to avoid 'defunct' processes
      thread = threading.Thread(target=ps.wait)
      ps = nm.ssh().ssh_x11_exec(host, [cls.SCREEN, '-x', screen_name], title_opt)
      rospy.loginfo("Open remote screen terminal: %s", ps)
      # wait for process to avoid 'defunct' processes
      thread = threading.Thread(target=ps.wait)
Exemplo n.º 7
 def ssh_x11_exec(self, host, cmd, title=None, user=None):
   Executes a command on remote host using a terminal with X11 forwarding. 
   @todo: establish connection using paramiko SSH library.
   @param host: the host
   @type host: C{str}
   @param cmd: the list with command and arguments
   @type cmd: C{[str,...]}
   @param title: the title of the new opened terminal, if it is None, no new terminal will be created
   @type title: C{str} or C{None}
   @param user: user name
   @return: the result of C{subprocess.Popen(command)} 
   @see: U{http://docs.python.org/library/subprocess.html?highlight=subproces#subprocess}
     # workaround: use ssh in a terminal with X11 forward
     user = self.USER_DEFAULT if user is None else user
     if self.SSH_AUTH.has_key(host):
       user = self.SSH_AUTH[host]
     # generate string for SSH command
     ssh_str = ' '.join(['/usr/bin/ssh',
                         ''.join([user, '@', host])])
     if not title is None:
       cmd_str = nm.terminal_cmd([ssh_str, ' '.join(cmd)], title)
       cmd_str = str(' '.join([ssh_str, ' '.join(cmd)]))
     rospy.loginfo("REMOTE x11 execute on %s: %s", host, cmd_str)
     return subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(cmd_str))