Exemplo n.º 1
def parseTypeDefinitions(outname, xmlDescription, namespace):
    def typeReady(element):
        "Are all member types defined?"
        for child in element:
            if child.tag == "{http://opcfoundation.org/BinarySchema/}Field":
                childname = getTypeName(child.get("TypeName"))
                if childname not in types:
                    return False
        return True

    def unknownTypes(element):
        "Return all unknown types"
        unknowns = []
        for child in element:
            if child.tag == "{http://opcfoundation.org/BinarySchema/}Field":
                childname = getTypeName(child.get("TypeName"))
                if childname not in types:
        return unknowns

    def skipType(name):
        if name in excluded_types:
            return True
        if "Test" in name: # skip all test types
            return True
        if re.search("NodeId$", name) != None:
            return True
        return False

    snippets = {}
    for typeXml in etree.parse(xmlDescription).getroot():
        if not typeXml.get("Name"):
        name = typeXml.get("Name")
        snippets[name] = typeXml

    detectLoop = len(snippets)+1
    while(len(snippets) > 0):
        if detectLoop == len(snippets):
            name, typeXml = (snippets.items())[0]
            raise RuntimeError("Infinite loop detected trying to processing types " + name + ": unknonwn subtype " + str(unknownTypes(typeXml)))
        detectLoop = len(snippets)
        for name, typeXml in list(snippets.items()):
            if name in types or skipType(name):
                del snippets[name]
            if not typeReady(typeXml):
            if name in builtin_types:
                types[name] = BuiltinType(name)
            elif typeXml.tag == "{http://opcfoundation.org/BinarySchema/}EnumeratedType":
                types[name] = EnumerationType(outname, typeXml, namespace)
            elif typeXml.tag == "{http://opcfoundation.org/BinarySchema/}OpaqueType":
                types[name] = OpaqueType(outname, typeXml, namespace, get_base_type_for_opaque(name)['name'])
            elif typeXml.tag == "{http://opcfoundation.org/BinarySchema/}StructuredType":
                types[name] = StructType(outname, typeXml, namespace)
                raise Exception("Type not known")
            del snippets[name]
Exemplo n.º 2
def parseTypeDefinitions(outname, xmlDescription, namespace):
    def typeReady(element):
        "Are all member types defined?"
        for child in element:
            if child.tag == "{http://opcfoundation.org/BinarySchema/}Field":
                childname = child.get("TypeName")
                if childname[childname.find(":") + 1:] not in types:
                    return False
        return True

    def skipType(name):
        if name in excluded_types:
            return True
        if "Test" in name:  # skip all test types
            return True
        if re.search("NodeId$", name) != None:
            return True
        return False

    snippets = {}
    for typeXml in etree.parse(xmlDescription).getroot():
        if not typeXml.get("Name"):
        name = typeXml.get("Name")
        snippets[name] = typeXml

    while (len(snippets) > 0):
        for name, typeXml in list(snippets.items()):
            if name in types or skipType(name):
                del snippets[name]
            if not typeReady(typeXml):
            if name in builtin_types:
                types[name] = BuiltinType(name)
            elif typeXml.tag == "{http://opcfoundation.org/BinarySchema/}EnumeratedType":
                types[name] = EnumerationType(outname, typeXml, namespace)
            elif typeXml.tag == "{http://opcfoundation.org/BinarySchema/}OpaqueType":
                types[name] = OpaqueType(
                    outname, typeXml, namespace,
            elif typeXml.tag == "{http://opcfoundation.org/BinarySchema/}StructuredType":
                types[name] = StructType(outname, typeXml, namespace)
                raise Exception("Type not known")
            del snippets[name]
Exemplo n.º 3
def parseTypeDefinitions(outname, xmlDescription, namespace):
    def typeReady(element):
        "Are all member types defined?"
        for child in element:
            if child.tag == "{http://opcfoundation.org/BinarySchema/}Field":
                childname = child.get("TypeName")
                if childname[childname.find(":")+1:] not in types:
                    return False
        return True

    def skipType(name):
        if name in excluded_types:
            return True
        if "Test" in name: # skip all test types
            return True
        if re.search("NodeId$", name) != None:
            return True
        return False

    snippets = {}
    for typeXml in etree.parse(xmlDescription).getroot():
        if not typeXml.get("Name"):
        name = typeXml.get("Name")
        snippets[name] = typeXml

    while(len(snippets) > 0):
        for name, typeXml in list(snippets.items()):
            if name in types or skipType(name):
                del snippets[name]
            if not typeReady(typeXml):
            if name in builtin_types:
                types[name] = BuiltinType(name)
            elif typeXml.tag == "{http://opcfoundation.org/BinarySchema/}EnumeratedType":
                types[name] = EnumerationType(outname, typeXml, namespace)
            elif typeXml.tag == "{http://opcfoundation.org/BinarySchema/}OpaqueType":
                types[name] = OpaqueType(outname, typeXml, namespace, get_base_type_for_opaque(name)['name'])
            elif typeXml.tag == "{http://opcfoundation.org/BinarySchema/}StructuredType":
                types[name] = StructType(outname, typeXml, namespace)
                raise Exception("Type not known")
            del snippets[name]
Exemplo n.º 4
i = 0
# Generate alias for opaque types
for t in filtered_opaque_types:
    if i != 0:
    printh("/**\n * " + t.name)
    printh(" * " + "^" * len(t.name))
    if t.description == "":
        printh(" */")
        printh(" * " + t.description + " */")
    if type(t) != BuiltinType:
        printh(t.typedef_h() + "\n")
    printh("#define " + outname.upper() + "_" + t.name.upper() + " " +
           outname.upper() + "_" +
    i += 1

#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"
#endif /* %s_GENERATED_H_ */''' % outname.upper())

# Print Handling #

printf('''/* Generated from ''' + inname + ''' with script ''' + sys.argv[0] + '''
 * on host ''' + platform.uname()[1] + ''' by user ''' + getpass.getuser() + \
       ''' at ''' + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %I:%M:%S") + ''' */