Exemplo n.º 1
def url_add(request, slug):
    #get the project by the project slug
    project = get_project(slug)
    #handle the post
    form_errors = None
    # get list of institutions to populate autocomplete
    institutions = get_look_ahead(project)
    some_errors = {}
    summary_list = []
    req_fields = project.project_metadata_set.filter(required=True)
    date_fields = project.project_metadata_set.filter(form_type='date')
    posted_data = None
    url_entity = None

    if request.method == 'POST':
        posted_data = request.POST.copy()

        form = URLForm(posted_data)
        form_errors = form.errors
        # check for required fields of project specific metadata
        for met in req_fields:
            if met.metadata.name not in posted_data or \
                 len(posted_data[met.metadata.name]) == 0 or \
                 some_errors[met.metadata.name] = \
                     unicode('This field is required.')
        # check validity of dates
        for met in date_fields:
            if met not in req_fields and not posted_data[met.metadata.name]:
            elif met.metadata.name in posted_data:
                cleandate = validate_date(posted_data[met.metadata.name])
                if cleandate:
                    cleandate = str(cleandate)
                    # check if this fits valid date range.

                    # The following code presumes (too much) if there are
                    # values associated with this metadata date field, the
                    # first date will be the default value for the form. If
                    # two dates are given, in addition to the first date
                    # being the form default, it will be the start of a
                    # range, while the second value will be the end of that
                    # range. If three values are given, the first value is,
                    # as always, default for the form, and the next 2 dates
                    # serve as the start and end points of the valid range.
                    datevals = met.metadata.values.all().order_by('metadata_values')
                    numvals = len(datevals)
                    if numvals > 1:
                        if numvals == 2:
                            rangestart = datevals[0].value
                            rangeend = datevals[1].value
                        elif numvals > 2:
                            rangestart = datevals[1].value
                            rangeend = datevals[2].value
                        if not (cleandate >= rangestart and \
                                cleandate <= rangeend):
                            some_errors[met.metadata.name] = \
                                unicode('The date you entered is outside the allowed range.')
                        # store the valid date
                            posted_data[met.metadata.name] = cleandate
                        posted_data[met.metadata.name] = cleandate
                     some_errors[met.metadata.name] = \
                         unicode('Please enter a valid date format.')

        # check validity of standard metadata
        # check if nominator is required by project
        nominator_fields = ['nominator_name',
        if project.registration_required:
            for nominator_field in nominator_fields:
                if not posted_data[nominator_field].strip():
                    some_errors[nominator_field] = unicode(
                        'This field is required.')
            if posted_data['nominator_name'].strip() or\
                    posted_data['nominator_institution'].strip() or\
                for nominator_field in nominator_fields:
                    if not posted_data[nominator_field].strip():
                        some_errors[nominator_field] = unicode(
                            'You must ' +\
                            'provide name, institution, and email to ' +\
                            'affiliate your name or institution with ' +\
                            'nominations. Leave all "Information ' +\
                            'About You" fields blank to remain ' +\
        if form.is_valid():
            if not form.cleaned_data['url_value'].strip() == 'http://':
#                summary_list = add_url(project, form.cleaned_data)
                if not some_errors:
                    # combine form class data with project specific data
                    if not posted_data['nominator_email'].strip():
                        # set anonymous user
                        posted_data['nominator_email'] = 'anonymous'
                        posted_data['nominator_name'] = 'Anonymous'
                        posted_data['nominator_institution'] = 'Anonymous'
                    # handle multivalue metadata and user supplied values
                    posted_data = handle_metadata(request, posted_data)

                    summary_list = add_url(project, posted_data)
                    # send url value to provide metadata link
                    url_entity = posted_data['url_value']
                    # clear out posted data, so it is not sent back to form
                    posted_data = None

                form_errors = 'Please specify the URL'

    form = URLForm()

    # create metadata/values set
    metadata_vals = get_metadata(project)

    if not len(summary_list) > 0:
        summary_list = None

    # in case of an error, send back data to repopulate form
    json_data = None
    if posted_data:
        json_data = json.dumps(posted_data.lists())

    # send form types for use to repopulate form
    form_types = {}
    for pm in project.project_metadata_set.all():
        form_types[pm.metadata.name] = str(pm.form_type)

    return render_to_response(
         'project': project,
         'form': form,
         'form_errors': form_errors,
         'summary_list': summary_list,
         'metadata_vals' : metadata_vals,
         'json_data' : json_data,
         'form_types' : json.dumps(form_types),
         'institutions': institutions,
         'url_entity': url_entity,
        RequestContext(request, {}),
 def test_returns_none_with_invalid_date(self):
     date_str = '2006, Oct 25'
     assert url_handler.validate_date(date_str) is None
Exemplo n.º 3
def url_listing(request, slug, url_entity):
    # Add back the slash lost by Apache removing null path segments.
    url_entity = fix_http_double_slash(url_entity) 
    url_exists = True
    posted_data = None
    # get the project by the project slug
    project = get_project(slug)

    # get list of institutions to populate autocomplete
    institutions = get_look_ahead(project)

    # create metadata/values set
    metadata_vals = get_metadata(project)
    # get the list of URLs
        find_url = URL.objects.filter(entity__iexact=url_entity, url_project=project)
        url_exists = False

    if url_exists and len(find_url) > 0:
        form_errors = None
        summary_list = None
        if request.method == 'POST':
            posted_data = request.POST.copy()
            scope_form = ScopeForm(posted_data)
            form_errors = scope_form.errors
            some_errors = {}
           # check validity of dates
            for met in project.project_metadata_set.all().filter(form_type='date'):
                if met.metadata.name in posted_data:
                    if not posted_data[met.metadata.name]:
                        # added this 'if' when iipc wanted not to require any fields
                        # on url_listing edit form
                    cleandate = validate_date(posted_data[met.metadata.name])
                    if cleandate:
                        cleandate = str(cleandate)
                        # check if this fits valid date range.

                        # The following code presumes (too much) if there are
                        # values associated with this metadata date field, the
                        # first date will be the default value for the form. If
                        # two dates are given, in addition to the first date
                        # being the form default, it will be the start of a
                        # range, while the second value will be the end of that
                        # range. If three values are given, the first value is,
                        # as always, default for the form, and the next 2 dates
                        # serve as the start and end points of the valid range.
                        datevals = met.metadata.values.all().order_by('metadata_values')
                        numvals = len(datevals)
                        if numvals > 1:
                            if numvals == 2:
                                rangestart = datevals[0].value
                                rangeend = datevals[1].value
                            elif numvals > 2:
                                rangestart = datevals[1].value
                                rangeend = datevals[2].value
                            if not (cleandate >= rangestart and \
                                    cleandate <= rangeend):
                                some_errors[met.metadata.name] = \
                                    unicode('The date you entered is outside the allowed range.')
                            # store the valid date
                                posted_data[met.metadata.name] = cleandate
                            posted_data[met.metadata.name] = cleandate
                         some_errors[met.metadata.name] = \
                             unicode('Enter a valid date format.')
            # check validity of standard metadata
            if scope_form.is_valid():
                # check if nominator is required by project
                nominator_fields = ['nominator_name',
                if project.registration_required:
                    for nominator_field in nominator_fields:
                        if not scope_form.cleaned_data[nominator_field].strip():
                            some_errors[nominator_field] = unicode(
                                'This field is required.')
                    if scope_form.cleaned_data['nominator_name'].strip() or\
                            scope_form.cleaned_data['nominator_institution'].strip() or\
                        for nominator_field in nominator_fields:
                            if not scope_form.cleaned_data[nominator_field].strip():
                                some_errors[nominator_field] = unicode(
                                    'You must ' +\
                                    'provide name, institution, and email ' +\
                                    'to affiliate your name or institution ' +\
                                    'with nominations. Leave all "Information ' +\
                                    'About You" fields blank to remain ' +\
                        #supply anonymous information
                        scope_form.cleaned_data['nominator_email'] = 'anonymous'
                        scope_form.cleaned_data['nominator_name'] = 'Anonymous'
                        scope_form.cleaned_data['nominator_institution'] = \
                if not some_errors:
                    #combine cleaned form class data with project specific data
                    # handle multivalue metadata and user supplied values
                    posted_data = handle_metadata(request, posted_data)

                    posted_data['url_value'] = url_entity
                    summary_list = add_metadata(project, posted_data)

                    # clear out posted data, so it is not sent back to form
                    posted_data = None
            #Create the scope form
            scope_form = ScopeForm()

        #Create a dictionary from the URLs information pulled from all the URLs entries
        url_list = URL.objects.filter(entity__iexact=url_entity, url_project=project).order_by('attribute')
        url_data = create_url_list(project, url_list)
        #Grab all related URLs
            related_url_list = URL.objects.filter(url_project=project, attribute__iexact='surt', \
            related_url_list = None

        # in case of a user input error, send back data to repopulate form
        json_data = None
        if posted_data:
            json_data = json.dumps(posted_data.lists())

        # send form types for use to repopulate form
        form_types = {}
        for pm in project.project_metadata_set.all():
            form_types[pm.metadata.name] = str(pm.form_type)

        return render_to_response(
             'project': project,
             'url_data': url_data,
             'related_url_list': related_url_list,
             'scope_form': scope_form,
             'form_errors': form_errors,
             'summary_list': summary_list,
             'metadata_vals': metadata_vals,
             'json_data' : json_data,
             'form_types' : json.dumps(form_types),
             'institutions': institutions,
            RequestContext(request, {}),
        default_data = {'url_value': url_entity,}
        form = URLForm(default_data)
        return render_to_response(
             'project': project,
             'form': form,
             'url_not_found': True,
             'metadata_vals': metadata_vals,
             'form_errors': None,
             'summary_list': None,
             'json_data' : None,
             'form_types' : None,
             'institutions': institutions,
             'url_entity': url_entity,
            RequestContext(request, {}),
 def test_returns_valid_date(self, date_str):
     assert isinstance(url_handler.validate_date(date_str), datetime.date)