def workflow_stddft(config: dict) -> None:
    Compute the excited states using simplified TDDFT

    :param workflow_settings: Arguments to compute the oscillators see:
    :returns: None
    # Dictionary containing the general configuration

    # Single Point calculations settings using CP2K
    mo_paths_hdf5, energy_paths_hdf5 = unpack(calculate_mos(config), 2)

    # Read structures
    molecules_au = [change_mol_units(parse_string_xyz(gs))
                    for i, gs in enumerate(config.geometries)
                    if (i % config.stride) == 0]

    # Noodles promised call
    scheduleTDDFT = schedule(compute_excited_states_tddft)

    results = gather(
       *[scheduleTDDFT(config, mo_paths_hdf5[i], DictConfig(
           {'i': i * config.stride, 'mol': mol}))
         for i, mol in enumerate(molecules_au)])

    return run(gather(results, energy_paths_hdf5), folder=config['workdir'])
Exemplo n.º 2
def test_iterate():
    a = noodles.delay((1,2,3))
    b, c, d = a
    e = noodles.gather(d, c, b)

    result = noodles.run_single(e)
    assert result == (3, 2, 1)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def evaluate(self, fitness_evaluator):
        evaluate = [Chromosome(fitness=fitness_evaluator.evaluate(c.values),
                    values=c.values, sigma=c.sigma)
                    for c in self.individuals]
        self.individuals = gather(*evaluate)

        return self
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_broker_02():
    A = add(1, 1)
    B = sub(3, A)

    multiples = [mul(add(i, B), A) for i in range(6)]
    C = accumulate(noodles.gather(*multiples))

    assert run_single(C) == 42
Exemplo n.º 5
def test_broker_01():
    A = add(1, 1)
    B = sub(3, A)

    multiples = [mul(add(i, B), A) for i in range(6)]
    C = accumulate(noodles.gather(*multiples))

    assert run_parallel(C, 4) == 42
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_sort():
    a = [random_number() for i in range(10)]
    b = noodles.gather(*sorted(a))

    result = noodles.run_single(b)

    assert result == sorted(result)
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_hybrid_threaded_runner_03():
    A = [delayed(1, 0.01) for i in range(8)]
    B = sum(gather(*A))

    start = time.time()
    assert run_hybrid(B, selector, {1: single_worker()}) == 8
    end = time.time()
    assert (end - start) > 0.08
Exemplo n.º 8
def test_xenon_42():
    A = add(1, 1)
    B = sub(3, A)

    multiples = [mul(add(i, B), A) for i in range(6)]
    C = accumulate(noodles.gather(*multiples))

    result = run_parallel_timing(C, 4, sys.stdout)
    assert(result == 42)
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_broker_logging():
    A = log_add(1, 1)
    B = sub(3, A)

    multiples = [mul(log_add(i, B), A) for i in range(6)]
    C = accumulate(noodles.gather(*multiples))

    with NCDisplay(title="Running the test") as display:
        assert run_parallel_with_display(C, 4, display) == 42
Exemplo n.º 10
def adf3fde_cycle(frags, caps, adf3fde_settings, fragment_settings, job_name='fde'):
    new_frags = []
    for i, frag in enumerate(frags):
        frag.isfrozen = False
            adf3fde_settings, frags, caps, fragment_settings,
            job_name=job_name + '_' + str(i)), frag.mol, pack_tape=True))
        frag.isfrozen = True

    return gather(*new_frags)
Exemplo n.º 11
def test_prov_03():
    db_file = "prov2.json"

    A = add(1, 1)
    B = sub(3, A)

    multiples = [mul(add(i, B), A) for i in range(6)]
    C = accumulate(gather(*multiples))

    result = run_parallel(C, 4, serial.base, db_file, JobKeeper(keep=True))
    assert result == 42
Exemplo n.º 12
def test_prov_04():
    db_file = "prov3.json"

    A = add2(1, 1)
    B = sub(3, A)

    multiples = [mul(add2(i, B), A) for i in range(6)]
    C = accumulate(gather(*multiples))

    result = run_parallel_opt(C, 4, serial.base, db_file)
    assert result == 42
Exemplo n.º 13
def test_prov_02():
    db_file = "prov1.json"

    A = add(1, 1)
    B = sub(3, A)

    multiples = [mul(add(i, B), A) for i in range(6)]
    C = accumulate(gather(*multiples))

    result = run_single(C, serial.base, db_file)
    assert result == 42
Exemplo n.º 14
def example_FDE_fragments():
    # For the purpose of the example, define xyz files here:
    xyz1 = io.StringIO('''3

    O         0.00000000000000     -2.29819386240000      1.63037963360000
    H        -0.76925379540000     -2.28223123190000      2.22684542850000
    H         0.76925379540000     -2.28223123190000      2.22684542850000''')

    xyz2 = io.StringIO('''3

    O         0.00000000000000      2.29819386240000      1.63037963360000
    H        -0.76925379540000      2.28223123190000      2.22684542850000
    H         0.76925379540000      2.28223123190000      2.22684542850000''')

    xyz3 = io.StringIO('''3

    O         0.00000000000000      0.00000000000000     -0.26192472620000
    H         0.00000000000000      0.77162768440000      0.34261631290000
    H         0.00000000000000     -0.77162768440000      0.34261631290000''')

    # Read the Molecule from file
    m_h2o_1 = Molecule()
    m_h2o_1.readxyz(xyz1, 1)
    m_h2o_2 = Molecule()
    m_h2o_2.readxyz(xyz2, 1)
    m_mol = Molecule()
    m_mol.readxyz(xyz3, 1)

    settings = Settings()
    settings.basis = 'SZ'
    settings.specific.adf.nosymfit = ''

    # Prepare first water fragment
    r_h2o_1 = adf(templates.singlepoint.overlay(settings), m_h2o_1, job_name="h2o_1")

    # Prepare second water fragment
    r_h2o_2 = adf(templates.singlepoint.overlay(settings), m_h2o_2, job_name="h2o_2")

    frags = gather(schedule(Fragment)(r_h2o_1, m_h2o_1, isfrozen=True),
                   schedule(Fragment)(r_h2o_2, m_h2o_2, isfrozen=True),
                   Fragment(None, m_mol))

    job_fde = adf_fragmentsjob(templates.singlepoint. overlay(settings), frags,

    # Perform FDE job and get dipole
    # This gets the dipole moment of the active subsystem only
    dipole_fde = run(job_fde.dipole)

    print('FDE dipole:', dipole_fde)

    return dipole_fde
Exemplo n.º 15
def mfcc(package, frags, caps, settings=None):
    mfcc_settings = templates.singlepoint
    if settings:
        mfcc_settings = mfcc_settings.overlay(settings)

    capped_atoms = {}
    for i, cap in enumerate(caps):
        for a in cap:
            capped_atoms[a.coords] = a

    for i, frag in enumerate(frags):
        cap_label = 'cap' + str(i + 1)
        for a in frag:
            if a.coords in capped_atoms:
       = cap_label
                capped_atoms[a.coords] = cap_label

    frag_jobs = [package(mfcc_settings, frag, job_name="mfcc_frag_" + str(i))
                 for i, frag in enumerate(frags)]
    cap_jobs = [package(mfcc_settings, cap, job_name="mfcc_cap_" + str(i))
                for i, cap in enumerate(caps)]
    return MFCC_Result(gather(*frag_jobs), gather(*cap_jobs))
Exemplo n.º 16
def runNoodles(jsonFile, logFolder, numThreads):
    global logFolderAbsPath
    logFolderAbsPath = os.path.abspath(logFolder)
    input = json.load(open(jsonFile, 'r'))
    if input[0].get('task') is None:
        jobs = [make_job(td['command'],
                         td['id'], td['exclude']) for td in input]
        jobs = [make_job(td['command'],
                         td['task'], td['exclude']) for td in input]
    wf = noodles.gather(*jobs)
    with NCDisplay(error_filter) as display:
        run(wf, display=display, n_threads=numThreads)
Exemplo n.º 17
def test_binder():
    A = value(1)
    B = value(2)
    C = gather(A, B)

    C = get_workflow(C)
    A = get_workflow(A)
    B = get_workflow(B)

    assert is_workflow(C)
    assert C.nodes[C.root].bound_args.args == (Empty, Empty)
    assert (C.root, ArgumentAddress(ArgumentKind.variadic, 'a', 0)) \
        in C.links[A.root]
    assert (C.root, ArgumentAddress(ArgumentKind.variadic, 'a', 1)) \
        in C.links[B.root]
Exemplo n.º 18
def test_hybrid_coroutine_runner_03():
    A1 = [f(i) for i in range(11)]
    A2 = [g(i) for i in range(7)]
    B = sum(gather(*(A1+A2)))

    tic1, c1 = ticcer()
    tic2, c2 = ticcer()

    result = Scheduler().run(
        hybrid_coroutine_worker(selector, {
            1: tic_worker(tic1), 2: tic_worker(tic2)}),

    assert c1() == 11
    assert c2() == 7
    assert result == 173
Exemplo n.º 19
    def _parameter_sweep(self, parameter_space, kernel_options, device_options, tuning_options):
        """Build a Noodles workflow by sweeping the parameter space"""
        results = []

        #randomize parameter space to do pseudo load balancing
        parameter_space = list(parameter_space)

        #split parameter space into chunks
        work_per_thread = int(numpy.ceil(len(parameter_space) / float(self.max_threads)))
        chunks = _chunk_list(parameter_space, work_per_thread)

        for chunk in chunks:

            chunked_result = self._run_chunk(chunk, kernel_options, device_options, tuning_options)


        return gather(*results)
def workflow_derivative_couplings(config: dict) -> list:
    Compute the derivative couplings from an MD trajectory.

    :param workflow_settings: Arguments to compute the oscillators see:
    :returns: None
    # Dictionary containing the general configuration

    # compute the molecular orbitals
    mo_paths_hdf5, energy_paths_hdf5 = unpack(calculate_mos(config), 2)

    # mo_paths_hdf5 = run(calculate_mos(config), folder=config.workdir)

    # Overlap matrix at two different times
    promised_overlaps = calculate_overlap(config, mo_paths_hdf5)

    # Calculate Non-Adiabatic Coupling
    promised_crossing_and_couplings = lazy_couplings(config, promised_overlaps)

    # Write the results in PYXAID format
    config.path_hamiltonians = create_path_hamiltonians(config.workdir)

    # Inplace scheduling of write_hamiltonians function.
    # Equivalent to add @schedule on top of the function
    schedule_write_ham = schedule(write_hamiltonians)

    # Number of matrix computed
    config["nPoints"] = len(config.geometries) - 2

    # Write Hamilotians in PYXAID format
    promise_files = schedule_write_ham(
        config, promised_crossing_and_couplings, mo_paths_hdf5)

    results = run(gather(promise_files, energy_paths_hdf5), folder=config.workdir)


    return results
Exemplo n.º 21
def example_partial_geometry_opt():
    Performa partial optimization freezing the Hydrogen atoms
    methanol = molkit.from_smiles('CO')

    # optimize only H atoms
    s = Settings()
    s.freeze = [1, 2]
    geom_job1 = adf(templates.geometry.overlay(s), methanol, job_name='geom_job1').molecule

    # optimize only H atoms
    s = Settings()
    s.selected_atoms = ['H']
    geom_job2 = adf(templates.geometry.overlay(s), methanol, job_name='geom_job2').molecule

    geom1, geom2 = run(gather(geom_job1, geom_job2), n_processes=1)

    return geom1, geom2
Exemplo n.º 22
def test_hessian_transfer():
    Test DFTB -> Orca hessian transfer
    h2o = molkit.from_smiles('O') = 'C1'

    h2o_freq = dftb(templates.freq, h2o, job_name="freq").hessian

    s = Settings()
    s.inithess = h2o_freq

    h2o_opt = orca(templates.geometry.overlay(s), h2o, job_name="opt")

    energy =
    dipole = h2o_opt.dipole

    wf = gather(energy, dipole)

Exemplo n.º 23
def test_xenon_42():
    A = log_add(1, 1)
    B = sub(3, A)

    multiples = [mul(log_add(i, B), A) for i in range(6)]
    C = accumulate(noodles.gather(*multiples))

    xenon_config = XenonConfig(

    job_config = RemoteJobConfig(

    with XenonKeeper() as Xe, NCDisplay() as display:
        result = run_xenon(
            C, Xe, "cache.json", 2, xenon_config, job_config,

    assert(result == 42)
Exemplo n.º 24
def example_freqs():
    This examples illustrates the possibility to use different packages interchangeably.
    Analytical frequencies are not available for B3LYP in ADF
    This workflow captures the resulting error and submits the same job to ORCA.
    # Generate water molecule
    water = molkit.from_smiles('[OH2]', forcefield='mmff')

    # Pre-optimize the water molecule
    opt_water = dftb(templates.geometry, water, job_name="dftb_geometry")

    jobs = []

    # Generate freq jobs for 3 functionals
    for functional in ['pbe', 'b3lyp', 'blyp']:
        s = Settings()
        s.basis = 'DZ'
        s.functional = functional
        # Try to perform the jobs with adf or orca, take result from  first successful calculation
        freqjob = find_first_job(is_successful, [adf, orca], templates.freq.overlay(s),
                                 opt_water.molecule, job_name=functional)

    # Run workflow
    results = run(gather(*jobs), n_processes=1)

    # extrac results
    freqs = [r.frequencies[-3:] for r in results]
    functionals = ['pbe', 'b3lyp', 'blyp']

    # Print the result
    table = ["{:10s}{:10.3f}{:10.3f}{:10.3f}\n".format(fun, *fs)
             for fun, fs in zip(functionals, freqs)]

    return freqs
Exemplo n.º 25

# Check preoptimized molecules
opt_mols = {n: skip_dftb(job, molecules[n]) for n, job in dftb_jobs.items()}

# DFT optimization with Orca
s = templates.geometry
s.functional = 'BP86'
s.basis = 'def2TZVP'
dft_jobs = {
    n: orca(s, mol, job_name='orca_{}'.format(n))
    for n, mol in opt_mols.items()

s = templates.singlepoint
s.functional = 'camy-b3lyp'
s.basis = 'TZ2P'
s.specific.adf.Solvation.solvent = 'name=Dichloromethane emp=0.0 neql=2.028'

td_dft_jobs = {
    n: adf(s, job.molecule, job_name='td_dft_{}'.format(n))
    for n, job in dft_jobs.items()

energies = [gather(n, for n, j in td_dft_jobs.items()]

result = run(gather(*energies), n_processes=4, folder='biphenyl')

Exemplo n.º 26
def workflow_oscillator_strength(
        package_name: str,
        project_name: str,
        package_args: Dict,
        guess_args: Dict = None,
        geometries: List = None,
        dictCGFs: Dict = None,
        enumerate_from: int = 0,
        calc_new_wf_guess_on_points: str = None,
        path_hdf5: str = None,
        package_config: Dict = None,
        work_dir: str = None,
        initial_states: Any = None,
        final_states: Any = None,
        traj_folders: List = None,
        hdf5_trans_mtx: str = None,
        nHOMO: int = None,
        couplings_range: Tuple = None,
        calculate_oscillator_every: int = 50,
        convolution: str = 'gaussian',
        broadening: float = 0.1,  # eV
        energy_range: Tuple = None,  # eV
    Compute the oscillator strength

    :param package_name: Name of the package to run the QM simulations.
    :param project_name: Folder name where the computations
    are going to be stored.
    :param geometry:string containing the molecular geometry.
    :param package_args: Specific settings for the package
    :param guess_args: Specific settings for guess calculate with `package`.
    :type package_args: dict
    :param initial_states: List of the initial Electronic states.
    :type initial_states: [Int]
    :param final_states: List containing the sets of possible electronic
    :type final_states: [[Int]]
    :param calc_new_wf_guess_on_points: Points where the guess wave functions
    are calculated.
    :param package_config: Parameters required by the Package.
    :param  convolution: gaussian | lorentzian
    :param calculate_oscillator_every: step to compute the oscillator strengths
    :returns: None
    # Start logging event
    file_log = '{}.log'.format(project_name)
                        format='%(levelname)s:%(message)s  %(asctime)s\n',
                        datefmt='%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p')

    # Point calculations Using CP2K
    mo_paths_hdf5 = calculate_mos(package_name,

    # geometries in atomic units
    molecules_au = [
        change_mol_units(parse_string_xyz(gs)) for gs in geometries

    # Construct initial and final states ranges
    initial_states, final_states = build_transitions(initial_states,
                                                     final_states, nHOMO)

    # Schedule the function the compute the Oscillator Strenghts
    scheduleOscillator = schedule(calcOscillatorStrenghts)

    oscillators = gather(*[
        for i, mol in enumerate(molecules_au)
        if i % calculate_oscillator_every == 0

    energies, promised_cross_section = create_promised_cross_section(
        oscillators, broadening, energy_range, convolution,

    cross_section, data = run(gather(promised_cross_section, oscillators),

    # Transform the energy to nm^-1
    energies_nm = energies * 1240

    # Save cross section
        np.stack((energies, energies_nm, cross_section, cross_section * 1e16),
        'Energy[eV] Energy[nm^-1] photoabsorption_cross_section[cm^2] photoabsorption_cross_section[^2]'

    # molar extinction coefficients (e in M-1 cm-1)
    nA = physical_constants['Avogadro constant'][0]
    cte = np.log(10) * 1e3 / nA
    extinction_coefficients = cross_section / cte
        np.stack((energies, energies_nm, extinction_coefficients), axis=1),
        header='Energy[eV] Energy[nm^-1] Extinction_coefficients[M^-1 cm^-1]')

    print("Data: ", data)
    print("Calculation Done")

    # Write data in human readable format

    return data
Exemplo n.º 27
def calculate_overlap(project_name: str,
                      path_hdf5: str,
                      dictCGFs: Dict,
                      geometries: List,
                      mo_paths_hdf5: List,
                      hdf5_trans_mtx: str,
                      enumerate_from: int,
                      overlaps_deph: bool,
                      nHOMO: int = None,
                      couplings_range: Tuple = None,
                      units: str = 'angstrom') -> List:
    Calculate the Overlap matrices before computing the non-adiabatic
    coupling using 3 consecutive set of MOs in a molecular dynamic.

    :param path_hdf5: Path to the HDF5 file that contains the
    numerical results.
    :type path_hdf5: String
    :paramter dictCGFS: Dictionary from Atomic Label to basis set
    :type     dictCGFS: Dict String [CGF],
              CGF = ([Primitives], AngularMomentum),
              Primitive = (Coefficient, Exponent)
    :param geometries: list of molecular geometries
    :param mo_paths: Path to the MO coefficients and energies in the
    HDF5 file.
    :param hdf5_trans_mtx: path to the transformation matrix in the HDF5 file.
    :param enumerate_from: Number from where to start enumerating the folders
    create for each point in the MD
    :type enumerate_from: Int
    :param nHOMO: index of the H**O orbital in the HDF5
    :param couplings_range: range of Molecular orbitals used to compute the
    :returns: paths to the Overlap matrices inside the HDF5.
    nPoints = len(geometries) - 1

    # Inplace scheduling of calculate_overlap function
    # Equivalent to add @schedule on top of the function
    schedule_overlaps = schedule(lazy_overlaps)

    # Compute the Overlaps
    paths_overlaps = []
    for i in range(nPoints):

        # Extract molecules to compute couplings
        if overlaps_deph:
            molecules = tuple(
                map(lambda idx: parse_string_xyz(geometries[idx]), [0, i + 1]))
            molecules = tuple(
                map(lambda idx: parse_string_xyz(geometries[idx]), [i, i + 1]))

        # If units are Angtrom convert then to a.u.
        if 'angstrom' in units.lower():
            molecules = tuple(map(change_mol_units, molecules))

        # Compute the coupling
        overlaps = schedule_overlaps(i,


    # Gather all the promised paths
    return gather(*paths_overlaps)
Exemplo n.º 28

            # returns a set of results object containing the output of
            # each point in the scan
            LT = PES_scan(dftb, settings, product, scan)

            # Gets the object presenting the molecule
            # with the maximum energy calculated from the scan
            apprTS = select_max(LT, 'energy')

            # Run the TS optimization, using the default TS template
            TS = dftb(templates.ts.overlay(settings), apprTS.molecule)

            # Actual execution of the jobs
            reactives = [E_reactant, E_product, TS]
            E_reactant, E_product, TS = run(gather(*reactives), n_processes=1)

            # Retrieve the molecular coordinates
            mol = TS.molecule
            d1 = bond_distance(mol.atoms[0].coords, mol.atoms[1].coords)
            d2 = bond_distance(mol.atoms[3].coords, mol.atoms[4].coords)

            Eact = ( - E_ethene - E_reactant) * hartree2kcal
            Ereact = (E_product - E_ethene - E_reactant) * hartree2kcal
            result[smiles] = [Eact, Ereact, d1, d2]

            print("Reactant                Eact  Ereact   Bond1   Bond2")
            for smiles in result:
                print("{0:20s} {1:7.1f} {2:7.1f} {3:7.2f} \
                {4:7.2f}".format(smiles, *result[smiles]))
Exemplo n.º 29
def calculate_mos(package_name: str = None,
                  geometries: List = None,
                  project_name: str = None,
                  path_hdf5: str = None,
                  folders: List = None,
                  settings_main: Dict = None,
                  settings_guess: Dict = None,
                  calc_new_wf_guess_on_points: List = None,
                  enumerate_from: int = 0,
                  package_config: Dict = None,
                  **kwargs) -> List:
    Look for the MO in the HDF5 file if they do not exists calculate them by
    splitting the jobs in batches given by the ``restart_chunk`` variables.
    Only the first job is calculated from scratch while the rest of the
    batch uses as guess the wave function of the first calculation in
    the batch.

    :param geometries: list of molecular geometries
    :param project_name: Name of the project used as root path for storing
    data in HDF5.
    :param path_hdf5: Path to the HDF5 file that contains the
    numerical results.
    :param folders: path to the directories containing the MO outputs
    :param settings_main: Settings for the job to run.
    :param calc_new_wf_guess_on_points: Calculate a new Wave function guess in
    each of the geometries indicated. By Default only an initial guess is
    :param enumerate_from: Number from where to start enumerating the folders
    create for each point in the MD
    :returns: path to nodes in the HDF5 file to MO energies
              and MO coefficients.
    # First calculation has no initial guess
    guess_job = None

    # calculate the rest of the job using the previous point as initial guess
    orbitals = []  # list to the nodes in the HDF5 containing the MOs
    for j, gs in enumerate(geometries):

        # number of the point with respect to all the trajectory
        k = j + enumerate_from

        # Path where the MOs will be store in the HDF5
        root = join(project_name, 'point_{}'.format(k), package_name, 'mo')
        hdf5_orb_path = [join(root, 'eigenvalues'), join(root, 'coefficients')]

        # If the MOs are already store in the HDF5 format return the path
        # to them and skip the calculation
        if search_data_in_hdf5(path_hdf5, hdf5_orb_path):
  "point_{} has already been calculated".format(k))
  "point_{} has been scheduled".format(k))

            # Path to I/O files
            point_dir = folders[j]
            job_files = create_file_names(point_dir, k)
            job_name = 'point_{}'.format(k)

            # Compute the MOs and return a new guess
            promise_qm = compute_orbitals(guess_job, package_name,
                                          project_name, path_hdf5,
                                          settings_main, settings_guess,
                                          point_dir, job_files, k, gs)

            # Check if the job finishes succesfully
            promise_qm = schedule_check(promise_qm,

            # Store the computation
            path_MOs = store_in_hdf5(project_name, path_hdf5, promise_qm,
                                     hdf5_orb_path, job_name)

            guess_job = promise_qm

    return gather(*orbitals)
Exemplo n.º 30
    return j

def error_filter(xcptn):
    if isinstance(xcptn, subprocess.CalledProcessError):
        return xcptn.stderr
        return None

if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description="SOBA: Run a non-directional exclusion graph job.")
        '-j', dest='n_threads', type=int, default=1,
        help='number of threads to run simultaneously.')
        '-dumb', default=False, action='store_true',
        help='print info without special term codes.')
        'target', type=str,
        help='a JSON file specifying the graph.')
    args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:])

    input = json.load(open(, 'r'))
    jobs = [make_job(td['command'],
                     td['task'], td['exclude']) for td in input]
    wf = noodles.gather(*jobs)
    with SimpleDisplay(error_filter) as display:
        run(wf, display=display, n_threads=args.n_threads)
Exemplo n.º 31
def my_sum(a, buildin_sum=sum):
    return buildin_sum(a)

# a bit more complicated example
# -------------------------------
r1 = add(1, 1)
r2 = sub(3, r1)

def foo(a, b, c):
    return mul(add(a, b), c)

multiples = [foo(i, r2, r1) for i in range(6)]

r5 = my_sum(gather(*multiples))

# draw_workflow("graph-example2.svg", r5)

with DumbDisplay() as display:
    # answer = run_logging(r5, 4, display)
    answer = run_parallel_opt(r5,

print("The answer is: {0}".format(answer))
Exemplo n.º 32
    # Get the result with the maximum energy
    apprTS = select_max(pesscan, 'energy')

    # Calculate the DFTB hessian
    DFTBfreq = dftb(templates.freq.overlay(settings), apprTS.molecule, job_name=name + "_DFTBfreq")

    # Run the TS optimization, using the initial hession from DFTB
    t = Settings()
    t.specific.adf.geometry.inithess = DFTBfreq.kf.path
    TS = adf(templates.ts.overlay(settings).overlay(t), DFTBfreq.molecule, job_name=name + "_TS")

    # Perform a freq calculation
    TSfreq = adf(templates.freq.overlay(settings), TS.molecule, job_name=name + "_freq")

  # Add the jobs to the job list
    job_list.append(gather(r1job, r2job, pjob, TSfreq, TS.optcycles))

# Finalize and draw workflow
wf = gather(*job_list)
draw_workflow("wf.svg", wf._workflow)

# Actual execution of the jobs
results = run(wf, n_processes=1)

# Extract table from results
table = {}
for r1result, r2result, presult, tsresult, optcycles in results:
    # Retrieve the molecular coordinates
    mol = tsresult.molecule
    d1 = bond1.get_current_value(mol)
    d2 = bond2.get_current_value(mol)
Exemplo n.º 33
# systematically generate list of names consisting of the 3 atoms
# that vary in the series of reactions
# e.g. "CNC", "CNN", etc.
reaction_names = set()
for a1 in ('C', 'N'):
    for a3 in ('C', 'N', 'O'):
        name = a1 + 'N' + a3

# generate all jobs
job_list = []
for name in reaction_names:
    reactant = calc_reactant(name)
    product, adf_freq = calc_productAndTS(name)
    job_list.append(gather(reactant, product, adf_freq))

# Need also the energy of ethene
ethene = rdkitTools.smiles2rdkit('C=C')
E_ethene_job = adf(templates.geometry.overlay(settings),

# finalize and draw workflow
wf = gather(E_ethene_job, gather(*job_list))
draw_workflow("wf.svg", wf._workflow)

# Actual execution of the jobs
E_ethene, results = run(wf, n_processes=2)

Exemplo n.º 34

def mul(a, b):
    return a*b

def my_sum(a, buildin_sum=sum):
    return buildin_sum(a)

# a bit more complicated example
# -------------------------------
r1 = add(1, 1)
r2 = sub(3, r1)

def foo(a, b, c):
    return mul(add(a, b), c)

multiples = [foo(i, r2, r1) for i in range(6)]

r5 = my_sum(gather(*multiples))

draw_workflow("graph-example2.svg", r5)
answer = run_parallel(r5, 4)

print("The answer is: {0}".format(answer))
Exemplo n.º 35
 def __init__(self, result, mol_list):
     self.result = result
     self.mol_list = gather(*mol_list)
Exemplo n.º 36
        result = json.loads(p.stdout)
        return result # , p.stderr

def error_filter(xcptn):
    if isinstance(xcptn, subprocess.CalledProcessError):
        return xcptn.stderr
        return None

if __name__ == '__main__':
    command = Command('e⁻Scatter', './escat', 'sp', '-no-png', '-machine',

    sizes = [i * 0.05 for i in range(20)]
    a = command(depth=10, multiplicity=3, scaling=0.5, ball_size=0.01, hilbert=True)
    b = command(depth=10, multiplicity=3, scaling=0.5, ball_size=0.01, random=True)

    work = noodles.gather(a, b)
    with SimpleDisplay(error_filter) as display:
        result = noodles.run_logging(work, 1, display)

    for line in result:
        print(json.dumps(line, indent=2))

Exemplo n.º 37
        "Next, as many threads as there are logical cores, taken from multiprocessing.cpu_count()."
    start_mt = time.time()
    my_q = queue.Queue()
    for i in range_of_values:
    procs = [
        threading.Thread(target=worker, args=(my_q, )) for i in range(ncpus)
    for ps in procs:
    for ps in procs:
    end_mt = time.time()

    print("Now Noodles with as many threads as there are logical cores.")
    start_noodles = time.time()
    result = run_parallel(gather(*(schedule(sumPrimes_noodles)(x)
                                   for x in range_of_values)),
    for item in result:
    end_noodles = time.time()

    print("A single thread takes {0:.2f} seconds".format(end_st - start_st))
    print("Multithreading takes {0:.2f} seconds".format(end_mt - start_mt))
    print("Noodles takes {0:.2f} seconds".format(end_noodles - start_noodles))
Exemplo n.º 38
zeta = 0.5
f = harmonic_oscillator(omega_0, zeta)
t = np.linspace(0.0, 15.0, 4)
# ~\~ end
# ~\~ begin <<lit/|noodlify>>[2]
h = 0.01

def fine(x, t_0, t_1):
    return iterate_solution(forward_euler(f), h)(x, t_0, t_1)

# ~\~ end
# ~\~ begin <<lit/|noodlify>>[3]
y_euler = noodles.gather(*tabulate(noodles.schedule(fine), [1.0, 0.0], t))

# ~\~ end
# ~\~ begin <<lit/|noodlify>>[4]
def paint(node, name):
    if name == "coarse":
        node.attr["fillcolor"] = "#cccccc"
    elif name == "fine":
        node.attr["fillcolor"] = "#88ff88"
        node.attr["fillcolor"] = "#ffffff"

draw_workflow('seq-graph.svg', noodles.get_workflow(y_euler), paint)
Exemplo n.º 39
# systematically generate list of names consisting of the 3 atoms that vary in
# the series of reactions
# e.g. "CNC", "CNN", etc.
reaction_names = set()
for a1 in ('C', 'N'):
    for a3 in ('C', 'N', 'O'):
        name = a1 + 'N' + a3

# generate all jobs
job_list = []
for name in reaction_names:
    reactant = calc_reactant(name)
    product, adf_freq = calc_productAndTS(name)
    job_list.append(gather(reactant, product, adf_freq))

# Need also the energy of ethene
acetylene = rdkitTools.smiles2plams('C#C')
E_acetylene_job = adf(templates.geometry.overlay(settings), acetylene,

# Actual execution of the jobs
E_acetylene, results = run(gather(E_acetylene_job, gather(*job_list)),

def bond_distance(r1, r2):
    return sqrt(sum((x - y) ** 2 for x, y in zip(r1, r2)))

# extract table from results
Exemplo n.º 40
def calculate_mos(config: dict) -> list:
    Look for the MO in the HDF5 file if they do not exists calculate them by
    splitting the jobs in batches given by the ``restart_chunk`` variables.
    Only the first job is calculated from scratch while the rest of the
    batch uses as guess the wave function of the first calculation in
    the batch.

    The config dict contains:

    :param geometries: list of molecular geometries
    :param project_name: Name of the project used as root path for storing
    data in HDF5.
    :param path_hdf5: Path to the HDF5 file that contains the
    numerical results.
    :param folders: path to the directories containing the MO outputs
    :param settings_main: Settings for the job to run.
    :param calc_new_wf_guess_on_points: Calculate a new Wave function guess in
    each of the geometries indicated. By Default only an initial guess is
    :param enumerate_from: Number from where to start enumerating the folders
    create for each point in the MD

    :returns: path to nodes in the HDF5 file to MO energies
              and MO coefficients.
    # Read Cell parameters file
    general = config['cp2k_general_settings']
    file_cell_parameters = general["file_cell_parameters"]
    if file_cell_parameters is not None:
        array_cell_parameters = read_cell_parameters_as_array(

    # First calculation has no initial guess
    # calculate the rest of the jobs using the previous point as initial guess
    orbitals = []  # list to the nodes in the HDF5 containing the MOs
    energies = []
    guess_job = None
    for j, gs in enumerate(config.geometries):

        # number of the point with respect to all the trajectory
        k = j + config.enumerate_from

        # dictionary containing the information of the j-th job
        dict_input = defaultdict(lambda: None)
        dict_input["geometry"] = gs
        dict_input["k"] = k

        # Path where the MOs will be store in the HDF5
        root = join(config.project_name, f'point_{k}', config.package_name,
        dict_input["node_MOs"] = [
            join(root, 'eigenvalues'),
            join(root, 'coefficients')
        dict_input["node_energy"] = join(root, 'energy')

        # If the MOs are already store in the HDF5 format return the path
        # to them and skip the calculation
        if is_data_in_hdf5(config.path_hdf5, dict_input["node_MOs"]):
  "point_{k} has already been calculated")
  "point_{k} has been scheduled")

            # Add cell parameters from file if given
            if file_cell_parameters is not None:
                adjust_cell_parameters(general, array_cell_parameters, j)
            # Path to I/O files
            dict_input["point_dir"] = config.folders[j]
            dict_input["job_files"] = create_file_names(
                dict_input["point_dir"], k)
            dict_input["job_name"] = f'point_{k}'

            # Compute the MOs and return a new guess
            promise_qm = compute_orbitals(config, dict_input, guess_job)

            # Check if the job finishes succesfully
            promise_qm = schedule_check(promise_qm, config, dict_input)

            # Store the computation
            orbitals.append(store_MOs(config, dict_input, promise_qm))
            energies.append(store_enery(config, dict_input, promise_qm))

            guess_job = promise_qm

    return gather(gather(*orbitals), gather(*energies))
Exemplo n.º 41
def test_empty_gather():
    d = noodles.gather()
    result = run_single(d)
    assert result == []
Exemplo n.º 42
for key, val in list(inputKeys.items()):
    if key == "complex_EXTRA":
        for option in inputKeys["complex_EXTRA"]:

job_list = []

for key, val in list(inputKeys.items()):
    if key == "r1path":
        ircFrags = GetFragmentList(val["r1path"], [inputKeys["r1fragment"]])[0]
        r1_mol = ircFrags["frag1"]
        r1 = adf(templates.geometry.overlay(settings_R1),
for key, val in list(inputKeys.items()):
    if key == "r2path":
        ircFrags = GetFragmentList(val["r2path"], [inputKeys["r2fragment"]])[0]
        r2_mol = ircFrags["frag1"]
        r2 = adf(templates.geometry.overlay(settings_R2),
for key, val in list(inputKeys.items()):
    if key == "rcpath":
        ircFrags = GetFragmentList(val["rcpath"], [inputKeys["rcfragment"]])[0]
        rc_mol = ircFrags["frag1"]
        rc = adf(templates.geometry.overlay(settings_RC),
Exemplo n.º 43

# User Defined imports
from qmworks.packages.SCM import dftb, adf

# from qmworks.components import adffragmentsjob

rdmol = Chem.MolFromPDBFile('Dialanine.pdb')
supermol = rdopp.add_prot_Hs(rdmol)

# settings = Settings ()
# settings.functional = 'bp86'
# settings.basis = 'DZP'
# settings.specific.adf.basis.core = 'Large'

# supermolecule calculation
# supermol_job =  adf(templates.singlepoint.overlay(settings), supermol, job_name = 'supermol_singlepoint')
supermol_job =  dftb(templates.singlepoint, supermol, job_name = 'supermol_singlepoint')
# supermol_dipole = supermol_results.get_dipole_vector()

#frags,caps = rdkitTools.partition_protein(supermol, cap=None)
frags, caps = rdopp.partition_protein(supermol, cap=None)
# mfcc_job = mfcc(adf, frags, caps, settings)
mfcc_job = mfcc(dftb, frags, caps)

supermol_result, mfcc_result = run(gather(supermol_job, mfcc_job))

Exemplo n.º 44
def calculate_ETR(
        package_name: str, project_name: str, package_args: Dict,
        path_time_coeffs: str=None, geometries: List=None,
        initial_conditions: List=None, path_hdf5: str=None,
        basis_name: str=None,
        enumerate_from: int=0, package_config: Dict=None,
        calc_new_wf_guess_on_points: str=None, guess_args: Dict=None,
        work_dir: str=None, traj_folders: List=None,
        dictCGFs: Dict=None, orbitals_range: Tuple=None,
        pyxaid_HOMO: int=None, pyxaid_Nmin: int=None, pyxaid_Nmax: int=None,
        fragment_indices: None=List, dt: float=1, **kwargs):
    Use a md trajectory to calculate the Electron transfer rate.

    :param package_name: Name of the package to run the QM simulations.
    :param project_name: Folder name where the computations
    are going to be stored.
    :param package_args: Specific settings for the package.
    :param path_hdf5: Path to the HDF5 file that contains the
    numerical results.
    :param geometries: List of string cotaining the molecular geometries.
    :paramter dictCGFS: Dictionary from Atomic Label to basis set
    :type     dictCGFS: Dict String [CGF],
              CGF = ([Primitives], AngularMomentum),
              Primitive = (Coefficient, Exponent)
    :param calc_new_wf_guess_on_points: number of Computations that used a
                                        previous calculation as guess for the
                                        wave function.
    :param nHOMO: index of the H**O orbital.
    :param couplings_range: Range of MO use to compute the nonadiabatic
    :param pyxaid_range: range of HOMOs and LUMOs used by pyxaid.
    :param enumerate_from: Number from where to start enumerating the folders
                           create for each point in the MD.
    :param traj_folders: List of paths to where the CP2K MOs are printed.
     :param package_config: Parameters required by the Package.
    :param fragment_indices: indices of atoms belonging to a fragment.
    :param dt: integration time used in the molecular dynamics.
    :returns: None
    # Start logging event
    file_log = '{}.log'.format(project_name)
    logging.basicConfig(filename=file_log, level=logging.DEBUG,
                        format='%(levelname)s:%(message)s  %(asctime)s\n',
                        datefmt='%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p')

    # prepare Cp2k Job point calculations Using CP2K
    mo_paths_hdf5 = calculate_mos(
        package_name, geometries, project_name, path_hdf5, traj_folders,
        package_args, guess_args, calc_new_wf_guess_on_points,
        enumerate_from, package_config=package_config)

    # geometries in atomic units
    molecules_au = [change_mol_units(parse_string_xyz(gs))
                    for gs in geometries]

    # Time-dependent coefficients
    time_depend_coeffs = read_time_dependent_coeffs(path_time_coeffs)
    msg = "Reading time_dependent coefficients from: {}".format(path_time_coeffs)

    # compute_overlaps_ET
    scheduled_overlaps = schedule(compute_overlaps_ET)
    fragment_overlaps = scheduled_overlaps(
        project_name, molecules_au, basis_name, path_hdf5, dictCGFs,
        mo_paths_hdf5, fragment_indices, enumerate_from, package_name)

    # Delta time in a.u.
    dt_au = dt * femtosec2au

    # Indices relation between the PYXAID active space and the orbitals
    # stored in the HDF5
    map_index_pyxaid_hdf5 = create_map_index_pyxaid(
        orbitals_range, pyxaid_HOMO, pyxaid_Nmin, pyxaid_Nmax)

    # Number of ETR points calculated with the MD trajectory
    n_points = len(geometries) - 2

    # Read the swap between Molecular orbitals obtained from a previous
    # Coupling calculation
    swaps = read_swaps(path_hdf5, project_name)

    # Electron transfer rate for each frame of the Molecular dynamics
    scheduled_photoexcitation = schedule(compute_photoexcitation)
    etrs = scheduled_photoexcitation(
        path_hdf5, time_depend_coeffs, fragment_overlaps,
        map_index_pyxaid_hdf5, swaps, n_points, dt_au)

    # Execute the workflow
    electronTransferRates, path_overlaps = run(
        gather(etrs, fragment_overlaps), folder=work_dir)

    for i, mtx in enumerate(electronTransferRates):
        write_ETR(mtx, dt, i)

    write_overlap_densities(path_hdf5, path_overlaps, dt)
Exemplo n.º 45
def gather():
    return noodles.gather(*[add(x, x) for x in range(10)])
Exemplo n.º 46
def empty_gather():
    return noodles.gather()
Exemplo n.º 47
for s1 in ('C', 'N', 'O'):
    n1 = rdkitTools.modify_atom(cnc_ts, 0, s1)
    for s2 in ('N', 'O', 'S'):
        n2 = rdkitTools.modify_atom(n1, 1, s2)
        for s3 in ('C', 'N', 'O'):
            n3 = rdkitTools.modify_atom(n2, 2, s3)
            name = s1 + '-' + s2 + '-' + s3
   = name
            dftb_freq = dftb(templates.freq.overlay(settings), n3,
                             job_name=name + "_dftb_freq")
            t = Settings()
            t.specific.adf.geometry.inithess = dftb_freq.archive.path
            job_list.append(adf(templates.ts.overlay(settings).overlay(t), n3,
                                job_name=name + "_ts"))

wf = gather(*job_list)

# Actual execution of the jobs
results = run(wf, n_processes=1)

def bond_distance(r1, r2):
    return sqrt(sum((x - y) ** 2 for x, y in zip(r1, r2)))

# extract table from results
print("System                Bond1   Bond2")
for TS in results:

    # Retrieve the molecular coordinates
    mol = TS.molecule
    d1 = bond_distance(mol.atoms[0].coords, mol.atoms[4].coords)
Exemplo n.º 48
def calculate_mos(config: dict) -> list:
    Look for the MO in the HDF5 file if they do not exists calculate them by
    splitting the jobs in batches given by the ``restart_chunk`` variables.
    Only the first job is calculated from scratch while the rest of the
    batch uses as guess the wave function of the first calculation in
    the batch.

    The config dict contains:

    :param geometries: list of molecular geometries
    :param project_name: Name of the project used as root path for storing
    data in HDF5.
    :param path_hdf5: Path to the HDF5 file that contains the
    numerical results.
    :param folders: path to the directories containing the MO outputs
    :param settings_main: Settings for the job to run.
    :param calc_new_wf_guess_on_points: Calculate a new Wave function guess in
    each of the geometries indicated. By Default only an initial guess is
    :param enumerate_from: Number from where to start enumerating the folders
    create for each point in the MD

    :returns: path to nodes in the HDF5 file to MO energies
              and MO coefficients.
    # Read Cell parameters file
    general = config['cp2k_general_settings']
    file_cell_parameters = general["file_cell_parameters"]
    if file_cell_parameters is not None:
        array_cell_parameters = read_cell_parameters_as_array(file_cell_parameters)[1]

    # First calculation has no initial guess
    # calculate the rest of the jobs using the previous point as initial guess
    orbitals = []  # list to the nodes in the HDF5 containing the MOs
    energies = []
    guess_job = None
    for j, gs in enumerate(config.geometries):

        # number of the point with respect to all the trajectory
        k = j + config.enumerate_from

        # dictionary containing the information of the j-th job
        dict_input = defaultdict(lambda: None)
        dict_input["geometry"] = gs
        dict_input["k"] = k

        # Path where the MOs will be store in the HDF5
        root = join(config.project_name, 'point_{}'.format(k), config.package_name, 'mo')
        dict_input["node_MOs"] = [join(root, 'eigenvalues'), join(root, 'coefficients')]
        dict_input["node_energy"] = join(root, 'energy')

        # If the MOs are already store in the HDF5 format return the path
        # to them and skip the calculation
        if is_data_in_hdf5(config.path_hdf5, dict_input["node_MOs"]):
  "point_{} has already been calculated".format(k))
  "point_{} has been scheduled".format(k))

            # Add cell parameters from file if given
            if file_cell_parameters is not None:
                adjust_cell_parameters(general, array_cell_parameters, j)
            # Path to I/O files
            dict_input["point_dir"] = config.folders[j]
            dict_input["job_files"] = create_file_names(dict_input["point_dir"], k)
            dict_input["job_name"] = 'point_{}'.format(k)

            # Compute the MOs and return a new guess
            promise_qm = compute_orbitals(config, dict_input, guess_job)

            # Check if the job finishes succesfully
            promise_qm = schedule_check(promise_qm, config, dict_input)

            # Store the computation
            orbitals.append(store_MOs(config, dict_input, promise_qm))
            energies.append(store_enery(config, dict_input, promise_qm))

            guess_job = promise_qm

    return gather(gather(*orbitals), gather(*energies))
Exemplo n.º 49
def unguarded_iteration():
    a = noodles.delay((1, 2, 3))
    b, c, d = a
    return noodles.gather(d, c, b)
Exemplo n.º 50

job_list = []
# Loop over all reactions
for name, r1_smiles, r2_smiles, p_smiles in reactions:

  # Prepare reactant1 job
    r1_mol =  molkit.from_smiles(r1_smiles)
    r1_dftb = dftb(templates.geometry.overlay(settings), r1_mol, job_name=name + "_r1_DFTB")
    r1 =      adf(templates.geometry.overlay(settings), r1_dftb.molecule, job_name=name + "_r1")
    r1_freq = adf(templates.freq.overlay(settings), r1.molecule, job_name=name + "_r1_freq")

  # Prepare reactant2 job
    r2s_mol =  molkit.from_smiles(r2_smiles, nconfs=10, forcefield='mmff', rms=0.1)
    r2s_dftb = [dftb(templates.geometry.overlay(settings), r2_mol, job_name=name + "_r2_DFTB") for r2_mol in r2s_mol]
    r2_dftb = select_min(gather(*r2s_dftb), 'energy')
    r2 =      adf(templates.geometry.overlay(settings), r2_dftb.molecule, job_name=name + "_r2")
    r2_freq = adf(templates.freq.overlay(settings), r2.molecule, job_name=name + "_r2_freq")

# Prepare product job
    ps_mol =  molkit.from_smiles(p_smiles, nconfs=10, forcefield='mmff', name=name, rms=0.1)
    ps_dftb = [dftb(templates.geometry.overlay(settings), p_mol, job_name=name + "_ps_DFTB") for p_mol in ps_mol]
    p_dftb = select_min(gather(*ps_dftb), 'energy')
    p =      adf(templates.geometry.overlay(settings), p_dftb.molecule, job_name=name + "_p")
    p_freq = adf(templates.freq.overlay(settings), p.molecule, job_name=name + "_p_freq")

# Prepare scan
    pes_jobs = []
    for d in range(6):
        consset = Settings()
        consset.constraint.update(bond1.get_settings(2.0 + d * 0.1))
Exemplo n.º 51
def calculate_mos(config: DictConfig) -> List[str]:
    """Look for the MO in the HDF5 file and compute them if they are not present.

    The orbitals are computed  by splitting the jobs in batches given by
    the ``restart_chunk`` variables. Only the first job is calculated from scratch
    while the rest of the batch uses as guess the wave function of the first calculation
    inthe batch.

    The config dict contains:
        * geometries: list of molecular geometries
        * project_name: Name of the project used as root path for storing data in HDF5.
        * path_hdf5: Path to the HDF5 file that contains the numerical results.
        * folders: path to the directories containing the MO outputs
        * settings_main: Settings for the job to run.
        * calc_new_wf_guess_on_points: Calculate a new Wave function guess in each of the geometries indicated. By Default only an initial guess is computed.
        * enumerate_from: Number from where to start enumerating the folders create for each point in the MD

        paths to the datasets in the HDF5 file containging both the MO energies and MO coefficients

    # Read Cell parameters file
    general = config['cp2k_general_settings']
    file_cell_parameters = general["file_cell_parameters"]
    if file_cell_parameters is not None:
        array_cell_parameters = read_cell_parameters_as_array(file_cell_parameters)[

    # First calculation has no initial guess
    # calculate the rest of the jobs using the previous point as initial guess
    orbitals = []  # list to the nodes in the HDF5 containing the MOs
    energies = []
    guess_job = None

    # orbital type is either an empty string for restricted calculation
    # or alpha/beta for unrestricted calculations
    orbitals_type = config.orbitals_type

    for j, gs in enumerate(config.geometries):

        # number of the point with respect to all the trajectory
        k = j + config.enumerate_from

        # dictionary containing the information of the j-th job
        dict_input = defaultdict(lambda: None)  # type:  DefaultDict[str, Any]
        dict_input["geometry"] = gs
        dict_input["k"] = k

        # Path where the MOs will be store in the HDF5
        dict_input["node_MOs"] = [
            join(orbitals_type, "eigenvalues", f"point_{k}"),
            join(orbitals_type, "coefficients", f"point_{k}")]

        dict_input["node_energy"] = join(orbitals_type, "energy", f"point_{k}")

        # If the MOs are already store in the HDF5 format return the path
        # to them and skip the calculation
        if config["compute_orbitals"]:
            predicate = dict_input["node_MOs"]
            predicate = dict_input["node_energy"]
        if is_data_in_hdf5(config.path_hdf5, predicate):
  "point_{k} has already been calculated")
  "point_{k} has been scheduled")

            # Add cell parameters from file if given
            if file_cell_parameters is not None:
                adjust_cell_parameters(general, array_cell_parameters, j)
            # Path to I/O files
            dict_input["point_dir"] = config.folders[j]
            dict_input["job_files"] = create_file_names(
                dict_input["point_dir"], k)
            dict_input["job_name"] = f'point_{k}'

            # Compute the MOs and return a new guess
            promise_qm = compute_orbitals(config, dict_input, guess_job)

            # Check if the job finishes succesfully
            promise_qm = schedule_check(promise_qm, config, dict_input)

            # Store the computation
            if config["compute_orbitals"]:
                orbitals.append(store_molecular_orbitals(config, dict_input, promise_qm))
            energies.append(store_enery(config, dict_input, promise_qm))

            guess_job = promise_qm

    return gather(gather(*orbitals), gather(*energies))
Exemplo n.º 52
def test_gather():
    d = noodles.gather(*[add(x, x) for x in range(10)])
    result = run_single(d)
    assert result == list(range(0, 20, 2))
Exemplo n.º 53
def test_empty_gather():
    d = noodles.gather()
    result = run_single(d)
    assert result == []
Exemplo n.º 54
def test_42():
    A = add(1, 1)
    B = sub(3, A)

    multiples = [mul(add(i, B), A) for i in range(6)]
    return accumulate(noodles.gather(*multiples))
Exemplo n.º 55
# Settings for ADF SAOP single point calculation
s = Settings()
s.basis = 'DZP'
s.specific.adf.basis.core = None
s.specific.adf.xc.model = 'saop'
s.specific.adf.scf.converge = 1e-6
s.specific.adf.symmetry = 'nosym'

# single point calculations using the SAOP functional
singlepoints = [
    adf(s, mol, job_name='adf_{}'.format(name))
    for name, mol in optimized_mols.items()

# Filter results with H**O-LUMO gap lower than 3 eV
candidates = filter_homo_lumo_lower_than(gather(*singlepoints), 3)

# Optimize the selected candidates
inp = templates.geometry
inp.functional = 'pbe'
inp.basis = 'DZP'
inp.specific.adf.scf.converge = 1e-6
inp.specific.adf.symmetry = 'nosym'

# Optimize only the filter candidates
opt_jobs = iterate_over_jobs(candidates, inp, prefix='pbe')

# Single point TD-DFT calculations
s.specific.adf.excitations.allowed = ''
s.specific.adf.excitations.lowest = 10
Exemplo n.º 56
def workflow_electron_transfer(workflow_settings: Dict):
    Use a MD trajectory to calculate the Electron transfer rate.

    :param workflow_settings: Arguments to compute the oscillators see:
    :returns: None
    # Arguments to compute the orbitals and configure the workflow. see:
    # `data/schemas/general_settings.json
    config = workflow_settings['general_settings']

    # Dictionary containing the general configuration

    # Point calculations Using CP2K
    mo_paths_hdf5 = calculate_mos(**config)

    # geometries in atomic units
    molecules_au = [
        change_mol_units(parse_string_xyz(gs)) for gs in config['geometries']

    # Time-dependent coefficients
    path_time_coeffs = workflow_settings['path_time_coeffs']
    time_depend_coeffs = read_time_dependent_coeffs(path_time_coeffs)
    msg = "Reading time_dependent coefficients from: {}".format(

    # compute_overlaps_ET
    scheduled_overlaps = schedule(compute_overlaps_ET)
    fragment_overlaps = scheduled_overlaps(
        config['project_name'], molecules_au, config['basis_name'],
        config['path_hdf5'], config['dictCGFs'], mo_paths_hdf5,
        workflow_settings['fragment_indices'], config['enumerate_from'],

    # Delta time in a.u.
    dt = workflow_settings['dt']
    dt_au = dt * femtosec2au

    # Indices relation between the PYXAID active space and the orbitals
    # stored in the HDF5
    args_map_index = [
        workflow_settings[key] for key in
        ['orbitals_range', 'pyxaid_HOMO', 'pyxaid_Nmin', 'pyxaid_Nmax']
    map_index_pyxaid_hdf5 = create_map_index_pyxaid(*args_map_index)

    # Number of points in the pyxaid trajectory:
    # shape: (initial_conditions, n_points, n_states)
    n_points = len(config['geometries']) - 2

    # Read the swap between Molecular orbitals obtained from a previous
    # Coupling calculation
    swaps = read_swaps(['path_hdf5'], ['project_name'])

    # Electron transfer rate for each frame of the Molecular dynamics
    scheduled_photoexcitation = schedule(compute_photoexcitation)
    etrs = scheduled_photoexcitation(config['path_hdf5'], time_depend_coeffs,
                                     fragment_overlaps, map_index_pyxaid_hdf5,
                                     swaps, n_points, ['pyxaid_iconds'], dt_au)

    # Execute the workflow
    electronTransferRates, path_overlaps = run(gather(etrs, fragment_overlaps),

    for i, mtx in enumerate(electronTransferRates):
        write_ETR(mtx, dt, i)

    write_overlap_densities(config['path_hdf5'], path_overlaps, swaps, dt)
Exemplo n.º 57
    command = Command('e⁻Scatter',

    sizes = [i * 0.05 for i in range(20)]
    a = command(depth=10,
    b = command(depth=10,

    work = noodles.gather(a, b)
    with SimpleDisplay(error_filter) as display:
        result = noodles.run_logging(work, 1, display)

    for line in result:
        print(json.dumps(line, indent=2))
Exemplo n.º 58
for a1 in ('C', 'N', 'O'):
    for a2 in ('N', 'O', 'S'):
        for a3 in ('C', 'N', 'O'):
            name = a1 + a2 + a3
            reverse = a3 + a2 + a1
            if reverse in reaction_names:  # skip duplicates

# generate all jobs
job_list = []
for name in reaction_names:
    reactant = calc_reactant(name)
    product, adf_freq = calc_productAndTS(name)
    job_list.append(gather(reactant, product, adf_freq))

# Need also the energy of ethene
ethene = rdkitTools.smiles2plams('C=C')
E_ethene_job = adf(templates.geometry.overlay(settings),

# Actual execution of the jobs
E_ethene, results = run(gather(E_ethene_job, gather(*job_list)), n_processes=1)

def bond_distance(r1, r2):
    return sqrt(sum((x - y)**2 for x, y in zip(r1, r2)))