Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_query_buildLeftJoin(self):
        You can build on to a left-joined query
        oper = yield self.getOperator()
        pool = yield self.getPool()

        parent = yield pool.runInteraction(oper.insert, Parent())
        child = Child(u'child')
        child.parent_id = parent.id
        yield pool.runInteraction(oper.insert, child)

        yield pool.runInteraction(oper.insert, Parent())

        book = Book()
        book.name = u'Around the World in 80 Days'
        yield pool.runInteraction(oper.insert, book)

        yield pool.runInteraction(oper.insert,
                                  FavoriteBook(child.id, book.id))
        def q(query):
            return pool.runInteraction(oper.query, query)

        # single
        query = Query(Parent, Parent.id != None)
        rows = yield q(query)
        self.assertEqual(len(rows), 2)

        # left join
        query = query.find(Child, joins=[
                           LeftJoin(Child, Child.parent_id == Parent.id)])
        rows = yield q(query)
        self.assertEqual(len(rows), 2)
        self.assertIn(None, rows, "Should have one null record")

        # left join 2
        query = query.find(FavoriteBook, joins=[
                           LeftJoin(FavoriteBook, FavoriteBook.child_id == Child.id)])
        rows = yield q(query)
        self.assertEqual(len(rows), 2)
        self.assertIn(None, rows, "Should have one null record")

        # change select
        query = query.find((Parent, FavoriteBook))
        rows = yield q(query)
        self.assertEqual(len(rows), 2)
        self.assertIn(None, [x[1] for x in rows], "Should have null FavoriteBook")
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_query_findChangeSelect(self):
        You can change just the select portion of the query with find
        oper = yield self.getOperator()
        pool = yield self.getPool()

        p = Parent()
        p.id = 2
        yield pool.runInteraction(oper.insert, p)

        c = Child()
        c.id = 4
        c.parent_id = 2
        yield pool.runInteraction(oper.insert, c)

        query = Query(Child, Parent.id == Child.parent_id,
                             Parent.id == p.id)
        items = yield pool.runInteraction(oper.query, query)
        self.assertEqual(len(items), 1)
        self.assertEqual(items[0].id, 4)

        query = query.find(Parent)
        items = yield pool.runInteraction(oper.query, query)
        self.assertEqual(len(items), 1)
        self.assertEqual(items[0].id, 2)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_query_noConstraints(self):
        You can query for an object with no constraints
        oper = yield self.getOperator()
        pool = yield self.getPool()

        parent = yield pool.runInteraction(oper.insert, Parent())

        query = Query(Parent)
        results = yield pool.runInteraction(oper.query, query)
        self.assertEqual(len(results), 1)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(results[0], Parent))

        # sub query
        child = Child()
        child.parent_id = parent.id
        yield pool.runInteraction(oper.insert, child)
        query = query.find(Child, Child.parent_id == Parent.id)
        results = yield pool.runInteraction(oper.query, query)
        self.assertEqual(len(results), 1)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(results[0], Child))

        # left join
        query = Query(Parent).find(Child,
                                          Child.parent_id == Parent.id)])
        results = yield pool.runInteraction(oper.query, query)
        self.assertEqual(len(results), 1)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(results[0], Child))
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_query_buildLeftJoin_atTheEnd(self):
        You should be able to successfully query
        oper = yield self.getOperator()
        pool = yield self.getPool()
        handle = ormHandle(pool)

        p1 = yield handle.insert(Parent())
        yield handle.insert(Parent())

        c1 = Child()
        c1.parent_id = p1.id
        yield handle.insert(c1)

        c2 = Child()
        c2.parent_id = p1.id
        yield handle.insert(c2)

        b1 = yield handle.insert(Book())
        yield handle.insert(Book())

        yield handle.insert(FavoriteBook(c1.id, b1.id))

        query = Query(Child,
                      Child.parent_id == Parent.id,
                      Parent.id == p1.id)
        query = query.find(Child, Child.id == c1.id)
        query = query.find(FavoriteBook, FavoriteBook.child_id == Child.id)
        query = query.find((FavoriteBook, Book),
                           FavoriteBook.book_id == Book.id)])

        rows = yield pool.runInteraction(oper.query, query)
        self.assertEqual(len(rows), 1)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(rows[0][0], FavoriteBook))
        self.assertEqual(rows[0][0].child_id, c1.id)
        self.assertEqual(rows[0][0].book_id, b1.id)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(rows[0][1], Book))
        self.assertEqual(rows[0][1].id, b1.id)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_query_build(self):
        You can build on to a query
        oper = yield self.getOperator()
        pool = yield self.getPool()

        # distractions to make sure we're not picking them up
        p = yield pool.runInteraction(oper.insert, Parent())
        c = Child(u'nope')
        c.parent_id = p.id
        yield pool.runInteraction(oper.insert, c)
        b = Book()
        b.name = u'Gone in Sixty Seconds'
        yield pool.runInteraction(oper.insert, b)

        f = FavoriteBook(c.id, b.id)
        yield pool.runInteraction(oper.insert, f)
        # data we're looking for
        parent = yield pool.runInteraction(oper.insert, Parent())
        child = Child(u'child')
        child.parent_id = parent.id
        yield pool.runInteraction(oper.insert, child)

        book = Book()
        book.name = u'Around the World in 80 Days'
        yield pool.runInteraction(oper.insert, book)

        fav = yield pool.runInteraction(oper.insert,
                                        FavoriteBook(child.id, book.id))

        def q(query):
            return pool.runInteraction(oper.query, query)

        # simple
        query = Query(Parent, Eq(Parent.id, parent.id))
        rows = yield q(query)
        self.assertEqual(len(rows), 1, "Should return just the one parent")

        # one join
        query2 = query.find(Child, Eq(Parent.id, Child.parent_id))
        rows = yield q(query2)
        self.assertEqual(len(rows), 1, "Should return just the child")
        row = rows[0]
        self.assertEqual(row.name, 'child')

        # two joins
        query3 = query2.find(FavoriteBook, Eq(Child.id, FavoriteBook.child_id))
        rows = yield q(query3)
        self.assertEqual(len(rows), 1, "Should return just the one favorite book")
        row = rows[0]
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(row, FavoriteBook))
        self.assertEqual(row.child_id, child.id)
        self.assertEqual(row.book_id, fav.book_id)

        # three joins
        query4 = query3.find(Book, Eq(Book.id, FavoriteBook.book_id))
        rows = yield q(query4)
        self.assertEqual(len(rows), 1, "Should return the one book")
        row = rows[0]
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(row, Book))
        self.assertEqual(row.name, u'Around the World in 80 Days')

        # Parent straight to Book
        query5 = query.find(Book,
                        Eq(Book.id, FavoriteBook.book_id),
                        Eq(FavoriteBook.child_id, Child.id),
                        Eq(Child.parent_id, Parent.id),
                        Eq(Parent.id, parent.id),
        rows = yield q(query5)
        self.assertEqual(len(rows), 1, "Just the one book still")
        row = rows[0]
        self.assertEqual(row.name, u'Around the World in 80 Days')