def Obj(x):
    Obj = 0
    for k in range(len(Stancet[:, 0])):
        L0 = Stancex[k, 0]
        L1 = Stancex[k, -1]
        T = Stancet[k, -1]
        Fit = polynomial_value(L0, L1, T, Stancet[k, :], x)

        Diff_Swingx = Stancex[k, :] - Fit

        Disp_end = (Stancex[k, -1] - Fit[-1])**2
        Velo_start = ((Stancex[k, 1]-Stancex[k, 0])/(Stancet[k, 1]-Stancet[k, 0]) 
                    - (Fit[1]-Fit[0])/(Stancet[k, 1]-Stancet[k, 0]))**2
        Velo_end = ((Stancex[k, -1]-Stancex[k, -2])/(Stancet[k, -1]-Stancet[k, -2]) 
                    - (Fit[-1]-Fit[-2])/(Stancet[k, -1]-Stancet[k, -2]))**2

        Obj = Obj + np.sum(Diff_Swingx**2) + (500*Velo_start + 1000*Disp_end 
                  + 500*Velo_end)
    Obj = Obj/len(Stancet[:, 0])
    return Obj
def get_stancex_polynomial(Lstancex, Rstancex, Lstancet, Rstancet, num_par,
                           repeat, store_path):

    LEd = len(Lstancex[:, 0])
    REd = len(Rstancex[:, 0])
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6, 6))
    for k in range(LEd):
        plt.plot(Lstancet[k, :], Lstancex[k, :], 'r-')
    for j in range(REd):
        plt.plot(Rstancet[j, :], Rstancex[j, :], 'b-')
    fig.savefig(store_path + '/Path_Stancex_plot.png')
    Ed = LEd + REd

    global Stancex
    global Stancet
    Stancex = np.vstack((Lstancex, Rstancex))
    Stancet = np.vstack((Lstancet, Rstancet))

    Result = np.zeros((repeat, num_par))
    for m in range(repeat):
        x0 = 10 - 20*np.random.random(num_par)
        res = minimize(Obj, x0, method='BFGS', options={'disp': True})
        Result[m, :] = res['x']
    Coef = np.average(Result, axis=0)
    Coef_st = np.std(Result, axis=0)

    RMS = np.zeros(Ed)
    for k in range(Ed):
        L0 = Stancex[k, 0]
        L1 = Stancex[k, -1]
        T = Stancet[k, -1]
        Fit = polynomial_value(L0, L1, T, Stancet[k, :], Coef)
        RMS[k] = np.mean(np.square(Stancex[k, :] - Fit))

    with open(store_path + '/RMS_Stancex_normalized'+str(num_par)+'.txt', 'w') as outfile:
        StringP = ""
        for i in range(len(RMS)):
            StringP += str(RMS[i])
            StringP += "\n"
    with open(store_path + '/Coe_Stancex_normalized'+str(num_par)+'.txt', 'w') as outfile:
        StringP = ""
        for i in range(len(Result[:, 0])):
            for j in range(len(Result[0, :])):
                StringP += str(Result[i, j])
                StringP += " "
            StringP += "\n"
    with open(store_path + '/Coe_Stancex_normalized'+str(num_par)+'_std.txt', 'w') as outfile:
        StringP = ""
        for j in range(len(Result[0, :])):
            StringP += str(Coef[j])
            StringP += " "
            StringP += str(Coef_st[j])
            StringP += "\n"

    index_max = RMS.argmax()
    index_min = RMS.argmin()
    index_med = np.argsort(RMS)[len(RMS)//2]
    L0 = Stancex[index_min, 0]
    L1 = Stancex[index_min, -1]
    T = Stancet[index_min, -1]
    L01 = Stancex[index_med, 0]
    L11 = Stancex[index_med, -1]
    T1 = Stancet[index_med, -1]
    L02 = Stancex[index_max, 0]
    L12 = Stancex[index_max, -1]
    T2 = Stancet[index_max, -1]
    Fit = polynomial_value(L0, L1, T, Stancet[index_min, :], Coef)
    Fit1 = polynomial_value(L01, L11, T1, Stancet[index_med, :], Coef)
    Fit2 = polynomial_value(L02, L12, T2, Stancet[index_max, :], Coef)
    fig1 = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8))
    matplotlib.rc('xtick', labelsize=16) 
    matplotlib.rc('ytick', labelsize=16)
    ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(1,3,1)
    plt.xlabel('t (s)', fontsize=16)
    plt.ylabel('Disp (m)', fontsize=16)
    plt.title('Best Fit', fontsize=16)
    ax1.plot(Stancet[index_min, :], Stancex[index_min, :], 'r-')
    ax1.plot(Stancet[index_min, :], Fit, 'g.')
    ax2 = fig1.add_subplot(1,3,2)
    plt.xlabel('t (s)', fontsize=16)
    plt.title('Median Fit', fontsize=16)
    ax2.plot(Stancet[index_med, :], Stancex[index_med, :], 'r-')
    ax2.plot(Stancet[index_med, :], Fit1, 'g.')
    ax3 = fig1.add_subplot(1,3,3)
    plt.xlabel('t (s)', fontsize=16)
    plt.title('Worst Fit', fontsize=16)
    ax3.plot(Stancet[index_max, :], Stancex[index_max, :], 'r-', label = 'experiment data')
    ax3.plot(Stancet[index_max, :], Fit2, 'g.', label = 'polynomial fit')
    fig1.savefig(store_path + '/Fit_Stancex_info.png')