Exemplo n.º 1
    def update_enabled(self, user, enabled):
        Update enabled-ness
        params = {"user": {"id": base.getid(user),
                           "enabled": enabled}}

        self._update("/users/%s/enabled" % base.getid(user), params)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def update_password(self, user, password):
        Update password
        params = {"user": {"id": base.getid(user),
                           "password": password}}

        self._update("/users/%s/password" % base.getid(user), params)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def update_email(self, user, email):
        Update email
        # FIXME(ja): why do we have to send id in params and url?
        params = {"user": {"id": base.getid(user),
                           "email": email}}

        self._update("/users/%s" % base.getid(user), params)
 def create(self, server, ip_association):
     body = {'ip_association': {}}
     # idempotent PUT
     response = self._update(
         '/servers/%s/ip_associations/%s' % (
             base.getid(server), base.getid(ip_association)),
     return response
    def delete(self, capability):
        Delete a specific capability.

        :param capability: The ID of the :class:`HostCapability` to get.
        :param purge: Whether to purge record from the database'
        LOG.debug("delete the host capability using id: %s" % base.getid(capability))
        self._delete("/os-host-capability/%s" % base.getid(capability))
Exemplo n.º 6
    def update_tenant(self, user, tenant):
        Update default tenant.
        params = {"user": {"id": base.getid(user),
                           "tenantId": base.getid(tenant)}}

        # FIXME(ja): seems like a bad url - default tenant is an attribute
        #            not a subresource!???
        self._update("/users/%s/tenant" % base.getid(user), params)
    def live_migration_abort(self, server, migration):
        Cancel an ongoing live migration

        :param server: The :class:`Server` (or its ID)
        :param migration: Migration id that will be cancelled
        :returns: An instance of novaclient.base.TupleWithMeta
        return self._delete(
            '/servers/%s/migrations/%s' % (base.getid(server),
    def get(self, server, migration):
        Get a migration of a specified server

        :param server: The :class:`Server` (or its ID)
        :param migration: Migration id that will be gotten.
        :returns: An instance of
        return self._get('/servers/%s/migrations/%s' %
                         (base.getid(server), base.getid(migration)),
Exemplo n.º 9
 def info(self, id, instance=None):
     if instance != None:
         id = "%s:%s" % (base.getid(id), instance)
         id = base.getid(id)
     url = '/canary/%s/info' % id
     res = self.api.client.get(url)[1]
     return map(lambda (k,v): CanaryMetricInfo(
                 v.get("resolutions")), res.items())
    def live_migrate_force_complete(self, server, migration):
        Force on-going live migration to complete

        :param server: The :class:`Server` (or its ID)
        :param migration: Migration id that will be forced to complete
        :returns: An instance of novaclient.base.TupleWithMeta
        body = {'force_complete': None}
        resp, body = self.api.client.post(
            '/servers/%s/migrations/%s/action' % (base.getid(server),
        return self.convert_into_with_meta(body, resp)
Exemplo n.º 11
    def interface_list(self, server):
        List attached network interfaces

        :param server: The :class:`Server` (or its ID) to query.
        return self._list("/servers/%s/os-interface" % base.getid(server), "interfaceAttachments")
Exemplo n.º 12
    def start_live_image(self, server, target=None, name=None, user_data=None,
               guest_params={}, security_groups=None, availability_zone=None,
               num_instances=1, key_name=None, scheduler_hints={}):
        # NOTE: We no longer support target in the backend, so this
        # parameter is silent dropped. It exists only in the kwargs
        # so as not to break existing client.
        params = {'guest': guest_params,
                  'security_groups': security_groups,
                  'availability_zone': availability_zone,
                  'scheduler_hints': scheduler_hints,
                  'num_instances': num_instances,
                  'key_name': key_name}

        if name != None:
            params['name'] = name

        if user_data:
            if hasattr(user_data, 'read'):
                real_user_data = user_data.read()
            elif isinstance(user_data, unicode):
                real_user_data = user_data.encode('utf-8')
                real_user_data = user_data

            params['user_data'] = base64.b64encode(real_user_data)

        header, info = self._action("gc_launch", base.getid(server), params)
        return [self.get(server['id']) for server in info]
Exemplo n.º 13
    def start_live_image(self, server, target="0", name=None, user_data=None,
               guest_params={}, security_groups=None, availability_zone=None,
               num_instances=1, key_name=None, scheduler_hints={}):
        params = {'target': target,
                  'guest': guest_params,
                  'security_groups': security_groups,
                  'availability_zone': availability_zone,
                  'scheduler_hints': scheduler_hints,
                  'num_instances': num_instances,
                  'key_name': key_name}

        if name != None:
            params['name'] = name

        if user_data:
            if hasattr(user_data, 'read'):
                real_user_data = user_data.read()
            elif isinstance(user_data, unicode):
                real_user_data = user_data.encode('utf-8')
                real_user_data = user_data

            params['user_data'] = base64.b64encode(real_user_data)

        header, info = self._action("gc_launch", base.getid(server), params)
        return [self.get(server['id']) for server in info]
Exemplo n.º 14
    def delete(self, floating_ip):
        """Delete (deallocate) a  floating IP for a tenant

        :param floating_ip: The floating IP address to delete.
        :returns: An instance of novaclient.base.TupleWithMeta
        return self._delete("/os-floating-ips/%s" % base.getid(floating_ip))
Exemplo n.º 15
    def list(self, server, marker=None, limit=None, changes_since=None,
        Get a list of actions performed on a server.

        :param server: The :class:`Server` (or its ID)
        :param marker: Begin returning actions that appear later in the action
                       list than that represented by this action request id
        :param limit: Maximum number of actions to return. (optional).
        :param changes_since: List only instance actions changed later or
                              equal to a certain point of time. The provided
                              time should be an ISO 8061 formatted time.
                              e.g. 2016-03-04T06:27:59Z . (optional).
        :param changes_before: List only instance actions changed earlier or
                               equal to a certain point of time. The provided
                               time should be an ISO 8061 formatted time.
                               e.g. 2016-03-05T06:27:59Z . (optional).
        opts = {}
        if marker:
            opts['marker'] = marker
        if limit:
            opts['limit'] = limit
        if changes_since:
            opts['changes-since'] = changes_since
        if changes_before:
            opts['changes-before'] = changes_before
        return self._list('/servers/%s/os-instance-actions' %
                          base.getid(server), 'instanceActions', filters=opts)
    def delete(self, key):
        Delete a keypair

        :param key: The :class:`Keypair` (or its ID) to delete.
        self._delete('/os-keypairs/%s' % (base.getid(key)))
Exemplo n.º 17
    def share_ip(self, server, ipgroup, address, configure=True):
        Share an IP address from the given IP group onto a server.

        :param server: The :class:`Server` (or its ID) to share onto.
        :param ipgroup: The :class:`IPGroup` that the given address belongs to.
        :param address: The IP address to share.
        :param configure: If ``True``, the server will be automatically
                         configured to use this IP. I don't know why you'd
                         want this to be ``False``.
        server = base.getid(server)
        ipgroup = base.getid(ipgroup)
        body = {'shareIp': {'sharedIpGroupId': ipgroup,
                            'configureServer': configure}}
        self._update("/servers/%s/ips/public/%s" % (server, address), body)
Exemplo n.º 18
    def delete(self, node):
        Delete a baremetal node.

        :param node: The :class:`BareMetalNode` to delete.
        self._delete('/os-baremetal-nodes/%s' % base.getid(node))
Exemplo n.º 19
    def delete(self, flavor):
        Delete a specific flavor.

        :param flavor: The ID of the :class:`Flavor` to get.
        self._delete("/flavors/%s" % base.getid(flavor))
Exemplo n.º 20
 def find(self, **kwargs):
     Find a specific hypervisor.
     hypervisor = kwargs.get("human_id")
     return self._get("/os-hypervisors/%s" % base.getid(hypervisor),
Exemplo n.º 21
 def _console(self, server, info=None, **kwargs):
     Retrieve a console of a particular protocol -- vnc/spice/rdp/serial
     body = {'remote_console': info}
     url = '/servers/%s/remote-consoles' % base.getid(server)
     return self.api.client.post(url, body=body)
Exemplo n.º 22
    def update(self, zone, api_url=None, username=None, password=None, weight_offset=None, weight_scale=None):
        Update the name or the api_url for a zone.

        :param zone: The :class:`Zone` (or its ID) to update.
        :param api_url: Update the API URL.
        :param username: Update the username.
        :param password: Update the password.
        :param weight_offset: Update the child zone's weight offset.
        :param weight_scale: Update the child zone's weight scale.

        body = {"zone": {}}
        if api_url:
            body["zone"]["api_url"] = api_url
        if username:
            body["zone"]["username"] = username
        if password:
            body["zone"]["password"] = password
        if weight_offset:
            body["zone"]["weight_offset"] = weight_offset
        if weight_scale:
            body["zone"]["weight_scale"] = weight_scale
        if not len(body["zone"]):
        self._update("/zones/%s" % base.getid(zone), body)
Exemplo n.º 23
 def backup_schedule_update(self, server, schedule_id, frequency,
     params = { 'schedule_id' : schedule_id,
                'frequency' : frequency, 'retention' : retention }
     header, info = self._action("backup_schedule_update",
                                 base.getid(server), params)
     return info
Exemplo n.º 24
    def delete(self, volume_type):
        Delete a specific volume_type.

        :param volume_type: The ID of the :class:`VolumeType` to get.
        self._delete("/types/%s" % base.getid(volume_type))
    def delete(self, snapshot):
        Delete a snapshot.

        :param snapshot: The :class:`Snapshot` to delete.
        self._delete("/snapshots/%s" % base.getid(snapshot))
    def delete(self, volume):
        Delete a volume.

        :param volume: The :class:`Volume` to delete.
        self._delete("/volumes/%s" % base.getid(volume))
    def delete(self, rule):
        Delete a security group default rule

        :param rule: The security group default rule to delete (ID or Class)
        self._delete('/os-security-group-default-rules/%s' % base.getid(rule))
Exemplo n.º 28
    def delete(self, network):
        Delete a specific network.

        :param network: The ID of the :class:`Network` to delete.
        self._delete("/os-networks/%s" % base.getid(network))
Exemplo n.º 29
    def get(self, fixed_ip):
        """Show information for a Fixed IP.

        :param fixed_ip: Fixed IP address to get info for
        return self._get('/os-fixed-ips/%s' % base.getid(fixed_ip),
Exemplo n.º 30
    def delete(self, group):
        Delete a group.

        :param group: The :class:`IPGroup` (or its ID) to delete.
        self._delete("/shared_ip_groups/%s" % base.getid(group))
Exemplo n.º 31
    def interface_attach(self, server, port_id, net_id, fixed_ip):
        Attach a network_interface to an instance.

        :param server: The :class:`Server` (or its ID) to attach to.
        :param port_id: The port to attach.

        body = {'interfaceAttachment': {}}
        if port_id:
            body['interfaceAttachment']['port_id'] = port_id
        if net_id:
            body['interfaceAttachment']['net_id'] = net_id
        if fixed_ip:
            body['interfaceAttachment']['fixed_ips'] = [
                {'ip_address': fixed_ip}]

        return self._create('/servers/%s/os-interface' % base.getid(server),
                            body, 'interfaceAttachment')
Exemplo n.º 32
    def delete_meta(self, image, keys):
        DEPRECATED: Delete metadata from an image

        :param image: The :class:`Image` to delete metadata
        :param keys: A list of metadata keys to delete from the image
        :returns: An instance of novaclient.base.TupleWithMeta
            'The novaclient.v2.images module is deprecated and will be '
            'removed after Nova 15.0.0 is released. Use python-glanceclient '
            'or python-openstacksdk instead.', DeprecationWarning)
        result = base.TupleWithMeta((), None)
        for k in keys:
            ret = self._delete("/images/%s/metadata/%s" %
                               (base.getid(image), k))

        return result
Exemplo n.º 33
    def resize(self, server, flavor, disk_config=None, **kwargs):
        Resize a server's resources.

        :param server: The :class:`Server` (or its ID) to share onto.
        :param flavor: the :class:`Flavor` (or its ID) to resize to.
        :param disk_config: partitioning mode to use on the rebuilt server.
                            Valid values are 'AUTO' or 'MANUAL'

        Until a resize event is confirmed with :meth:`confirm_resize`, the old
        server will be kept around and you'll be able to roll back to the old
        flavor quickly with :meth:`revert_resize`. All resizes are
        automatically confirmed after 24 hours.
        info = {'flavorRef': base.getid(flavor)}
        if disk_config is not None:
            info['OS-DCF:diskConfig'] = disk_config

        self._action('resize', server, info=info, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 34
    def disassociate(self, network, disassociate_host=True,
        Disassociate a specific network from project and/or host.

        :param network: The ID of the :class:`Network`.
        :param disassociate_host: Whether to disassociate the host
        :param disassociate_project: Whether to disassociate the project
        if disassociate_host and disassociate_project:
            body = {"disassociate": None}
        elif disassociate_project:
            body = {"disassociate_project": None}
        elif disassociate_host:
            body = {"disassociate_host": None}
            raise exceptions.CommandError(
                "Must disassociate either host or project or both")

        self.api.client.post("/os-networks/%s/action" %
                             base.getid(network), body=body)
Exemplo n.º 35
    def start_live_image(self,
        # NOTE: We no longer support target in the backend, so this
        # parameter is silent dropped. It exists only in the kwargs
        # so as not to break existing client.
        params = {
            'guest': guest_params,
            'security_groups': security_groups,
            'availability_zone': availability_zone,
            'scheduler_hints': scheduler_hints,
            'num_instances': num_instances,
            'key_name': key_name

        if name != None:
            params['name'] = name

        if user_data:
            if hasattr(user_data, 'read'):
                real_user_data = user_data.read()
            elif isinstance(user_data, unicode):
                real_user_data = user_data.encode('utf-8')
                real_user_data = user_data

            params['user_data'] = base64.b64encode(real_user_data)

        header, info = self._action("gc_launch", base.getid(server), params)
        return [self.get(server['id']) for server in info]
Exemplo n.º 36
    def create(self, domain, record_name, record_data, record_type,
        Create a new Record on the given domain

        :param domain: The ID of the :class:`Domain` to get.
        :param record: The ID of the :class:`Record` to get.
        :rtype: :class:`Record`
        data = {
            "records": [{
                "type": record_type,
                "name": record_name,
                "data": record_data,
                "ttl": record_ttl
        resp, body = self.api.client.post("/domains/%s/records" % \
                                          base.getid(domain), body=data)
        if resp.status == 202:
            return FutureRecord(self, **body)
        raise RuntimeError("Did not expect response when creating a DNS "
                           "record %s" % str(resp.status))
Exemplo n.º 37
    def get_password(self, server, private_key=None):
        Get password for an instance

        Returns the clear password of an instance if private_key is
        provided, returns the ciphered password otherwise.

        Requires that openssl is installed and in the path

        :param server: The :class:`Server` (or its ID) to add an IP to.
        :param private_key: The private key to decrypt password

        _resp, body = self.api.client.get("/servers/%s/os-server-password" %
        ciphered_pw = body.get('password', '') if body else ''
        if private_key and ciphered_pw:
                return crypto.decrypt_password(private_key, ciphered_pw)
            except Exception as exc:
                return '%sFailed to decrypt:\n%s' % (exc, ciphered_pw)
        return ciphered_pw
Exemplo n.º 38
    def rebuild(self,
        Rebuild -- shut down and then re-image -- a server.

        :param server: The :class:`Server` (or its ID) to share onto.
        :param image: the :class:`Image` (or its ID) to re-image with.
        :param password: string to set as password on the rebuilt server.
        :param disk_config: partitioning mode to use on the rebuilt server.
                            Valid values are 'AUTO' or 'MANUAL'
        body = {'imageRef': base.getid(image)}
        if password is not None:
            body['adminPass'] = password
        if disk_config is not None:
            body['OS-DCF:diskConfig'] = disk_config

        _resp, body = self._action('rebuild', server, body, **kwargs)
        return Server(self, body['server'])
Exemplo n.º 39
    def rebuild(self, server, image, password=None, disk_config=None,
                preserve_ephemeral=False, **kwargs):
        Rebuild -- shut down and then re-image -- a server.

        :param server: The :class:`Server` (or its ID) to share onto.
        :param image: the :class:`Image` (or its ID) to re-image with.
        :param password: string to set as password on the rebuilt server.
        :param disk_config: partitioning mode to use on the rebuilt server.
                            Valid values are 'AUTO' or 'MANUAL'
        :param preserve_ephemeral: If True, request that any ephemeral device
            be preserved when rebuilding the instance. Defaults to False.
        body = {'imageRef': base.getid(image)}
        if password is not None:
            body['adminPass'] = password
        if disk_config is not None:
            body['OS-DCF:diskConfig'] = disk_config
        if preserve_ephemeral is not False:
            body['preserve_ephemeral'] = True

        _resp, body = self._action('rebuild', server, body, **kwargs)
        return Server(self, body['server'])
Exemplo n.º 40
    def list(self, server, marker=None, limit=None, changes_since=None):
        Get a list of actions performed on a server.

        :param server: The :class:`Server` (or its ID)
        :param marker: Begin returning actions that appear later in the action
                       list than that represented by this action request id
        :param limit: Maximum number of actions to return. (optional).
        :param changes_since: List only instance actions changed after a
                              certain point of time. The provided time should
                              be an ISO 8061 formatted time. ex
                              2016-03-04T06:27:59Z . (optional).
        opts = {}
        if marker:
            opts['marker'] = marker
        if limit:
            opts['limit'] = limit
        if changes_since:
            opts['changes-since'] = changes_since
        return self._list('/servers/%s/os-instance-actions' %
                          base.getid(server), 'instanceActions', filters=opts)
Exemplo n.º 41
    def disassociate(self, network, disassociate_host=True,
        DEPRECATED: Disassociate a specific network from project and/or host.

        :param network: The ID of the :class:`Network`.
        :param disassociate_host: Whether to disassociate the host
        :param disassociate_project: Whether to disassociate the project
        :returns: An instance of novaclient.base.TupleWithMeta
        if disassociate_host and disassociate_project:
            body = {"disassociate": None}
        elif disassociate_project:
            body = {"disassociate_project": None}
        elif disassociate_host:
            body = {"disassociate_host": None}
            raise exceptions.CommandError(
                _("Must disassociate either host or project or both"))

        resp, body = self.api.client.post("/os-networks/%s/action" %
                                          base.getid(network), body=body)

        return self.convert_into_with_meta(body, resp)
Exemplo n.º 42
    def create(self,
        Create or update the backup schedule for the given server.

        :arg server: The server (or its ID).
        :arg enabled: boolean; should this schedule be enabled?
        :arg weekly: Run a weekly backup on this day
                     (one of the `BACKUP_WEEKLY_*` constants)
        :arg daily: Run a daily backup at this time
                    (one of the `BACKUP_DAILY_*` constants)
        s = base.getid(server)
        body = {
            'backupSchedule': {
                'enabled': enabled,
                'weekly': weekly,
                'daily': daily
        self.api.client.post('/servers/%s/backup_schedule' % s, body=body)
 def delete(self, network):
     self._delete('/os-tenant-networks/%s' % base.getid(network))
Exemplo n.º 44
    def test_getid(self):
        self.assertEqual(4, base.getid(4))

        class TmpObject(object):
            id = 4
        self.assertEqual(4, base.getid(TmpObject))
Exemplo n.º 45
 def _list_by_flavor(self, flavor):
     return self._list('/flavors/%s/os-flavor-access' % base.getid(flavor),
 def delete(self, snapshot, delete_info):
     self._delete("/os-assisted-volume-snapshots/%s?delete_info=%s" %
                  (base.getid(snapshot), json.dumps(delete_info)))
Exemplo n.º 47
    def _boot(self,
        Create (boot) a new server.

        :param name: Something to name the server.
        :param image: The :class:`Image` to boot with.
        :param flavor: The :class:`Flavor` to boot onto.
        :param meta: A dict of arbitrary key/value metadata to store for this
                     server. A maximum of five entries is allowed, and both
                     keys and values must be 255 characters or less.
        :param files: A dict of files to overwrite on the server upon boot.
                      Keys are file names (i.e. ``/etc/passwd``) and values
                      are the file contents (either as a string or as a
                      file-like object). A maximum of five entries is allowed,
                      and each file must be 10k or less.
        :param reservation_id: a UUID for the set of servers being requested.
        :param return_raw: If True, don't try to coearse the result into
                           a Resource object.
        :param security_groups: list of security group names
        :param key_name: (optional extension) name of keypair to inject into
                         the instance
        :param availability_zone: Name of the availability zone for instance
        :param block_device_mapping: A dict of block device mappings for this
        :param block_device_mapping_v2: A dict of block device mappings V2 for
                                        this server.
        :param nics:  (optional extension) an ordered list of nics to be
                      added to this server, with information about
                      connected networks, fixed ips, etc.
        :param scheduler_hints: (optional extension) arbitrary key-value pairs
                              specified by the client to help boot an instance.
        :param config_drive: (optional extension) If True, enable config drive
                             on the server.
        :param admin_pass: admin password for the server.
        :param disk_config: (optional extension) control how the disk is
                            partitioned when the server is created.
        body = {
            "server": {
                "name": name,
                "imageRef": str(base.getid(image)) if image else '',
                "flavorRef": str(base.getid(flavor)),
        if userdata:
            if hasattr(userdata, 'read'):
                userdata = userdata.read()

            if six.PY3:
                userdata = userdata.encode("utf-8")
                userdata = strutils.safe_encode(userdata)

            userdata_b64 = base64.b64encode(userdata).decode('utf-8')
            body["server"]["user_data"] = userdata_b64
        if meta:
            body["server"]["metadata"] = meta
        if reservation_id:
            body["server"]["reservation_id"] = reservation_id
        if key_name:
            body["server"]["key_name"] = key_name
        if scheduler_hints:
            body['os:scheduler_hints'] = scheduler_hints
        if config_drive:
            body["server"]["config_drive"] = config_drive
        if admin_pass:
            body["server"]["adminPass"] = admin_pass
        if not min_count:
            min_count = 1
        if not max_count:
            max_count = min_count
        body["server"]["min_count"] = min_count
        body["server"]["max_count"] = max_count

        if security_groups:
            body["server"]["security_groups"] =\
             [{'name': sg} for sg in security_groups]

        # Files are a slight bit tricky. They're passed in a "personality"
        # list to the POST. Each item is a dict giving a file name and the
        # base64-encoded contents of the file. We want to allow passing
        # either an open file *or* some contents as files here.
        if files:
            personality = body['server']['personality'] = []
            for filepath, file_or_string in sorted(files.items(),
                                                   key=lambda x: x[0]):
                if hasattr(file_or_string, 'read'):
                    data = file_or_string.read()
                    data = file_or_string

                cont = base64.b64encode(data.encode('utf-8')).decode('utf-8')
                    'path': filepath,
                    'contents': cont,

        if availability_zone:
            body["server"]["availability_zone"] = availability_zone

        # Block device mappings are passed as a list of dictionaries
        if block_device_mapping:
            body['server']['block_device_mapping'] = \
        elif block_device_mapping_v2:
            # Append the image to the list only if we have new style BDMs
            if image:
                bdm_dict = {
                    'uuid': image.id,
                    'source_type': 'image',
                    'destination_type': 'local',
                    'boot_index': 0,
                    'delete_on_termination': True
                block_device_mapping_v2.insert(0, bdm_dict)

            body['server']['block_device_mapping_v2'] = block_device_mapping_v2

        if nics is not None:
            # NOTE(tr3buchet): nics can be an empty list
            all_net_data = []
            for nic_info in nics:
                net_data = {}
                # if value is empty string, do not send value in body
                if nic_info.get('net-id'):
                    net_data['uuid'] = nic_info['net-id']
                if (nic_info.get('v4-fixed-ip')
                        and nic_info.get('v6-fixed-ip')):
                    raise base.exceptions.CommandError(
                        _("Only one of 'v4-fixed-ip' and 'v6-fixed-ip' may be"
                          " provided."))
                elif nic_info.get('v4-fixed-ip'):
                    net_data['fixed_ip'] = nic_info['v4-fixed-ip']
                elif nic_info.get('v6-fixed-ip'):
                    net_data['fixed_ip'] = nic_info['v6-fixed-ip']
                if nic_info.get('port-id'):
                    net_data['port'] = nic_info['port-id']
            body['server']['networks'] = all_net_data

        if disk_config is not None:
            body['server']['OS-DCF:diskConfig'] = disk_config

        return self._create(resource_url,
Exemplo n.º 48
 def uptime(self, hypervisor):
     Get the uptime for a specific hypervisor.
     return self._get("/os-hypervisors/%s/uptime" % base.getid(hypervisor),
Exemplo n.º 49
    def _boot(self,
        Create (boot) a new server.

        :param name: Something to name the server.
        :param image: The :class:`Image` to boot with.
        :param flavor: The :class:`Flavor` to boot onto.
        :param meta: A dict of arbitrary key/value metadata to store for this
                     server. A maximum of five entries is allowed, and both
                     keys and values must be 255 characters or less.
        :param reservation_id: a UUID for the set of servers being requested.
        :param return_raw: If True, don't try to coearse the result into
                           a Resource object.
        :param security_groups: list of security group names
        :param key_name: (optional extension) name of keypair to inject into
                         the instance
        :param availability_zone: Name of the availability zone for instance
        :param block_device_mapping: A dict of block device mappings for this
        :param block_device_mapping_v2: A dict of block device mappings V2 for
                                        this server.
        :param nics:  (optional extension) an ordered list of nics to be
                      added to this server, with information about
                      connected networks, fixed ips, etc.
        :param scheduler_hints: (optional extension) arbitrary key-value pairs
                              specified by the client to help boot an instance.
        :param config_drive: (optional extension) value for config drive
                            either boolean, or volume-id
        :param admin_pass: admin password for the server.
        body = {
            "server": {
                "name": name,
                "image_ref": str(base.getid(image)) if image else '',
                "flavor_ref": str(base.getid(flavor)),
        if userdata:
            if hasattr(userdata, 'read'):
                userdata = userdata.read()

            if six.PY3:
                userdata = userdata.encode("utf-8")
                userdata = strutils.safe_encode(userdata)

            body["server"]["os-user-data:user_data"] = base64.b64encode(
        if meta:
            body["server"]["metadata"] = meta
        if reservation_id:
                "os-multiple-create:reservation_id"] = reservation_id
        if key_name:
            body["server"]["key_name"] = key_name
        if scheduler_hints:
                "os-scheduler-hints:scheduler_hints"] = scheduler_hints
        if config_drive:
            body["server"]["os-config-drive:config_drive"] = config_drive
        if admin_pass:
            body["server"]["admin_password"] = admin_pass
        if not min_count:
            min_count = 1
        if not max_count:
            max_count = min_count
        body["server"]["os-multiple-create:min_count"] = min_count
        body["server"]["os-multiple-create:max_count"] = max_count

        if security_groups:
            body["server"]["os-security-groups:security_groups"] = \
              [{'name': sg} for sg in security_groups]

        if availability_zone:
                "os-availability-zone:availability_zone"] = availability_zone

        # Block device mappings are passed as a list of dictionaries
        if block_device_mapping:
            bdm_param = 'os-block-device-mapping:block_device_mapping'
            body['server'][bdm_param] = \
        elif block_device_mapping_v2:
            # Append the image to the list only if we have new style BDMs
            if image:
                bdm_dict = {
                    'uuid': image.id,
                    'source_type': 'image',
                    'destination_type': 'local',
                    'boot_index': 0,
                    'delete_on_termination': True
                block_device_mapping_v2.insert(0, bdm_dict)

            body['server'][bdm_param] = block_device_mapping_v2

        if nics is not None:
            # NOTE(tr3buchet): nics can be an empty list
            all_net_data = []
            for nic_info in nics:
                net_data = {}
                # if value is empty string, do not send value in body
                if nic_info.get('net-id'):
                    net_data['uuid'] = nic_info['net-id']
                if nic_info.get('v4-fixed-ip'):
                    net_data['fixed_ip'] = nic_info['v4-fixed-ip']
                if nic_info.get('port-id'):
                    net_data['port'] = nic_info['port-id']
            body['server']['networks'] = all_net_data

        return self._create(resource_url,
Exemplo n.º 50
 def delete(self, network):
     self._delete('/os-networksv2/%s' % base.getid(network))
 def get(self, network):
     return self._get('/os-tenant-networks/%s' % base.getid(network),
Exemplo n.º 52
 def get(self, network):
     return self._get('/os-networksv2/%s' % base.getid(network), 'network')
Exemplo n.º 53
    def _boot(self, resource_url, response_key, name, image, flavor,
              meta=None, files=None, zone_blob=None, userdata=None,
              reservation_id=None, return_raw=False, min_count=None,
              max_count=None, security_groups=None, key_name=None,
              availability_zone=None, block_device_mapping=None, nics=None):
        Create (boot) a new server.

        :param name: Something to name the server.
        :param image: The :class:`Image` to boot with.
        :param flavor: The :class:`Flavor` to boot onto.
        :param meta: A dict of arbitrary key/value metadata to store for this
                     server. A maximum of five entries is allowed, and both
                     keys and values must be 255 characters or less.
        :param files: A dict of files to overrwrite on the server upon boot.
                      Keys are file names (i.e. ``/etc/passwd``) and values
                      are the file contents (either as a string or as a
                      file-like object). A maximum of five entries is allowed,
                      and each file must be 10k or less.
        :param zone_blob: a single (encrypted) string which is used internally
                      by Nova for routing between Zones. Users cannot populate
                      this field.
        :param reservation_id: a UUID for the set of servers being requested.
        :param return_raw: If True, don't try to coearse the result into
                           a Resource object.
        :param security_groups: list of security group names
        :param key_name: (optional extension) name of keypair to inject into
                         the instance
        :param availability_zone: The :class:`Zone`.
        :param block_device_mapping: A dict of block device mappings for this
        :param nics:  (optional extension) an ordered list of nics to be
                      added to this server, with information about
                      connected networks, fixed ips, etc.
        body = {"server": {
            "name": name,
            "imageRef": base.getid(image),
            "flavorRef": base.getid(flavor),
        if userdata:
            if hasattr(userdata, 'read'):
                userdata = userdata.read()
            body["server"]["user_data"] = base64.b64encode(userdata)
        if meta:
            body["server"]["metadata"] = meta
        if reservation_id:
            body["server"]["reservation_id"] = reservation_id
        if zone_blob:
            body["server"]["blob"] = zone_blob
        if key_name:
            body["server"]["key_name"] = key_name

        if not min_count:
            min_count = 1
        if not max_count:
            max_count = min_count
        body["server"]["min_count"] = min_count
        body["server"]["max_count"] = max_count

        if security_groups:
            body["server"]["security_groups"] =\
             [{'name': sg} for sg in security_groups]

        # Files are a slight bit tricky. They're passed in a "personality"
        # list to the POST. Each item is a dict giving a file name and the
        # base64-encoded contents of the file. We want to allow passing
        # either an open file *or* some contents as files here.
        if files:
            personality = body['server']['personality'] = []
            for filepath, file_or_string in files.items():
                if hasattr(file_or_string, 'read'):
                    data = file_or_string.read()
                    data = file_or_string
                    'path': filepath,
                    'contents': data.encode('base64'),

        if availability_zone:
            body["server"]["availability_zone"] = availability_zone

        # Block device mappings are passed as a list of dictionaries
        if block_device_mapping:
            bdm = body['server']['block_device_mapping'] = []
            for device_name, mapping in block_device_mapping.items():
                # The mapping is in the format:
                # <id>:[<type>]:[<size(GB)>]:[<delete_on_terminate>]
                bdm_dict = {'device_name': device_name}

                mapping_parts = mapping.split(':')
                id = mapping_parts[0]
                if len(mapping_parts) == 1:
                    bdm_dict['volume_id'] = id
                if len(mapping_parts) > 1:
                    type = mapping_parts[1]
                    if type.startswith('snap'):
                        bdm_dict['snapshot_id'] = id
                        bdm_dict['volume_id'] = id
                if len(mapping_parts) > 2:
                    bdm_dict['volume_size'] = mapping_parts[2]
                if len(mapping_parts) > 3:
                    bdm_dict['delete_on_termination'] = mapping_parts[3]

        if nics:
            all_net_data = []
            for nic_info in nics:
                net_data = {}
                # if value is empty string, do not send value in body
                if nic_info['net-id']:
                    net_data['uuid'] = nic_info['net-id']
                if nic_info['v4-fixed-ip']:
                    net_data['fixed_ip'] = nic_info['v4-fixed-ip']
            body['server']['networks'] = all_net_data

        return self._create(resource_url, body, response_key,
Exemplo n.º 54
    def _boot(self, resource_url, response_key, name, image, flavor,
              meta=None, files=None, userdata=None,
              reservation_id=None, return_raw=False, min_count=None,
              max_count=None, security_groups=None, key_name=None,
              availability_zone=None, block_device_mapping=None,
              block_device_mapping_v2=None, nics=None, scheduler_hints=None,
              config_drive=None, admin_pass=None, disk_config=None, **kwargs):
        Create (boot) a new server.
        body = {"server": {
            "name": name,
            "imageRef": str(base.getid(image)) if image else '',
            "flavorRef": str(base.getid(flavor)),
        if userdata:
            if hasattr(userdata, 'read'):
                userdata = userdata.read()

            # NOTE(melwitt): Text file data is converted to bytes prior to
            # base64 encoding. The utf-8 encoding will fail for binary files.
            if six.PY3:
                    userdata = userdata.encode("utf-8")
                except AttributeError:
                    # In python 3, 'bytes' object has no attribute 'encode'
                    userdata = encodeutils.safe_encode(userdata)
                except UnicodeDecodeError:

            userdata_b64 = base64.b64encode(userdata).decode('utf-8')
            body["server"]["user_data"] = userdata_b64
        if meta:
            body["server"]["metadata"] = meta
        if reservation_id:
            body["server"]["reservation_id"] = reservation_id
        if key_name:
            body["server"]["key_name"] = key_name
        if scheduler_hints:
            body['os:scheduler_hints'] = scheduler_hints
        if config_drive:
            body["server"]["config_drive"] = config_drive
        if admin_pass:
            body["server"]["adminPass"] = admin_pass
        if not min_count:
            min_count = 1
        if not max_count:
            max_count = min_count
        body["server"]["min_count"] = min_count
        body["server"]["max_count"] = max_count

        if security_groups:
            body["server"]["security_groups"] = [{'name': sg}
                                                 for sg in security_groups]

        # Files are a slight bit tricky. They're passed in a "personality"
        # list to the POST. Each item is a dict giving a file name and the
        # base64-encoded contents of the file. We want to allow passing
        # either an open file *or* some contents as files here.
        if files:
            personality = body['server']['personality'] = []
            for filepath, file_or_string in sorted(files.items(),
                                                   key=lambda x: x[0]):
                if hasattr(file_or_string, 'read'):
                    data = file_or_string.read()
                    data = file_or_string

                if six.PY3 and isinstance(data, str):
                    data = data.encode('utf-8')
                cont = base64.b64encode(data).decode('utf-8')
                    'path': filepath,
                    'contents': cont,

        if availability_zone:
            body["server"]["availability_zone"] = availability_zone

        # Block device mappings are passed as a list of dictionaries
        if block_device_mapping:
            body['server']['block_device_mapping'] = \
        elif block_device_mapping_v2:
            # Following logic can't be removed because it will leaves
            # a valid boot with both --image and --block-device
            # failed , see bug 1433609 for more info
            if image:
                bdm_dict = {'uuid': base.getid(image), 'source_type': 'image',
                            'destination_type': 'local', 'boot_index': 0,
                            'delete_on_termination': True}
                block_device_mapping_v2.insert(0, bdm_dict)
            body['server']['block_device_mapping_v2'] = block_device_mapping_v2

        if nics is not None:
            # NOTE(tr3buchet): nics can be an empty list
            all_net_data = []
            for nic_info in nics:
                net_data = {}
                # if value is empty string, do not send value in body
                if nic_info.get('net-id'):
                    net_data['uuid'] = nic_info['net-id']
                if (nic_info.get('v4-fixed-ip') and
                    raise base.exceptions.CommandError(_(
                        "Only one of 'v4-fixed-ip' and 'v6-fixed-ip' may be"
                        " provided."))
                elif nic_info.get('v4-fixed-ip'):
                    net_data['fixed_ip'] = nic_info['v4-fixed-ip']
                elif nic_info.get('v6-fixed-ip'):
                    net_data['fixed_ip'] = nic_info['v6-fixed-ip']
                if nic_info.get('port-id'):
                    net_data['port'] = nic_info['port-id']
            body['server']['networks'] = all_net_data

        if disk_config is not None:
            body['server']['OS-DCF:diskConfig'] = disk_config

        return self._create(resource_url, body, response_key,
                            return_raw=return_raw, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 55
 def diagnostics(self, server):
     """Retrieve server diagnostics."""
     return self.api.client.get("/servers/%s/diagnostics" %
Exemplo n.º 56
 def delete(self, server):
     Delete (i.e. shut down and delete the image) this server.
     self._delete("/servers/%s" % base.getid(server))
Exemplo n.º 57
 def get(self, hypervisor):
     Get a specific hypervisor.
     return self._get("/os-hypervisors/%s" % base.getid(hypervisor),
Exemplo n.º 58
 def actions(self, server):
     """Retrieve server actions."""
     return self._list("/servers/%s/actions" % base.getid(server),
Exemplo n.º 59
    def _boot(self,
        Create (boot) a new server.

        :param name: Something to name the server.
        :param image: The :class:`Image` to boot with.
        :param flavor: The :class:`Flavor` to boot onto.
        :param ipgroup: An initial :class:`IPGroup` for this server.
        :param meta: A dict of arbitrary key/value metadata to store for this
                     server. A maximum of five entries is allowed, and both
                     keys and values must be 255 characters or less.
        :param files: A dict of files to overrwrite on the server upon boot.
                      Keys are file names (i.e. ``/etc/passwd``) and values
                      are the file contents (either as a string or as a
                      file-like object). A maximum of five entries is allowed,
                      and each file must be 10k or less.
        :param zone_blob: a single (encrypted) string which is used internally
                      by Nova for routing between Zones. Users cannot populate
                      this field.
        :param reservation_id: a UUID for the set of servers being requested.
        :param return_raw: If True, don't try to coearse the result into
                           a Resource object.
        body = {
            "server": {
                "name": name,
                "imageId": base.getid(image),
                "flavorId": base.getid(flavor),
        if ipgroup:
            body["server"]["sharedIpGroupId"] = base.getid(ipgroup)
        if meta:
            body["server"]["metadata"] = meta
        if reservation_id:
            body["server"]["reservation_id"] = reservation_id
        if zone_blob:
            body["server"]["blob"] = zone_blob

        if not min_count:
            min_count = 1
        if not max_count:
            max_count = min_count
        body["server"]["min_count"] = min_count
        body["server"]["max_count"] = max_count

        # Files are a slight bit tricky. They're passed in a "personality"
        # list to the POST. Each item is a dict giving a file name and the
        # base64-encoded contents of the file. We want to allow passing
        # either an open file *or* some contents as files here.
        if files:
            personality = body['server']['personality'] = []
            for filepath, file_or_string in files.items():
                if hasattr(file_or_string, 'read'):
                    data = file_or_string.read()
                    data = file_or_string
                    'path': filepath,
                    'contents': data.encode('base64'),

        return self._create(resource_url,
Exemplo n.º 60
    def get(self, fixed_ip):
        """Show information for a Fixed IP.

        :param fixed_ip: Fixed IP address to get info for
        return self._get('/os-fixed-ips/%s' % base.getid(fixed_ip), "fixed_ip")