Exemplo n.º 1
 def update(self):
     "Update processor information"
     # Load
     ip = h.getRemoteIP()
     processor = Session.query(model.Processor).filter(model.Processor.ip == ip).first()
     # If the processor doesn't exist,
     if not processor:
         processor = model.Processor(ip)
     # Update
     processor.when_updated = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
Exemplo n.º 2
 def login_(self):
     "Process login credentials"
     # Check username
     username = str(request.POST.get("username", ""))
     person = Session.query(model.Person).filter_by(username=username).first()
     # If the username does not exist,
     if not person:
         return dict(isOk=0)
     # Check password
     password_hash = model.hashString(str(request.POST.get("password", "")))
     # If the password is incorrect,
     if password_hash != StringIO.StringIO(person.password_hash).read():
         # Increase and return rejection_count without a requery
         rejection_count = person.rejection_count = person.rejection_count + 1
         return dict(isOk=0, rejection_count=rejection_count)
     # If there have been too many rejections,
     if person.rejection_count >= parameter.REJECTION_LIMIT:
         # Expect recaptcha response
         recaptchaChallenge = request.POST.get("recaptcha_challenge_field", "")
         recaptchaResponse = request.POST.get("recaptcha_response_field", "")
         recaptchaKey = config["safe"]["recaptcha"]["private"]
         # Validate
         result = captcha.submit(recaptchaChallenge, recaptchaResponse, recaptchaKey, h.getRemoteIP())
         # If the response is not valid,
         if not result.is_valid:
             return dict(isOk=0, rejection_count=person.rejection_count)
     # Get minutesOffset from UTC
     minutesOffset = h.getMinutesOffset()
     # Save session
     session["minutesOffset"] = minutesOffset
     session["personID"] = person.id
     session["nickname"] = person.nickname
     # Save person
     person.minutes_offset = minutesOffset
     person.rejection_count = 0
     # Return
     return dict(isOk=1)