Exemplo n.º 1
class TestCoreAPIs(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.nse = Nse()

    def test_string_representation(self):
        self.assertEqual(str(self.nse) ,
                         "Driver Class for National Stock Exchange (NSE)")

    def test_instantiate_abs_class(self):
        class Exchange(AbstractBaseExchange): pass
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            exc = Exchange()

    def test_nse_headers(self):
        ret = self.nse.nse_headers()
        self.assertIsInstance(ret, dict)

    def test_nse_opener(self):
        ''' should not raise any exception '''
        opener = self.nse.nse_opener()

    def test_build_url_for_quote(self):
        test_code = 'infy'
        url = self.nse.build_url_for_quote(test_code)
        # 'test_code' should be present in the url
        self.assertIsNotNone(re.search(test_code, url))

    def test_negative_build_url_for_quote(self):
            negative_codes = [1, None]
            with self.assertRaises(Exception):
                for test_code in negative_codes:
                    url = self.nse.build_url_for_quote(test_code)

    def test_response_cleaner(self):
        test_dict = {
            'a': '10',
            'b': '10.0',
            'c': '1,000.10',
            'd': 'vsjha18',
            'e': 10,
            'f': 10.0,
            'g': 1000.10,
            'h': True,
            'i': None,
            'j': u'10',
            'k': u'10.0',
            'l': u'1,000.10'

        expected_dict = {
            'a': 10,
            'b': 10.0,
            'c': 1000.10,
            'd': 'vsjha18',
            'e': 10,
            'f': 10.0,
            'g': 1000.10,
            'h': True,
            'i': None,
            'j': 10,
            'k': 10.0,
            'l': 1000.10
        ret_dict = self.nse.clean_server_response(test_dict)
        self.assertDictEqual(ret_dict, expected_dict)

    def test_get_stock_codes(self):
        sc = self.nse.get_stock_codes()
        self.assertIsInstance(sc, dict)
        # test the json format return
        sc_json = self.nse.get_stock_codes(as_json=True)
        self.assertIsInstance(sc_json, str)
        # reconstruct the dict from json and compare
        six.assertCountEqual(self, sc, json.loads(sc_json))

# TODO: use mock and create one test where response contains a blank line
# TODO: use mock and create one test where response doesnt contain a csv
# TODO: use mock and create one test where return is null
# TODO: test the cache feature

    def test_negative_get_quote(self):
        wrong_code = 'inf'

    def test_get_quote(self):
        code = 'infy'
        resp = self.nse.get_quote(code)
        self.assertIsInstance(resp, dict)
        # test json response
        json_resp = self.nse.get_quote(code, as_json=True)
        self.assertIsInstance(json_resp, str)
        # reconstruct the original dict from json
        # this test may raise false alarms in case the
        # the price changed in that very moment.
        self.assertDictEqual(resp, json.loads(json_resp))

    def test_is_valid_code(self):
        code = 'infy'

    def test_negative_is_valid_code(self):
        wrong_code = 'in'

    def test_get_top_gainers(self):
        res = self.nse.get_top_gainers()
        self.assertIsInstance(res, list)
        # test json response
        res = self.nse.get_top_gainers(as_json=True)
        self.assertIsInstance(res, str)

    def test_get_top_losers(self):
        res = self.nse.get_top_losers()
        self.assertIsInstance(res, list)

    def test_render_response(self):
        d = {'fname':'vivek', 'lname':'jha'}
        resp_dict = self.nse.render_response(d)
        resp_json = self.nse.render_response(d, as_json=True)
        # in case of dict, response should be a python dict
        self.assertIsInstance(resp_dict, dict)
        # in case of json, response should be a json string
        self.assertIsInstance(resp_json, str)
        # and on reconstruction it should become same as original dict
        self.assertDictEqual(d, json.loads(resp_json))

    def test_advances_declines(self):
        resp = self.nse.get_advances_declines()
        # it should be a list of dictionaries
        self.assertIsInstance(resp, list)
        # get the json version
        resp_json = self.nse.get_advances_declines(as_json=True)
        self.assertIsInstance(resp_json, str)
        # load the json response and it should have same number of
        # elements as in case of first response
        self.assertEqual(len(resp), len(json.loads(resp_json)))

    def test_is_valid_index(self):
        code = 'CNX NIFTY'
        # test with invalid string
        code = 'some junk stuff'
        # test with lower case
        code = 'cnx nifty'

    def test_get_index_quote(self):
        code = 'CNX NIFTY'
        self.assertIsInstance(self.nse.get_index_quote(code), dict)
        # with json response
        self.assertIsInstance(self.nse.get_index_quote(code, as_json=True),
        # with wrong code
        code = 'wrong code'

        # with lower case code
        code = 'cnx nifty'
        self.assertIsInstance(self.nse.get_index_quote(code), dict)

    def test_get_index_list(self):
        index_list = self.nse.get_index_list()
        index_list_json = self.nse.get_index_list(as_json=True)
        self.assertIsInstance(index_list, list)
        # test json response type
        self.assertIsInstance(index_list_json, str)
        # reconstruct list from json and match
        self.assertListEqual(index_list, json.loads(index_list_json))

    def test_jsadptor(self):
        buffer = 'abc:true, def:false, ghi:NaN, jkl:none'
        expected_buffer = 'abc:True, def:False, ghi:"NaN", jkl:None'
        ret = js_adaptor(buffer)
        self.assertEqual(ret, expected_buffer)

    def test_byte_adaptor(self):
        if six.PY2:
            from StringIO import StringIO
            buffer = 'nsetools'
            fbuffer = StringIO(buffer)
            from io import BytesIO
            buffer = b'nsetools'
            fbuffer = BytesIO(buffer)
        ret_file_buffer = byte_adaptor(fbuffer)
        self.assertIsInstance(ret_file_buffer, six.StringIO)
Exemplo n.º 2
class TestCoreAPIs(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.nse = Nse()

    def test_string_representation(self):
        self.assertEqual(str(self.nse) ,
                         "Driver Class for National Stock Exchange (NSE)")

    def test_instantiate_abs_class(self):
        class Exchange(AbstractBaseExchange): pass
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            exc = Exchange()

    def test_nse_headers(self):
        ret = self.nse.nse_headers()
        self.assertIsInstance(ret, dict)

    def test_nse_opener(self):
        ''' should not raise any exception '''
        opener = self.nse.nse_opener()

    def test_build_url_for_quote(self):
        test_code = 'infy'
        url = self.nse.build_url_for_quote(test_code)
        # 'test_code' should be present in the url
        self.assertIsNotNone(re.search(test_code, url))

    def test_negative_build_url_for_quote(self):
            negative_codes = [1, None]
            with self.assertRaises(Exception):
                for test_code in negative_codes:
                    url = self.nse.build_url_for_quote(test_code)

    def test_response_cleaner(self):
        test_dict = {
            'a': '10',
            'b': '10.0',
            'c': '1,000.10',
            'd': 'vsjha18',
            'e': 10,
            'f': 10.0,
            'g': 1000.10,
            'h': True,
            'i': None,
            'j': u'10',
            'k': u'10.0',
            'l': u'1,000.10'

        expected_dict = {
            'a': 10,
            'b': 10.0,
            'c': 1000.10,
            'd': 'vsjha18',
            'e': 10,
            'f': 10.0,
            'g': 1000.10,
            'h': True,
            'i': None,
            'j': 10,
            'k': 10.0,
            'l': 1000.10
        ret_dict = self.nse.clean_server_response(test_dict)
        self.assertDictEqual(ret_dict, expected_dict)

    def test_get_stock_codes(self):
        sc = self.nse.get_stock_codes()
        self.assertIsInstance(sc, dict)
        # test the json format return
        sc_json = self.nse.get_stock_codes(as_json=True)
        self.assertIsInstance(sc_json, str)
        # reconstruct the dict from json and compare
        self.assertItemsEqual(sc, json.loads(sc_json))

# TODO: use mock and create one test where response contains a blank line
# TODO: use mock and create one test where response doesnt contain a csv
# TODO: use mock and create one test where return is null
# TODO: test the cache feature

    def test_negative_get_quote(self):
        wrong_code = 'inf'

    def test_get_quote(self):
        code = 'infy'
        resp = self.nse.get_quote(code)
        self.assertIsInstance(resp, dict)
        # test json response
        json_resp = self.nse.get_quote(code, as_json=True)
        self.assertIsInstance(json_resp, str)
        # reconstruct the original dict from json
        # this test may raise false alarms in case the
        # the price changed in that very moment.
        self.assertDictEqual(resp, json.loads(json_resp))

    def test_is_valid_code(self):
        code = 'infy'

    def test_negative_is_valid_code(self):
        wrong_code = 'in'

    def test_get_top_gainers(self):
        res = self.nse.get_top_gainers()
        self.assertIsInstance(res, list)
        # test json response
        res = self.nse.get_top_gainers(as_json=True)
        self.assertIsInstance(res, str)

    def test_get_top_losers(self):
        res = self.nse.get_top_losers()
        self.assertIsInstance(res, list)

    def test_render_response(self):
        d = {'fname':'vivek', 'lname':'jha'}
        resp_dict = self.nse.render_response(d)
        resp_json = self.nse.render_response(d, as_json=True)
        # in case of dict, response should be a python dict
        self.assertIsInstance(resp_dict, dict)
        # in case of json, response should be a json string
        self.assertIsInstance(resp_json, str)
        # and on reconstruction it should become same as original dict
        self.assertDictEqual(d, json.loads(resp_json))

    def test_advances_declines(self):
        resp = self.nse.get_advances_declines()
        # it should be a list of dictionaries
        self.assertIsInstance(resp, list)
        # get the json version
        resp_json = self.nse.get_advances_declines(as_json=True)
        self.assertIsInstance(resp_json, str)
        # load the json response and it should have same number of
        # elements as in case of first response
        self.assertEqual(len(resp), len(json.loads(resp_json)))

    def test_is_valid_index(self):
        code = 'CNX NIFTY'
        # test with invalid string
        code = 'some junk stuff'
        # test with lower case
        code = 'cnx nifty'

    def test_get_index_quote(self):
        code = 'CNX NIFTY'
        self.assertIsInstance(self.nse.get_index_quote(code), dict)
        # with json response
        self.assertIsInstance(self.nse.get_index_quote(code, as_json=True),
        # with wrong code
        code = 'wrong code'

        # with lower case code
        code = 'cnx nifty'
        self.assertIsInstance(self.nse.get_index_quote(code), dict)

    def test_get_index_list(self):
        index_list = self.nse.get_index_list()
        index_list_json = self.nse.get_index_list(as_json=True)
        self.assertIsInstance(index_list, list)
        # test json response type
        self.assertIsInstance(index_list_json, str)
        # reconstruct list from json and match
        self.assertListEqual(index_list, json.loads(index_list_json))
Exemplo n.º 3
class TestCoreAPIs(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.nse = Nse()

    def test_string_representation(self):
                         "Driver Class for National Stock Exchange (NSE)")

    def test_nse_headers(self):
        ret = self.nse.nse_headers()
        self.assertIsInstance(ret, dict)

    def test_build_url_for_quote(self):
        test_code = 'infy'
        url = self.nse.build_url_for_quote(test_code)
        # 'test_code' should be present in the url
        self.assertIsNotNone(re.search(test_code, url))

    def test_negative_build_url_for_quote(self):
        negative_codes = [1, None]
        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
            for test_code in negative_codes:
                url = self.nse.build_url_for_quote(test_code)

    def test_get_peer_companies(self):
        code = 'infy'
        response = self.nse.get_peer_companies(code)
        self.assertIsInstance(response, pd.DataFrame)

        # This one was causing a weird error. as the offset was different
        code = '63moons'
        response = self.nse.get_peer_companies(code)
        self.assertIsInstance(response, pd.DataFrame)

    def test_market_status(self):
        result = market_status()
        self.assertIsInstance(result, bool)

    def test_response_cleaner(self):
        test_dict = {
            'a': '10',
            'b': '10.0',
            'c': '-1,000.10',
            'd': 'vsjha18',
            'e': 10,
            'f': 10.0,
            'g': 1000.10,
            'h': True,
            'i': None,
            'j': u'10',
            'k': u'10.0',
            'l': u'1,000.10'

        expected_dict = {
            'a': 10,
            'b': 10.0,
            'c': -1000.10,
            'd': 'vsjha18',
            'e': 10,
            'f': 10.0,
            'g': 1000.10,
            'h': True,
            'i': None,
            'j': 10,
            'k': 10.0,
            'l': 1000.10
        ret_dict = self.nse.clean_server_response(test_dict)
        self.assertDictEqual(ret_dict, expected_dict)

    def test_get_stock_codes(self):
        sc = self.nse.get_stock_codes()
        self.assertIsInstance(sc, pd.DataFrame)
        if sc.empty:

# TODO: use mock and create one test where response contains a blank line
# TODO: use mock and create one test where response doesnt contain a csv
# TODO: use mock and create one test where return is null
# TODO: test the cache feature

    def test_negative_get_quote(self):
        wrong_code = 'inf'
        self.assertEqual(self.nse.get_quote(wrong_code), None)

    def test_get_quote(self):
        resp = self.nse.get_quote('infy', '20Microns', 'abb')
        self.assertEqual(len(resp), 3)
        self.assertIsInstance(resp, pd.DataFrame)
        # test json response
        json_resp = self.nse.get_quote('infy',
        self.assertEqual(len(json_resp), 3)
        self.assertIsInstance(json_resp[0], str)

    def test_is_valid_code(self):
        code = 'infy'

    def test_negative_is_valid_code(self):
        wrong_code = 'in'

    def test_get_top(self):
        # as_json = False
        # This test will remove the need to test the individual parts
        result = self.nse.get_top('gainers', 'losers', 'volume', 'active',
                                  'advances decline', 'index list', 'JUNK')
        # Gainers/Losers/Volume/Advances Decline is supposed to return a list of dictionaries
        # Index list is supposed to return a list of strings
        # JUNK Should not return anything
        temp = []
        for item in result:

        self.assertEqual(6, len(temp))
        gainer, loser, volume, active, adv_decline, index_list = temp[0], temp[
            1], temp[2], temp[3], temp[4], temp[5]

        # Test these individually
        self.assertIsInstance(gainer, pd.DataFrame)

        self.assertIsInstance(loser, pd.DataFrame)

        self.assertIsInstance(volume, pd.DataFrame)

        self.assertIsInstance(adv_decline, pd.DataFrame)

        self.assertIsInstance(index_list, list)

        # Now as_json = True
        result = self.nse.get_top('gainers',
                                  'advances decline',
                                  'index list',

        temp = []
        for item in result:

        self.assertEqual(6, len(temp))
        gainer, loser, volume, active, adv_decline_json, index_list_json = temp[
            0], temp[1], temp[2], temp[3], temp[4], temp[5]

        self.assertIsInstance(gainer, str)
        self.assertIsInstance(loser, str)
        self.assertIsInstance(volume, str)
        self.assertIsInstance(active, str)

        self.assertIsInstance(adv_decline_json, str)
        self.assertEqual(len(adv_decline), len(json.loads(adv_decline_json)))

        self.assertIsInstance(index_list_json, str)
        self.assertListEqual(index_list, json.loads(index_list_json))

    def test_render_response(self):
        d = {'fname': 'Arkoprabho', 'lname': 'Chakraborti'}
        resp_dict = self.nse.render_response(d)
        resp_json = self.nse.render_response(d, as_json=True)
        # in case of dict, response should be a python dict
        self.assertIsInstance(resp_dict, dict)
        # in case of json, response should be a json string
        self.assertIsInstance(resp_json, str)
        # and on reconstruction it should become same as original dict
        self.assertDictEqual(d, json.loads(resp_json))

    def test_is_valid_index(self):
        code = 'NIFTY BANK'
        # test with invalid string
        code = 'some junk stuff'
        # test with lower case
        code = 'nifty bank'

    def test_get_index_quote(self):
        code = 'NIFTY BANK'
        self.assertIsInstance(self.nse.get_index_quote(code), dict)
        # with json response
        self.assertIsInstance(self.nse.get_index_quote(code, as_json=True),
        # with wrong code
        code = 'wrong code'

        # with lower case code
        code = 'nifty bank'
        self.assertIsInstance(self.nse.get_index_quote(code), dict)

    def test_jsadptor(self):
        buffer = 'abc:true, def:false, ghi:NaN, jkl:none'
        expected_buffer = 'abc:True, def:False, ghi:"NaN", jkl:None'
        ret = js_adaptor(buffer)
        self.assertEqual(ret, expected_buffer)

    def test_byte_adaptor(self):
        from io import BytesIO
        buffer = b'nsetools'
        fbuffer = BytesIO(buffer)
        ret_file_buffer = byte_adaptor(fbuffer)
        self.assertIsInstance(ret_file_buffer, six.StringIO)

    def test_save_file(self):
        # Call the function, check if the file has been saved at the required location
        dataframe = self.nse.get_stock_codes()
        save_file(dataframe, 'csv', path=gettempdir(), name='StockCodes')
        path = os.path.join(gettempdir(), 'StockCodes.csv')
        if not os.path.exists(path):

        save_file(dataframe, 'html', path=gettempdir(), name='StockCodes')
        path = os.path.join(gettempdir(), 'StockCodes.html')
        if not os.path.exists(path):

        save_file(dataframe, 'json', path=gettempdir(), name='StockCodes')
        path = os.path.join(gettempdir(), 'StockCodes.json')
        if not os.path.exists(path):

        save_file(dataframe, 'tex', path=gettempdir(), name='StockCodes')
        path = os.path.join(gettempdir(), 'StockCodes.tex')
        if not os.path.exists(path):
Exemplo n.º 4
class TestCoreAPIs(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.nse = Nse()

    def test_string_representation(self):
        self.assertEqual(str(self.nse), "Driver Class for National Stock Exchange (NSE)")

    def test_instantiate_abs_class(self):
        class Exchange(AbstractBaseExchange):
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            exc = Exchange()

    def test_nse_headers(self):
        ret = self.nse.nse_headers()
        self.assertIsInstance(ret, dict)

    def test_nse_opener(self):
        ''' should not raise any exception '''
        opener = self.nse.nse_opener()

    def test_build_url_for_quote(self):
        test_code = 'infy'
        url = self.nse.build_url_for_quote(test_code)
        # 'test_code' should be present in the url
        self.assertIsNotNone(re.search(test_code, url))

    def test_negative_build_url_for_quote(self):
            negative_codes = [1, None]
            with self.assertRaises(Exception):
                for test_code in negative_codes:
                    url = self.nse.build_url_for_quote(test_code)

    def test_response_cleaner(self):
        test_dict = {
            'a': '10',
            'b': '10.0',
            'c': '1,000.10',
            'd': 'vsjha18',
            'e': 10,
            'f': 10.0,
            'g': 1000.10,
            'h': True,
            'i': None,
            'j': u'10',
            'k': u'10.0',
            'l': u'1,000.10'

        expected_dict = {
            'a': 10,
            'b': 10.0,
            'c': 1000.10,
            'd': 'vsjha18',
            'e': 10,
            'f': 10.0,
            'g': 1000.10,
            'h': True,
            'i': None,
            'j': 10,
            'k': 10.0,
            'l': 1000.10
        ret_dict = self.nse.clean_server_response(test_dict)
        self.assertDictEqual(ret_dict, expected_dict)

    def test_get_stock_codes(self):
        sc = self.nse.get_stock_codes()
        self.assertIsInstance(sc, dict)
        # test the json format return
        sc_json = self.nse.get_stock_codes(as_json=True)
        self.assertIsInstance(sc_json, str)
        # reconstruct the dict from json and compare
        six.assertCountEqual(self, sc, json.loads(sc_json))

# TODO: use mock and create one test where response contains a blank line
# TODO: use mock and create one test where response doesnt contain a csv
# TODO: use mock and create one test where return is null
# TODO: test the cache feature

    def test_negative_get_quote(self):
        wrong_code = 'inf'

    def test_get_quote(self):
        code = 'infy'
        resp = self.nse.get_quote(code)
        self.assertIsInstance(resp, dict)
        # test json response
        json_resp = self.nse.get_quote(code, as_json=True)
        self.assertIsInstance(json_resp, str)
        # reconstruct the original dict from json
        # this test may raise false alarms in case the
        # the price changed in that very moment.
        self.assertDictEqual(resp, json.loads(json_resp))

    def test_is_valid_code(self):
        code = 'infy'

    def test_negative_is_valid_code(self):
        wrong_code = 'in'

    def test_get_top_gainers(self):
        res = self.nse.get_top_gainers()
        self.assertIsInstance(res, list)
        # test json response
        res = self.nse.get_top_gainers(as_json=True)
        self.assertIsInstance(res, str)

    def test_get_top_losers(self):
        res = self.nse.get_top_losers()
        self.assertIsInstance(res, list)

    def test_render_response(self):
        d = {'fname':'vivek', 'lname':'jha'}
        resp_dict = self.nse.render_response(d)
        resp_json = self.nse.render_response(d, as_json=True)
        # in case of dict, response should be a python dict
        self.assertIsInstance(resp_dict, dict)
        # in case of json, response should be a json string
        self.assertIsInstance(resp_json, str)
        # and on reconstruction it should become same as original dict
        self.assertDictEqual(d, json.loads(resp_json))

    def test_advances_declines(self):
        resp = self.nse.get_advances_declines()
        # it should be a list of dictionaries
        self.assertIsInstance(resp, list)
        # get the json version
        resp_json = self.nse.get_advances_declines(as_json=True)
        self.assertIsInstance(resp_json, str)
        # load the json response and it should have same number of
        # elements as in case of first response
        self.assertEqual(len(resp), len(json.loads(resp_json)))

    def test_is_valid_index(self):
        code = 'NIFTY BANK'
        # test with invalid string
        code = 'some junk stuff'
        # test with lower case
        code = 'nifty bank'

    def test_get_index_quote(self):
        code = 'NIFTY BANK'
        self.assertIsInstance(self.nse.get_index_quote(code), dict)
        # with json response
        self.assertIsInstance(self.nse.get_index_quote(code, as_json=True),
        # with wrong code
        code = 'wrong code'

        # with lower case code
        code = 'nifty bank'
        self.assertIsInstance(self.nse.get_index_quote(code), dict)

    def test_get_index_list(self):
        index_list = self.nse.get_index_list()
        index_list_json = self.nse.get_index_list(as_json=True)
        self.assertIsInstance(index_list, list)
        # test json response type
        self.assertIsInstance(index_list_json, str)
        # reconstruct list from json and match
        self.assertListEqual(index_list, json.loads(index_list_json))

    def test_jsadptor(self):
        buffer = 'abc:true, def:false, ghi:NaN, jkl:none'
        expected_buffer = 'abc:True, def:False, ghi:"NaN", jkl:None'
        ret = js_adaptor(buffer)
        self.assertEqual(ret, expected_buffer)

    def test_byte_adaptor(self):
        if six.PY2:
            from StringIO import StringIO
            buffer = 'nsetools'
            fbuffer = StringIO(buffer)
            from io import BytesIO
            buffer = b'nsetools'
            fbuffer = BytesIO(buffer)
        ret_file_buffer = byte_adaptor(fbuffer)
        self.assertIsInstance(ret_file_buffer, six.StringIO)

    def test_nse_lot_sizes(self):
        data = self.nse.get_fno_lot_sizes()
        self.assertIsInstance(data, dict)

    def test_6th_Dec_1994(self):
        data = self.nse.download_bhavcopy('1994-12-06')
        self.assertIsInstance(self, data, bytes)

    def test_top_fno_gainers_losers(self):
        fno_gainer = self.nse.get_top_fno_gainers()
        self.assertIsInstance(fno_gainer, list)
        fno_gainer_json = self.nse.get_top_fno_gainers(as_json=True)
        self.assertIsInstance(fno_gainer_json, str)
        fno_loser = self.nse.get_top_fno_losers()
        self.assertIsInstance(fno_loser, list)
        fno_loser_json = self.nse.get_top_fno_losers(as_json=True)
        self.assertIsInstance(fno_loser_json, str)

    def test_statistics(self):
        active = self.nse.get_active_monthly()
        self.assertIsInstance(active, list)
        active_json = self.nse.get_active_monthly(as_json=True)
        self.assertIsInstance(active_json, str)
        yr_high = self.nse.get_year_high()
        self.assertIsInstance(yr_high, list)
        yr_high_json = self.nse.get_year_high(as_json=True)
        self.assertIsInstance(yr_high_json, str)
        yr_low = self.nse.get_year_low()
        self.assertIsInstance(yr_low, list)
        yr_low_json = self.nse.get_year_low(as_json=True)
        self.assertIsInstance(yr_low_json, str)
        preopen = self.nse.get_preopen_nifty()
        self.assertIsInstance(preopen, list)
        preopen_json = self.nse.get_preopen_nifty(as_json=True)
        self.assertIsInstance(preopen_json, str)
        preopen_nb = self.nse.get_preopen_niftybank()
        self.assertIsInstance(preopen_nb, list)
        preopen_nb_json = self.nse.get_preopen_niftybank(as_json=True)
        self.assertIsInstance(preopen_nb_json, str)
        preopen_fno = self.nse.get_preopen_fno()
        self.assertIsInstance(preopen_fno, list)
        preopen_fno_json = self.nse.get_preopen_fno(as_json=True)
        self.assertIsInstance(preopen_fno_json, str)
Exemplo n.º 5
class TestCoreAPIs(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.nse = Nse()

    def test_string_representation(self):
        self.assertEqual(str(self.nse), "Driver Class for National Stock Exchange (NSE)")

    def test_instantiate_abs_class(self):
        class Exchange(AbstractBaseExchange):

        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            exc = Exchange()

    def test_nse_headers(self):
        ret = self.nse.nse_headers()
        self.assertIsInstance(ret, dict)

    def test_nse_opener(self):
        """ should not raise any exception """
        opener = self.nse.nse_opener()

    def test_build_url_for_quote(self):
        test_code = "infy"
        url = self.nse.build_url_for_quote(test_code)
        # 'test_code' should be present in the url
        self.assertIsNotNone(re.search(test_code, url))

    def test_negative_build_url_for_quote(self):
        negative_codes = [1, None]
        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
            for test_code in negative_codes:
                url = self.nse.build_url_for_quote(test_code)

    def test_response_cleaner(self):
        test_dict = {
            "a": "10",
            "b": "10.0",
            "c": "1,000.10",
            "d": "vsjha18",
            "e": 10,
            "f": 10.0,
            "g": 1000.10,
            "h": True,
            "i": None,
            "j": u"10",
            "k": u"10.0",
            "l": u"1,000.10",

        expected_dict = {
            "a": 10,
            "b": 10.0,
            "c": 1000.10,
            "d": "vsjha18",
            "e": 10,
            "f": 10.0,
            "g": 1000.10,
            "h": True,
            "i": None,
            "j": 10,
            "k": 10.0,
            "l": 1000.10,
        ret_dict = self.nse.clean_server_response(test_dict)
        self.assertDictEqual(ret_dict, expected_dict)

    def test_get_stock_codes(self):
        sc = self.nse.get_stock_codes()
        self.assertIsInstance(sc, dict)
        # test the json format return
        sc_json = self.nse.get_stock_codes(as_json=True)
        self.assertIsInstance(sc_json, str)
        # reconstruct the dict from json and compare
        six.assertCountEqual(self, sc, json.loads(sc_json))

    # TODO: use mock and create one test where response contains a blank line
    # TODO: use mock and create one test where response doesnt contain a csv
    # TODO: use mock and create one test where return is null
    # TODO: test the cache feature

    def test_negative_get_quote(self):
        wrong_code = "inf"

    def test_get_quote(self):
        code = "infy"
        resp = self.nse.get_quote(code)
        self.assertIsInstance(resp, dict)
        # test json response
        json_resp = self.nse.get_quote(code, as_json=True)
        self.assertIsInstance(json_resp, str)
        # reconstruct the original dict from json
        # this test may raise false alarms in case the
        # the price changed in that very moment.
        self.assertDictEqual(resp, json.loads(json_resp))

    def test_is_valid_code(self):
        code = "infy"

    def test_negative_is_valid_code(self):
        wrong_code = "in"

    def test_get_top_gainers(self):
        res = self.nse.get_top_gainers()
        self.assertIsInstance(res, list)
        # test json response
        res = self.nse.get_top_gainers(as_json=True)
        self.assertIsInstance(res, str)

    def test_get_top_losers(self):
        res = self.nse.get_top_losers()
        self.assertIsInstance(res, list)

    def test_render_response(self):
        d = {"fname": "vivek", "lname": "jha"}
        resp_dict = self.nse.render_response(d)
        resp_json = self.nse.render_response(d, as_json=True)
        # in case of dict, response should be a python dict
        self.assertIsInstance(resp_dict, dict)
        # in case of json, response should be a json string
        self.assertIsInstance(resp_json, str)
        # and on reconstruction it should become same as original dict
        self.assertDictEqual(d, json.loads(resp_json))

    def test_advances_declines(self):
        resp = self.nse.get_advances_declines()
        # it should be a list of dictionaries
        self.assertIsInstance(resp, list)
        # get the json version
        resp_json = self.nse.get_advances_declines(as_json=True)
        self.assertIsInstance(resp_json, str)
        # load the json response and it should have same number of
        # elements as in case of first response
        self.assertEqual(len(resp), len(json.loads(resp_json)))

    def test_is_valid_index(self):
        code = "CNX NIFTY"
        # test with invalid string
        code = "some junk stuff"
        # test with lower case
        code = "cnx nifty"

    def test_get_index_quote(self):
        code = "CNX NIFTY"
        self.assertIsInstance(self.nse.get_index_quote(code), dict)
        # with json response
        self.assertIsInstance(self.nse.get_index_quote(code, as_json=True), str)
        # with wrong code
        code = "wrong code"

        # with lower case code
        code = "cnx nifty"
        self.assertIsInstance(self.nse.get_index_quote(code), dict)

    def test_get_index_list(self):
        index_list = self.nse.get_index_list()
        index_list_json = self.nse.get_index_list(as_json=True)
        self.assertIsInstance(index_list, list)
        # test json response type
        self.assertIsInstance(index_list_json, str)
        # reconstruct list from json and match
        self.assertListEqual(index_list, json.loads(index_list_json))

    def test_jsadptor(self):
        buffer = "abc:true, def:false, ghi:NaN, jkl:none"
        expected_buffer = 'abc:True, def:False, ghi:"NaN", jkl:None'
        ret = js_adaptor(buffer)
        self.assertEqual(ret, expected_buffer)

    def test_byte_adaptor(self):
        if six.PY2:
            from StringIO import StringIO

            buffer = "nsetools"
            fbuffer = StringIO(buffer)
            from io import BytesIO

            buffer = b"nsetools"
            fbuffer = BytesIO(buffer)
        ret_file_buffer = byte_adaptor(fbuffer)
        self.assertIsInstance(ret_file_buffer, six.StringIO)