Exemplo n.º 1
H_norms = [0.05, 0.1, [], 1.0, 1.1, [], 2.0, 2.2, [],
           3.8, 3.82, [], 4.2, 4.25, [], 4.5, 4.6, [], 5.0]
# Selected norms for the second part of the simulation
H_norms = [0]
selected_H_norms = [0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0, 3.2, [], 5.0]
selected_H_norms = [0]

H_scale = 1
H_norms = sets.float_set(H_norms, H_scale)
selected_H_norms = sets.float_set(selected_H_norms, H_scale)

H_unit = T/mu0 # The unit for these values is T (Tesla)

# From the norms and the direction (which is constant) we derive
# all the values that the applied field will take during the simulation
Hs = sets.vector_set(direction=H_direction,

# A small deviation to avoid points of unstable equilibrium
H_dev = [0.0001, 0.0001, 0.0001]
new_Hs = []
for H in Hs:
    new_Hs.append([Hi+H_devi for Hi, H_devi in zip(H, H_dev)])
Hs = new_Hs

## Aux. functions

# This function returns a function to set the external field
# We need this because the field acting on iron will be higher
# at borders (non uniform in space).
Exemplo n.º 2
                  3.8, 3.82, [], 4.2, 4.25, [], 4.5, 4.6, [],
                  5.0, 5.5, [], 12.0])
selected_B_norms = \
  sets.float_set([0.0, 0.5, [], 3.5, 3.8, 3.9, 4.0, 4.1, 4.5, 5.0, [], 12.0])

delta_B = [0.002, 0.002, 0.002] # Tilt vector in T

#tilted_B_norms = [B_norm + delta_B for B_norm in B_norms]
#selected_B_norms = [B_norm + delta_B for B_norm in selected_B_norms]

# From the norms and the direction (which is constant) we derive
# all the values that the applied field will take during the simulation
Hs = []
delta_H = [dBi*B_unit/mu0 for dBi in delta_B]
for H in sets.vector_set(direction=B_direction,
                         units=B_unit/mu0): # remember that H = B/mu0

  Hs.append([Hi + dHi for Hi, dHi in zip(H, delta_H)])

## Determine if we should run the pre simulation or the post simulation

# First we determine for what stages we have to compute the dynamics
i = 0
j = 1
selected_stages = []
for B_norm in B_norms:
  selected_B_norm = selected_B_norms[i]
  if abs(B_norm - selected_B_norm) < 1e-5:
Exemplo n.º 3
#The list of values taken by the norm of the applied field
H_norms = [0.05, 0.1, [], 1.0, 1.1, [], 2.0, 2.2, [],
           3.8, 3.82, [], 4.2, 4.25, [], 4.5, 4.6, [],
           5.0, 5.5, [], 8.0]
selected_H_norms = [3.6, 4.0, 4.2]

H_norms = sets.float_set(H_norms, H_scale)
selected_H_norms = sets.float_set(selected_H_norms, H_scale)
#print H_norms[32]

H_unit = T/mu0 # The unit for these values is T (Tesla)

# From the norms and the direction (which is constant) we derive
# all the values that the applied field will take during the simulation
Hs = sets.vector_set(direction=H_direction,

# A small deviation to avoid points of unstable equilibrium
H_dev = [0.0001, 0, 0.0001]
Hs = [[Hi+H_devi for Hi, H_devi in zip(H, H_dev)]
      for H in Hs]

H_pinning_norm = -10.0
H_pinning, = sets.vector_set(direction=H_direction,

## The current density for spin-torque calculations

j = [SI(4e12, "A/m^2"), 0.0, 0.0]
Exemplo n.º 4
exchange_coupling = SI(13.0e-12, "J/m") # Exchange coupling constant
m_sat = SI(0.86e6, "A/m")               # Saturation magnetisation

## The initial configuration and how the applied field should change

m0 = [1, 0, 1] # Initial direction for the magnetisation

H_direction = [1, 1, 1] # The direction of the applied field
#The list of values taken by the norm of the applied field
H_norms = [10.0, 9.5, [], -10.0]
H_unit = SI(1e6, "A/m") # The unit for these values

# From the norms and the direction (which is constant) we derive
# all the values that the applied field will take during the simulation
Hs = sets.vector_set(direction=H_direction, norm_list=H_norms, units=H_unit)

## Here we set up the simulation

# Create the material
mat_Py = nmag.MagMaterial(
                        K1=SI(5e6, "J/m^3")),
           llg_gamma_G=SI(0.2211e6, "m/A s"),
           llg_normalisationfactor=SI(0.001e12, "1/s"))
Exemplo n.º 5

mesh_name = "uniaxial_1d"
mesh_unit = SI(1e-9, "m")
layers = [(-10.0, 10.0)]
discretization = 1.0
new_mesh = True

# --------------------------------------------
## The initial configuration and how the applied field should change

m0 = [1, 0, 1]  # Initial direction for the magnetisation

# From the norms and the direction (which is constant) we derive
# all the values that the applied field will take during the simulation
Hs = sets.vector_set(direction=[1, -2, 3], norm_list=[-3.0, [200], 3.0], units=SI(1e6, "A/m"))

# --------------------------------------------
## Here we set up the simulation

# Create the simulation object
sim = nmag.Simulation("uniaxial_1d", do_demag=False)

# Creates the mesh from the layer structure
mesh_file_name = "%s.nmesh" % mesh_name
if not os.path.exists(mesh_file_name) or new_mesh:
    print "Creating the mesh"
    mesh_lists = unidmesher.mesh_1d(layers, discretization)
    unidmesher.write_mesh(mesh_lists, out=mesh_file_name)

# Load the mesh
Exemplo n.º 6
# The list of values taken by the norm of the applied field
H_norms = [0.6, 0.4,
          0.2, 0.16, "...",
          0, -0.005, "...",
          -0.045, -0.0455, "...", # should contain Hc: we map it better!
          -0.058] #, -0.065, "...", -0.2]

#H_norms = [0.6, 0.594186, "...", -0.2] # For now we stick at what we do with magpar

# The direction of the applied field
H_direction = [1, 1, 1]

# From the norms and the direction (which is constant) we derive
# all the values that the applied field will take during the simulation
# Note we express all in terms of the saturation magnetisation.
Hs = sets.vector_set(direction=H_direction, norm_list=H_norms,

# Initial magnetisation
def m0((x, y, z), mag_type):
    import math
    x = 1.0/math.sqrt(3)
    return [x, x, x]

def out(line, header=False, file="dyn.dat"):
    import os
    if header and os.path.exists(file): return
    f = open(file, "a")

out("# d/l_ex  Hc/Ms  Mr_x/Ms  Mr_y/Ms\n", header=True)
Exemplo n.º 7
B_norms = \
  sets.float_set([0.0, 0.1, [], 2.0, 2.25, [],
                  3.8, 3.82, [], 4.2, 4.25, [], 4.5, 4.6, [],
                  5.0, 5.5, [], 12.0])
selected_B_norms = \
  sets.float_set([0.0, 0.5, [], 3.5, 3.8, 3.9, 4.0, 4.1, 4.5, 5.0, [], 12.0])

delta_B = 0.01 # Tilt amplitude used to induce oscillations

tilted_B_norms = [B_norm + delta_B for B_norm in B_norms]
selected_B_norms = [B_norm + delta_B for B_norm in selected_B_norms]

# From the norms and the direction (which is constant) we derive
# all the values that the applied field will take during the simulation
Hs = sets.vector_set(direction=B_direction,
                     units=B_unit/mu0) # remember that H = B/mu0

Hs_tilted = sets.vector_set(direction=B_direction,

# A small deviation to avoid points of unstable equilibrium
H_dev = [SI(0.005e6, "A/m"), SI(0.005e6, "A/m"), 0]
Hs = [[Hi+H_devi for Hi, H_devi in zip(H, H_dev)]
      for H in Hs]
Hs_tilted = [[Hi+H_devi for Hi, H_devi in zip(H, H_dev)]
             for H in Hs_tilted]

## The current density for spin-torque calculations
Exemplo n.º 8
  return directions['m_Fe3O4']

def m0_CoFe2O4(r):
  return directions['m_CoFe2O4']

# The direction of the applied field
B_direction = [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]

#The list of values taken by the norm of the applied field
B_norms = [-5.0, -4.9, [], 5.0]
B_unit = Tesla # The unit for these values

# From the norms and the direction (which is constant) we derive
# all the values that the applied field will take during the simulation
Hs = sets.vector_set(direction=B_direction,
                     units=B_unit/mu0) # remember that H = B/mu0

# A small deviation to avoid points of unstable equilibrium
H_dev = [SI(0.005e6, "A/m")]*3
Hs = [[Hi+H_devi for Hi, H_devi in zip(H, H_dev)]
      for H in Hs]

## Here we set up the simulation

# Create the simulation object
sim = nmag.Simulation("run", do_demag=False, adjust_tolerances=False)

# Set the coupling between the two magnetisations
Fe3O4_CoFe2O4_lc = Fe3O4_CoFe2O4_sup_lc*mesh_unit*discretization