Exemplo n.º 1
 def get_completions(self) -> Iterable[Completion]:
     Returns a
     logger = logging.getLogger(f"{type(self).__name__}.get_completions")
     remaining = None
         parsed = parser.parse(self.doc.text,
     except parser.CommandParseError as e:
         parsed = e.partial_result
         remaining = e.remaining
     # This is a funky but reliable way to figure that last token we are
     # interested in manually parsing, This will return the last key=value
     # including if the value is a 'value', [list], or {dict} or combination
     # of these. This also matches positional arguments.
     if self.doc.char_before_cursor in " ]}":
         last_token = ""
         last_space = (self.doc.find_backwards(" ", in_current_line=True)
                       or -1)
         last_token = self.doc.text[(last_space + 1):]  # noqa
     # We pick the bigger match here. The reason we want to look into
     # remaining is to capture the state that we are in an open list,
     # dictionary, or any other value that may have spaces in it but fails
     # parsing (yet).
     if remaining and len(remaining) > len(last_token):
         last_token = remaining
         return self._prepare_args_completions(parsed_command=parsed,
     except Exception as e:
         return []
Exemplo n.º 2
    def run_interactive(self, cmd, args, raw):
            args_metadata = self.metadata.arguments
            parsed = parser.parse(args, expect_subcommand=self.super_command)

            # prepare args dict
            parsed_dict = parsed.asDict()
            args_dict = parsed.kv.asDict()
            key_values = parsed.kv.asDict()
            command_name = cmd
            # if this is a super command, we need first to create an instance of
            # the class (fn) and pass the right arguments
            if self.super_command:
                subcommand = parsed_dict.get("__subcommand__")
                if not subcommand:
                        "A sub-command must be supplied, valid values: "
                        "{}".format(", ".join(self._get_subcommands())),
                    return 2
                sub_inspection = self.subcommand_metadata(subcommand)
                if not sub_inspection:
                        "Invalid sub-command '{}', valid values: "
                                    ", ".join(self._get_subcommands())),
                    return 2
                instance, remaining_args = self._create_subcommand_obj(
                assert instance
                args_dict = remaining_args
                key_values = copy.copy(args_dict)
                args_metadata = sub_inspection.arguments
                attrname = self._find_subcommand_attr(subcommand)
                command_name = subcommand
                assert attrname is not None
                fn = getattr(instance, attrname)
                # not a super-command, use use the function instead
                fn = self._fn
            positionals = parsed_dict[
                "positionals"] if parsed.positionals != "" else []
            # We only allow positionals for arguments that have positional=True
            # ِ We filter out the OrderedDict this way to ensure we don't lose the
            # order of the arguments. We also filter out arguments that have
            # been passed by name already. The order of the positional arguments
            # follows the order of the function definition.
            can_be_positional = self._positional_arguments(
                args_metadata, args_dict.keys())

            if len(positionals) > len(can_be_positional):
                if len(can_be_positional) == 0:
                    err = "This command does not support positional arguments"
                    # We have more positionals than we should
                    err = (
                        "This command only supports ({}) positional arguments, "
                        "namely arguments ({}). You have passed {} arguments ({})"
                        " instead!").format(
                            ", ".join(can_be_positional.keys()),
                            ", ".join(str(x) for x in positionals),
                cprint(err, "red")
                return 2
            # constuct key_value dict from positional arguments.
            args_from_positionals = {
                key: value
                for value, key in zip(positionals, can_be_positional)
            # update the total arguments dict with the positionals

            # Run some validations on number of arguments provided

            # do we have keys that are supplied in both positionals and
            # key_value style?
            duplicate_keys = set(args_from_positionals.keys()).intersection(
            if duplicate_keys:
                    "Arguments '{}' have been passed already, cannot have"
                    " duplicate keys".format(list(duplicate_keys)),
                return 2

            # check for verbosity override in kwargs
            ctx = context.get_context()
            old_verbose = ctx.args.verbose
            if "verbose" in args_dict:
                del args_dict["verbose"]
                del key_values["verbose"]

            # do we have keys that we know nothing about?
            extra_keys = set(args_dict.keys()) - set(args_metadata)
            if extra_keys:
                    "Unknown argument(s) {} were"
                    " passed".format(list(extra_keys)),
                return 2

            # is there any required keys that were not resolved from positionals
            # nor key_values?
            missing_keys = set(args_metadata) - set(args_dict.keys())
            if missing_keys:
                required_missing = []
                for key in missing_keys:
                    if not args_metadata[key].default_value_set:
                if required_missing:
                        "Missing required argument(s) {} for command"
                        " {}".format(required_missing, command_name),
                    return 3

            # convert expected types for arguments
            for key, value in args_dict.items():
                target_type = args_metadata[key].type
                if target_type is None:
                    target_type = str
                    new_value = apply_typing(value, target_type)
                except ValueError:
                    fn_name = function_to_str(target_type, False, False)
                        'Cannot convert value "{}" to {} on argument {}'.
                        format(value, fn_name, key),
                    return 4
                    args_dict[key] = new_value

            # Validate that arguments with `choices` are supplied with the
            # acceptable values.
            for arg, value in args_dict.items():
                choices = args_metadata[arg].choices
                if choices:
                    # Validate the choices in the case of values and list of
                    # values.
                    if is_list_type(args_metadata[arg].type):
                        bad_inputs = [v for v in value if v not in choices]
                        if bad_inputs:
                                f"Argument '{arg}' got an unexpected "
                                f"value(s) '{bad_inputs}'. Expected one "
                                f"or more of {choices}.",
                            return 4
                    elif value not in choices:
                            f"Argument '{arg}' got an unexpected value "
                            f"'{value}'. Expected one of "
                        return 4

            # arguments appear to be fine, time to run the function
                # convert argument names back to match the function signature
                args_dict = {
                    args_metadata[k].arg: v
                    for k, v in args_dict.items()
                if inspect.iscoroutinefunction(fn):
                    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
                    ret = loop.run_until_complete(fn(**args_dict))
                    ret = fn(**args_dict)
            except Exception as e:
                cprint("Error running command: {}".format(str(e)), "red")
                cprint("-" * 60, "yellow")
                cprint("-" * 60, "yellow")
                return 1

            return ret

        except CommandParseError as e:
            cprint("Error parsing command", "red")
            cprint(cmd + " " + args, "white", attrs=["bold"])
            cprint((" " * (e.col + len(cmd))) + "^", "white", attrs=["bold"])
            cprint(str(e), "yellow")
            return 1