Exemplo n.º 1
    def computeExpressionRaw(self, constraint_collection):
        # Query the truth value after the expression is evaluated, once it is
        # evaluated in onExpression, it is known.
            expression = self.getCondition()
        condition = self.getCondition()

        # No need to look any further, if the condition raises, the branches do
        # not matter at all.
        if condition.willRaiseException(BaseException):
            return condition, "new_raise", """\
Conditional statements already raises implicitly in condition, removing \

        # If the condition raises, we let that escape instead, and the
        # branches don't matter at all.
        if condition.willRaiseException(BaseException):
            return condition, "new_raise", """\
Conditional expression raises in condition."""

        # Decide this based on truth value of condition.
        truth_value = condition.getTruthValue()

        # TODO: We now know that condition evaluates to true for the yes branch
        # and to not true for no branch, the branch should know that.
        yes_branch = self.getExpressionYes()

        # Continue to execute for yes branch unless we know it's not going to be
        # relevant.
        if truth_value is not False:
            branch_yes_collection = ConstraintCollectionBranch(
                parent = constraint_collection,

                branch = yes_branch

            # May have just gone away, so fetch it again.
            yes_branch = self.getExpressionYes()

            # If it's aborting, it doesn't contribute to merging.
            if yes_branch.willRaiseException(BaseException):
                branch_yes_collection = None
            branch_yes_collection = None

        no_branch = self.getExpressionNo()

        # Continue to execute for yes branch.
        if truth_value is not True:
            branch_no_collection = ConstraintCollectionBranch(
                parent = constraint_collection,

                branch = no_branch

            # May have just gone away, so fetch it again.
            no_branch = self.getExpressionNo()

            # If it's aborting, it doesn't contribute to merging.
            if no_branch.willRaiseException(BaseException):
                branch_no_collection = None
            branch_no_collection = None

        # Merge into parent execution.

        if truth_value is True:
            return (
                    new_node = self.getExpressionYes(),
                    old_node = condition
                "Conditional expression predicted to yes case"
        elif truth_value is False:
            return (
                    new_node = self.getExpressionNo(),
                    old_node = condition
                "Conditional expression predicted to no case"
            return self, None, None
Exemplo n.º 2
    def computeExpressionRaw(self, constraint_collection):
        # Query the truth value after the expression is evaluated, once it is
        # evaluated in onExpression, it is known.
            expression = self.getLeft()
        left = self.getLeft()

        # No need to look any further, if the condition raises, the branches do
        # not matter at all.
        if left.willRaiseException(BaseException):
            return left, "new_raise", """\
Conditional %s statements already raises implicitly in condition, removing \
branches.""" % self.conditional_kind

        # Decide this based on truth value of condition.
        truth_value = left.getTruthValue()

        truth_value_use_left = self.conditional_kind == "or"
        truth_value_use_right = not truth_value_use_left

        right = self.getRight()

        # Continue to execute for yes branch unless we know it's not going to be
        # relevant.
        if truth_value is not truth_value_use_left:
            # TODO: We now know that left evaluates and we should tell the
            # branch that.
            branch_yes_collection = ConstraintCollectionBranch(
                parent = constraint_collection,
                name   = "boolean %s right branch" % self.conditional_kind

                branch = right

            # May have just gone away, so fetch it again.
            right = self.getRight()

            # If it's aborting, it doesn't contribute to merging.
            if right.willRaiseException(BaseException):
                branch_yes_collection = None
            branch_yes_collection = None

        if branch_yes_collection:
            # Merge into parent execution.

        if truth_value is truth_value_use_left:
            return (
                "Conditional '%s' expression predicted to left value." % self.conditional_kind
        elif truth_value is truth_value_use_right:
            return (
                    new_node = right,
                    old_node = left
                "Conditional '%s' expression predicted right value." % self.conditional_kind
            return self, None, None
Exemplo n.º 3
    def computeStatement(self, constraint_collection):
        # This is rather complex stuff, pylint: disable=R0912

        # Query the truth value after the expression is evaluated, once it is
        # evaluated in onExpression, it is known.
            expression = self.getCondition()
        condition = self.getCondition()

        # No need to look any further, if the condition raises, the branches do
        # not matter at all.
        if condition.willRaiseException(BaseException):
            result = makeStatementExpressionOnlyReplacementNode(
                expression = condition,
                node       = self

            return result, "new_raise", """\
Conditional statements already raises implicitly in condition, removing \

        # Consider to not execute branches that we know to be true, but execute
        # the ones that may be true, potentially both.
        truth_value = condition.getTruthValue()

        # TODO: We now know that condition evaluates to true for the yes branch
        # and to not true for no branch, the branch collection should know that.
        yes_branch = self.getBranchYes()

        # Handle branches that became empty behind our back.
        if yes_branch is not None:
            if not yes_branch.getStatements():
                yes_branch = None

        # Continue to execute for yes branch unless we know it's not going to be
        # relevant.
        if yes_branch is not None and truth_value is not False:
            branch_yes_collection = ConstraintCollectionBranch(
                parent = constraint_collection,

                branch = yes_branch

            # May have just gone away, so fetch it again.
            yes_branch = self.getBranchYes()

            # If it's aborting, it doesn't contribute to merging.
            if yes_branch is None or yes_branch.isStatementAborting():
                branch_yes_collection = None
            branch_yes_collection = None

        no_branch = self.getBranchNo()

        # Handle branches that became empty behind our back
        if no_branch is not None:
            if not no_branch.getStatements():
                no_branch = None

        # Continue to execute for yes branch.
        if no_branch is not None and truth_value is not True:
            branch_no_collection = ConstraintCollectionBranch(
                parent = constraint_collection,

                branch = no_branch

            # May have just gone away, so fetch it again.
            no_branch = self.getBranchNo()

            # If it's aborting, it doesn't contribute to merging.
            if no_branch is None or no_branch.isStatementAborting():
                branch_no_collection = None
            branch_no_collection = None

        # Merge into parent execution.

        # Both branches may have become empty.
        if yes_branch is None and no_branch is None:
            if truth_value is None:
                condition = ExpressionBuiltinBool(
                    value      = condition,
                    source_ref = condition.getSourceReference()

            # With both branches eliminated, the condition remains as a side
            # effect.
            result = makeStatementExpressionOnlyReplacementNode(
                expression = condition,
                node       = self

            return result, "new_statements", """\
Both branches have no effect, reduced to evaluate condition."""

        if yes_branch is None:
            # Would be eliminated already, if there wasn't any "no" branch
            # either.
            assert no_branch is not None

            from .OperatorNodes import ExpressionOperationNOT

            new_statement = StatementConditional(
                condition  = ExpressionOperationNOT(
                    operand    = condition,
                    source_ref = condition.getSourceReference()
                yes_branch = no_branch,
                no_branch  = None,
                source_ref = self.getSourceReference()

            return new_statement, "new_statements", """\
Empty 'yes' branch for condition was replaced with inverted condition check."""

        # Note: Checking the condition late, so that the surviving branch got
        # processed already. Returning without doing that, will corrupt the SSA
        # results. TODO: Could pretend the other branch didn't exist to save
        # complexity the merging of processing.
        if truth_value is not None:
            if truth_value is True:
                choice = "true"

                new_statement = self.getBranchYes()
                choice = "false"

                new_statement = self.getBranchNo()

            new_statement = wrapStatementWithSideEffects(
                new_node   = new_statement,
                old_node   = condition,
                allow_none = True # surviving branch may empty

            return new_statement, "new_statements", """\
Condition for branch was predicted to be always %s.""" % choice

        return self, None, None
Exemplo n.º 4
    def computeExpressionRaw(self, constraint_collection):
        # Query the truth value after the expression is evaluated, once it is
        # evaluated in onExpression, it is known.
            expression = self.getCondition()
        condition = self.getCondition()

        condition_may_raise = condition.mayRaiseException(BaseException)

        if condition_may_raise:

        # No need to look any further, if the condition raises, the branches do
        # not matter at all.
        if condition.willRaiseException(BaseException):
            return condition, "new_raise", """\
Conditional expression already raises implicitly in condition, removing \

        if not condition_may_raise and condition.mayRaiseExceptionBool(BaseException):

        # Decide this based on truth value of condition.
        truth_value = condition.getTruthValue()

        # TODO: We now know that condition evaluates to true for the yes branch
        # and to not true for no branch, the branch should know that.
        yes_branch = self.getExpressionYes()

        # Continue to execute for yes branch unless we know it's not going to be
        # relevant.
        if truth_value is not False:
            branch_yes_collection = ConstraintCollectionBranch(
                parent = constraint_collection,
                name   = "conditional expression yes branch"

                branch = yes_branch

            # May have just gone away, so fetch it again.
            yes_branch = self.getExpressionYes()

            # If it's aborting, it doesn't contribute to merging.
            if yes_branch.willRaiseException(BaseException):
                branch_yes_collection = None
            branch_yes_collection = None

        no_branch = self.getExpressionNo()

        # Continue to execute for yes branch.
        if truth_value is not True:
            branch_no_collection = ConstraintCollectionBranch(
                parent = constraint_collection,
                name   = "conditional expression no branch"

                branch = no_branch

            # May have just gone away, so fetch it again.
            no_branch = self.getExpressionNo()

            # If it's aborting, it doesn't contribute to merging.
            if no_branch.willRaiseException(BaseException):
                branch_no_collection = None
            branch_no_collection = None

        # Merge into parent execution.

        if truth_value is True:
            return (
                    new_node = self.getExpressionYes(),
                    old_node = condition
                "Conditional expression predicted to yes case"
        elif truth_value is False:
            return (
                    new_node = self.getExpressionNo(),
                    old_node = condition
                "Conditional expression predicted to no case"
            return self, None, None
Exemplo n.º 5
    def computeStatement(self, constraint_collection):
        # This is rather complex stuff, pylint: disable=R0912,R0915

            expression = self.getCondition()
        condition = self.getCondition()

        condition_may_raise = condition.mayRaiseException(BaseException)

        if condition_may_raise:

        # No need to look any further, if the condition raises, the branches do
        # not matter at all.
        if condition.willRaiseException(BaseException):
            result = makeStatementExpressionOnlyReplacementNode(
                expression = condition,
                node       = self

            return result, "new_raise", """\
Conditional statements already raises implicitly in condition, removing \

        if not condition_may_raise and condition.mayRaiseExceptionBool(BaseException):

        # Query the truth value after the expression is evaluated, once it is
        # evaluated in onExpression, it is known.
        truth_value = condition.getTruthValue()

        # TODO: We now know that condition evaluates to true for the yes branch
        # and to not true for no branch, the branch collection should know that.
        yes_branch = self.getBranchYes()
        no_branch = self.getBranchNo()

        # Handle branches that became empty behind our back.
        if yes_branch is not None:
            if not yes_branch.getStatements():
                yes_branch = None
        if no_branch is not None:
            if not no_branch.getStatements():
                no_branch = None

        # Consider to not remove branches that we know won't be taken.
        if yes_branch is not None and truth_value is False:
                tags       = "new_statements",
                source_ref = yes_branch.source_ref,
                message    = "Removed conditional branch not taken due to false condition value."

            yes_branch = None

        if no_branch is not None and truth_value is True:
                tags       = "new_statements",
                source_ref = no_branch.source_ref,
                message    = "Removed 'else' branch not taken due to true condition value."

            no_branch = None

        # Continue to execute for yes branch unless we know it's not going to be
        # relevant.
        if yes_branch is not None:
            branch_yes_collection = ConstraintCollectionBranch(
                parent = constraint_collection,
                name   = "conditional yes branch",

                branch = yes_branch

            # May have just gone away, so fetch it again.
            yes_branch = self.getBranchYes()

            # If it's aborting, it doesn't contribute to merging.
            if yes_branch is None or yes_branch.isStatementAborting():
                branch_yes_collection = None
            branch_yes_collection = None

        # Continue to execute for yes branch.
        if no_branch is not None:
            branch_no_collection = ConstraintCollectionBranch(
                parent = constraint_collection,
                name   = "conditional no branch"

                branch = no_branch

            # May have just gone away, so fetch it again.
            no_branch = self.getBranchNo()

            # If it's aborting, it doesn't contribute to merging.
            if no_branch is None or no_branch.isStatementAborting():
                branch_no_collection = None
            branch_no_collection = None

        # Merge into parent execution.

        # Both branches may have become empty, which case, the statement needs
        # not remain.
        if yes_branch is None and no_branch is None:
            # Need to keep the boolean check.
            if truth_value is None:
                condition = ExpressionBuiltinBool(
                    value      = condition,
                    source_ref = condition.getSourceReference()

            if condition.mayHaveSideEffects():
                # With both branches eliminated, the condition remains as a side
                # effect.
                result = makeStatementExpressionOnlyReplacementNode(
                    expression = condition,
                    node       = self

                return result, "new_statements", """\
Both branches have no effect, reduced to evaluate condition."""
                return None, "new_statements", """\
Removed conditional statement without effect."""

        # Note: Checking the condition late, so that the surviving branch got
        # processed already. Returning without doing that, will corrupt the SSA
        # results. TODO: Could pretend the other branch didn't exist to save
        # complexity the merging of processing.
        if truth_value is not None:
            if truth_value is True:
                choice = "true"

                new_statement = self.getBranchYes()
                choice = "false"

                new_statement = self.getBranchNo()

            new_statement = wrapStatementWithSideEffects(
                new_node   = new_statement,
                old_node   = condition,
                allow_none = True # surviving branch may empty

            return new_statement, "new_statements", """\
Condition for branch was predicted to be always %s.""" % choice

        # If there is no "yes" branch, remove that. Maybe a bad idea though.
        if yes_branch is None:
            # Would be eliminated already, if there wasn't any "no" branch
            # either.
            assert no_branch is not None

            from .OperatorNodes import ExpressionOperationNOT

            new_statement = StatementConditional(
                condition  = ExpressionOperationNOT(
                    operand    = condition,
                    source_ref = condition.getSourceReference()
                yes_branch = no_branch,
                no_branch  = None,
                source_ref = self.getSourceReference()

            return new_statement, "new_statements", """\
Empty 'yes' branch for conditional statement treated with inverted condition check."""

        return self, None, None
Exemplo n.º 6
    def computeExpressionRaw(self, constraint_collection):
        # Query the truth value after the expression is evaluated, once it is
        # evaluated in onExpression, it is known.
            expression = self.getLeft()
        left = self.getLeft()

        left_may_raise = left.mayRaiseException(BaseException)

        if left_may_raise:
        # No need to look any further, if the condition raises, the branches do
        # not matter at all.
        if left.willRaiseException(BaseException):
            return left, "new_raise", """\
Conditional %s statements already raises implicitly in condition, removing \
branches.""" % self.conditional_kind

        if not left_may_raise and left.mayRaiseExceptionBool(BaseException):

        # Decide this based on truth value of condition.
        truth_value = left.getTruthValue()

        truth_value_use_left = self.conditional_kind == "or"
        truth_value_use_right = not truth_value_use_left

        right = self.getRight()

        # Continue to execute for yes branch unless we know it's not going to be
        # relevant.
        if truth_value is not truth_value_use_left:
            # TODO: We now know that left evaluates and we should tell the
            # branch that.
            branch_yes_collection = ConstraintCollectionBranch(
                parent = constraint_collection,
                name   = "boolean %s right branch" % self.conditional_kind

                branch = right

            # May have just gone away, so fetch it again.
            right = self.getRight()

            # If it's aborting, it doesn't contribute to merging.
            if right.willRaiseException(BaseException):
                branch_yes_collection = None
            branch_yes_collection = None

        if branch_yes_collection:
            # Merge into parent execution.

        if truth_value is truth_value_use_left:
            return (
                "Conditional '%s' expression predicted to left value." % self.conditional_kind
        elif truth_value is truth_value_use_right:
            return (
                    new_node = right,
                    old_node = left
                "Conditional '%s' expression predicted right value." % self.conditional_kind
            return self, None, None
Exemplo n.º 7
    def computeStatement(self, constraint_collection):
        # The tried block can be processed normally.
        tried_statement_sequence = self.getBlockTry()

        # May be "None" from the outset, so guard against that, later we are
        # going to remove it.
        if tried_statement_sequence is not None:
            result = tried_statement_sequence.computeStatementsSequence(
                constraint_collection = constraint_collection

            if result is not tried_statement_sequence:

                tried_statement_sequence = result

        if tried_statement_sequence is None:
            return None, "new_statements", """\
Removed try/except with empty tried block."""

        collection_exception_handling = ConstraintCollectionBranch(
            parent = constraint_collection,


        if self.getExceptionHandling() is not None:
                branch = self.getExceptionHandling()

        # Merge only, if the exception handling itself does exit.
        if self.getExceptionHandling() is None or \
           not self.getExceptionHandling().isStatementAborting():

                collection_yes = collection_exception_handling,
                collection_no  = None

        # Without exception handlers remaining, nothing else to do. They may
        # e.g. be removed as only re-raising.
        if self.getExceptionHandling() and \
            return tried_statement_sequence, "new_statements", """\
Removed try/except without any remaining handlers."""

        # Remove exception handling, if it cannot happen.
        if not tried_statement_sequence.mayRaiseException(BaseException):
            return tried_statement_sequence, "new_statements", """\
Removed try/except with tried block that cannot raise."""

        new_statements = tried_statement_sequence.getStatements()
        # Determine statements inside the exception guard, that need not be in
        # a handler, because they wouldn't raise an exception. TODO: This
        # actual exception being watched for should be considered, by look
        # for any now.
        outside_pre = []
        while new_statements and \
              not new_statements[0].mayRaiseException(BaseException):
            new_statements = list(new_statements)[1:]

        outside_post = []
        if self.getExceptionHandling() is not None and \
            while new_statements and \
                  not new_statements[-1].mayRaiseException(BaseException):
                outside_post.insert(0, new_statements[-1])
                new_statements = list(new_statements)[:-1]

        if outside_pre or outside_post:

            from .NodeMakingHelpers import makeStatementsSequenceReplacementNode

            result = makeStatementsSequenceReplacementNode(
                statements = outside_pre + [self] + outside_post,
                node       = self

            return result, "new_statements", """\
Moved statements of tried block that cannot raise."""

        return self, None, None
Exemplo n.º 8
    def computeStatement(self, constraint_collection):
        # The tried block can be processed normally.
        tried_statement_sequence = self.getBlockTry()

        # May be "None" from the outset, so guard against that, later we are
        # going to remove it.
        if tried_statement_sequence is not None:
            result = tried_statement_sequence.computeStatementsSequence(constraint_collection=constraint_collection)

            if result is not tried_statement_sequence:

                tried_statement_sequence = result

        if tried_statement_sequence is None:
            return (
Removed try/except with empty tried block.""",

        collection_exception_handling = ConstraintCollectionBranch(parent=constraint_collection)


        if self.getExceptionHandling() is not None:

        # Merge only, if the exception handling itself does exit.
        if self.getExceptionHandling() is None or not self.getExceptionHandling().isStatementAborting():

            constraint_collection.mergeBranches(collection_yes=collection_exception_handling, collection_no=None)

        # Without exception handlers remaining, nothing else to do. They may
        # e.g. be removed as only re-raising.
        if self.getExceptionHandling() and self.getExceptionHandling().getStatements()[0].isStatementReraiseException():
            return (
Removed try/except without any remaining handlers.""",

        # Remove exception handling, if it cannot happen.
        if not tried_statement_sequence.mayRaiseException(BaseException):
            return (
Removed try/except with tried block that cannot raise.""",

        new_statements = tried_statement_sequence.getStatements()
        # Determine statements inside the exception guard, that need not be in
        # a handler, because they wouldn't raise an exception. TODO: This
        # actual exception being watched for should be considered, by look
        # for any now.
        outside_pre = []
        while new_statements and not new_statements[0].mayRaiseException(BaseException):
            new_statements = list(new_statements)[1:]

        outside_post = []
        if self.getExceptionHandling() is not None and self.getExceptionHandling().isStatementAborting():
            while new_statements and not new_statements[-1].mayRaiseException(BaseException):
                outside_post.insert(0, new_statements[-1])
                new_statements = list(new_statements)[:-1]

        if outside_pre or outside_post:

            from .NodeMakingHelpers import makeStatementsSequenceReplacementNode

            result = makeStatementsSequenceReplacementNode(statements=outside_pre + [self] + outside_post, node=self)

            return (
Moved statements of tried block that cannot raise.""",

        return self, None, None