Exemplo n.º 1
def delitem_list(context, builder, sig, args):
    inst = ListInstance(context, builder, sig.args[0], args[0])
    slice = context.make_helper(builder, sig.args[1], args[1])

    slicing.guard_invalid_slice(context, builder, sig.args[1], slice)

    slice_len = slicing.get_slice_length(builder, slice)

    one = ir.Constant(slice_len.type, 1)

    with builder.if_then(builder.icmp_signed('!=', slice.step, one), likely=False):
        msg = "unsupported del list[start:stop:step] with step != 1"
        context.call_conv.return_user_exc(builder, NotImplementedError, (msg,))

    # Compute the real stop, e.g. for dest[2:0]
    start = slice.start
    real_stop = builder.add(start, slice_len)
    # Decref the removed range
    with cgutils.for_range_slice(
            builder, start, real_stop, start.type(1)
            ) as (idx, _):

    # Size of the list tail, after the end of slice
    tail_size = builder.sub(inst.size, real_stop)
    inst.move(start, real_stop, tail_size)
    inst.resize(builder.sub(inst.size, slice_len))

    return context.get_dummy_value()
Exemplo n.º 2
    def define_dtor(self):
        "Define the destructor if not already defined"
        context = self._context
        builder = self._builder
        mod = builder.module
        # Declare dtor
        fnty = ir.FunctionType(ir.VoidType(), [cgutils.voidptr_t])
        fn = mod.get_or_insert_function(fnty, name='.dtor.list.{}'.format(self.dtype))
        if not fn.is_declaration:
            # End early if the dtor is already defined
            return fn
        fn.linkage = 'internal'
        # Populate the dtor
        builder = ir.IRBuilder(fn.append_basic_block())
        base_ptr = fn.args[0]  # void*

        # get payload
        payload = ListPayloadAccessor(context, builder, self._ty, base_ptr)

        # Loop over all data to decref
        intp = payload.size.type
        with cgutils.for_range_slice(
                builder, start=intp(0), stop=payload.size, step=intp(1),
                intp=intp) as (idx, _):
            val = payload.getitem(idx)
            context.nrt.decref(builder, self.dtype, val)
        return fn
Exemplo n.º 3
def delitem_list(context, builder, sig, args):
    inst = ListInstance(context, builder, sig.args[0], args[0])
    slice = context.make_helper(builder, sig.args[1], args[1])

    slicing.guard_invalid_slice(context, builder, sig.args[1], slice)

    slice_len = slicing.get_slice_length(builder, slice)

    one = ir.Constant(slice_len.type, 1)

    with builder.if_then(builder.icmp_signed('!=', slice.step, one), likely=False):
        msg = "unsupported del list[start:stop:step] with step != 1"
        context.call_conv.return_user_exc(builder, NotImplementedError, (msg,))

    # Compute the real stop, e.g. for dest[2:0]
    start = slice.start
    real_stop = builder.add(start, slice_len)
    # Decref the removed range
    with cgutils.for_range_slice(
            builder, start, real_stop, start.type(1)
            ) as (idx, _):

    # Size of the list tail, after the end of slice
    tail_size = builder.sub(inst.size, real_stop)
    inst.move(start, real_stop, tail_size)
    inst.resize(builder.sub(inst.size, slice_len))

    return context.get_dummy_value()
Exemplo n.º 4
    def define_dtor(self):
        "Define the destructor if not already defined"
        context = self._context
        builder = self._builder
        mod = builder.module
        # Declare dtor
        fnty = ir.FunctionType(ir.VoidType(), [cgutils.voidptr_t])
        fn = mod.get_or_insert_function(fnty, name='.dtor.list.{}'.format(self.dtype))
        if not fn.is_declaration:
            # End early if the dtor is already defined
            return fn
        fn.linkage = 'internal'
        # Populate the dtor
        builder = ir.IRBuilder(fn.append_basic_block())
        base_ptr = fn.args[0]  # void*

        # get payload
        payload = ListPayloadAccessor(context, builder, self._ty, base_ptr)

        # Loop over all data to decref
        intp = payload.size.type
        with cgutils.for_range_slice(
                builder, start=intp(0), stop=payload.size, step=intp(1),
                intp=intp) as (idx, _):
            val = payload.getitem(idx)
            context.nrt.decref(builder, self.dtype, val)
        return fn
Exemplo n.º 5
def list_mul_inplace(context, builder, sig, args):
    inst = ListInstance(context, builder, sig.args[0], args[0])
    src_size = inst.size

    mult = args[1]
    zero = ir.Constant(mult.type, 0)
    mult = builder.select(cgutils.is_neg_int(builder, mult), zero, mult)
    nitems = builder.mul(mult, src_size)


    with cgutils.for_range_slice(builder, src_size, nitems, src_size, inc=True) as (dest_offset, _):
        with cgutils.for_range(builder, src_size) as loop:
            value = inst.getitem(loop.index)
            inst.setitem(builder.add(loop.index, dest_offset), value)

    return impl_ret_borrowed(context, builder, sig.return_type, inst.value)
Exemplo n.º 6
def list_mul_inplace(context, builder, sig, args):
    inst = ListInstance(context, builder, sig.args[0], args[0])
    src_size = inst.size

    mult = args[1]
    zero = ir.Constant(mult.type, 0)
    mult = builder.select(cgutils.is_neg_int(builder, mult), zero, mult)
    nitems = builder.mul(mult, src_size)


    with cgutils.for_range_slice(builder, src_size, nitems, src_size, inc=True) as (dest_offset, _):
        with cgutils.for_range(builder, src_size) as loop:
            value = inst.getitem(loop.index)
            inst.setitem(builder.add(loop.index, dest_offset), value)

    return impl_ret_borrowed(context, builder, sig.return_type, inst.value)
Exemplo n.º 7
def list_mul(context, builder, sig, args):
    src = ListInstance(context, builder, sig.args[0], args[0])
    src_size = src.size

    mult = args[1]
    zero = ir.Constant(mult.type, 0)
    mult = builder.select(cgutils.is_neg_int(builder, mult), zero, mult)
    nitems = builder.mul(mult, src_size)

    dest = ListInstance.allocate(context, builder, sig.return_type, nitems)
    dest.size = nitems

    with cgutils.for_range_slice(builder, zero, nitems, src_size, inc=True) as (dest_offset, _):
        with cgutils.for_range(builder, src_size) as loop:
            value = src.getitem(loop.index)
            dest.setitem(builder.add(loop.index, dest_offset), value)

    return impl_ret_new_ref(context, builder, sig.return_type, dest.value)
Exemplo n.º 8
def list_mul(context, builder, sig, args):
    src = ListInstance(context, builder, sig.args[0], args[0])
    src_size = src.size

    mult = args[1]
    zero = ir.Constant(mult.type, 0)
    mult = builder.select(cgutils.is_neg_int(builder, mult), zero, mult)
    nitems = builder.mul(mult, src_size)

    dest = ListInstance.allocate(context, builder, sig.return_type, nitems)
    dest.size = nitems

    with cgutils.for_range_slice(builder, zero, nitems, src_size, inc=True) as (dest_offset, _):
        with cgutils.for_range(builder, src_size) as loop:
            value = src.getitem(loop.index)
            dest.setitem(builder.add(loop.index, dest_offset), value)

    return impl_ret_new_ref(context, builder, sig.return_type, dest.value)
Exemplo n.º 9
def setitem_array1d_slice(context, builder, sig, args):
    aryty, idxty, valty = sig.args
    ary, idx, val = args
    arystty = make_array(aryty)
    ary = arystty(context, builder, ary)
    shapes = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, ary.shape, aryty.ndim)
    slicestruct = Slice(context, builder, value=idx)

    # the logic here follows that of Python's Objects/sliceobject.c
    # in particular PySlice_GetIndicesEx function
    ZERO = Constant.int(slicestruct.step.type, 0)
    NEG_ONE = Constant.int(slicestruct.start.type, -1)

    b_step_eq_zero = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_EQ, slicestruct.step, ZERO)
    # bail if step is 0
    with cgutils.ifthen(builder, b_step_eq_zero):
        context.return_errcode(builder, errcode.ASSERTION_ERROR)

    # adjust for negative indices for start
    start = cgutils.alloca_once_value(builder, slicestruct.start)
    b_start_lt_zero = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_SLT, builder.load(start), ZERO)
    with cgutils.ifthen(builder, b_start_lt_zero):
        add = builder.add(builder.load(start), shapes[0])
        builder.store(add, start)

    b_start_lt_zero = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_SLT, builder.load(start), ZERO)
    with cgutils.ifthen(builder, b_start_lt_zero):
        b_step_lt_zero = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_SLT, slicestruct.step, ZERO)
        cond = builder.select(b_step_lt_zero, NEG_ONE, ZERO)
        builder.store(cond, start)

    b_start_geq_len = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_SGE, builder.load(start), shapes[0])
    ONE = Constant.int(shapes[0].type, 1)
    with cgutils.ifthen(builder, b_start_geq_len):
        b_step_lt_zero = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_SLT, slicestruct.step, ZERO)
        cond = builder.select(b_step_lt_zero, builder.sub(shapes[0], ONE), shapes[0])
        builder.store(cond, start)

    # adjust stop for negative value
    stop = cgutils.alloca_once_value(builder, slicestruct.stop)
    b_stop_lt_zero = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_SLT, builder.load(stop), ZERO)
    with cgutils.ifthen(builder, b_stop_lt_zero):
        add = builder.add(builder.load(stop), shapes[0])
        builder.store(add, stop)

    b_stop_lt_zero = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_SLT, builder.load(stop), ZERO)
    with cgutils.ifthen(builder, b_stop_lt_zero):
        b_step_lt_zero = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_SLT, slicestruct.step, ZERO)
        cond = builder.select(b_step_lt_zero, NEG_ONE, ZERO)
        builder.store(cond, start)

    b_stop_geq_len = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_SGE, builder.load(stop), shapes[0])
    ONE = Constant.int(shapes[0].type, 1)
    with cgutils.ifthen(builder, b_stop_geq_len):
        b_step_lt_zero = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_SLT, slicestruct.step, ZERO)
        cond = builder.select(b_step_lt_zero, builder.sub(shapes[0], ONE), shapes[0])
        builder.store(cond, stop)

    b_step_gt_zero = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_SGT, slicestruct.step, ZERO)
    with cgutils.ifelse(builder, b_step_gt_zero) as (then0, otherwise0):
        with then0:
            with cgutils.for_range_slice(builder, builder.load(start), builder.load(stop), slicestruct.step, slicestruct.start.type) as loop_idx1:
                ptr = cgutils.get_item_pointer(builder, aryty, ary,
                context.pack_value(builder, aryty.dtype, val, ptr)
        with otherwise0:
            with cgutils.for_range_slice(builder, builder.load(start), builder.load(stop), slicestruct.step, slicestruct.start.type, inc=False) as loop_idx2:
                ptr = cgutils.get_item_pointer(builder, aryty, ary,
                context.pack_value(builder, aryty.dtype, val, ptr)
Exemplo n.º 10
def setitem_array1d_slice(context, builder, sig, args):
    aryty, idxty, valty = sig.args
    ary, idx, val = args
    arystty = make_array(aryty)
    ary = arystty(context, builder, ary)
    shapes = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, ary.shape, aryty.ndim)
    slicestruct = Slice(context, builder, value=idx)

    # the logic here follows that of Python's Objects/sliceobject.c
    # in particular PySlice_GetIndicesEx function
    ZERO = Constant.int(slicestruct.step.type, 0)
    NEG_ONE = Constant.int(slicestruct.start.type, -1)

    b_step_eq_zero = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_EQ, slicestruct.step, ZERO)
    # bail if step is 0
    with cgutils.ifthen(builder, b_step_eq_zero):
        context.call_conv.return_user_exc(builder, ValueError,
                                          ("slice step cannot be zero", ))

    # adjust for negative indices for start
    start = cgutils.alloca_once_value(builder, slicestruct.start)
    b_start_lt_zero = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_SLT, builder.load(start), ZERO)
    with cgutils.ifthen(builder, b_start_lt_zero):
        add = builder.add(builder.load(start), shapes[0])
        builder.store(add, start)

    b_start_lt_zero = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_SLT, builder.load(start), ZERO)
    with cgutils.ifthen(builder, b_start_lt_zero):
        b_step_lt_zero = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_SLT, slicestruct.step, ZERO)
        cond = builder.select(b_step_lt_zero, NEG_ONE, ZERO)
        builder.store(cond, start)

    b_start_geq_len = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_SGE, builder.load(start), shapes[0])
    ONE = Constant.int(shapes[0].type, 1)
    with cgutils.ifthen(builder, b_start_geq_len):
        b_step_lt_zero = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_SLT, slicestruct.step, ZERO)
        cond = builder.select(b_step_lt_zero, builder.sub(shapes[0], ONE),
        builder.store(cond, start)

    # adjust stop for negative value
    stop = cgutils.alloca_once_value(builder, slicestruct.stop)
    b_stop_lt_zero = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_SLT, builder.load(stop), ZERO)
    with cgutils.ifthen(builder, b_stop_lt_zero):
        add = builder.add(builder.load(stop), shapes[0])
        builder.store(add, stop)

    b_stop_lt_zero = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_SLT, builder.load(stop), ZERO)
    with cgutils.ifthen(builder, b_stop_lt_zero):
        b_step_lt_zero = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_SLT, slicestruct.step, ZERO)
        cond = builder.select(b_step_lt_zero, NEG_ONE, ZERO)
        builder.store(cond, start)

    b_stop_geq_len = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_SGE, builder.load(stop), shapes[0])
    ONE = Constant.int(shapes[0].type, 1)
    with cgutils.ifthen(builder, b_stop_geq_len):
        b_step_lt_zero = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_SLT, slicestruct.step, ZERO)
        cond = builder.select(b_step_lt_zero, builder.sub(shapes[0], ONE),
        builder.store(cond, stop)

    b_step_gt_zero = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_SGT, slicestruct.step, ZERO)
    with cgutils.ifelse(builder, b_step_gt_zero) as (then0, otherwise0):
        with then0:
            with cgutils.for_range_slice(builder, builder.load(start),
                                         builder.load(stop), slicestruct.step,
                                         slicestruct.start.type) as loop_idx1:
                ptr = cgutils.get_item_pointer(builder,
                                               ary, [loop_idx1],
                context.pack_value(builder, aryty.dtype, val, ptr)
        with otherwise0:
            with cgutils.for_range_slice(builder,
                                         inc=False) as loop_idx2:
                ptr = cgutils.get_item_pointer(builder,
                                               ary, [loop_idx2],
                context.pack_value(builder, aryty.dtype, val, ptr)