Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_equality(self):
        self.assertEqual(types.int32, types.int32)
        self.assertEqual(types.uint32, types.uint32)
        self.assertEqual(types.complex64, types.complex64)
        self.assertEqual(types.float32, types.float32)
        # Different signedness
        self.assertNotEqual(types.int32, types.uint32)
        # Different width
        self.assertNotEqual(types.int64, types.int32)
        self.assertNotEqual(types.float64, types.float32)
        self.assertNotEqual(types.complex64, types.complex128)
        # Different domain
        self.assertNotEqual(types.int64, types.float64)
        self.assertNotEqual(types.uint64, types.float64)
        self.assertNotEqual(types.complex64, types.float64)
        # Same arguments but different return types
        get_pointer = None
        sig_a = typing.signature(types.intp, types.intp)
        sig_b = typing.signature(types.voidptr, types.intp)
        a = types.ExternalFunctionPointer(sig=sig_a, get_pointer=get_pointer)
        b = types.ExternalFunctionPointer(sig=sig_b, get_pointer=get_pointer)
        self.assertNotEqual(a, b)
        # Different call convention
        a = types.ExternalFunctionPointer(sig=sig_a, get_pointer=get_pointer)
        b = types.ExternalFunctionPointer(sig=sig_a,
        self.assertNotEqual(a, b)
        # Different get_pointer
        a = types.ExternalFunctionPointer(sig=sig_a, get_pointer=get_pointer)
        b = types.ExternalFunctionPointer(sig=sig_a, get_pointer=object())
        self.assertNotEqual(a, b)

        # Different template classes bearing the same name
        class DummyTemplate(object):
            key = "foo"

        a = types.BoundFunction(DummyTemplate, types.int32)

        class DummyTemplate(object):
            key = "bar"

        b = types.BoundFunction(DummyTemplate, types.int32)
        self.assertNotEqual(a, b)

        # Different dtypes
        self.assertNotEqual(types.DType(types.int32), types.DType(types.int64))

        # CPointer with same addrspace

        # CPointer with different addrspace
        self.assertNotEqual(types.CPointer(types.float32, 0),
                            types.CPointer(types.float32, 1))
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _conversion_tests(self, check):
        check(c_double, types.float64)
        check(c_int, types.intc)
        check(c_uint16, types.uint16)
        check(c_size_t, types.uintp)
        check(c_ssize_t, types.intp)

        check(c_void_p, types.voidptr)
        check(POINTER(c_float), types.CPointer(types.float32))
        check(POINTER(POINTER(c_float)), types.CPointer(types.CPointer(types.float32)))

        check(None, types.void)
Exemplo n.º 3
 def __init__(self, dmm, fe_type):
     # ndim = fe_type.ndim
     members = [
         ("data", types.CPointer(fe_type.dtype)),
         ("meminfo", types.MemInfoPointer(fe_type.dtype)),
     super(ArrayCTypesModel, self).__init__(dmm, fe_type, members)
Exemplo n.º 4
def test_mangling_arg_type_2(dtypes, addrspaces):
    dtype, expected_dtype_str = dtypes
    addrspace, expected_addrspace_str = addrspaces
    got = itanium_mangler.mangle_type(
        types.CPointer(dtype, addrspace=addrspace))
    expected = "PU" + expected_addrspace_str + expected_dtype_str
    assert got == expected
Exemplo n.º 5
 def _convert_internal(ctypeobj):
     # Recursive helper
     if issubclass(ctypeobj, ctypes._Pointer):
         valuety = _convert_internal(ctypeobj._type_)
         if valuety is not None:
             return types.CPointer(valuety)
         return _FROM_CTYPES.get(ctypeobj)
Exemplo n.º 6
        def array_impl_unsafe_get_ctypes_pointer(arrtype):
            if isinstance(arrtype, types.Array):
                unsafe_cast = unsafe_caster(types.CPointer(arrtype.dtype))

                def array_impl(arr):
                    return unsafe_cast(src=arr.ctypes.data)

                return array_impl
Exemplo n.º 7
 def __init__(self, dmm, fe_type):
     array_type = fe_type.array_type
     dtype = array_type.dtype
     ndim = array_type.ndim
     members = [('array', array_type),
                ('pointers', types.EphemeralArray(types.CPointer(dtype), ndim)),
                ('indices', types.EphemeralArray(types.intp, ndim)),
                ('exhausted', types.EphemeralPointer(types.boolean)),
     super(FlatIter, self).__init__(dmm, fe_type, members)
Exemplo n.º 8
 def __init__(self, dmm, fe_typ):
     cls_data_ty = types.ClassDataType(fe_typ)
     # MemInfoPointer uses the `dtype` attribute to traverse for nested
     # NRT MemInfo.  Since we handle nested NRT MemInfo ourselves,
     # we will replace provide MemInfoPointer with an opaque type
     # so that it does not raise exception for nested meminfo.
     dtype = types.Opaque('Opaque.' + str(cls_data_ty))
     members = [
         ('meminfo', types.MemInfoPointer(dtype)),
         ('data', types.CPointer(cls_data_ty)),
     super(InstanceModel, self).__init__(dmm, fe_typ, members)
Exemplo n.º 9
 def __init__(self, dmm, fe_type):
     ndim = fe_type.ndim
     members = [
             types.CPointer(fe_type.dtype, addrspace=fe_type.addrspace),
             types.CPointer(fe_type.dtype, addrspace=fe_type.addrspace),
         ("nitems", types.intp),
         ("itemsize", types.intp),
             types.CPointer(fe_type.dtype, addrspace=fe_type.addrspace),
         ("shape", types.UniTuple(types.intp, ndim)),
         ("strides", types.UniTuple(types.intp, ndim)),
     super(DPPYArrayModel, self).__init__(dmm, fe_type, members)
Exemplo n.º 10
def omnisci_buffer_get_ptr_(typingctx, data):
    eltype = data.eltype
    ptrtype = types.CPointer(eltype)
    sig = ptrtype(data)

    def codegen(context, builder, signature, args):
        data, = args
        assert data.opname == 'load'
        struct = data.operands[0]
        return builder.load(builder.gep(struct, [int32_t(0), int32_t(0)]))

    return sig, codegen
Exemplo n.º 11
def omnisci_buffer_ptr_get_ptr_(typingctx, data):
    eltype = data.eltype
    ptrtype = types.CPointer(eltype)
    sig = ptrtype(data)

    def codegen(context, builder, signature, args):
        data, = args
        rawptr = cgutils.alloca_once_value(builder, value=data)
        struct = builder.load(builder.gep(rawptr, [int32_t(0)]))
        return builder.load(builder.gep(struct, [int32_t(0), int32_t(0)]))

    return sig, codegen
Exemplo n.º 12
 def __init__(self, dmm, fe_type):
     ndim = fe_type.ndim
     members = [
         ("meminfo", types.MemInfoPointer(fe_type.dtype)),
         ("parent", types.pyobject),
         ("nitems", types.intp),
         ("itemsize", types.intp),
         ("data", types.CPointer(fe_type.dtype)),
         ("shape", types.UniTuple(types.intp, ndim)),
         ("strides", types.UniTuple(types.intp, ndim)),
     super(ArrayModel, self).__init__(dmm, fe_type, members)
Exemplo n.º 13
 def __init__(self, dmm, fe_type):
     ndim = fe_type.ndim
     members = [
         ('meminfo', types.MemInfoPointer(fe_type.dtype)),
         ('parent', types.pyobject),
         ('nitems', types.intp),
         ('itemsize', types.intp),
         ('data', types.CPointer(fe_type.dtype)),
         ('shape', types.UniTuple(types.intp, ndim)),
         ('strides', types.UniTuple(types.intp, ndim)),
     super(ArrayModel, self).__init__(dmm, fe_type, members)
Exemplo n.º 14
 def generic(self, args, kws):
     if kws or len(args) != 1:
     [ary] = args
     if not isinstance(ary, types.Buffer):
         raise TypingError(
             "from_buffer() expected a buffer object, got %s" % (ary, ))
     if ary.layout not in ('C', 'F'):
         raise TypingError(
             "from_buffer() unsupported on non-contiguous buffers (got %s)"
             % (ary, ))
     if ary.layout != 'C' and ary.ndim > 1:
         raise TypingError(
             "from_buffer() only supports multidimensional arrays with C layout (got %s)"
             % (ary, ))
     ptr = types.CPointer(ary.dtype)
     return templates.signature(ptr, ary)
Exemplo n.º 15
def map_type(cffi_type, use_record_dtype=False):
    Map CFFI type to numba type.

        The CFFI type to be converted.
    use_record_dtype: bool (default: False)
        When True, struct types are mapped to a NumPy Record dtype.

    primed_map_type = partial(map_type, use_record_dtype=use_record_dtype)
    kind = getattr(cffi_type, 'kind', '')
    if kind == 'union':
        raise TypeError("No support for CFFI union")
    elif kind == 'function':
        if cffi_type.ellipsis:
            raise TypeError("vararg function is not supported")
        restype = primed_map_type(cffi_type.result)
        argtypes = [primed_map_type(arg) for arg in cffi_type.args]
        return templates.signature(restype, *argtypes)
    elif kind == 'pointer':
        pointee = cffi_type.item
        if pointee.kind == 'void':
            return types.voidptr
            return types.CPointer(primed_map_type(pointee))
    elif kind == 'array':
        dtype = primed_map_type(cffi_type.item)
        nelem = cffi_type.length
        return types.NestedArray(dtype=dtype, shape=(nelem, ))
    elif kind == 'struct' and use_record_dtype:
        return map_struct_to_record_dtype(cffi_type)
        result = _type_map().get(cffi_type)
        if result is None:
            raise TypeError(cffi_type)
        return result
Exemplo n.º 16
    def test_type_parsing(self):
        ffi = self.get_ffi()
        # Check struct typedef
        big_struct = ffi.typeof('big_struct')
        nbtype = cffi_support.map_type(big_struct, use_record_dtype=True)
        self.assertIsInstance(nbtype, types.Record)
        self.assertEqual(len(nbtype), 4)
        self.assertEqual(nbtype.typeof('i1'), types.int32)
        self.assertEqual(nbtype.typeof('f2'), types.float32)
        self.assertEqual(nbtype.typeof('d3'), types.float64)
            types.NestedArray(dtype=types.float32, shape=(9, )),

        # Check function typedef
        myfunc = ffi.typeof('myfunc')
        sig = cffi_support.map_type(myfunc, use_record_dtype=True)
        self.assertIsInstance(sig, typing.Signature)
        self.assertEqual(sig.args[0], types.CPointer(nbtype))
        self.assertEqual(sig.args[1], types.uintp)
        self.assertEqual(sig.return_type, types.float64)
Exemplo n.º 17

@lowering_registry.lower_cast(nb_types.CPointer, nb_types.intp)
@lowering_registry.lower_cast(nb_types.RawPointer, nb_types.intp)
def impl_T_star_to_intp(context, builder, fromty, toty, value):
    return builder.ptrtoint(value, ir.IntType(toty.bitwidth))

@lowering_registry.lower_cast(nb_types.CPointer, nb_types.RawPointer)
@lowering_registry.lower_cast(nb_types.RawPointer, nb_types.CPointer)
def impl_T_star_to_T_star(context, builder, fromty, toty, value):
    return builder.bitcast(value, Type.fromnumba(toty).tollvmir())

scalar_types = [getattr(nb_types, typename) for typename in
                ['int64', 'int32', 'int16', 'int8',
                 'uint64', 'uint32', 'uint16', 'uint8',
                 'float32', 'float64', 'boolean']]
pointer_value_types = [nb_types.intp, nb_types.voidptr]
pointer_types = [nb_types.CPointer(s) for s in scalar_types] + [nb_types.voidptr]
for p1 in pointer_value_types:
    for p2 in pointer_types:
        # ANSI C requires 12 as a maximum supported pointer level.
        for i in range(12):
            if p1 != p2:
                    p1, p2, typeconv.Conversion.safe)
                    p2, p1, typeconv.Conversion.safe)
            p2 = nb_types.CPointer(p2)
Exemplo n.º 18

scalar_types = [
    getattr(nb_types, typename) for typename in [
pointer_value_types = [nb_types.intp, nb_types.voidptr]
pointer_types = [nb_types.CPointer(s)
                 for s in scalar_types] + [nb_types.voidptr]
for p1 in pointer_value_types:
    for p2 in pointer_types:
        # ANSI C requires 12 as a maximum supported pointer level.
        for i in range(12):
            if p1 != p2:
                    p1, p2, typeconv.Conversion.safe)
                    p2, p1, typeconv.Conversion.safe)
            p2 = nb_types.CPointer(p2)
Exemplo n.º 19
        out[1:3] = in_.shape
        out[3:5] = in_.strides
        out[5] = in_.flags.c_contiguous
        out[6] = in_.flags.f_contiguous
        s = 0
        for i, j in np.ndindex(m, n):
            s += in_[i, j] * (i - j)
        out[7] = s

    return cfarray_usecase

carray_dtype_usecase = make_cfarray_dtype_usecase(carray)
farray_dtype_usecase = make_cfarray_dtype_usecase(farray)

carray_float32_usecase_sig = types.void(types.CPointer(types.float32),
                                        types.intp, types.intp)

carray_float64_usecase_sig = types.void(types.CPointer(types.float64),
                                        types.intp, types.intp)

carray_voidptr_usecase_sig = types.void(types.voidptr, types.voidptr,
                                        types.intp, types.intp)

class TestCFunc(TestCase):
    def test_basic(self):
        Basic usage and properties of a cfunc.
Exemplo n.º 20
class TestPointerOfInt32(test_factory()):
    fe_type = types.CPointer(types.int32)
Exemplo n.º 21
    # then prepare the arg for a concrete instance
    if isinstance(tyinp, types.ArrayCompatible):
        ary = ctxt.make_array(tyinp)(ctxt, bld, inp)
        shape = cgutils.unpack_tuple(bld, ary.shape, tyinp.ndim)
        strides = cgutils.unpack_tuple(bld, ary.strides, tyinp.ndim)
        return _ArrayHelper(ctxt, bld, shape, strides, ary.data, tyinp.layout,
                            tyinp.dtype, tyinp.ndim, inp)
    elif (types.unliteral(tyinp) in types.number_domain | {types.boolean}
          or isinstance(tyinp, types.scalars._NPDatetimeBase)):
        return _ScalarHelper(ctxt, bld, inp, tyinp)
        raise NotImplementedError('unsupported type for {0}: {1}'.format(
            where, str(tyinp)))

_broadcast_onto_sig = types.intp(types.intp, types.CPointer(types.intp),
                                 types.intp, types.CPointer(types.intp))

def _broadcast_onto(src_ndim, src_shape, dest_ndim, dest_shape):
    '''Low-level utility function used in calculating a shape for
    an implicit output array.  This function assumes that the
    destination shape is an LLVM pointer to a C-style array that was
    already initialized to a size of one along all axes.

    Returns an integer value:
    >= 1  :  Succeeded.  Return value should equal the number of dimensions in
             the destination shape.
    0     :  Failed to broadcast because source shape is larger than the
             destination shape (this case should be weeded out at type
Exemplo n.º 22
def native_atomic_add(context, builder, sig, args):
    aryty, indty, valty = sig.args
    ary, inds, val = args
    dtype = aryty.dtype

    if indty == types.intp:
        indices = [inds]  # just a single integer
        indty = [indty]
        indices = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, inds, count=len(indty))
        indices = [
            context.cast(builder, i, t, types.intp)
            for t, i in zip(indty, indices)

    if dtype != valty:
        raise TypeError("expecting %s but got %s" % (dtype, valty))

    if aryty.ndim != len(indty):
        raise TypeError("indexing %d-D array with %d-D index" %
                        (aryty.ndim, len(indty)))

    lary = context.make_array(aryty)(context, builder, ary)
    ptr = cgutils.get_item_pointer(context, builder, aryty, lary, indices)

    if dtype == types.float32 or dtype == types.float64:
        context.extra_compile_options[target.LLVM_SPIRV_ARGS] = [
        name = "__spirv_AtomicFAddEXT"
    elif dtype == types.int32 or dtype == types.int64:
        name = "__spirv_AtomicIAdd"
        raise TypeError("Unsupported type")

    assert name != ""

    ptr_type = context.get_value_type(dtype).as_pointer()
    ptr_type.addrspace = aryty.addrspace

    retty = context.get_value_type(sig.return_type)
    spirv_fn_arg_types = [

    from numba_dppy import extended_numba_itanium_mangler as ext_itanium_mangler

    numba_ptr_ty = types.CPointer(dtype, addrspace=ptr_type.addrspace)
    mangled_fn_name = ext_itanium_mangler.mangle(

    fnty = ir.FunctionType(retty, spirv_fn_arg_types)
    fn = cgutils.get_or_insert_function(builder.module, fnty, mangled_fn_name)
    fn.calling_convention = target.CC_SPIR_FUNC

    sycl_memory_order = atomic_helper.sycl_memory_order.relaxed
    sycl_memory_scope = atomic_helper.sycl_memory_scope.device
    spirv_scope = atomic_helper.get_scope(sycl_memory_scope)
    spirv_memory_semantics_mask = atomic_helper.get_memory_semantics_mask(
    fn_args = [
        context.get_constant(types.int32, spirv_scope),
        context.get_constant(types.int32, spirv_memory_semantics_mask),

    return builder.call(fn, fn_args)
Exemplo n.º 23
def test_mangling_arg_type(dtypes):
    dtype, expected_str = dtypes
    got = itanium_mangler.mangle_type(types.CPointer(dtype))
    expected = "P" + expected_str
    assert got == expected