Exemplo n.º 1
    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # If compilation is disabled OR it is NOT a dynamic gufunc
        # call the underlying gufunc
        if self._frozen or not self.is_dynamic:
            return self.ufunc(*args, **kwargs)
        elif "out" in kwargs:
            # If "out" argument is supplied
            args += (kwargs.pop("out"), )

        if self._num_args_match(*args) is False:
            # It is not allowed to call a dynamic gufunc without
            # providing all the arguments
            # see: https://github.com/numba/numba/pull/5938#discussion_r506429392  # noqa: E501
            msg = (
                f"Too few arguments for function '{self.__name__}'. "
                "Note that the pattern `out = gufunc(Arg1, Arg2, ..., ArgN)` "
                "is not allowed. Use `gufunc(Arg1, Arg2, ..., ArgN, out) "
            raise TypeError(msg)

        # at this point we know the gufunc is a dynamic one
        ewise = self._get_ewise_dtypes(args)
        if not (self.ufunc and ufunc_find_matching_loop(self.ufunc, ewise)):
            sig = self._get_signature(*args)
        return self.ufunc(*args, **kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 2
        def __init__(self, context, builder, outer_sig):
            super(_KernelImpl, self).__init__(context, builder, outer_sig)
            loop = ufunc_find_matching_loop(
                ufunc, outer_sig.args + (outer_sig.return_type, ))
            self.fn = ufunc_db.get_ufunc_info(ufunc).get(loop.ufunc_sig)
            self.inner_sig = typing.signature(*(loop.outputs + loop.inputs))

            if self.fn is None:
                msg = "Don't know how to lower ufunc '{0}' for loop '{1}'"
                raise NotImplementedError(msg.format(ufunc.__name__, loop))
Exemplo n.º 3
        def __init__(self, context, builder, outer_sig):
            super(_KernelImpl, self).__init__(context, builder, outer_sig)
            loop = ufunc_find_matching_loop(
                ufunc, outer_sig.args + tuple(_unpack_output_types(ufunc, outer_sig)))
            self.fn = context.get_ufunc_info(ufunc).get(loop.ufunc_sig)
            self.inner_sig = _ufunc_loop_sig(loop.outputs, loop.inputs)

            if self.fn is None:
                msg = "Don't know how to lower ufunc '{0}' for loop '{1}'"
                raise NotImplementedError(msg.format(ufunc.__name__, loop))
Exemplo n.º 4
    def generic(self, args, kws):
        ufunc = self.ufunc
        base_types, explicit_outputs, ndims, layout = self._handle_inputs(
            ufunc, args, kws)
        ufunc_loop = ufunc_find_matching_loop(ufunc, base_types)
        if ufunc_loop is None:
            raise TypingError("can't resolve ufunc {0} for types {1}".format(
                ufunc.__name__, args))

        # check if all the types involved in the ufunc loop are supported in this mode
        if not supported_ufunc_loop(ufunc, ufunc_loop):
            msg = "ufunc '{0}' using the loop '{1}' not supported in this mode"
            raise TypingError(
                msg=msg.format(ufunc.__name__, ufunc_loop.ufunc_sig))

        # if there is any explicit output type, check that it is valid
        explicit_outputs_np = [as_dtype(tp.dtype) for tp in explicit_outputs]

        # Numpy will happily use unsafe conversions (although it will actually warn)
        if not all(
                np.can_cast(fromty, toty, 'unsafe')
                for (fromty, toty
                     ) in zip(ufunc_loop.numpy_outputs, explicit_outputs_np)):
            msg = "ufunc '{0}' can't cast result to explicit result type"
            raise TypingError(msg=msg.format(ufunc.__name__))

        # A valid loop was found that is compatible. The result of type inference should
        # be based on the explicit output types, and when not available with the type given
        # by the selected NumPy loop
        out = list(explicit_outputs)
        implicit_output_count = ufunc.nout - len(explicit_outputs)
        if implicit_output_count > 0:
            # XXX this is sometimes wrong for datetime64 and timedelta64,
            # as ufunc_find_matching_loop() doesn't do any type inference
            ret_tys = ufunc_loop.outputs[-implicit_output_count:]
            if ndims > 0:
                assert layout is not None
                ret_tys = [
                    types.Array(dtype=ret_ty, ndim=ndims, layout=layout)
                    for ret_ty in ret_tys
                ret_tys = [
                    resolve_output_type(self.context, args, ret_ty)
                    for ret_ty in ret_tys

        # note: although the previous code should support multiple return values, only one
        #       is supported as of now (signature may not support more than one).
        #       there is an check enforcing only one output
        return signature(*out)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def find_ewise_function(self, ewise_types):
        Given a tuple of element-wise argument types, find a matching
        signature in the dispatcher.

        Return a 2-tuple containing the matching signature, and
        compilation result.  Will return two None's if no matching
        signature was found.
        if self._frozen:
            # If we cannot compile, coerce to the best matching loop
            loop = numpy_support.ufunc_find_matching_loop(self, ewise_types)
            if loop is None:
                return None, None
            ewise_types = tuple(loop.inputs + loop.outputs)[:len(ewise_types)]
        for sig, cres in self._dispatcher.overloads.items():
            if sig.args == ewise_types:
                return sig, cres
        return None, None
Exemplo n.º 6
    def generic(self, args, kws):
        # First, strip optional types, ufunc loops are typed on concrete types
        args = [x.type if isinstance(x, types.Optional) else x for x in args]

        ufunc = self.ufunc
        base_types, explicit_outputs, ndims, layout = self._handle_inputs(
            ufunc, args, kws)
        ufunc_loop = ufunc_find_matching_loop(ufunc, base_types)
        if ufunc_loop is None:
            raise TypingError("can't resolve ufunc {0} for types {1}".format(
                ufunc.__name__, args))

        # check if all the types involved in the ufunc loop are supported in this mode
        if not supported_ufunc_loop(ufunc, ufunc_loop):
            msg = "ufunc '{0}' using the loop '{1}' not supported in this mode"
            raise TypingError(
                msg=msg.format(ufunc.__name__, ufunc_loop.ufunc_sig))

        # if there is any explicit output type, check that it is valid
        explicit_outputs_np = [as_dtype(tp.dtype) for tp in explicit_outputs]

        # Numpy will happily use unsafe conversions (although it will actually warn)
        if not all(
                np.can_cast(fromty, toty, 'unsafe')
                for (fromty, toty
                     ) in zip(ufunc_loop.numpy_outputs, explicit_outputs_np)):
            msg = "ufunc '{0}' can't cast result to explicit result type"
            raise TypingError(msg=msg.format(ufunc.__name__))

        # A valid loop was found that is compatible. The result of type inference should
        # be based on the explicit output types, and when not available with the type given
        # by the selected NumPy loop
        out = list(explicit_outputs)
        implicit_output_count = ufunc.nout - len(explicit_outputs)
        if implicit_output_count > 0:
            # XXX this is sometimes wrong for datetime64 and timedelta64,
            # as ufunc_find_matching_loop() doesn't do any type inference
            ret_tys = ufunc_loop.outputs[-implicit_output_count:]
            if ndims > 0:
                assert layout is not None
                # If either of the types involved in the ufunc operation have a
                # __array_ufunc__ method then invoke the first such one to
                # determine the output type of the ufunc.
                array_ufunc_type = None
                for a in args:
                    if hasattr(a, "__array_ufunc__"):
                        array_ufunc_type = a
                output_type = types.Array
                if array_ufunc_type is not None:
                    output_type = array_ufunc_type.__array_ufunc__(
                        ufunc, "__call__", *args, **kws)
                    if output_type is NotImplemented:
                        msg = (f"unsupported use of ufunc {ufunc} on "
                        # raise TypeError here because
                        # NumpyRulesArrayOperator.generic is capturing
                        # TypingError
                        raise NumbaTypeError(msg)
                    elif not issubclass(output_type, types.Array):
                        msg = (f"ufunc {ufunc} on {array_ufunc_type}"
                               f"cannot return non-array {output_type}")
                        # raise TypeError here because
                        # NumpyRulesArrayOperator.generic is capturing
                        # TypingError
                        raise TypeError(msg)

                ret_tys = [
                    output_type(dtype=ret_ty, ndim=ndims, layout=layout)
                    for ret_ty in ret_tys
                ret_tys = [
                    resolve_output_type(self.context, args, ret_ty)
                    for ret_ty in ret_tys

        return _ufunc_loop_sig(out, args)