Exemplo n.º 1
def array_min(context, builder, sig, args):
    ty = sig.args[0].dtype
    if isinstance(ty, (types.NPDatetime, types.NPTimedelta)):
        # NaT is smaller than every other value, but it is
        # ignored as far as min() is concerned.
        nat = ty("NaT")

        def array_min_impl(arry):
            min_value = nat
            it = arry.flat
            for v in it:
                if v != nat:
                    min_value = v

            for v in it:
                if v != nat and v < min_value:
                    min_value = v
            return min_value


        def array_min_impl(arry):
            for v in arry.flat:
                min_value = v

            for v in arry.flat:
                if v < min_value:
                    min_value = v
            return min_value

    res = context.compile_internal(builder, array_min_impl, sig, args)
    return impl_ret_borrowed(context, builder, sig.return_type, res)
Exemplo n.º 2
def dot_3_vm(context, builder, sig, args):
    np.dot(vector, matrix, out)
    np.dot(matrix, vector, out)
    xty, yty, outty = sig.args
    assert outty == sig.return_type
    dtype = xty.dtype

    x = make_array(xty)(context, builder, args[0])
    y = make_array(yty)(context, builder, args[1])
    out = make_array(outty)(context, builder, args[2])
    x_shapes = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, x.shape)
    y_shapes = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, y.shape)
    out_shapes = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, out.shape)
    if xty.ndim < yty.ndim:
        # Vector * matrix
        # Asked for x * y, we will compute y.T * x
        mty = yty
        m_shapes = y_shapes
        do_trans = yty.layout == 'F'
        m_data, v_data = y.data, x.data

        def check_args(a, b, out):
            m, = a.shape
            _m, n = b.shape
            if m != _m:
                raise ValueError("incompatible array sizes for "
                                 "np.dot(a, b) (vector * matrix)")
            if out.shape != (n,):
                raise ValueError("incompatible output array size for "
                                 "np.dot(a, b, out) (vector * matrix)")
        # Matrix * vector
        # We will compute x * y
        mty = xty
        m_shapes = x_shapes
        do_trans = xty.layout == 'C'
        m_data, v_data = x.data, y.data

        def check_args(a, b, out):
            m, _n = a.shape
            n, = b.shape
            if n != _n:
                raise ValueError("incompatible array sizes for np.dot(a, b) "
                                 "(matrix * vector)")
            if out.shape != (m,):
                raise ValueError("incompatible output array size for "
                                 "np.dot(a, b, out) (matrix * vector)")

    context.compile_internal(builder, check_args,
                             signature(types.none, *sig.args), args)
    for val in m_shapes:
        check_c_int(context, builder, val)

    call_xxgemv(context, builder, do_trans, mty, m_shapes, m_data,
                v_data, out.data)

    return impl_ret_borrowed(context, builder, sig.return_type,
Exemplo n.º 3
def lower_rolling_variable(context, builder, sig, args):
    func_name = sig.args[-1].literal_value
    if func_name == 'sum':
        def func(a, o, w, c, p):
            return roll_var_linear_generic(a, o, w, c, p, init_data_sum, add_sum, remove_sum, calc_sum)
    elif func_name == 'mean':
        def func(a, o, w, c, p):
            return roll_var_linear_generic(a, o, w, c, p, init_data_mean, add_mean, remove_mean, calc_mean)
    elif func_name == 'var':
        def func(a, o, w, c, p):
            return roll_var_linear_generic(a, o, w, c, p, init_data_var, add_var, remove_var, calc_var)
    elif func_name == 'std':
        def func(a, o, w, c, p):
            return roll_var_linear_generic(a, o, w, c, p, init_data_var, add_var, remove_var, calc_std)
    elif func_name == 'count':
        def func(a, o, w, c, p):
            return roll_var_linear_generic(a, o, w, c, p, init_data_count, add_count, remove_count, calc_count_var)
    elif func_name in ['median', 'min', 'max']:
        # TODO: linear support
        func_text = "def kernel_func(A):\n"
        func_text += "  arr  = dropna(A)\n"
        func_text += "  if len(arr) == 0: return np.nan\n"
        func_text += "  return np.{}(arr)\n".format(func_name)
        loc_vars = {}
        exec(func_text, {'np': np, 'dropna': _dropna}, loc_vars)
        kernel_func = numba.njit(loc_vars['kernel_func'])

        def func(a, o, w, c, p,):
            return roll_variable_apply(a, o, w, c, p, kernel_func)
        raise ValueError("invalid rolling (variable) function {}".format(func_name))

    res = context.compile_internal(
        builder, func, signature(sig.return_type, *sig.args[:-1]), args[:-1])
    return impl_ret_borrowed(context, builder, sig.return_type, res)
Exemplo n.º 4
def attr_impl(context, builder, typ, value, attr):
    Generic getattr() for @jitclass instances.
    if attr in typ.struct:
        # It's a struct field
        inst = context.make_helper(builder, typ, value=value)
        data_pointer = inst.data
        data = context.make_data_helper(builder,
        return imputils.impl_ret_borrowed(context, builder, typ.struct[attr],
                                          getattr(data, _mangle_attr(attr)))
    elif attr in typ.jitprops:
        # It's a jitted property
        getter = typ.jitprops[attr]['get']
        sig = templates.signature(None, typ)
        dispatcher = types.Dispatcher(getter)
        sig = dispatcher.get_call_type(context.typing_context, [typ], {})
        call = context.get_function(dispatcher, sig)
        out = call(builder, [value])
        return imputils.impl_ret_new_ref(context, builder, sig.return_type,

    raise NotImplementedError('attribute {0!r} not implemented'.format(attr))
Exemplo n.º 5
def lower_rolling_fixed(context, builder, sig, args):
    func_name = sig.args[-1].literal_value
    if func_name == 'sum':
        def func(a, w, c, p):
            return roll_fixed_linear_generic(a, w, c, p, init_data_sum, add_sum, remove_sum, calc_sum)
    elif func_name == 'mean':
        def func(a, w, c, p):
            return roll_fixed_linear_generic(a, w, c, p, init_data_mean, add_mean, remove_mean, calc_mean)
    elif func_name == 'var':
        def func(a, w, c, p):
            return roll_fixed_linear_generic(a, w, c, p, init_data_var, add_var, remove_var, calc_var)
    elif func_name == 'std':
        def func(a, w, c, p):
            return roll_fixed_linear_generic(a, w, c, p, init_data_var, add_var, remove_var, calc_std)
    elif func_name == 'count':
        def func(a, w, c, p):
            return roll_fixed_linear_generic(a, w, c, p, init_data_count, add_count, remove_count, calc_count)
    elif func_name in ['median', 'min', 'max']:
        # just using 'apply' since we don't have streaming/linear support
        # TODO: implement linear support similar to others
        func_text = "def kernel_func(A):\n"
        func_text += "  if np.isnan(A).sum() != 0: return np.nan\n"
        func_text += "  return np.{}(A)\n".format(func_name)
        loc_vars = {}
        exec(func_text, {'np': np}, loc_vars)
        kernel_func = numba.njit(loc_vars['kernel_func'])

        def func(a, w, c, p):
            return roll_fixed_apply(a, w, c, p, kernel_func)
        raise ValueError("invalid rolling (fixed) function {}".format(func_name))

    res = context.compile_internal(
        builder, func, signature(sig.return_type, *sig.args[:-1]), args[:-1])
    return impl_ret_borrowed(context, builder, sig.return_type, res)
Exemplo n.º 6
def impl_list_getiter(context, builder, sig, args):
    """Implement iter(List).
    [tl] = sig.args
    [l] = args
    iterablety = types.ListTypeIterableType(tl)
    it = context.make_helper(builder, iterablety.iterator_type)

    fnty = ir.FunctionType(
        [ll_listiter_type, ll_list_type],

    fn = builder.module.get_or_insert_function(fnty, name='numba_list_iter')

    proto = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(ctypes.c_size_t)
    listiter_sizeof = proto(_helperlib.c_helpers['list_iter_sizeof'])
    state_type = ir.ArrayType(ir.IntType(8), listiter_sizeof())

    pstate = cgutils.alloca_once(builder, state_type, zfill=True)
    it.state = _as_bytes(builder, pstate)
    it.parent = l

    dp = _container_get_data(context, builder, iterablety.parent, args[0])
    builder.call(fn, [it.state, dp])
    return impl_ret_borrowed(
Exemplo n.º 7
def impl_dict_getiter(context, builder, sig, args):
    """Implement iter(Dict).  Semantically equivalent to dict.keys()
    [td] = sig.args
    [d] = args
    iterablety = types.DictKeysIterableType(td)
    it = context.make_helper(builder, iterablety.iterator_type)

    fnty = ir.FunctionType(
        [ll_dictiter_type, ll_dict_type],

    fn = builder.module.get_or_insert_function(fnty, name='numba_dict_iter')

    proto = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(ctypes.c_size_t)
    dictiter_sizeof = proto(_helperlib.c_helpers['dict_iter_sizeof'])
    state_type = ir.ArrayType(ir.IntType(8), dictiter_sizeof())

    pstate = cgutils.alloca_once(builder, state_type, zfill=True)
    it.state = _as_bytes(builder, pstate)
    it.parent = d

    dp = _dict_get_data(context, builder, iterablety.parent, args[0])
    builder.call(fn, [it.state, dp])
    return impl_ret_borrowed(
Exemplo n.º 8
def lower_dist_arr_reduce(context, builder, sig, args):

    op_typ = args[1].type

    # store an int to specify data type
    typ_enum = _h5_typ_table[sig.args[0].dtype]
    typ_arg = cgutils.alloca_once_value(
        builder, lir.Constant(lir.IntType(32), typ_enum))
    ndims = sig.args[0].ndim

    out = make_array(sig.args[0])(context, builder, args[0])
    # store size vars array struct to pointer
    size_ptr = cgutils.alloca_once(builder, out.shape.type)
    builder.store(out.shape, size_ptr)
    size_arg = builder.bitcast(size_ptr, lir.IntType(64).as_pointer())

    ndim_arg = cgutils.alloca_once_value(
        builder, lir.Constant(lir.IntType(32), sig.args[0].ndim))
    call_args = [builder.bitcast(out.data, lir.IntType(8).as_pointer()),
                 size_arg, builder.load(ndim_arg), args[1], builder.load(typ_arg)]

    # array, shape, ndim, extra last arg type for type enum
    arg_typs = [lir.IntType(8).as_pointer(), lir.IntType(64).as_pointer(),
                lir.IntType(32), op_typ, lir.IntType(32)]
    fnty = lir.FunctionType(lir.IntType(32), arg_typs)
    fn = builder.module.get_or_insert_function(
        fnty, name="hpat_dist_arr_reduce")
    builder.call(fn, call_args)
    res = out._getvalue()
    return impl_ret_borrowed(context, builder, sig.return_type, res)
Exemplo n.º 9
def impl_iterable_getiter(context, builder, sig, args):
    """Implement iter() for .keys(), .values(), .items()
    iterablety = sig.args[0]
    it = context.make_helper(builder, iterablety.iterator_type, args[0])

    fnty = ir.FunctionType(
        [ll_dictiter_type, ll_dict_type],

    fn = builder.module.get_or_insert_function(fnty, name='numba_dict_iter')

    proto = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(ctypes.c_size_t)
    dictiter_sizeof = proto(_helperlib.c_helpers['dict_iter_sizeof'])
    state_type = ir.ArrayType(ir.IntType(8), dictiter_sizeof())

    pstate = cgutils.alloca_once(builder, state_type, zfill=True)
    it.state = _as_bytes(builder, pstate)

    dp = _container_get_data(context, builder, iterablety.parent, it.parent)
    builder.call(fn, [it.state, dp])
    return impl_ret_borrowed(
Exemplo n.º 10
def series_wrap_array(context, builder, sig, args):
    src = make_series(context, builder, sig.args[0], value=args[0])
    dest = make_series(context, builder, sig.return_type)
    dest.values = args[1]
    dest.index = src.index
    return impl_ret_borrowed(context, builder, sig.return_type,
Exemplo n.º 11
def array_min(context, builder, sig, args):
    ty = sig.args[0].dtype
    if isinstance(ty, (types.NPDatetime, types.NPTimedelta)):
        # NaT is smaller than every other value, but it is
        # ignored as far as min() is concerned.
        nat = ty('NaT')

        def array_min_impl(arry):
            min_value = nat
            it = arry.flat
            for v in it:
                if v != nat:
                    min_value = v

            for v in it:
                if v != nat and v < min_value:
                    min_value = v
            return min_value


        def array_min_impl(arry):
            for v in arry.flat:
                min_value = v

            for v in arry.flat:
                if v < min_value:
                    min_value = v
            return min_value

    res = context.compile_internal(builder, array_min_impl, sig, args)
    return impl_ret_borrowed(context, builder, sig.return_type, res)
Exemplo n.º 12
def pdseries_constructor(context, builder, sig, args):
    data, index = args
    series = make_series(context, builder, sig.return_type)
    series.index = index
    series.values = data
    return impl_ret_borrowed(context, builder, sig.return_type,
Exemplo n.º 13
def impl_dict_getiter(context, builder, sig, args):
    """Implement iter(Dict).  Semantically equivalent to dict.keys()
    [td] = sig.args
    [d] = args
    iterablety = types.DictKeysIterableType(td)
    it = context.make_helper(builder, iterablety.iterator_type)

    fnty = ir.FunctionType(
        [ll_dictiter_type, ll_dict_type],

    fn = builder.module.get_or_insert_function(fnty, name='numba_dict_iter')

    proto = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(ctypes.c_size_t)
    dictiter_sizeof = proto(_helperlib.c_helpers['dict_iter_sizeof'])
    state_type = ir.ArrayType(ir.IntType(8), dictiter_sizeof())

    pstate = cgutils.alloca_once(builder, state_type, zfill=True)
    it.state = _as_bytes(builder, pstate)
    it.parent = d

    dp = _dict_get_data(context, builder, iterablety.parent, args[0])
    builder.call(fn, [it.state, dp])
    return impl_ret_borrowed(
Exemplo n.º 14
Arquivo: base.py Projeto: numba/numba
def get_attr_impl(context, builder, typ, value, attr):
    Generic getattr() for @jitclass instances.
    if attr in typ.struct:
        # It's a struct field
        inst = context.make_helper(builder, typ, value=value)
        data_pointer = inst.data
        data = context.make_data_helper(builder, typ.get_data_type(),
        return imputils.impl_ret_borrowed(context, builder,
                                          getattr(data, _mangle_attr(attr)))
    elif attr in typ.jitprops:
        # It's a jitted property
        getter = typ.jitprops[attr]['get']
        sig = templates.signature(None, typ)
        dispatcher = types.Dispatcher(getter)
        sig = dispatcher.get_call_type(context.typing_context, [typ], {})
        call = context.get_function(dispatcher, sig)
        out = call(builder, [value])
        _add_linking_libs(context, call)
        return imputils.impl_ret_new_ref(context, builder, sig.return_type, out)

    raise NotImplementedError('attribute {0!r} not implemented'.format(attr))
Exemplo n.º 15
def getitem_list(context, builder, sig, args):
    inst = ListInstance(context, builder, sig.args[0], args[0])
    index = args[1]

    index = inst.fix_index(index)
    result = inst.getitem(index)

    return impl_ret_borrowed(context, builder, sig.return_type, result)
Exemplo n.º 16
def getitem_list(context, builder, sig, args):
    inst = ListInstance(context, builder, sig.args[0], args[0])
    index = args[1]

    index = inst.fix_index(index)
    result = inst.getitem(index)

    return impl_ret_borrowed(context, builder, sig.return_type, result)
Exemplo n.º 17
def array_prod(context, builder, sig, args):
    def array_prod_impl(arr):
        c = 1
        for v in arr.flat:
            c *= v
        return c

    res = context.compile_internal(builder, array_prod_impl, sig, args, locals=dict(c=sig.return_type))
    return impl_ret_borrowed(context, builder, sig.return_type, res)
Exemplo n.º 18
    def codegen(context, builder, sig, args):
        in_arr_ctypes, ind = args

        arr_ctypes = context.make_helper(builder, arr_ctypes_t, in_arr_ctypes)

        out = context.make_helper(builder, arr_ctypes_t)
        out.data = builder.gep(arr_ctypes.data, [ind])
        out.meminfo = arr_ctypes.meminfo
        res = out._getvalue()
        return impl_ret_borrowed(context, builder, arr_ctypes_t, res)
Exemplo n.º 19
def impl_COO(context, builder, sig, args):
    typ = sig.return_type
    coords, data, shape = args
    coo = cgutils.create_struct_proxy(typ)(context, builder)
    coo.coords = coords
    coo.data = data
    coo.shape = shape
    coo.fill_value = context.get_constant_generic(
        builder, typ.fill_value_type, _zero_of_dtype(typ.data_dtype))
    return impl_ret_borrowed(context, builder, sig.return_type,
Exemplo n.º 20
def array_sum(context, builder, sig, args):
    zero = sig.return_type(0)

    def array_sum_impl(arr):
        c = zero
        for v in arr.flat:
            c += v
        return c

    res = context.compile_internal(builder, array_sum_impl, sig, args, locals=dict(c=sig.return_type))
    return impl_ret_borrowed(context, builder, sig.return_type, res)
Exemplo n.º 21
 def codegen(context, builder, sig, args):
     [d] = args
     [td] = sig.args
     iterhelper = context.make_helper(builder, resty)
     iterhelper.parent = d
     iterhelper.state = iterhelper.state.type(None)
     return impl_ret_borrowed(
Exemplo n.º 22
 def codegen(context, builder, sig, args):
     [d] = args
     [td] = sig.args
     iterhelper = context.make_helper(builder, resty)
     iterhelper.parent = d
     iterhelper.state = iterhelper.state.type(None)
     return impl_ret_borrowed(
Exemplo n.º 23
def array_max(context, builder, sig, args):
    def array_max_impl(arry):
        for v in arry.flat:
            max_value = v

        for v in arry.flat:
            if v > max_value:
                max_value = v
        return max_value
    res = context.compile_internal(builder, array_max_impl, sig, args)
    return impl_ret_borrowed(context, builder, sig.return_type, res)
Exemplo n.º 24
def lower_constant_COO(context, builder, typ, pyval):
    coords = context.get_constant_generic(builder, typ.coords_type,
    data = context.get_constant_generic(builder, typ.data_type, pyval.data)
    shape = context.get_constant_generic(builder, typ.shape_type, pyval.shape)
    fill_value = context.get_constant_generic(builder, typ.fill_value_type,
    return impl_ret_borrowed(
        cgutils.pack_struct(builder, (data, coords, shape, fill_value)),
Exemplo n.º 25
def array_max(context, builder, sig, args):
    def array_max_impl(arry):
        for v in arry.flat:
            max_value = v

        for v in arry.flat:
            if v > max_value:
                max_value = v
        return max_value

    res = context.compile_internal(builder, array_max_impl, sig, args)
    return impl_ret_borrowed(context, builder, sig.return_type, res)
Exemplo n.º 26
    def codegen(context, builder, sig, args):
        in_str_arr, = args

        string_array = context.make_helper(builder, string_array_type,
        #return string_array.offsets
        # # Create new ArrayCType structure
        ctinfo = context.make_helper(builder, offset_ctypes_type)
        ctinfo.data = builder.bitcast(string_array.offsets,
        ctinfo.meminfo = string_array.meminfo
        res = ctinfo._getvalue()
        return impl_ret_borrowed(context, builder, offset_ctypes_type, res)
Exemplo n.º 27
    def codegen(context, builder, sig, args):
        in_str_arr, = args

        string_array = context.make_helper(builder, string_array_type,
        #return string_array.data
        # Create new ArrayCType structure
        # TODO: put offset/data in main structure since immutable
        ctinfo = context.make_helper(builder, data_ctypes_type)
        ctinfo.data = string_array.data
        ctinfo.meminfo = string_array.meminfo
        res = ctinfo._getvalue()
        return impl_ret_borrowed(context, builder, data_ctypes_type, res)
Exemplo n.º 28
def str_arr_size_impl(context, builder, typ, val):
    dtype = StringArrayPayloadType()
    inst_struct = context.make_helper(builder, typ, val)
    data_pointer = context.nrt.meminfo_data(builder, inst_struct.meminfo)
    # cgutils.printf(builder, "data [%p]\n", data_pointer)
    data_pointer = builder.bitcast(data_pointer,

    string_array = cgutils.create_struct_proxy(dtype)(
        context, builder, builder.load(data_pointer))
    attrval = string_array.size
    attrty = types.intp
    return impl_ret_borrowed(context, builder, attrty, attrval)
Exemplo n.º 29
def array_prod(context, builder, sig, args):
    def array_prod_impl(arr):
        c = 1
        for v in np.nditer(arr):
            c *= v.item()
        return c

    res = context.compile_internal(builder,
    return impl_ret_borrowed(context, builder, sig.return_type, res)
Exemplo n.º 30
def array_max(context, builder, sig, args):
    def array_max_impl(arry):
        it = np.nditer(arry)
        for view in it:
            max_value = view.item()

        for view in it:
            v = view.item()
            if v > max_value:
                max_value = v
        return max_value
    res = context.compile_internal(builder, array_max_impl, sig, args)
    return impl_ret_borrowed(context, builder, sig.return_type, res)
Exemplo n.º 31
def array_sum(context, builder, sig, args):
    zero = sig.return_type(0)

    def array_sum_impl(arr):
        c = zero
        for v in np.nditer(arr):
            c += v.item()
        return c

    res = context.compile_internal(builder,
    return impl_ret_borrowed(context, builder, sig.return_type, res)
Exemplo n.º 32
def array_max(context, builder, sig, args):
    def array_max_impl(arry):
        it = np.nditer(arry)
        for view in it:
            max_value = view.item()

        for view in it:
            v = view.item()
            if v > max_value:
                max_value = v
        return max_value

    res = context.compile_internal(builder, array_max_impl, sig, args)
    return impl_ret_borrowed(context, builder, sig.return_type, res)
Exemplo n.º 33
def list_mul_inplace(context, builder, sig, args):
    inst = ListInstance(context, builder, sig.args[0], args[0])
    src_size = inst.size

    mult = args[1]
    zero = ir.Constant(mult.type, 0)
    mult = builder.select(cgutils.is_neg_int(builder, mult), zero, mult)
    nitems = builder.mul(mult, src_size)


    with cgutils.for_range_slice(builder, src_size, nitems, src_size, inc=True) as (dest_offset, _):
        with cgutils.for_range(builder, src_size) as loop:
            value = inst.getitem(loop.index)
            inst.setitem(builder.add(loop.index, dest_offset), value)

    return impl_ret_borrowed(context, builder, sig.return_type, inst.value)
Exemplo n.º 34
def getitem_tuple_lower(context, builder, sig, args):
    tupty, idx = sig.args
    idx = idx.literal_value
    tup, _ = args
    if isinstance(idx, int):
        if idx < 0:
            idx += len(tupty)
        if not 0 <= idx < len(tupty):
            raise IndexError("cannot index at %d in %s" % (idx, tupty))
        res = builder.extract_value(tup, idx)
    elif isinstance(idx, slice):
        items = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, tup)[idx]
        res = context.make_tuple(builder, sig.return_type, items)
        raise NotImplementedError("unexpected index %r for %s" %
                                  (idx, sig.args[0]))
    return impl_ret_borrowed(context, builder, sig.return_type, res)
Exemplo n.º 35
def list_mul_inplace(context, builder, sig, args):
    inst = ListInstance(context, builder, sig.args[0], args[0])
    src_size = inst.size

    mult = args[1]
    zero = ir.Constant(mult.type, 0)
    mult = builder.select(cgutils.is_neg_int(builder, mult), zero, mult)
    nitems = builder.mul(mult, src_size)


    with cgutils.for_range_slice(builder, src_size, nitems, src_size, inc=True) as (dest_offset, _):
        with cgutils.for_range(builder, src_size) as loop:
            value = inst.getitem(loop.index)
            inst.setitem(builder.add(loop.index, dest_offset), value)

    return impl_ret_borrowed(context, builder, sig.return_type, inst.value)
Exemplo n.º 36
    def codegen(context, builder, sig, args):
        [tmi, tdref] = sig.args
        td = tdref.instance_type
        [mi, _] = args

        ctor = cgutils.create_struct_proxy(td)
        dstruct = ctor(context, builder)

        data_pointer = context.nrt.meminfo_data(builder, mi)
        data_pointer = builder.bitcast(data_pointer, ll_dict_type.as_pointer())

        dstruct.data = builder.load(data_pointer)
        dstruct.meminfo = mi

        return impl_ret_borrowed(
Exemplo n.º 37
    def codegen(context, builder, sig, args):
        [tmi, tdref] = sig.args
        td = tdref.instance_type
        [mi, _] = args

        ctor = cgutils.create_struct_proxy(td)
        dstruct = ctor(context, builder)

        data_pointer = context.nrt.meminfo_data(builder, mi)
        data_pointer = builder.bitcast(data_pointer, ll_list_type.as_pointer())

        dstruct.data = builder.load(data_pointer)
        dstruct.meminfo = mi

        return impl_ret_borrowed(
Exemplo n.º 38
                def imp(context, builder, typ, val):
                    ary = aryty(context, builder)
                    dtype = elemty.dtype
                    newshape = [self.get_constant(types.intp, s) for s in
                    newstrides = [self.get_constant(types.intp, s) for s in
                    newdata = cgutils.get_record_member(builder, val, offset,
                        shape=cgutils.pack_array(builder, newshape),
                        strides=cgutils.pack_array(builder, newstrides),
                        itemsize=context.get_constant(types.intp, elemty.size),

                    res = ary._getvalue()
                    return impl_ret_borrowed(context, builder, typ, res)
Exemplo n.º 39
def attr_impl(context, builder, typ, value, attr):
    if attr in typ.struct:
        inst_struct = cgutils.create_struct_proxy(typ)
        inst = inst_struct(context, builder, value=value)
        data_pointer = inst.data
        data_struct = cgutils.create_struct_proxy(typ.get_data_type(),
        data = data_struct(context, builder, ref=data_pointer)
        return imputils.impl_ret_borrowed(context, builder, typ.struct[attr],
                                          getattr(data, attr))
    elif attr in typ.jitprops:
        getter = typ.jitprops[attr]['get']
        sig = templates.signature(None, typ)
        dispatcher = types.Dispatcher(getter)
        sig = dispatcher.get_call_type(context.typing_context, [typ], {})
        call = context.get_function(dispatcher, sig)
        out = call(builder, [value])
        return imputils.impl_ret_new_ref(context, builder, sig.return_type,

    raise NotImplementedError('attribute {0!r} not implemented'.format(attr))
Exemplo n.º 40
def attr_impl(context, builder, typ, value, attr):
    if attr in typ.struct:
        inst_struct = cgutils.create_struct_proxy(typ)
        inst = inst_struct(context, builder, value=value)
        data_pointer = inst.data
        data_struct = cgutils.create_struct_proxy(typ.get_data_type(),
        data = data_struct(context, builder, ref=data_pointer)
        return imputils.impl_ret_borrowed(context, builder,
                                          getattr(data, attr))
    elif attr in typ.jitprops:
        getter = typ.jitprops[attr]['get']
        sig = templates.signature(None, typ)
        dispatcher = types.Dispatcher(getter)
        sig = dispatcher.get_call_type(context.typing_context, [typ], {})
        call = context.get_function(dispatcher, sig)
        out = call(builder, [value])
        return imputils.impl_ret_new_ref(context, builder, sig.return_type, out)

    raise NotImplementedError('attribute {0!r} not implemented'.format(attr))
Exemplo n.º 41
                def imp(context, builder, typ, val):
                    ary = aryty(context, builder)
                    dtype = elemty.dtype
                    newshape = [self.get_constant(types.intp, s) for s in
                    newstrides = [self.get_constant(types.intp, s) for s in
                    newdata = cgutils.get_record_member(builder, val, offset,
                        shape=cgutils.pack_array(builder, newshape),
                        strides=cgutils.pack_array(builder, newstrides),
                        itemsize=context.get_constant(types.intp, elemty.size),

                    res = ary._getvalue()
                    return impl_ret_borrowed(context, builder, typ, res)
Exemplo n.º 42
def dot_3_vm(context, builder, sig, args):
    np.dot(vector, matrix, out)
    np.dot(matrix, vector, out)
    xty, yty, outty = sig.args
    assert outty == sig.return_type
    dtype = xty.dtype

    x = make_array(xty)(context, builder, args[0])
    y = make_array(yty)(context, builder, args[1])
    out = make_array(outty)(context, builder, args[2])
    x_shapes = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, x.shape)
    y_shapes = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, y.shape)
    out_shapes = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, out.shape)
    if xty.ndim < yty.ndim:
        # Vector * matrix
        # Asked for x * y, we will compute y.T * x
        mty = yty
        m, n = m_shapes = y_shapes
        do_trans = yty.layout == 'F'
        m_data, v_data = y.data, x.data

        def check_args(a, b, out):
            m, = a.shape
            _m, n = b.shape
            if m != _m:
                raise ValueError("incompatible array sizes for np.dot(a, b) "
                                 "(vector * matrix)")
            if out.shape != (n,):
                raise ValueError("incompatible output array size for np.dot(a, b, out) "
                                 "(vector * matrix)")
        # Matrix * vector
        # We will compute x * y
        mty = xty
        m, n = m_shapes = x_shapes
        do_trans = xty.layout == 'C'
        m_data, v_data = x.data, y.data

        def check_args(a, b, out):
            m, _n= a.shape
            n, = b.shape
            if n != _n:
                raise ValueError("incompatible array sizes for np.dot(a, b) "
                                 "(matrix * vector)")
            if out.shape != (m,):
                raise ValueError("incompatible output array size for np.dot(a, b, out) "
                                 "(matrix * vector)")

    context.compile_internal(builder, check_args,
                             signature(types.none, *sig.args), args)
    check_c_int(context, builder, m)
    check_c_int(context, builder, n)

    fnty = ir.FunctionType(ir.IntType(32),
                           [ll_char, ll_char_p,               # kind, trans
                            intp_t, intp_t,                   # m, n
                            ll_void_p, ll_void_p, intp_t,     # alpha, a, lda
                            ll_void_p, ll_void_p, ll_void_p,  # x, beta, y
    fn = builder.module.get_or_insert_function(fnty, name="numba_xxgemv")

    alpha = make_constant_slot(context, builder, dtype, 1.0)
    beta = make_constant_slot(context, builder, dtype, 0.0)

    if mty.layout == 'F':
        lda = m_shapes[0]
        m, n = n, m
        lda = m_shapes[1]

    kind = get_blas_kind(dtype)
    kind_val = ir.Constant(ll_char, ord(kind))
    trans = context.insert_const_string(builder.module,
                                        "t" if do_trans else "n")

    res = builder.call(fn, (kind_val, trans, m, n,
                            builder.bitcast(alpha, ll_void_p),
                            builder.bitcast(m_data, ll_void_p), lda,
                            builder.bitcast(v_data, ll_void_p),
                            builder.bitcast(beta, ll_void_p),
                            builder.bitcast(out.data, ll_void_p)))
    check_blas_return(context, builder, res)

    return impl_ret_borrowed(context, builder, sig.return_type, out._getvalue())
Exemplo n.º 43
def dot_3_mm(context, builder, sig, args):
    np.dot(matrix, matrix, out)
    xty, yty, outty = sig.args
    assert outty == sig.return_type
    dtype = xty.dtype

    x = make_array(xty)(context, builder, args[0])
    y = make_array(yty)(context, builder, args[1])
    out = make_array(outty)(context, builder, args[2])
    x_shapes = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, x.shape)
    y_shapes = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, y.shape)
    out_shapes = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, out.shape)
    m, k = x_shapes
    _k, n = y_shapes

    def check_args(a, b, out):
        m, k = a.shape
        _k, n = b.shape
        if k != _k:
            raise ValueError("incompatible array sizes for np.dot(a, b) "
                             "(matrix * matrix)")
        if out.shape != (m, n):
            raise ValueError("incompatible output array size for np.dot(a, b, out) "
                             "(matrix * matrix)")

    context.compile_internal(builder, check_args,
                             signature(types.none, *sig.args), args)
    check_c_int(context, builder, m)
    check_c_int(context, builder, k)
    check_c_int(context, builder, n)

    fnty = ir.FunctionType(ir.IntType(32),
                           [ll_char,                       # kind
                            ll_char_p, ll_char_p,          # transa, transb
                            intp_t, intp_t, intp_t,        # m, n, k
                            ll_void_p, ll_void_p, intp_t,  # alpha, a, lda
                            ll_void_p, intp_t, ll_void_p,  # b, ldb, beta
                            ll_void_p, intp_t,             # c, ldc
    fn = builder.module.get_or_insert_function(fnty, name="numba_xxgemm")

    alpha = make_constant_slot(context, builder, dtype, 1.0)
    beta = make_constant_slot(context, builder, dtype, 0.0)

    trans = context.insert_const_string(builder.module, "t")
    notrans = context.insert_const_string(builder.module, "n")

    # Since out is C-contiguous, compute a * b = y.T * x.T
    assert outty.layout == 'C'

    def get_array_param(ty, shapes, data):
        return (
                # Transpose if layout different from result's
                notrans if ty.layout == outty.layout else trans,
                # Size of the inner dimension in physical array order
                shapes[1] if ty.layout == 'C' else shapes[0],
                # The data pointer, unit-less
                builder.bitcast(data, ll_void_p),

    transa, lda, data_a = get_array_param(yty, y_shapes, y.data)
    transb, ldb, data_b = get_array_param(xty, x_shapes, x.data)
    _, ldc, data_c = get_array_param(outty, out_shapes, out.data)

    kind = get_blas_kind(dtype)
    kind_val = ir.Constant(ll_char, ord(kind))

    res = builder.call(fn, (kind_val, transa, transb, n, m, k,
                            builder.bitcast(alpha, ll_void_p), data_a, lda,
                            data_b, ldb, builder.bitcast(beta, ll_void_p),
                            data_c, ldc))
    check_blas_return(context, builder, res)

    return impl_ret_borrowed(context, builder, sig.return_type, out._getvalue())
Exemplo n.º 44
def index_wrap_array(context, builder, sig, args):
    dest = make_index(context, builder, sig.return_type)
    dest.data = args[1]
    return impl_ret_borrowed(context, builder, sig.return_type,
Exemplo n.º 45
def mat_inv(context, builder, sig, args):
    Invert a matrix through the use of its LU decomposition.
    xty = sig.args[0]
    dtype = xty.dtype

    x = make_array(xty)(context, builder, args[0])
    x_shapes = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, x.shape)
    m, n = x_shapes
    check_c_int(context, builder, m)
    check_c_int(context, builder, n)

    # Allocate the return array (Numpy never works in place contrary to
    # Scipy for which one can specify to whether or not to overwrite the
    # input).
    def create_out(a):
        m, n= a.shape
        if m != n:
            raise ValueError("np.linalg.inv can only work on square "
        return a.copy()

    out = context.compile_internal(builder, create_out,
                                   signature(sig.return_type, *sig.args), args)
    o = make_array(xty)(context, builder, out)

    # Allocate the array in which the pivot indices are stored.
    ipiv_t = types.Array(types.intc, 1, 'C')
    i = _empty_nd_impl(context, builder, ipiv_t, (m,))

    info = cgutils.alloca_once(builder, ll_intc)

    # Compute the LU decomposition of the matrix.
    call_xxgetrf(context, builder, xty, x_shapes, o.data, i.data,

    zero = ir.Constant(ll_intc, 0)
    info_val = builder.load(info)
    lapack_error = builder.icmp_signed('!=', info_val, zero)
    invalid_arg = builder.icmp_signed('<', info_val, zero)

    with builder.if_then(lapack_error, False):
        with builder.if_else(invalid_arg) as (then, otherwise):
            raise_err = context.call_conv.return_user_exc
            with then:
                raise_err(builder, ValueError,
                          ('One argument passed to getrf is invalid',)
            with otherwise:
                raise_err(builder, ValueError,
                          ('Matrix is singular and cannot be inverted',)

    # Compute the optimal lwork.
    lwork = make_constant_slot(context, builder, types.intc, -1)
    work = cgutils.alloca_once(builder, context.get_value_type(xty.dtype))
    call_xxgetri(context, builder, xty, x_shapes, o.data, i.data, work,
                 lwork, info)

    info_val = builder.load(info)
    lapack_error = builder.icmp_signed('!=', info_val, zero)

    with builder.if_then(lapack_error, False):
        raise_err = context.call_conv.return_user_exc
        raise_err(builder, ValueError,
                  ('One argument passed to getri is invalid',)

    # Allocate a work array of the optimal size as computed by getri.
    def allocate_work(x, size):
        """Allocate the work array.

        size = int(1.01 * size.real)
        return numpy.empty((size,), dtype=x.dtype)

    wty = types.Array(dtype, 1, 'C')
    work = context.compile_internal(builder, allocate_work,
                                    signature(wty, xty, dtype),
                                    (args[0], builder.load(work)))

    w = make_array(wty)(context, builder, work)
    w_shapes = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, w.shape)
    lw, = w_shapes

    builder.store(context.cast(builder, lw, types.intp, types.intc),

    # Compute the matrix inverse.
    call_xxgetri(context, builder, xty, x_shapes, o.data, i.data, w.data,
                 lwork, info)

    info_val = builder.load(info)
    lapack_error = builder.icmp_signed('!=', info_val, zero)
    invalid_arg = builder.icmp_signed('<', info_val, zero)

    with builder.if_then(lapack_error, False):
        with builder.if_else(invalid_arg) as (then, otherwise):
            raise_err = context.call_conv.return_user_exc
            with then:
                raise_err(builder, ValueError,
                          ('One argument passed to getri is invalid',)
            with otherwise:
                raise_err(builder, ValueError,
                          ('Matrix is singular and cannot be inverted',)

    return impl_ret_borrowed(context, builder, sig.return_type, out)
Exemplo n.º 46
def dot_3_mm(context, builder, sig, args):
    np.dot(matrix, matrix, out)
    xty, yty, outty = sig.args
    assert outty == sig.return_type
    dtype = xty.dtype

    x = make_array(xty)(context, builder, args[0])
    y = make_array(yty)(context, builder, args[1])
    out = make_array(outty)(context, builder, args[2])
    x_shapes = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, x.shape)
    y_shapes = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, y.shape)
    out_shapes = cgutils.unpack_tuple(builder, out.shape)
    m, k = x_shapes
    _k, n = y_shapes

    # The only case Numpy supports
    assert outty.layout == 'C'

    def check_args(a, b, out):
        m, k = a.shape
        _k, n = b.shape
        if k != _k:
            raise ValueError("incompatible array sizes for np.dot(a, b) "
                             "(matrix * matrix)")
        if out.shape != (m, n):
            raise ValueError("incompatible output array size for "
                             "np.dot(a, b, out) (matrix * matrix)")

    context.compile_internal(builder, check_args,
                             signature(types.none, *sig.args), args)
    check_c_int(context, builder, m)
    check_c_int(context, builder, k)
    check_c_int(context, builder, n)

    x_data = x.data
    y_data = y.data
    out_data = out.data

    # Check whether any of the operands is really a 1-d vector represented
    # as a (1, k) or (k, 1) 2-d array.  In those cases, it is pessimal
    # to call the generic matrix * matrix product BLAS function.
    one = ir.Constant(intp_t, 1)
    is_left_vec = builder.icmp_signed('==', m, one)
    is_right_vec = builder.icmp_signed('==', n, one)

    with builder.if_else(is_right_vec) as (r_vec, r_mat):
        with r_vec:
            with builder.if_else(is_left_vec) as (v_v, m_v):
                with v_v:
                    # V * V
                    call_xxdot(context, builder, False, dtype,
                               k, x_data, y_data, out_data)
                with m_v:
                    # M * V
                    do_trans = xty.layout == outty.layout
                    call_xxgemv(context, builder, do_trans,
                                xty, x_shapes, x_data, y_data, out_data)
        with r_mat:
            with builder.if_else(is_left_vec) as (v_m, m_m):
                with v_m:
                    # V * M
                    do_trans = yty.layout != outty.layout
                    call_xxgemv(context, builder, do_trans,
                                yty, y_shapes, y_data, x_data, out_data)
                with m_m:
                    # M * M
                    call_xxgemm(context, builder,
                                xty, x_shapes, x_data,
                                yty, y_shapes, y_data,
                                outty, out_shapes, out_data)

    return impl_ret_borrowed(context, builder, sig.return_type,
Exemplo n.º 47
def getiter_list(context, builder, sig, args):
    inst = ListIterInstance.from_list(context, builder, sig.return_type, args[0])
    return impl_ret_borrowed(context, builder, sig.return_type, inst.value)
Exemplo n.º 48
def series_wrap_array(context, builder, sig, args):
    src = make_series(context, builder, sig.args[0], value=args[0])
    dest = make_series(context, builder, sig.return_type)
    dest.values = args[1]
    dest.index = src.index
    return impl_ret_borrowed(context, builder, sig.return_type, dest._getvalue())
Exemplo n.º 49
def pdseries_constructor(context, builder, sig, args):
    data, index = args
    series = make_series(context, builder, sig.return_type)
    series.index = index
    series.values = data
    return impl_ret_borrowed(context, builder, sig.return_type, series._getvalue())
Exemplo n.º 50
 def imp(context, builder, typ, val):
     dptr = cgutils.get_record_member(builder, val, offset,
     align = None if typ.aligned else 1
     res = self.unpack_value(builder, elemty, dptr, align)
     return impl_ret_borrowed(context, builder, typ, res)
Exemplo n.º 51
 def imp(context, builder, typ, val):
     dptr = cgutils.get_record_member(builder, val, offset,
     res = self.unpack_value(builder, elemty, dptr)
     return impl_ret_borrowed(context, builder, typ, res)
Exemplo n.º 52
 def imp(context, builder, typ, val):
     return impl_ret_borrowed(context, builder, attrty, llval)
Exemplo n.º 53
def index_wrap_array(context, builder, sig, args):
    dest = make_index(context, builder, sig.return_type)
    dest.data = args[1]
    return impl_ret_borrowed(context, builder, sig.return_type, dest._getvalue())
Exemplo n.º 54
def iterator_getiter(context, builder, sig, args):
    [it] = args
    return impl_ret_borrowed(context, builder, sig.return_type, it)
Exemplo n.º 55
def list_add_inplace(context, builder, sig, args):
    assert sig.args[0].dtype == sig.return_type.dtype
    dest = _list_extend_list(context, builder, sig, args)

    return impl_ret_borrowed(context, builder, sig.return_type, dest.value)
Exemplo n.º 56
def lower_dist_rebalance_array_parallel(context, builder, sig, args):

    arr_typ = sig.args[0]
    ndim = arr_typ.ndim
    # TODO: support string type

    shape_tup = ",".join(["count"]
                    + ["in_arr.shape[{}]".format(i) for i in range(1, ndim)])
    alloc_text = "np.empty(({}), in_arr.dtype)".format(shape_tup)

    func_text = """def f(in_arr, count):
    n_pes = hpat.distributed_api.get_size()
    my_rank = hpat.distributed_api.get_rank()
    out_arr = {}
    # copy old data
    old_len = len(in_arr)
    out_ind = 0
    for i in range(min(old_len, count)):
        out_arr[i] = in_arr[i]
        out_ind += 1
    # get diff data for all procs
    my_diff = old_len - count
    all_diffs = np.empty(n_pes, np.int64)
    hpat.distributed_api.allgather(all_diffs, my_diff)
    # alloc comm requests
    comm_req_ind = 0
    comm_reqs = hpat.distributed_api.comm_req_alloc(n_pes)
    req_ind = 0
    # for each potential receiver
    for i in range(n_pes):
        # if receiver
        if all_diffs[i] < 0:
            # for each potential sender
            for j in range(n_pes):
                # if sender
                if all_diffs[j] > 0:
                    send_size = min(all_diffs[j], -all_diffs[i])
                    # if I'm receiver
                    if my_rank == i:
                        buff = out_arr[out_ind:(out_ind+send_size)]
                        comm_reqs[comm_req_ind] = hpat.distributed_api.irecv(
                            buff, np.int32(buff.size), np.int32(j), np.int32(9))
                        comm_req_ind += 1
                        out_ind += send_size
                    # if I'm sender
                    if my_rank == j:
                        buff = np.ascontiguousarray(in_arr[out_ind:(out_ind+send_size)])
                        comm_reqs[comm_req_ind] = hpat.distributed_api.isend(
                            buff, np.int32(buff.size), np.int32(i), np.int32(9))
                        comm_req_ind += 1
                        out_ind += send_size
                    # update sender and receivers remaining counts
                    all_diffs[i] += send_size
                    all_diffs[j] -= send_size
                    # if receiver is done, stop sender search
                    if all_diffs[i] == 0: break
    hpat.distributed_api.waitall(np.int32(comm_req_ind), comm_reqs)
    return out_arr

    loc = {}
    exec(func_text, {'hpat': hpat, 'np': np}, loc)
    rebalance_impl = loc['f']

    res = context.compile_internal(builder, rebalance_impl, sig, args)
    return impl_ret_borrowed(context, builder, sig.return_type, res)
Exemplo n.º 57
 def set_inplace(context, builder, sig, args, op_impl=op_impl):
     assert sig.return_type == sig.args[0]
     op_impl(context, builder, sig, args)
     return impl_ret_borrowed(context, builder, sig.args[0], args[0])