Exemplo n.º 1
def cal_signal_(df0, df1, df2, strat_time, end_time, cs0, sxf=2/1000, slip=2/1000):
    # 配置参数:止盈,ma_len(atr),atr_倍数,交易次数
    stop_win_n, ma_len, atrn,sw_atrn,da_ma_n, trade_inner_nums = cs0
    # 配置临时变量
    inner_trade_nums = trade_inner_nums
    open_pos_size = 1
    max_log_high = np.nan
    min_log_low = np.nan
    for i in range(10, df0.shape[0]):  # 类似于vnpy:on_bar
        # 换仓日
        if df0[i][-1]:
            # 换仓操作

        # # 交易时间判断:日:1-28,and (时,分:9:30-16:00)
        # trading_time_con = ((df0[i, 6] >= strat_time[0]) and (df0[i, 6] <= end_time[0])) and \
        #                    ((df0[i, 7] == 9) and (df0[i, 8] >= 15)) or \
        #                    ((df0[i, 7] == 16) and (df0[i, 8] <= 29)) or \
        #                    ((df0[i, 7] > 9) and (df0[i, 7] < 16))
        # # 我们交易时间
        # #日
        # we_trade_con = ((df0[i, 6] >= strat_time[0]) and (df0[i, 6] <= end_time[0])) and \
        #                ((df0[i, 7] == strat_time[1]) and (df0[i, 8] > strat_time[2])) or \
        #                ((df0[i, 7] == end_time[1]) and (df0[i, 8] < end_time[2])) or \
        #                ((df0[i, 7] > strat_time[1]) and (df0[i, 7] < end_time[1]))

        # 交易所日盘,开放
        if trading_time_con:
            # 快捷变量
            open_bar = df0[i][1]
            high_bar = df0[i][2]
            low_bar = df0[i][3]
            last_close = df0[i - 1][4]
            clsoe_bar = df0[i][4]
            atr_n = df2[i-1][8] * atrn
            swin_atr_n = df2[i-1][8] * sw_atrn
            ma_xiao = df2[i][7]
            da_ma = df2[i][10]

            # === 仓位统计。
            df1, now_open_prcie, now_pos = cal_per_pos(i, df1, open_pos_size, open_bar, clsoe_bar, last_close, sxf=1, slip=1)

            # === 当日变量加载
            if ((df0[i, 7] == 9) and (df0[i, 8] == 15)):
                inner_trade_nums = trade_inner_nums
                max_log_high = high_bar
                min_log_low = low_bar

                max_log_high = max(max(open_bar,clsoe_bar), max_log_high)
                min_log_low = min(min(open_bar,clsoe_bar), min_log_low)
                inner_low = df2[i - 1][3]

            stop_loss_price = (now_open_prcie + atr_n)
            stop_win_price = now_open_prcie - stop_win_n
            moving_swin_price =  np.nan

            # 信号生成
            if we_trade_con:

                if now_pos == 0:
                    short_condition =  (clsoe_bar < inner_low) and (last_close >= inner_low) and (clsoe_bar<da_ma)
                    # 空:突破最低线。
                    if short_condition and inner_trade_nums > 0:
                        inner_trade_nums -= 1
                        df1[i][1] = -1
                elif now_pos < 0:
                    stop_loss_con = (clsoe_bar > stop_loss_price) and\
                                    (last_close <= stop_loss_price)
                    if min_log_low <stop_win_price:
                        stop_win_con = (clsoe_bar > ma_xiao)
                        moving_swin_price = ma_xiao
                        stop_win_con = (clsoe_bar > ma_xiao + swin_atr_n)
                        moving_swin_price = ma_xiao+swin_atr_n

                    close_pos = False
                    if close_pos:
                        df1[i][1] = 0
                    elif stop_loss_con:
                        df1[i][1] = 0
                    elif stop_win_con:
                        df1[i][1] = 0
            else:  # 非交易时间段
                if now_pos != 0:
                    df1[i][1] = 0

            # 记录指标 绘图等等
            # ['开仓线','atr_day','小均线']
            df2[i, 1] = stop_loss_price
            df2[i, 2] = stop_win_price
            df2[i, 3] = min_log_low
            df2[i, 4] = max_log_high
            df2[i, 9] = moving_swin_price

    res0 = cal_tongji(df_input=df1)
    res0 = np.concatenate((res0, cs0))
    return df0, df1, df2, res0

def cal_signal(df, strat_time, end_time, canshu):
    a = time.process_time()
    # ===转化成np.array
    df0cols = ['candle_begin_time', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'volume', 'days', 'huors', 'minutes']
    df1cols = ['candle_begin_time', 'signal', 'pos', 'opne_price', 'per_lr', 'sl']
    df2cols = ['candle_begin_time', '止损价', '止盈价', '日内最低价', '日内最高价', '开仓线',
               'atr_day', '小均线', 'n_atr','移动止赢','大均线']
    # 配置参数:止盈,ma_len(atr),atr_倍数,交易次数
    # stop_win_n, ma_len, atrn, trade_inner_nums = cs0
    df['小均线'] = talib.SMA(df['close'], int(canshu[1]))
    df['大均线'] = talib.SMA(df['close'], int(canshu[4]))

    df['n_atr'] = talib.ATR(df['close'], df['high'], df['low'], int(canshu[1]))
    df['移动止赢'] = np.nan

    # print(df.tail())
    # exit()
    df0 = df[df0cols].values
    df1 = df[df1cols].values
    df2 = df[df2cols].values
    df0, df1, df2, res = cal_signal_(df0, df1, df2, strat_time, end_time, canshu)
    print('runingtime:', time.process_time() - a, 's')
    return df0, df1, df2, (df0cols, df1cols, df2cols), res

def duojincheng_backtesting(df_input, zong_can, strat_time, end_time, cpu_nums=3,jiexi=False):
    df = df_input.copy()
    if cpu_nums > cpu_count() - 1: cpu_nums = cpu_count() - 1
    huice_df = []

    def tianjia(res):
        # print(res[-1])

    #  ===原始数据处理
    df['candle_begin_time'] = (df['candle_begin_time'] - np.datetime64(0, 's')) / timedelta(seconds=1)
    df['days'] = pd.to_datetime(df["candle_begin_time"], unit='s').apply(lambda x: float(x.to_pydatetime().day))
    df['huors'] = pd.to_datetime(df["candle_begin_time"], unit='s').apply(lambda x: float(x.to_pydatetime().hour))
    df['minutes'] = pd.to_datetime(df["candle_begin_time"], unit='s').apply(lambda x: float(x.to_pydatetime().minute))
    #  ===信号仓位统计数据列
    df['signal'] = np.nan
    df['pos'] = 0
    df['opne_price'] = np.nan
    df['per_lr'] = np.nan
    df['sl'] = np.nan
    #  ===指标数据
    df['止损价'] = np.nan
    df['止盈价'] = np.nan
    df['日内最低价'] = np.nan
    df['日内最高价'] = np.nan
    df['开仓线'] = np.nan
    df['小均线'] = np.nan
    df['大均线'] = np.nan

    df = df[(df['huors'] >= 2) & (df['huors'] <= 16) & (df['days'] <= end_time[0])]

    # 多进程回测
    if cpu_nums > 1:
        p = Pool(processes=cpu_nums)
        for j in range(0, len(zong_can), cpu_nums):
            for i in range(cpu_nums):
                if j + i <= len(zong_can) - 1:
                    canshu0 = zong_can[j + i]
                    p.apply_async(cal_signal, args=(df, strat_time, end_time, np.array(canshu0),), callback=tianjia, )
        # 整理多进程回测的数据
        cols = ['最后收益', '最大收益', '模拟最大回撤', '赢撤率', '夏普率', '平均收益', '开仓次数', '胜率', '盈亏比'] + [f'参数{i}' for i in range(1, len(zong_can[0]) + 1)]
        resdf = pd.DataFrame(huice_df, columns=cols)
        resdf = resdf[cols]
        resdf.sort_values(by='最后收益', inplace=True)
        return resdf

    # 单进程测试
        for cs0 in zong_can:
            a = time.process_time()
            df0, df1, df2, cols, res0 = cal_signal(df, strat_time, end_time, np.array(cs0))
            print('runingtime:', time.process_time() - a, 's')
        if jiexi :

        df0cols, df1cols, df2cols = cols
        # 转换成df数据
        df00 = pd.DataFrame(df0, columns=df0cols)
        df11 = pd.DataFrame(df1, columns=df1cols)
        df22 = pd.DataFrame(df2, columns=df2cols)
        # 合并
        df11_ = pd.merge(df00, df11, on="candle_begin_time", suffixes=('_0', '_1'))
        dfres = pd.merge(df11_, df22, on="candle_begin_time", suffixes=('', '_2'))
        dfres["candle_begin_time"] = pd.to_datetime(dfres["candle_begin_time"], unit='s')
        dfres.sort_values(by='candle_begin_time', inplace=True)
        cols = ['最后收益', '最大收益', '模拟最大回撤', '赢撤率', '夏普率', '平均收益', '开仓次数', '胜率', '盈亏比'] + [f'参数{i}' for i in range(1, len(zong_can[0]) + 1)]
        res0 = pd.DataFrame([res0], columns=cols)

        return dfres, res0

if __name__ == '__main__':
    import time, datetime
    import os
    filename = os.path.abspath(__file__).split('\\')[-1].split('.')[0]
    timeer0 = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time()).strftime('%m_%d=%H_%M')
    datapath = r'F:\task\恒生股指期货\hsi_data_1min\HSI2011-2019_12.csv'
    dir_path =r'F:\task\恒生股指期货\numba_策略开发\numba_突破max01_突破_空策略'

    # 1.先测试单进程 cpu == 1
    a = 1
    b = 0
    c = 0
    if True == a:
        df_time_list = [['2019-2-1 09:15:00', '2019-12-10 16:25:00']]
        s_time, e_time = df_time_list[0]
        df = get_loc_hsicsv(s_time, e_time, datapath)  # 获取本地数据
        df000 = df.copy()
        strat_time = np.array([1, 9, 30])
        end_time = np.array([27, 16, 10])
        time0 = time.process_time()
        df000 = df.copy()
        # df000['ma2']=talib.MA(df000['close'],5000)
        # exit()
        # resdf0,res01 = duojincheng_backtesting(df000.iloc[:1000], zong_can=[[80,180,200,0]], strat_time=strat_time, end_time=end_time, cpu_nums = 1)

        # resdf0, res00 = duojincheng_backtesting(df000.iloc[:3000],
        #                                         zong_can=[[230, 16, 3,1]],
        #                                         strat_time=strat_time,
        #                                         end_time=end_time, cpu_nums=1,jiexi=True)
        # time.sleep(0.2)
        resdf, res0 = duojincheng_backtesting(df000, zong_can=[[210.0, 10.0, 4.0, 4.0, 5000.0, 1.0]],
                                              end_time=end_time, cpu_nums=1,jiexi=False)


        resdf['atr_day'] = resdf['日内最低价'] + resdf['atr_day']
        mode = 112
        if mode == 1:
            resdf_baitian = resdf[(resdf['huors'] >= 2) & (resdf['huors'] <= 16)]
            resdf = resdf_baitian.copy()
            resdf.sort_values(by='candle_begin_time', inplace=True)
            draw_charts(resdf, canshu={'opne_price': resdf['opne_price'],
                                       '止损价': resdf['止损价'],
                                       '止盈价': resdf['止盈价'],
                                       '日内最低价': resdf['日内最低价'],
                                       '日内最高价': resdf['日内最高价'],
                                       '开仓线': resdf['开仓线'],
                                       '小均线': resdf['小均线'],
                                       '大均线': resdf['大均线'],

                                       '移动止赢' :resdf['移动止赢'],
                                       "atr_day": resdf['atr_day']
                                       }, vol_bar=True, markline_show2=True,
                                path=r'html_gather\%s_%s' %(filename, timeer0))
        if mode == 2:
            resdf = resdf[resdf['pos'].notnull()].copy()
            draw_charts(resdf, canshu={'opne_price': resdf['opne_price'],
                                       '止损价': resdf['止损价'],
                                       '止盈价': resdf['止盈价'],
                                       '日内最低价': resdf['日内最低价'],
                                       '日内最高价': resdf['日内最高价'],
                                       '小均线': resdf['小均线'],
                                       '大均线': resdf['大均线'],
                                       '移动止赢' :resdf['移动止赢'],
                                       "atr_day": resdf['atr_day']
                                       }, vol_bar=True, markline_show2=True,
                        path=r'html_gather\%s_%s' %(filename, timeer0))
        print(f'总时间:{time.process_time() - time0}  s')
    # 多进程策略 :
    # [190, 20, 2, 2]

    if True == b:
        canshu_list = []
        for cs1 in range(200, 280, 10):
            for cs2 in range(10, 20, 3):
                for cs3 in range(2, 5, 1):
                    for cs4 in range(1, 3, 1):
                        canshu_list.append([cs1, cs2, cs3, cs4])
        canshu_list = canshu_list[:]
        df_time_list = [['2016-1-10 09:15:00', '2019-12-20 16:25:00']]
        s_time, e_time = df_time_list[0]
        df = get_loc_hsicsv(s_time, e_time, datapath)  # 获取本地数据
        df000 = df.copy()
        strat_time = np.array([1, 9, 30])
        end_time = np.array([27, 16, 10])
        print('参数列表个数:', len(canshu_list))
        time0 = time.process_time()
        resdf = duojincheng_backtesting(df000, zong_can=canshu_list[:], strat_time=strat_time, end_time=end_time, cpu_nums=2)
        resdf.to_csv(r'csv_gather\%s_%s.csv' % (filename,timeer0))
        print(f'总时间:{time.process_time() - time0}  s')

    # 多进程策略 :
    if True == c:
        from numba_策略开发.回测工具.多阶段回测 import duojieduan_huice
        canshu_list = []
        for cs1 in range(180, 280, 10):
            for cs2 in range(10, 25, 5):
                for cs3 in range(2, 5, 1):
                    for cs4 in range(2, 5, 1):
                        for cs5 in range(3000, 5001, 1000):
                            for cs6 in range(1, 3, 1):
                                canshu_list.append([cs1, cs2, cs3, cs4,cs5,cs6])
        canshu_list = canshu_list[:]
        df_time_list = [['2016-1-10 09:15:00', '2019-12-28 16:25:00']]
        s_time, e_time = df_time_list[0]
        df = get_loc_hsicsv(s_time, e_time, datapath)  # 获取本地数据
        df000 = df.copy()
        strat_time = np.array([1, 9, 30])
        end_time = np.array([27, 16, 10])
        name = f'{filename}_{s_time[:4]}_{e_time[:4]}'

        if True == 1:
            print('参数列表个数:', len(canshu_list))
            time0 = time.process_time()
            func_canshu = {'zong_can': canshu_list[:], 'cpu_nums': 2, "strat_time": strat_time, "end_time": end_time}
            df_zong = duojieduan_huice(df, duojincheng_backtesting, func_canshu, s_time, e_time, jiange='12MS')
            path_csv = dir_path + r'\csv_gather\%s.csv'%name
            # 接下来生成html
            df_zong_html = pd.DataFrame()
            for k, v in df_zong.groupby('s_time'):
                dfv = pd.DataFrame(v)
                dfv.sort_values('最后收益', ascending=False, inplace=True)
                df0 = dfv.iloc[:50]
                df_zong_html = df_zong_html.append(df0, ignore_index=True)
            canshu_cols = [i for i in df_zong_html.keys() if '参数' in i]
            df_zong_html['参数_合并'] = df_zong_html[canshu_cols].values.tolist()
            df_zong_html['参数_合并'] = df_zong_html['参数_合并'].astype(str)
            df0 = df_zong_html['参数_合并'].value_counts()  # .to_frame()
            # df0.reset_index(inplace=True)
            df_zong_html['参数出现次数'] = df_zong_html['参数_合并'].apply(lambda x: df0[x])

            df_zong_html.set_index(keys=['s_time', '最后收益'], inplace=True)
            html_path = dir_path+r'\策略介绍html\csv_html\%s.html' % name

        # 读取本地数据,单独生成html,
        if True == 0:
            df_zong = pd.read_csv(dir_path + r'\csv_gather\%s.csv'%name)
            df_zong_html = pd.DataFrame()
            for k, v in df_zong.groupby('s_time'):
                dfv = pd.DataFrame(v)
                dfv.sort_values('最后收益', ascending=False, inplace=True)
                df0 = dfv.iloc[:50]
                df_zong_html = df_zong_html.append(df0, ignore_index=True)
            canshu_cols = [i for i in df_zong_html.keys() if '参数' in i]
            df_zong_html['参数_合并'] = df_zong_html[canshu_cols].values.tolist()
            df_zong_html['参数_合并'] = df_zong_html['参数_合并'].astype(str)

            df0 = df_zong_html['参数_合并'].value_counts()  # .to_frame()
            # df0.reset_index(inplace=True)
            df_zong_html['参数出现次数'] = df_zong_html['参数_合并'].apply(lambda x: df0[x])

            df_zong_html.set_index(keys=['s_time', '最后收益'], inplace=True)
            name = 'max_突破06_atr_2015_2019.html'
            html_path = dir_path + r'\策略介绍html\csv_html\%s.html' % name
Exemplo n.º 2
        strat_time = np.array([1, 9, 30])
        end_time = np.array([27, 16, 10])
        name = f'{filename}_{s_time[:4]}_{e_time[:4]}'

        if True == 1:
            print('参数列表个数:', len(canshu_list))
            time0 = time.process_time()
            func_canshu = {
                'zong_can': canshu_list[:],
                'cpu_nums': 2,
                "strat_time": strat_time,
                "end_time": end_time
            df_zong = duojieduan_huice(df,
            path_csv = dir_path + r'\csv_gather\%s.csv' % name
            # 接下来生成html
            df_zong_html = pd.DataFrame()
            for k, v in df_zong.groupby('s_time'):
                dfv = pd.DataFrame(v)
                dfv.sort_values('最后收益', ascending=False, inplace=True)
                df0 = dfv.iloc[:50]
                df_zong_html = df_zong_html.append(df0, ignore_index=True)
            canshu_cols = [i for i in df_zong_html.keys() if '参数' in i]
            df_zong_html['参数_合并'] = df_zong_html[canshu_cols].values.tolist()
            df_zong_html['参数_合并'] = df_zong_html['参数_合并'].astype(str)
Exemplo n.º 3
        if True == 1:
            print('参数列表个数:', len(canshu_list))
            time0 = time.process_time()
            # df, strat_time, end_time, cs0, ix_zong = 100, all_day = 0

            func_canshu = {
                'zong_can': canshu_list[:],
                'cpu_nums': 2,
                "path": r"",
                "all_day": 0,
                "strat_time": strat_time,
                "end_time": end_time
            df_zong = duojieduan_huice(df,
            path_csv = dir_path + r'\csv_gather\%s.csv' % name
            # 接下来生成html
            df_zong_html = pd.DataFrame()
            for k, v in df_zong.groupby('s_time'):
                dfv = pd.DataFrame(v)
                dfv.sort_values('最后收益', ascending=False, inplace=True)
                df0 = dfv.iloc[:50]
                df_zong_html = df_zong_html.append(df0, ignore_index=True)
            canshu_cols = [i for i in df_zong_html.keys() if '参数' in i]
            df_zong_html['参数_合并'] = df_zong_html[canshu_cols].values.tolist()
            df_zong_html['参数_合并'] = df_zong_html['参数_合并'].astype(str)