Exemplo n.º 1
use C++ class in Python code (c++ module + py shadow class)
this script runs the same tests as the main.cxx C++ file

from number import Number         # imports .py C++ shadow class module

num = Number(1)                   # make a C++ class object in Python
num.add(4)                        # call its methods from Python
num.display()                     # num saves the C++ 'this' pointer

res = num.square()                # converted C++ int return value
print('square: ', res)

num.data = 99                     # set C++ data member, generated __setattr__
val = num.data                    # get C++ data member, generated __getattr__
print('data:   ', val)            # returns a normal Python integer object
print('data+1: ', val + 1)

print(num)                        # runs repr in shadow/proxy class
del num                           # runs C++ destructor automatically
Exemplo n.º 2
from number import Number       # use C++ class in Python (shadow class)
                                # runs same tests as main.cxx C++ file
num = Number(1)                 # make a C++ class object in Python
num.add(4)                      # call its methods from Python 
num.display(  )                   # num saves the C++ 'this' pointer
num.display(  )

num.data = 99                   # set C++ data member, generated __setattr__ 
print (num.data)                  # get C++ data member, generated __getattr__ 
num.display(  )
del num                         # runs C++ destructor automatically  
Exemplo n.º 3
 def add(self, other):  # extend method
     print('in Python add...')
     Number.add(self, other)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def add(self, other):
     print 'in Python add...'
     Number.add(self, other)
Exemplo n.º 5
 def add(self, other):                # extend method
     print('in Python add...')
     Number.add(self, other)
 def add(self, other):
     print "in Python add..."
     Number.add(self, other)