Exemplo n.º 1
def nan_to_num(x, copy=True):
    Replace NaN with zero and infinity with large finite numbers.

    If `x` is inexact, NaN is replaced by zero, and infinity and -infinity
    replaced by the respectively largest and most negative finite floating
    point values representable by ``x.dtype``.

    For complex dtypes, the above is applied to each of the real and
    imaginary components of `x` separately.

    If `x` is not inexact, then no replacements are made.

    x : scalar or array_like
        Input data.
    copy : bool, optional
        Whether to create a copy of `x` (True) or to replace values
        in-place (False). The in-place operation only occurs if
        casting to an array does not require a copy.
        Default is True.

        .. versionadded:: 1.13

    out : ndarray
        `x`, with the non-finite values replaced. If `copy` is False, this may
        be `x` itself.

    See Also
    isinf : Shows which elements are positive or negative infinity.
    isneginf : Shows which elements are negative infinity.
    isposinf : Shows which elements are positive infinity.
    isnan : Shows which elements are Not a Number (NaN).
    isfinite : Shows which elements are finite (not NaN, not infinity)

    NumPy uses the IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point for Arithmetic
    (IEEE 754). This means that Not a Number is not equivalent to infinity.

    >>> np.nan_to_num(np.inf)
    >>> np.nan_to_num(-np.inf)
    >>> np.nan_to_num(np.nan)
    >>> x = np.array([np.inf, -np.inf, np.nan, -128, 128])
    >>> np.nan_to_num(x)
    array([ 1.79769313e+308, -1.79769313e+308,  0.00000000e+000, # may vary
           -1.28000000e+002,  1.28000000e+002])
    >>> y = np.array([complex(np.inf, np.nan), np.nan, complex(np.nan, np.inf)])
    array([  1.79769313e+308,  -1.79769313e+308,   0.00000000e+000, # may vary
         -1.28000000e+002,   1.28000000e+002])
    >>> np.nan_to_num(y)
    array([  1.79769313e+308 +0.00000000e+000j, # may vary
             0.00000000e+000 +0.00000000e+000j,
             0.00000000e+000 +1.79769313e+308j])
    x = _nx.array(x, subok=True, copy=copy)
    xtype = x.dtype.type

    isscalar = (x.ndim == 0)

    if not issubclass(xtype, _nx.inexact):
        return x[()] if isscalar else x

    iscomplex = issubclass(xtype, _nx.complexfloating)

    dest = (x.real, x.imag) if iscomplex else (x,)
    maxf, minf = _getmaxmin(x.real.dtype)
    for d in dest:
        _nx.copyto(d, 0.0, where=isnan(d))
        _nx.copyto(d, maxf, where=isposinf(d))
        _nx.copyto(d, minf, where=isneginf(d))
    return x[()] if isscalar else x
Exemplo n.º 2
def nan_to_num(x):
    Replace nan with zero and inf with finite numbers.

    Returns an array or scalar replacing Not a Number (NaN) with zero,
    (positive) infinity with a very large number and negative infinity
    with a very small (or negative) number.

    x : array_like
        Input data.

    out : ndarray
        New Array with the same shape as `x` and dtype of the element in
        `x`  with the greatest precision. If `x` is inexact, then NaN is
        replaced by zero, and infinity (-infinity) is replaced by the
        largest (smallest or most negative) floating point value that fits
        in the output dtype. If `x` is not inexact, then a copy of `x` is

    See Also
    isinf : Shows which elements are negative or negative infinity.
    isneginf : Shows which elements are negative infinity.
    isposinf : Shows which elements are positive infinity.
    isnan : Shows which elements are Not a Number (NaN).
    isfinite : Shows which elements are finite (not NaN, not infinity)

    Numpy uses the IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point for Arithmetic
    (IEEE 754). This means that Not a Number is not equivalent to infinity.

    >>> np.set_printoptions(precision=8)
    >>> x = np.array([np.inf, -np.inf, np.nan, -128, 128])
    >>> np.nan_to_num(x)
    array([  1.79769313e+308,  -1.79769313e+308,   0.00000000e+000,
            -1.28000000e+002,   1.28000000e+002])

    x = _nx.array(x, subok=True)
    xtype = x.dtype.type
    if not issubclass(xtype, _nx.inexact):
        return x

    iscomplex = issubclass(xtype, _nx.complexfloating)
    isscalar = (x.ndim == 0)

    x = x[None] if isscalar else x
    dest = (x.real, x.imag) if iscomplex else (x,)
    maxf, minf = _getmaxmin(x.real.dtype)
    for d in dest:
        _nx.copyto(d, 0.0, where=isnan(d))
        _nx.copyto(d, maxf, where=isposinf(d))
        _nx.copyto(d, minf, where=isneginf(d))
    return x[0] if isscalar else x
Exemplo n.º 3
def nan_to_num(x, copy=True):
    Replace NaN with zero and infinity with large finite numbers.

    If `x` is inexact, NaN is replaced by zero, and infinity and -infinity
    replaced by the respectively largest and most negative finite floating
    point values representable by ``x.dtype``.

    For complex dtypes, the above is applied to each of the real and
    imaginary components of `x` separately.

    If `x` is not inexact, then no replacements are made.

    x : scalar or array_like
        Input data.
    copy : bool, optional
        Whether to create a copy of `x` (True) or to replace values
        in-place (False). The in-place operation only occurs if
        casting to an array does not require a copy.
        Default is True.

        .. versionadded:: 1.13

    out : ndarray
        `x`, with the non-finite values replaced. If `copy` is False, this may
        be `x` itself.

    See Also
    isinf : Shows which elements are positive or negative infinity.
    isneginf : Shows which elements are negative infinity.
    isposinf : Shows which elements are positive infinity.
    isnan : Shows which elements are Not a Number (NaN).
    isfinite : Shows which elements are finite (not NaN, not infinity)

    NumPy uses the IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point for Arithmetic
    (IEEE 754). This means that Not a Number is not equivalent to infinity.

    >>> np.nan_to_num(np.inf)
    >>> np.nan_to_num(-np.inf)
    >>> np.nan_to_num(np.nan)
    >>> x = np.array([np.inf, -np.inf, np.nan, -128, 128])
    >>> np.nan_to_num(x)
    array([  1.79769313e+308,  -1.79769313e+308,   0.00000000e+000,
            -1.28000000e+002,   1.28000000e+002])
    >>> y = np.array([complex(np.inf, np.nan), np.nan, complex(np.nan, np.inf)])
    >>> np.nan_to_num(y)
    array([  1.79769313e+308 +0.00000000e+000j,
             0.00000000e+000 +0.00000000e+000j,
             0.00000000e+000 +1.79769313e+308j])
    x = _nx.array(x, subok=True, copy=copy)
    xtype = x.dtype.type

    isscalar = (x.ndim == 0)

    if not issubclass(xtype, _nx.inexact):
        return x[()] if isscalar else x

    iscomplex = issubclass(xtype, _nx.complexfloating)

    dest = (x.real, x.imag) if iscomplex else (x,)
    maxf, minf = _getmaxmin(x.real.dtype)
    for d in dest:
        _nx.copyto(d, 0.0, where=isnan(d))
        _nx.copyto(d, maxf, where=isposinf(d))
        _nx.copyto(d, minf, where=isneginf(d))
    return x[()] if isscalar else x
Exemplo n.º 4
def nan_to_num(x):
    Replace nan with zero and inf with finite numbers.

    Returns an array or scalar replacing Not a Number (NaN) with zero,
    (positive) infinity with a very large number and negative infinity
    with a very small (or negative) number.

    x : array_like
        Input data.

    out : ndarray
        New Array with the same shape as `x` and dtype of the element in
        `x`  with the greatest precision. If `x` is inexact, then NaN is
        replaced by zero, and infinity (-infinity) is replaced by the
        largest (smallest or most negative) floating point value that fits
        in the output dtype. If `x` is not inexact, then a copy of `x` is

    See Also
    isinf : Shows which elements are negative or negative infinity.
    isneginf : Shows which elements are negative infinity.
    isposinf : Shows which elements are positive infinity.
    isnan : Shows which elements are Not a Number (NaN).
    isfinite : Shows which elements are finite (not NaN, not infinity)

    Numpy uses the IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point for Arithmetic
    (IEEE 754). This means that Not a Number is not equivalent to infinity.

    >>> np.set_printoptions(precision=8)
    >>> x = np.array([np.inf, -np.inf, np.nan, -128, 128])
    >>> np.nan_to_num(x)
    array([  1.79769313e+308,  -1.79769313e+308,   0.00000000e+000,
            -1.28000000e+002,   1.28000000e+002])

    x = _nx.array(x, subok=True)
    xtype = x.dtype.type
    if not issubclass(xtype, _nx.inexact):
        return x

    iscomplex = issubclass(xtype, _nx.complexfloating)
    isscalar = (x.ndim == 0)

    x = x[None] if isscalar else x
    dest = (x.real, x.imag) if iscomplex else (x, )
    maxf, minf = _getmaxmin(x.real.dtype)
    for d in dest:
        _nx.copyto(d, 0.0, where=isnan(d))
        _nx.copyto(d, maxf, where=isposinf(d))
        _nx.copyto(d, minf, where=isneginf(d))
    return x[0] if isscalar else x
Exemplo n.º 5
def _build_gen_opf(net, ppc):
    Takes the empty ppc network and fills it with the gen values. The gen
    datatype will be float afterwards.

        **net** -The pandapower format network

        **ppc** - The PYPOWER format network to fill in values
    bus_lookup = net["_pd2ppc_lookups"]["bus"]
    calculate_voltage_angles = net["_options"]["calculate_voltage_angles"]

    if len(net.dcline) > 0:
        ppc["dcline"] = net.dcline[["loss_kw", "loss_percent"]].values
    # get in service elements
    _is_elements = net["_is_elements"]
    eg_is = net["ext_grid"][_is_elements['ext_grid']]
    gen_is = net["gen"][_is_elements['gen']]
    sg_is = net.sgen[(net.sgen.in_service & net.sgen.controllable) == True] \
        if "controllable" in net.sgen.columns else DataFrame()
    l_is = net.load[(net.load.in_service & net.load.controllable) == True] \
        if "controllable" in net.load.columns else DataFrame()

    _is_elements["sgen_controllable"] = sg_is
    _is_elements["load_controllable"] = l_is
    eg_end = len(eg_is)
    gen_end = eg_end + len(gen_is)
    sg_end = gen_end + len(sg_is)
    l_end = sg_end + len(l_is)

    q_lim_default = 1e9  # which is 1000 TW - should be enough for distribution grids.
    p_lim_default = 1e9  # changes must be considered in check_opf_data
    delta = net["_options"]["delta"]

    # initialize generator matrix
    ppc["gen"] = zeros(shape=(l_end, 21), dtype=float)
    ppc["gen"][:] = array([0, 0, 0, q_lim_default, -q_lim_default, 1., 1., 1, p_lim_default,
                              -p_lim_default, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])

    # add sgens first so pv bus types won't be overwritten
    if sg_end > gen_end:
        ppc["gen"][gen_end:sg_end, GEN_BUS] = bus_lookup[sg_is["bus"].values]
        ppc["gen"][gen_end:sg_end, PG] = - sg_is["p_kw"].values * 1e-3 * sg_is["scaling"].values
        ppc["gen"][gen_end:sg_end, QG] = sg_is["q_kvar"].values * 1e-3 * sg_is["scaling"].values

        # set bus values for generator buses
        gen_buses = bus_lookup[sg_is["bus"].values]
        ppc["bus"][gen_buses, BUS_TYPE] = PQ

        # set constraints for PV generators
        if "min_q_kvar" in sg_is.columns:
            ppc["gen"][gen_end:sg_end, QMAX] = - (sg_is["min_q_kvar"].values * 1e-3 - delta)
            max_q_kvar = ppc["gen"][gen_end:sg_end, [QMIN]]
            ncn.copyto(max_q_kvar, -q_lim_default, where=isnan(max_q_kvar))
            ppc["gen"][gen_end:sg_end, [QMIN]] = max_q_kvar

        if "max_q_kvar" in sg_is.columns:
            ppc["gen"][gen_end:sg_end, QMIN] = - (sg_is["max_q_kvar"].values * 1e-3 + delta)
            min_q_kvar = ppc["gen"][gen_end:sg_end, [QMAX]]
            ncn.copyto(min_q_kvar, q_lim_default, where=isnan(min_q_kvar))
            ppc["gen"][gen_end:sg_end, [QMAX]] = min_q_kvar - 1e-10

        if "max_p_kw" in sg_is.columns:
            ppc["gen"][gen_end:sg_end, PMIN] = - (sg_is["max_p_kw"].values * 1e-3 + delta)
            max_p_kw = ppc["gen"][gen_end:sg_end, [PMIN]]
            ncn.copyto(max_p_kw, -p_lim_default, where=isnan(max_p_kw))
            ppc["gen"][gen_end:sg_end, [PMIN]] = max_p_kw

        if "min_p_kw" in sg_is.columns:
            ppc["gen"][gen_end:sg_end, PMAX] = - (sg_is["min_p_kw"].values * 1e-3 - delta)
            min_p_kw = ppc["gen"][gen_end:sg_end, [PMAX]]
            ncn.copyto(min_p_kw, p_lim_default, where=isnan(min_p_kw))
            ppc["gen"][gen_end:sg_end, [PMAX]] = min_p_kw

    # add controllable loads
    if l_end > sg_end:
        load_buses = bus_lookup[l_is["bus"].values]

        ppc["gen"][sg_end:l_end, GEN_BUS] = load_buses
        ppc["gen"][sg_end:l_end, PG] = - l_is["p_kw"].values * 1e-3 * l_is["scaling"].values
        ppc["gen"][sg_end:l_end, QG] = l_is["q_kvar"].values * 1e-3 * l_is["scaling"].values

        # set bus values for controllable loads
        ppc["bus"][load_buses, BUS_TYPE] = PQ

        # set constraints for controllable loads
        if "min_q_kvar" in l_is.columns:
            ppc["gen"][sg_end:l_end, QMAX] = - (l_is["min_q_kvar"].values * 1e-3 - delta)
            max_q_kvar = ppc["gen"][sg_end:l_end, [QMIN]]
            ncn.copyto(max_q_kvar, -q_lim_default, where=isnan(max_q_kvar))
            ppc["gen"][sg_end:l_end, [QMIN]] = max_q_kvar

        if "max_q_kvar" in l_is.columns:
            ppc["gen"][sg_end:l_end, QMIN] = - (l_is["max_q_kvar"].values * 1e-3 + delta)
            min_q_kvar = ppc["gen"][sg_end:l_end, [QMAX]]
            ncn.copyto(min_q_kvar, q_lim_default, where=isnan(min_q_kvar))
            ppc["gen"][sg_end:l_end, [QMAX]] = min_q_kvar

        if "min_p_kw" in l_is.columns:
            ppc["gen"][sg_end:l_end, PMIN] = - (l_is["max_p_kw"].values * 1e-3 + delta)
            max_p_kw = ppc["gen"][sg_end:l_end, [PMIN]]
            ncn.copyto(max_p_kw, -p_lim_default, where=isnan(max_p_kw))
            ppc["gen"][sg_end:l_end, [PMIN]] = max_p_kw

        if "max_p_kw" in l_is.columns:
            ppc["gen"][sg_end:l_end, PMAX] = - (l_is["min_p_kw"].values * 1e-3 - delta)
            min_p_kw = ppc["gen"][sg_end:l_end, [PMAX]]
            ncn.copyto(min_p_kw, p_lim_default, where=isnan(min_p_kw))
            ppc["gen"][sg_end:l_end, [PMAX]] = min_p_kw

    # add ext grid / slack data
    ppc["gen"][:eg_end, GEN_BUS] = bus_lookup[eg_is["bus"].values]
    ppc["gen"][:eg_end, VG] = eg_is["vm_pu"].values
    ppc["gen"][:eg_end, GEN_STATUS] = eg_is["in_service"].values
    if "max_p_kw" in eg_is.columns:
        ppc["gen"][:eg_end, PMIN] = - (eg_is["max_p_kw"].values * 1e-3 - delta)
        max_p_kw = ppc["gen"][:eg_end, [PMIN]]
        ncn.copyto(max_p_kw, -p_lim_default, where=isnan(max_p_kw))
        ppc["gen"][:eg_end, [PMIN]] = max_p_kw

    if "min_p_kw" in eg_is.columns:
        ppc["gen"][:eg_end, PMAX] = - (eg_is["min_p_kw"].values * 1e-3 + delta)
        min_p_kw = ppc["gen"][:eg_end, [PMAX]]
        ncn.copyto(min_p_kw, p_lim_default, where=isnan(min_p_kw))
        ppc["gen"][:eg_end, [PMAX]] = min_p_kw

    if "min_q_kvar" in eg_is.columns:
        ppc["gen"][:eg_end, QMAX] = - (eg_is["min_q_kvar"].values * 1e-3 - delta)
        max_q_kvar = ppc["gen"][:eg_end, [QMIN]]
        ncn.copyto(max_q_kvar, -q_lim_default, where=isnan(max_q_kvar))
        ppc["gen"][:eg_end, [QMIN]] = max_q_kvar

    if "max_q_kvar" in eg_is.columns:
        ppc["gen"][:eg_end, QMIN] = - (eg_is["max_q_kvar"].values * 1e-3 + delta)
        min_q_kvar = ppc["gen"][:eg_end, [QMAX]]
        ncn.copyto(min_q_kvar, q_lim_default, where=isnan(min_q_kvar))
        ppc["gen"][:eg_end, [QMAX]] = min_q_kvar - 1e-10

    # set bus values for external grid buses
    eg_buses = bus_lookup[eg_is["bus"].values]
    if calculate_voltage_angles:
        ppc["bus"][eg_buses, VA] = eg_is["va_degree"].values
    ppc["bus"][eg_buses, BUS_TYPE] = REF
    ppc["bus"][eg_buses, VM] = eg_is["vm_pu"].values

    # REF busses don't have flexible voltages by definition:
    ppc["bus"][eg_buses, VMAX] = ppc["bus"][ppc["bus"][:, BUS_TYPE] == REF, VM]
    ppc["bus"][eg_buses, VMIN] = ppc["bus"][ppc["bus"][:, BUS_TYPE] == REF, VM]

    # add generator / pv data
    if gen_end > eg_end:
        ppc["gen"][eg_end:gen_end, GEN_BUS] = bus_lookup[gen_is["bus"].values]
        ppc["gen"][eg_end:gen_end, PG] = - gen_is["p_kw"].values * 1e-3 * gen_is["scaling"].values
        ppc["gen"][eg_end:gen_end, VG] = gen_is["vm_pu"].values

        # set bus values for generator buses
        gen_buses = bus_lookup[gen_is["bus"].values]
        ppc["bus"][gen_buses, BUS_TYPE] = PV
        ppc["bus"][gen_buses, VM] = gen_is["vm_pu"].values

        # set constraints for PV generators
        _copy_q_limits_to_ppc(net, ppc, eg_end, gen_end, _is_elements['gen'])
        _copy_p_limits_to_ppc(net, ppc, eg_end, gen_end, _is_elements['gen'])

        _replace_nans_with_default_q_limits_in_ppc(ppc, eg_end, gen_end, q_lim_default)
        _replace_nans_with_default_p_limits_in_ppc(ppc, eg_end, gen_end, p_lim_default)
Exemplo n.º 6
def nan_to_num(x, copy=True, nan=0.0, posinf=None, neginf=None):
    Replace NaN with zero and infinity with large finite numbers (default
    behaviour) or with the numbers defined by the user using the `nan`, 
    `posinf` and/or `neginf` keywords.

    If `x` is inexact, NaN is replaced by zero or by the user defined value in
    `nan` keyword, infinity is replaced by the largest finite floating point 
    values representable by ``x.dtype`` or by the user defined value in 
    `posinf` keyword and -infinity is replaced by the most negative finite 
    floating point values representable by ``x.dtype`` or by the user defined 
    value in `neginf` keyword.

    For complex dtypes, the above is applied to each of the real and
    imaginary components of `x` separately.

    If `x` is not inexact, then no replacements are made.

    x : scalar or array_like
        Input data.
    copy : bool, optional
        Whether to create a copy of `x` (True) or to replace values
        in-place (False). The in-place operation only occurs if
        casting to an array does not require a copy.
        Default is True.
        .. versionadded:: 1.13
    nan : int, float, optional
        Value to be used to fill NaN values. If no value is passed 
        then NaN values will be replaced with 0.0.
        .. versionadded:: 1.17
    posinf : int, float, optional
        Value to be used to fill positive infinity values. If no value is 
        passed then positive infinity values will be replaced with a very
        large number.
        .. versionadded:: 1.17
    neginf : int, float, optional
        Value to be used to fill negative infinity values. If no value is 
        passed then negative infinity values will be replaced with a very
        small (or negative) number.
        .. versionadded:: 1.17


    out : ndarray
        `x`, with the non-finite values replaced. If `copy` is False, this may
        be `x` itself.

    See Also
    isinf : Shows which elements are positive or negative infinity.
    isneginf : Shows which elements are negative infinity.
    isposinf : Shows which elements are positive infinity.
    isnan : Shows which elements are Not a Number (NaN).
    isfinite : Shows which elements are finite (not NaN, not infinity)

    NumPy uses the IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point for Arithmetic
    (IEEE 754). This means that Not a Number is not equivalent to infinity.

    >>> np.nan_to_num(np.inf)
    >>> np.nan_to_num(-np.inf)
    >>> np.nan_to_num(np.nan)
    >>> x = np.array([np.inf, -np.inf, np.nan, -128, 128])
    >>> np.nan_to_num(x)
    array([ 1.79769313e+308, -1.79769313e+308,  0.00000000e+000, # may vary
           -1.28000000e+002,  1.28000000e+002])
    >>> np.nan_to_num(x, nan=-9999, posinf=33333333, neginf=33333333)
    array([ 3.3333333e+07,  3.3333333e+07, -9.9990000e+03, 
           -1.2800000e+02,  1.2800000e+02])
    >>> y = np.array([complex(np.inf, np.nan), np.nan, complex(np.nan, np.inf)])
    array([  1.79769313e+308,  -1.79769313e+308,   0.00000000e+000, # may vary
         -1.28000000e+002,   1.28000000e+002])
    >>> np.nan_to_num(y)
    array([  1.79769313e+308 +0.00000000e+000j, # may vary
             0.00000000e+000 +0.00000000e+000j,
             0.00000000e+000 +1.79769313e+308j])
    >>> np.nan_to_num(y, nan=111111, posinf=222222)
    array([222222.+111111.j, 111111.     +0.j, 111111.+222222.j])
    x = _nx.array(x, subok=True, copy=copy)
    xtype = x.dtype.type

    isscalar = (x.ndim == 0)

    if not issubclass(xtype, _nx.inexact):
        return x[()] if isscalar else x

    iscomplex = issubclass(xtype, _nx.complexfloating)

    dest = (x.real, x.imag) if iscomplex else (x, )
    maxf, minf = _getmaxmin(x.real.dtype)
    if posinf is not None:
        maxf = posinf
    if neginf is not None:
        minf = neginf
    for d in dest:
        idx_nan = isnan(d)
        idx_posinf = isposinf(d)
        idx_neginf = isneginf(d)
        _nx.copyto(d, nan, where=idx_nan)
        _nx.copyto(d, maxf, where=idx_posinf)
        _nx.copyto(d, minf, where=idx_neginf)
    return x[()] if isscalar else x